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Who else doesn't care about the new space mission?


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I just wish they were spending time on space combat, proper space combat that is. You have to remember this is Star Wars, space combat is an integral part of the IP and a mini game just doesn't do it justice. It needs full 3D.


The hints tell us they are working on. Since there have already been James Ohlen polls on what to prioritize (such as fullscale, multiplayer space combat) among other things, it is in the works. I expect it early next year if not earlier, personally, but do not hold me to that. I just got that gut feeling.

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I care


Even if they dont have an Eve online style space game in here, I still think space missions like the ones we have now are important to the game, lore and extra options/playstyles are a breath of fresh air.


I dont do space mission all the time but every once in a while I do it for the change and xp boost.

Maybe with more alts I may only do space missions, campaign and FP's do lvl quick.


So yea I am quite excited to see what this new space mission has in store for us

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As it does not belong to the core game, not everyone will play it (that is the same with PvP). If you ask those who don't play it, they say they won't care, however when you ask those who play it, they will oppose. I would just say, let the people who play the spacegame just enjoy it.
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No one likes stuff on rails



This kind of generalized blanket statement is wrong and goes to show that you do not understand that there are many different types of gamers than you. I am not a big fan of space combat atm but it is a good time passer when waiting for your healer to log when hes late for a raid or situations like that. Seriously though I know quite a few people who love the space combat on rails and I have crafted every purple for the ships they fly. not every one drinks the same flavor of Koolaide brah

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Space in this star wars game is an utter fail and only here cause they said oh my yeah star wars and there is not space combat we better add something in that is super easy to make.


They failed horribly at it even for a rail shooter imo.


instead of adding to a failing system just leave it be for the moment and add in a real open space pvp area, add in harvesting in space for resources, add in guild capital ships, add in group space quests. add in controlling space sectors by a faction give that faction on planet buff bonus. doesn't have to be super but it would add to the element of star wars.


cause right now this game is not and probably wont be for some time star wars.


but that goes further to the point that worlds are separated and barren of the feeling of life.

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Important message:


The new space mission was featured like 2 seconds in the trailer. I´m sure they already had it planned or even finished half a year ago or longer. They know it´s not important. We know it´s not important. BUT - there is a fantastic, epic space project, very secret, going on at Bioware and this time they´ll get it right!


I seriously hope for a kind of JUMP TO LIGHTSPEED meets BATTLEFRONT 2 meets EvE sandbox.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Does it matter? They could fly a ship to your houses and these boards would still be filled with complaints about it.


No matter what they introduce, there will be three certainties.


The majority of the player base will enjoy it to different degrees.


The vocal minority that we see on these boards will hate it.


Someone will ask if this is the reason it will go free to play by (insert proverbial time stamp) ;p


LOL ! So wrong.... on so many levels..


1. First of all, every complaint about missing game features is a valid complaint, especially when there is a 10 year old Star Wars MMO predecessor which had great features which are now non-existant.


2. Forums are NOT the voice of a vocal minority.


3. The majority of players does not enjoy the railshooter, because that is impossible.


4. If it would be possible to fly your own ship from space right into a planets atmosphere to your own customized, self built open world house, TOR would have 10 million subscribers, and the only complaints would be more nitpicky like "I want to change the color of my curtains" instead of "space is a complete failure".

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RRIght now the 3 end game space missions are like GPS "In 20 seconds turn left and shoot the turret. After 40 more seconds, kill the fighter coming from left, then mind the asteroid'.


At least make them random... when you get into space combat of lev 50, you get one of missions randomly chosen... then possibly make the game draw from random maps, eeven if the goals would remain the same. And please make the space combat harder. In full purple mods, torps and all the cooldowns, the space combat difficulty is farce.


i want something that hard as "Tie Fighter" on hard difficulty :)

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The ones now don't interest me. The new one certainly wont. Maybe ill play it once and thats it. No one likes stuff on rails...

I agree entirely. "Space Combat" in SWtOR is like an arcade game from the 90's with shiny graphics plastered onto it. I was so disappointed when I tried it and saw how shallow and linear it was. I tried it a few times then ignored it.

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There's nothing wrong with mini-games. And for a mini-game it's pretty awesome.


I agree with that, but what is scary is i dont think bioware sees it that way, they seem to really think its some great component to their game. I just hope thinking like that wont delay or prevent us from getting 3d space.

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It's a great way to get suplement XP when leveling a toon for the Xth time. I dont really wanna do the planet arc for the 4th time ty very much and pvp posp are erratic at best. Putting in a 20-25min "shift" on space combat dalies gets me a decent chunk of xp. With the 30% bonus on that and class quests in 1.3 life will be much easier.


If you prefer to chase your tail around planets ONE MORE TIME be my guest. Atleast you can zone out and have stretches where you can fly "hands off" in space missions, atl tabbing out and letting the rails do their thing.

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I agree with that, but what is scary is i dont think bioware sees it that way, they seem to really think its some great component to their game. I just hope thinking like that wont delay or prevent us from getting 3d space.


The Star Wars IP is about half ground based content, half space content. It ever felt like this to me.


If space in a SW MMO is only a minigame, there is something seriously wrong.


Space needs to be as big as taking up 50% of the game content. YES, 50 % !

Now it´s like 98.3% ground combat, 1.7% Space.


They need to add 48.3% space experience to make this a great Star Wars MMO !

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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I absolutely love the space combat. If one were to watch any of the movies, they would see that the space combat in every movie is on a rail system and there isn't much going out and doing whatever you wanted.


1) The battle destroy the death star (both times). The squadrons were lead on a rail to their death, when they got to the destination, they had some combat, but they didn't fly all over the galaxy to do it.


2) The flight from Hoth by the blockade runners and the millennium falcon. They could have chosen any point in the galaxy to leave that planet, but they were lead on a rail system right into the path of a small clump of star ships and had to go through the star ships. The Millennium Falcon it's self in every movie, didn't pick a 3 dimensional path to get to the big worm in a rock, but a single path that was on a rail. Why not go down and keep going down or up where the star destroyer couldn't maneuver as fast. There is only one time in the movies where the Millennium Falcon diverges off of rails and that is when it was posing as if it were space junk.


3) Star wars Episode 3 the opening space combat. They definitely were on a rail system and all space combat was filtered through a very small area.


So, my point to all this is that Bio-ware has followed George Lucas's design for space combat. That design seemed to be that no matter how large the galaxy is and no matter who is in front of you, go in a straight line. Who cares if the galaxy behind you is clear of danger.

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the space combat in every movie is on a rail system and there isn't much going out and doing whatever you wanted.


Errm.. so you mean Luke and Han were not actually steering their space fighters but the course was preset by some droid or.. the force?


Now that is something new.. being a pilot in the Star Wars universe must be a pretty easy job...

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You want everything now, and if they gave it to you you complain in the future that there is nothing new, I quite enjoyed the space missions but they became boring fast as i learn how to complete them very easily. I am sure in the future they plan on expanding space combat but as i said they can't give you everything at once, so if you don't like it then don't play it.
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The ones now don't interest me. The new one certainly wont. Maybe ill play it once and thats it. No one likes stuff on rails, this is worse than HP: DH on kinect (if youve seen Angry Joe)


It looks like it's an "indoor" one, which is by far the best use of an on-rails space shooter IMO, so it might actually be the best mission around.

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I am just posting to say that the OP is obviously wrong.


Some people do like space combat.


Coming here and making statements aboyut what 'no one likes' just proves that they think far too much of their own likes and dislikes to be able to have a productive discussion about game direction with.


If it isn't what they want, then it must be something that 'no one' would like.


Sure, a space zone with full control given to players and even space PvP would be something that I would like to see, but it doesn't mean that I do not also enjoy running some space missions as they are.

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I am just posting to say that the OP is obviously wrong.


Some people do like space combat.


Coming here and making statements aboyut what 'no one likes' just proves that they think far too much of their own likes and dislikes to be able to have a productive discussion about game direction with.


If it isn't what they want, then it must be something that 'no one' would like.


Sure, a space zone with full control given to players and even space PvP would be something that I would like to see, but it doesn't mean that I do not also enjoy running some space missions as they are.


I'd very much like to see a fun form of space combat coexist alongside the existing rails along with some transparent metrics as to which ones get played how often so we can finally have some numerically measureable data to analyze this concept.

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I like space just fine for what it is...a mini game. Don't get your hopes up for what the "super secret project" is, they are adding multi-player support and that's all it is. If your going to ask for a source, its long gone (it was hinted at on the old boards).


I would love free roam space (like SWG), but lets face it PVE is on rails and PvP is confined to arenas. Free roam space would only fit with free roam everything else.

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I am just posting to say that the OP is obviously wrong.


Some people do like space combat.


Coming here and making statements aboyut what 'no one likes' just proves that they think far too much of their own likes and dislikes to be able to have a productive discussion about game direction with.


If it isn't what they want, then it must be something that 'no one' would like.


Sure, a space zone with full control given to players and even space PvP would be something that I would like to see, but it doesn't mean that I do not also enjoy running some space missions as they are.


You sir, need to look up the word "exaggeration"

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