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Cathar fans. Legacy unlock or character creation choice?


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Our first introduction from BW to Cathar was Juhani a force user in KoTOR. Cathar are force users. Restricting them from Force Users makes no sense from Star Wars EU and BW KoTOR cannon ( which the game is based on).


No one is restricting them. They are just rare. Otherwise it would be "Thunder Cats with lightsabers"


And it is only my point of view of how it should work. It would also satisfy both sides of which people prefer. Character Creation or Legacy Unlock. You can have both.

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No one is restricting them. They are just rare. Otherwise it would be "Thunder Cats with lightsabers"


And it is only my point of view of how it should work. It would also satisfy both sides of which people prefer. Character Creation or Legacy Unlock. You can have both.


Isn't that what the planet Taris is already on the imperial side? :D

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It should just be a character creation choice for the sensible classes, and could be unlocked for all through legacy.

Personly, I'd be happier if they never had those race unlocks anyways. I hate seeing Sith Pureblood jedi.


Considering that Cathar arent really anything special, it doesnt matter that much to me either way though. I'd rather see them start adding some of the most iconic star wars races instead. Like Rhodians, Trandoshans, Kel Dor, Nautolan, Togruta, etc.


When did Nautolan become 'iconic'?

Somewhere in between Kit Fisto smiling after force pushing a droid in his three seconds in Episode II and him dying in the first five seconds of fighting the Emperor?


At least Togruta can boast to have one of the main characters in the Clone Wars cartoon as a member of their species, but that is really all that they have.


To me, Mon Calimari are far more 'iconic' than anything you mention other than possibly Rodians.


Cathar are, however, a fairly simple thing to implement as they do not require any special voiceovers or gear adjustments, not to mention that they are a Bioware-created species.

I think that getting multiple simple-to-add species into the game is the way to go at this stage.




As far as the OPs question, I think that an unlock would be good.


The type of unlock I am flexible with.


I figure that they can base it on legacy level, character level, some sort of mission reward, a purchase (I am thinking :sy_auction:, not $$$), or some combination of those things.


I could break it down further with examples, but that could start to fill up a lot of space.

Edited by Mithros
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Somewhere in between Kit Fisto smiling after force pushing a droid


The fact that you remember that little detail means he left an impression lol, besides it was a Federation Droid with C-3PO's head.


Also, it's a bigger role than the cathar had in the movie. I really hope Bioware takes back this desicion, it seems that they are shoving their own lore down our throats, they asked what planet we would like to see, we said Yavin IV, Naboo, etc. Hey guess what? we get MikeB. Togruta and Nautolan are the most desired on the forum's poll. Guess what? we get cat people.

Edited by ChazDoit
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The fact that you remember that little detail means he left an impression lol, besides it was a Federation Droid with C-3PO's head.


Also, it's a bigger role than the cathar had in the movie. I really hope Bioware takes back this desicion, it seems that they are shoving their own lore down our throats, they asked what planet we would like to see, we said Yavin IV, Naboo, etc. Hey guess what? we get MikeB. Togruta and Nautolan are the most desired on the forum's poll. Guess what? we get cat people.


Cathar isn't BW's own lore, Cathar have been around since the 90's. Only recently in 02 did Togruta and Nautolan were introduced. Moreover, the latter of the 3 just resemble twi'leks just with some differences thrown in, at least Cathar actually look felinish. Lastly, those species will come.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I like the idea of having to complete a series of quests to unlock the species. Or make it a legacy unlock, but only a character level unlock, so if you have a character of level 50-- of any species and any class-- Cathar will be unlocked.
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