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The plot of 1313.


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Seeing as there's a mega-thread of over fifty pages, I figured it would be pertinent to open a new thread dedicated specifically to the plot of the new game.


Well? What does everyone think it'll be about? The setting, the characters, whatever.


I, for one, hope the game takes place during Coruscant's stay as Imperial Center. While the protagonist doesn't ever need to become a Rebel, an Imperial raid would be an interesting section to play through.

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It could be very interesting. I didn't hear anyone call it "Imperial Center", which it was renamed as, but I don't recall anyone in-game calling it Coruscant, either.


Honestly, I think its way too early to even start speculating on the story line for the game, other than you're a Bounty Hunter and you're being sent after an individual of some fashion. Which is so obvious I don't know why I even said it.

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I just really hope that it doesn't follow the same tired storyline of "Hard-edged guy with a secret heart of gold works for the Empire before realizing its uber-evilness and joins the holier-than-thou Rebel Alliance". It's such a tired trope, and it makes nearly every Star Wars game and book and whatever seem predictable and facetious.


If Lucasarts really wants to make a "mature" game, they need to step out of the box of "Empire=Bad and Alliance=Good" and explore the grey. Yes, OK, Palpatine is obviously evil--but the average schmo on the bridge of a Star Destroyer? Probably not. Mon Mothma is kind and caring, sure--but that doesn't mean everyone in the Alliance is a noble crusader.

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I just really hope that it doesn't follow the same tired storyline of "Hard-edged guy with a secret heart of gold works for the Empire before realizing its uber-evilness and joins the holier-than-thou Rebel Alliance". It's such a tired trope, and it makes nearly every Star Wars game and book and whatever seem predictable and facetious.


If Lucasarts really wants to make a "mature" game, they need to step out of the box of "Empire=Bad and Alliance=Good" and explore the grey. Yes, OK, Palpatine is obviously evil--but the average schmo on the bridge of a Star Destroyer? Probably not. Mon Mothma is kind and caring, sure--but that doesn't mean everyone in the Alliance is a noble crusader.


Honestly, the main character looks more like a guy that's excited about his new profession and is about to be dumped into the deep end way over his head. At least that's what I got from his "fresh air is overrated" comment and his fairly youthful and un-scarred appearance.


He kind of reminds me of a character in a Warhammer 40K novel that takes place on Necromunda (basically think Compton with an upper crust of Malibu that only a fraction of a fraction of the population can afford, only its a whole planet), where the story starts and the guy is a librarian, horribly out of shape and basically one of the most pathetic people ever. He comes into some information that unleashes this holy hell storm of changes on his life and ends up going to the very ground level foundation of the Hive (think the very bottom level of Coruscant, only about a thousand times worse) and on the way he turns into a fairly bad *** character.

Edited by Aximand
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It could be very interesting. I didn't hear anyone call it "Imperial Center", which it was renamed as, but I don't recall anyone in-game calling it Coruscant, either.


Honestly, I think its way too early to even start speculating on the story line for the game, other than you're a Bounty Hunter and you're being sent after an individual of some fashion. Which is so obvious I don't know why I even said it.


Well, it looks like it does take place sometime during the Empires hold of the planet, at least if the Star Wars.com front page is anything to go by.


For anyone to lazy to check it out, the main page has an image of the protagonist looking out over an Imperial shuttle and two TIE fighters.

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Star Wars Redemption? Owait....


Sorry, but the gameplay looks a LOT like RockStar's GTA/Red Dead style.


Don't get me wrong, here. That is NOT a bad thing. :D


there is one problem with this as i see it, imo there have been a ton of this style of game. but none have ever been close to rockstars games in quality.


i hope if they do a GTA style game (which i would love). they do a game that is on par with rockstars

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I just really hope that it doesn't follow the same tired storyline of "Hard-edged guy with a secret heart of gold works for the Empire before realizing its uber-evilness and joins the holier-than-thou Rebel Alliance". It's such a tired trope, and it makes nearly every Star Wars game and book and whatever seem predictable and facetious.


If Lucasarts really wants to make a "mature" game, they need to step out of the box of "Empire=Bad and Alliance=Good" and explore the grey. Yes, OK, Palpatine is obviously evil--but the average schmo on the bridge of a Star Destroyer? Probably not. Mon Mothma is kind and caring, sure--but that doesn't mean everyone in the Alliance is a noble crusader.


Can someone translate this?


A) This is just surrounding a certain bounty hunter in particular, in the depths of level CT-1313. I doubt any imperials would be dumb enough to walk in the criminal underbelly. Obvious the droid antagonist wanted something from a container on the transport ship in the trailer.


B) This is just bounty hunters, bounty hunters, bounty hunters, simple duking it out, going against each other.

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there is one problem with this as i see it, imo there have been a ton of this style of game. but none have ever been close to rockstars games in quality.


i hope if they do a GTA style game (which i would love). they do a game that is on par with rockstars


My exact thoughts.

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Well, it looks like it does take place sometime during the Empires hold of the planet, at least if the Star Wars.com front page is anything to go by.


For anyone to lazy to check it out, the main page has an image of the protagonist looking out over an Imperial shuttle and two TIE fighters.


that gives a 30 year period in which it could be set(tie fighters/star destroyers are in use at the end of 3, 19BBY) and the Empire holds Coruscant until around 10ABY

Edited by Saseav
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It could be very interesting. I didn't hear anyone call it "Imperial Center", which it was renamed as, but I don't recall anyone in-game calling it Coruscant, either.


Honestly, I think its way too early to even start speculating on the story line for the game, other than you're a Bounty Hunter and you're being sent after an individual of some fashion. Which is so obvious I don't know why I even said it.


It's set during the prequels.

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