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Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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To BioWare: Fine. Fix your population problems. Then allow us to consolidate our characters on the server of our choice for free. Then, after you've solved your problem and helped us solve our problems (created by your problem), feel free to charge people for frivolous server transfers. Pretty please with sugar on top.


Well, you're in luck. As I've been saying since the beginning:


That's exactly what they're going to do. :)

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-Storage Wars Dave

Just fyi.


I am warning bioware now this won't have the intended effect they think. Forcing people to merge to a server and abandoned guilds prior to moving is a very short sighted move.


If you want to allow moves you have to let people "move" there stuff. Half a move is going to be ugly when people realize you just dumped them on another crummy empty server.


people do not like take it or leave it propositions.

Edited by PlagaNerezza
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Ok, read it.


I'm on a RP-PVP server. I want to play on a PVP server. Your post doesnt really apply to me.


If you want to be on a PvP server instead of a RP-PvP server, then the mistake is yours, not BioWare's, thus the paid transfer is a perfectly viable way to do this.


There is no reason, at all, to expect they won't allow this as a paid service.

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See my post in this thread back to population issues related to queue lengths. Stephen Reid stated if we where unhappy with queues to play on other servers. Same concept for low population applies. Next.


Thank you! That's why I was asking. ;) Err... next what?

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people do not like take it or leave it propositions.


Actually, almost exactly one year ago, this is precisely what Trion did. Even put a message on targeted servers for shut-down that basically was "move it or lose it". Went quite well, actually.

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This is simply not correct. From my previous post:


"In order to ensure an optimal playing experience for every server, we’ll be offering direct transfers from one origin server to a pre-selected destination server. This means that the destination server will already be selected for the origin server. As mentioned in our blog post, all server types and languages will be respected. You will not find your PvE characters transferred to a PvP server, or vice versa.


Therefore, all guild members on the origin server will be eligible to transfer to the same destination server, ensuring that the guild has the opportunity to stay together.


Please note that we will not be dividing the population of an origin server onto multiple destination servers for this free character transfer process."


With this information, you can see that you do not need to transfer at the same exact time.




This is troubling news to be honest as I have stopped playing for a number of reason, yet I am still paying in hopes this game will improve. Our guild has already made plans to relocate to another server, heck some have already leveled toons their in advance. So if we cant transfer to the server WE choose and are stuck with an option we DO NOT WANT, then there will be no other choice but to cancel.

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im pretty mad that u cant change a pve character to pvp...i have a lv 47 jugg sitting in pve server and my legacy in another so now i have this 47 toon and cant bring him over


And who should you be mad at? Yourself pretty much. Did you really think that when you made characters on different servers that the instant they offered any kind of transfer you would be entitled to move your characters any ol place you'd like? They're fixing a population issue not the deliberate choices you've decided to make.

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This is troubling news to be honest as I have stopped playing for a number of reason, yet I am still paying in hopes this game will improve. Our guild has already made plans to relocate to another server, heck some have already leveled toons their in advance. So if we cant transfer to the server WE choose and are stuck with an option we DO NOT WANT, then there will be no other choice but to cancel.


There will be no choice but to cancel because some people made a giant assumption about how transfers would be provided?


If your guild has planned to move to another server already, then why not just keep those plans? Let me explain.


For now, make use of this free transfer service, enjoy the time that you can spend on a more populated server than the one you are currently on, and when the paid transfer service rolls around, you can move on to your prior plan of transferring to a predetermined server, or stay where you are, depending on how you feel at that time.


That sounds pretty reasonable, and certainly possible, I'm sure there are a lot of other options as well if you think for a while. :D

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This is troubling news to be honest as I have stopped playing for a number of reason, yet I am still paying in hopes this game will improve. Our guild has already made plans to relocate to another server, heck some have already leveled toons their in advance. So if we cant transfer to the server WE choose and are stuck with an option we DO NOT WANT, then there will be no other choice but to cancel.



I fairness, we've known for some time that the initial transfers were likely to be controlled in a manner similar to this. You'll likely have the option to consolidate your characters in the future, though it may require a fee for the service.

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I hope that BW rethinks the transfer policy and allows players to choose from a list of servers.


I don't see how BW plans on keeping this game running by alienating the last players enjoying this game who are hoping for transfer to the server *THEY* choose. The other choice is to just not play SWTOR.


I love this game a lot! It just needs more people! At the same time BioWare needs to give a little something back to all of the players who have stuck it out till this point.


Server merges/transfers is the last hurrah for this game. Because there are just too many other games out there to play right now to be upsetting the remaining player base. Everyone I know who is still playing (and that number keeps shrinking) is hoping to transfer to a good server.


Simply put, if I can't transfer for free to a server I want to play on, I will just not play at all.

Edited by PakaOno
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Well, you're in luck. As I've been saying since the beginning:


That's exactly what they're going to do. :)


I know I gave you a hard time. I simply don't like opinion distributed as fact. We covered that.


Honestly, I hope you're right. I can agree with you that far. ;)

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The merger/ free transfer service is just the first step. The dev's have all ready said there are plans for a paid service to move where you want later on. They don't want the entire population though on 1 or 2 servers. So they are going to fill up a select amout of servers during this free process. This way people will have others to play with.


Shortly after this process is complete I am sure they will start opening up for paid transfers of your choosing. Might not be cross realm type as they have given any details on how paid transfers will work and probably will not until this merger/free transfer service is complete.


Also seeing alot of questions that have all ready been answered by the dev's read the dev blog before asking questions that's what it is for. No reason to have to repeat the same info over and over just because some people are too lazy to click a button and read.

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The merger/ free transfer service is just the first step. The dev's have all ready said there are plans for a paid service to move where you want later on. They don't want the entire population though on 1 or 2 servers. So they are going to fill up a select amout of servers during this free process. This way people will have others to play with.


Shortly after this process is complete I am sure they will start opening up for paid transfers of your choosing. Might not be cross realm type as they have given any details on how paid transfers will work and probably will not until this merger/free transfer service is complete.


Also seeing alot of questions that have all ready been answered by the dev's read the dev blog before asking questions that's what it is for. No reason to have to repeat the same info over and over just because some people are too lazy to click a button and read.


People are mad that there's only 1 Free step and its Only for the Server Merges. If the populations were more established and there was a content majority of players across all active servers people wouldn't mind paying a fee. But that is not the case. This only solves part of the current issue.


Plus with no ETA on when said Pay service may appear..and it doesnt sound like it'll be any time soon..do players really expect other players to wait another 2 to 3 months? Timelines like that tend to kill games that are already struggling to keep the masses happy.


If they only give free moves to 1 group of people then charge everyone else...lets just say they might be seeing another 25% loss of subs. 10% at the least.

Edited by Kindara
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I created characters on a PvE server that has since become a very dead server. I rerolled new characters on an RP-PvP server since it was more active. Is there any chance in the future that I will be able to bring these two groups together onto the same Server? They have the same Legacy Name, and I would certainly love to have my old characters playable again, especially since they share a Higher Legacy Level, but since they have different Server Types, is this going to bar me from having them merged together for free?
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People are mad that there's only 1 Free step and its Only for the Server Merges. If the populations were more established and there was a content majority of players across all active servers people wouldn't mind paying a fee. But that is not the case. This only solves part of the current issue.


Plus with no ETA on when said Pay service may appear..and it doesnt sound like it'll be any time soon..do players really expect other players to wait another 2 to 3 months? Timelines like that tend to kill games that are already struggling to keep the masses happy.


If they only give free moves to 1 group of people then charge everyone else...lets just say they might be seeing another 25% loss of subs. 10% at the least.


Really? More hyperbole based upon nothing? I figured Joveth would have shown you the error of your ways by now, but I guess not.


Almost nothing you said here is based on any reality. I don't even know where to begin. Another 2 to 3 months? Free moves to 1 group? Did you not read Joveth's response to you AT ALL?!

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People are mad that there's only 1 Free step and its Only for the Server Merges. If the populations were more established and there was a content majority of players across all active servers people wouldn't mind paying a fee. But that is not the case. This only solves part of the current issue.


I'm not mad. I understand they're going to have to do millions of individual character transfers just under these controlled circumstances alone. It's a balancing of our overall population, if you haven't noticed a very large majority of servers sit at light through out the entire day. There are still a lot of people playing on those dead servers that would enjoy to play this game with other players again. Not to mention characters left behind that some may want to play again.


Plus with no ETA on when said Pay service may appear..and it doesnt sound like it'll be any time soon..do players really expect other players to wait another 2 to 3 months? Timelines like that tend to kill games that are already struggling to keep the masses happy.


While some have decided to abandon their current servers hopefully knowing an obvious fact that legacy wouldn't be linked and you were choosing an entire new server of people to play with. It only actually compounded the problem, and is also why we can't be given free choice in the matter. I don't think it's reasonable to demand transfers to correct your decision to re-roll the instant you hear the word transfer.


If they only give free moves to 1 group of people then charge everyone else...lets just say they might be seeing another 25% loss of subs. 10% at the least.


Everyone who is on a dead server will get an option to play on a server with a decent population after this is done hopefully, that's the goal. We're not at that advanced stage of correcting players choices to re-roll and combine multiple characters created on multiple servers and put them on a single server of your choosing... hopefully soon for those that would like to.


We still have very little details on this process despite all the pages of this thread. Next Tuesday we'll know a little more.... soon™

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At this point, why even bother? The time to do this was 4-5 months ago, before you lost half of your subs due to being spread out over the ludicrous amount of dead servers you opened, thinking that your game was going to be as popular as WOW.
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At this point, why even bother? The time to do this was 4-5 months ago, before you lost half of your subs due to being spread out over the ludicrous amount of dead servers you opened, thinking that your game was going to be as popular as WOW.


Because, for this game, it's never too late to implement a well thought out solution. And, make no mistake, the decision to make transfers a paid service after all this is a GREAT idea.

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Hardly messy and confusing. They open up one destination server, and select X# of origin servers. Those servers' populace move the one destination server. No real confusion there. This implementation is pretty refined, but then again, I'm not sure what you may feel is refined, in comparison to what I believe. Difference in perspective, I suppose. As for them stating a date, I'm not sure how this is giving in to our "demands". In a way, yes, because we've been pining for transfers for a while now, but everyone, player and developer alike, know that this is needed in order for player bases to survive, and they have now found a method that will work, and have (hopefully) ironed out the kinks that can be associated with such a transfer process.



i mean confusing and messy because members are going to make it so.

I mean more refined because they will later offer a transfer server where we can go where we want. Probably for a cost.

I mean they are giving into our demands again because i feel like they'd rather allow us to change server types, move different characters to different servers, transfer guilds and their banks, etc

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So, basically, if I have 2 characters on the Kellian Jarro (PVE) which is low populated I most likely will be allowed to transfer both of them to The Red Eclipse (PVE) which have standard to high population over a day, correct? Edited by DarthOkku
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At this point, why even bother? The time to do this was 4-5 months ago, before you lost half of your subs due to being spread out over the ludicrous amount of dead servers you opened, thinking that your game was going to be as popular as WOW.


Servers were full at launch, not dead...welcome to the game new player.

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