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Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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i mean confusing and messy because members are going to make it so.

I mean more refined because they will later offer a transfer server where we can go where we want. Probably for a cost.

I mean they are giving into our demands again because i feel like they'd rather allow us to change server types, move different characters to different servers, transfer guilds and their banks, etc


If the goal is to get fully populated servers, or as fully-populated as possible, then that means that any server TYPE shifting must be restricted, otherwise the RP players may jump ship to Non-RP servers and leave the RP servers dead.


Or the PVE servers may overwhelm the PVP servers that exist. As you will note, there are far more PVE servers than PVP servers.


To allow each of the PVE servers to have a XFER->PVP option leaves those PVP servers vulnerable to huge overpopulation issues, which I expect they want to avoid in the first phase.


I have absolutely ZERO problems with them charging for character transfers between types. Those restrictions had nothing to do with population issues, and were chosen by the players specifically for the type of server they were. That's a totally different scenario to people who chose a PVE server but their PVE servers dropped to low populations, and now they just want to transfer to a full PVE server.

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So, basically, if I have 2 characters on the Kellian Jarro (PVE) which is low populated I most likely will be allowed to transfer both of them to The Red Eclipse (PVE) which have standard to high population over a day, correct?


Only if The Red Eclipse is the "targeted server". They are basically going to notify the server that you're on (If it's considered low population) that, if you want to, you may transfer from your dead server to this one specific Bioware-selected server that was chosen to be built up. If you want any kind of control over where you are going, you have to "wait" again for an indeterminate amount of time until they are ready to allow that.

Edited by Jaavik
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If the goal is to get fully populated servers, or as fully-populated as possible, then that means that any server TYPE shifting must be restricted, otherwise the RP players may jump ship to Non-RP servers and leave the RP servers dead.


Not trying to be difficult, but that doesn't make any sense to me as far as if I'm leaving the RP server to go to either another RP server or a NON-RP server, I'm still leaving (jumping ship from) that "origin" RP server and the population will be "dead" either way.


If the player doesn't want to play on an RP server anymore, they will either STOP playing, re-roll to the server they want to play on or pay to transfer to another server at a later time. Either way, the RP server would be losing a player. So what difference is being made? Except that it's creating an opportunity for Bioware to charge us for something that can be done as a free transfer.


I hate to sound cynical, but all this talk of it being "messy" or "disorganized" if they allow us to transfer to specific server TYPE (not choosing our OWN server) when each server type will be made available to transfer to either way, just doesn't seem to wash. :(



Or the PVE servers may overwhelm the PVP servers that exist. As you will note, there are far more PVE servers than PVP servers.


To allow each of the PVE servers to have a XFER->PVP option leaves those PVP servers vulnerable to huge overpopulation issues, which I expect they want to avoid in the first phase.


I don't know I have a hard time believing that there are that many of us that want to switch from PvE to PvP (or vice-versa) that it would cause that much of a problem. I think most people already know if they like PvP or PvE more already.


I have absolutely ZERO problems with them charging for character transfers between types. Those restrictions had nothing to do with population issues, and were chosen by the players specifically for the type of server they were. That's a totally different scenario to people who chose a PVE server but their PVE servers dropped to low populations, and now they just want to transfer to a full PVE server.


But once again we're back to the issue that most of us who are having this problem are having it due to the "population issue". We were told to "re-roll on a populated server" until the transfers are available so we are able to enjoy the game. We were never warned to only re-roll on the same type of server if we want our new and old characters to eventually be placed together. Had I personally known that, I wouldn't have been building up my Legacy on my PvE mains so that I could bring it over to the new re-rolls.


I'm not BLAMING anyone, I just wish that Bioware would give a little consideration to those of us who stayed with them, patiently waiting for them to get around to "transfers" only to find out that in order for us to unite out legacy with the re-rolls we were playing in the meantime, we have to "wait" some more, for however long and to be charged however much.


I don't think it's an unreasonable request. After all, if you are "re-rolling" a character, and were to look at the current servers to see which one would give you the best chance of finding people to play with, you will see "Fatman" as the MOST populated (a PvP server). The VAST majority of the other servers say "Light" populations, which looks the absolute same as my DEAD server - There's no distinction between different levels of light servers.


It's not like Bioware can't track how many transfers they are allowing onto a server. You just make 4 servers available. 1 PvP, 1 PvE, 1 RP PvP and 1 RP PvE. When your server comes up ready to transfer, you track what player wants to go where. Once that server fills, you make the next targeted server available to transfer to. Would that really be too complicated?

Edited by Jaavik
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Unless I missed it I have not seen this answered yet.


I currently have characters on Master Zhar Lestin, Perlemian Trade Route, & Zakkeg Beast. On Zakkeg Beast I currently have 8 characters. What happens if Zakkeg ends up being a destination server for either Zhar or Perlemian. Are they going to increase the character slots beyond the 8 available or will I be stuck on a dead server till paid transfers come out.


Lol, I started out on Master Zhar Lestin and then went to Bondar Crystal, I ended up on Zakkeg Beast. Looks like we both started at the same place and ended up at the same place.

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One Question!


Is there a posibility that Master Dar Nala would be eligable for Char. Transfer?

I want to transfer my toon from Master Dar Nala to US PVP server because I got high ping playing on that server.

Thanks for the answer in advance. :D

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Well Can any one clarify this for me...I have two Chars higt level at diferent Servers....just becuse one and Main Char ended up on a dead Server so I was forced to pick another Server from the List....and ofc I did Chosed the ealthier server....for wath I can red above there are chances that I migth not have those two characters togheter since their primary server could have diferent server destinations to transfer!


It will be like this or am I missing something?


Tks in Advance!

Edited by Szadek
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Quote: Originally Posted by Rogoo

Joveth, what is the plan for RP servers ?


Will we be allowed transfers from RP-PvP to PvP servers ?

Quote: Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Hi Rogoo,


As mentioned in the blog post, we will be maintaining server types. So it will be RP-PvP to RP-PvP.




Ok this is clearly a joke.


Bioware wants us to actually quit this game or at least you are doing whatever you can till we do so...




To do WHAT???


Lord calypho is the only RP-PVP english one...


Do you expect from us to Learn German or France maybe in order to be able to enjoy this freaking game???


So Dissapointed ...

Edited by Davelakos
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One Question!


Is there a posibility that Master Dar Nala would be eligable for Char. Transfer?

No. These transfers will respect both regional lines and server rule sets. This means that Master Dar Nala could only expect transfers to/from other Asia-Pacific PvP servers, and since none exist it will be excluded from the initial transfer process next week.
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Well Can any one clarify this for me...I have two Chars higt level at diferent Servers....just becuse one and Main Char ended up on a dead Server so I was forced to pick another Server from the List....and ofc I did Chosed the ealthier server....for wath I can red above there are chances that I migth not have those two characters togheter since their primary server could have diferent server destinations to transfer!


It will be like this or am I missing something?

You are correct. Each server that is eligible for transfers will be offered a single location to transfer to. As a result it is very likely, even probable, that you will not be able to consolidate your characters to a single server at this time.
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My server Khoonda Militia is One of the pretty dead servers 0.99 according to Torstatus I really am looking to transfer to Canderous Ordo an average sized server were me and my friend are going to create a guild do you think they will alow Transfer to Canderous Ordo.
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Im seriously pissed we cannot move from PVP to PVE, seriously


I wanted to move my character that i have spend 6 months investing time in to play with a group of friends, now i cannot


Only option left to me is start again


Thanks Bioware


Everything they have said about transfers so far is in regards to the free character transfers. They have not released details about paid character transfers which are most certainly to follow, which may allow transfer between server types.


Since the free transfers are from one specific server to another specific server, chances of it matching to your friends, if they were same server type, would be slim anyway. Look for news in the near future about paid transfers.


Thanks Bioware, for addressing the concerns of many players in a reasonable time frame! Great game, great times.

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My server Khoonda Militia is One of the pretty dead servers 0.99 according to Torstatus I really am looking to transfer to Canderous Ordo an average sized server were me and my friend are going to create a guild do you think they will alow Transfer to Canderous Ordo.
You will likely be given the option to transfer. You will be given one choice of server to move to. It is possible that server will be Canderous Ordo, but the odds are not in your favor.
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What will be done for those players that have found a new home server that is very much alive?I have started a new character now lvl 50 on a server and run a guild 200 members strong.If i was allowed to go to this server it would not effect the population cause we are not adding new players only characters,or will this be where SWTOR forces people to pay?I would love to have all my characters on the same server but would rather not have to restart a 3rd time on a server of your choosing,Or wait and pay to move 4 50's to the one I want.Will there be a way for people in this situation to be allowed to transfer to a server of there choosing?Like if you currently have a 50 on another server for example?
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I am currently unsubscribed with a few paid days left. I wonder what happens if while I am unsubscribed, the few people that still play in my dead server, move out via transfers and BW decides to close the server. Will I lose my chars? Do I have to resub, in order to transfer them?

Note : I ll be far away from any internet connection for the following 3-4 months so swtor.com and any news on that subject, won't be available to me.

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I am currently unsubscribed with a few paid days left. I wonder what happens if while I am unsubscribed, the few people that still play in my dead server, move out via transfers and BW decides to close the server. Will I lose my chars? Do I have to resub, in order to transfer them?

Note : I ll be far away from any internet connection for the following 3-4 months so swtor.com and any news on that subject, won't be available to me.


1. No, you won't lose your characters.

2. Yes, you have to be subbed if you want to move characters

3. No, BW isn't planning on shutting down any servers atm as far as i know.

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You are correct. Each server that is eligible for transfers will be offered a single location to transfer to. As a result it is very likely, even probable, that you will not be able to consolidate your characters to a single server at this time.



Tks for youre replay Sir, it was what I was expecting...BW dont look at their costumer needs they only look at their company needs so for that & plus more.....You have 8 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play.


Game Over and no more Insert Coin.


Salute to the community, and I am out. the ones that stay behind might close the door for me.


Best Regards,



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Seems to me if you really want to know the Origin and Destination servers all it would take is a little Google search to find out the servers available in beta and pre-launch (Destination) then see what servers were thrown in after launch due to massive Queue time just after launch (Origin)
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Seems to me if you really want to know the Origin and Destination servers all it would take is a little Google search to find out the servers available in beta and pre-launch (Destination) then see what servers were thrown in after launch due to massive Queue time just after launch (Origin)

That's just more speculation. The list will be announced Tuesday 12, let's wait for that!

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Yup I find it a dirty tactic to keep our toon's split so they can force us to pay later I may just be quitting myself.Go back to a game I know and have fewer problems with . I don't like it when they blow smoke up my Robes and Skirt giving a real answer.If they cared about our happiness they wouldn't pull dirty tactics like this.
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Seems to me if you really want to know the Origin and Destination servers all it would take is a little Google search to find out the servers available in beta and pre-launch (Destination) then see what servers were thrown in after launch due to massive Queue time just after launch (Origin)


Lets hope your theory is right. My characters are on one of the pre-launch servers (Hydian Way), and although the transfer program is wonderful news, the last thing I want is to be forced to rename my characters in order to undertake group missions again. Players who supported this game since before launch should get preferential treatment in my opinion.:confused:

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