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Who else doesn't care about the new space mission?


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The "community" here is among the greatest enemies of SWTOR. Always finding something to hate and making threads about how the fact that the entire content isn't tailored to their own special taste is an affront to them and means that the game is a failure.


Lol, but the space game is an affront! On the other hand, KOTOR and KOTOR 2 featured an even more pathetic space game and that didn't stop either game from being considered great.


Now, no mention of Pazaak still baffles me - it's just cards guys, how hard is that to program in?

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Well think of it this way, to anyone watching at home who doesn't have TOR yet, would them mentioning the addition of a card game really make you jump out of your chair or couch and proclaim "TO THE STORE! THIS has made me decide to get The Old Republic!"... yeah, don't think so.


That said, I'm really liking the look of the new space mission and will gladly play it once it comes out.


Less than thrilled about an increased level cap though.

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Space is my xp boosts ( though limited) and extra credits, I hate PVP, SO it's useful for me...though yes very limited as it is: it's not X-wing, or TF, or even Rebel Assault, but it's something


I so agree with this.

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I'd rather hit myself in the head with a hammer than play the craptastic space combat. Understand different strokes for different folks, but there are a lot more important aspects of the game that need improvement. So, disappointed they are wasting resources on this garbage.
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Of course I'd love space combats / missions with total movements freedom but I understand that right now they are mini games. I'm still looking forward to that upcoming one with the space station. I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it.
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Yeah, I like space combat. Not to the point where I do every mission every day but enough that I can do 2 to 3 missions a day. On my newer characters, I do that and PVP to level up instead of doing quests. The only quests I actually do are the good ones and the storyline quests.
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The ones now don't interest me. The new one certainly wont. Maybe ill play it once and thats it. No one likes stuff on rails, this is worse than HP: DH on kinect (if youve seen Angry Joe)


You should do a good deed and follow this up with something you do enjoy about the upcoming content :)

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Don't like space. Didn't do any of the missions until we discovered you could earn high level crafting mats. So yeah, I do space now, but not because I like it. Wondering if BW metrics show that?
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The current space mini-game is fine, but long term I'd like to see real space mission like the old X-Wing and TIE Fighter games.


How awesome would it be to have a space ops where your guild capital ship drops in form hyperspace on a target , and your guild launches it ships, or even fighters and bombers, and has to attack a space station or a some other target while dealing with fighters and other capital ships in the area.

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No one likes stuff on rails


Actually, plenty of people like the space mini-game. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean that no one likes it. This isn't Star Wars - Flight Simulator. The space stuff is just a mini-game, not the meat of the game. Although they've talked about improving it, anyone expecting a flight simulator quality space game when it's just a mini-game for a MMO is not being realistic at all.

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Space on rails I simply will not do. Does not appeal in the least. I don't PvP either, and won't for the ground combat. Space however, give me a JTL expansion, I'd pay for it, and I'd play it.


Of course, I still can't help but think there are people in Texas that loath hearing SWG's mentioned more favorably than this game. A lot of arguments against doing it have generally gone flat, given the crash in the player base, start of FTP up to lvl 15, etc.

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Actually, plenty of people like the space mini-game. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean that no one likes it. This isn't Star Wars - Flight Simulator. The space stuff is just a mini-game, not the meat of the game. Although they've talked about improving it, anyone expecting a flight simulator quality space game when it's just a mini-game for a MMO is not being realistic at all.


'Plenty of people' ?? How many are plenty? 10%, 40%, 80% 90% ????????

I guess (my Guess from reading the Forums because there is no survey) people do the Space Mini Game mostly for the cheap EXP it grants. I know, I do.


The Space on Rails is not bad... it is just.... way to repetitive. If they had hundreds of such Rail Mission...maybe it would be less boring... and so it is with most of the Game's content, in my opinion. (Read, Personal Opinion).

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I don't care at all precisely because it is on rails. It's silly too because I was a serious fan of SWG's Jump to Lightspeed, X-Wing VS Tie-Fighter & Battlefront 2's space missions, but here in SWTOR I have not played 1 single on-rails space mission & won't be playing the new one either, won't be playing any of them until BioWare "fixes" space combat. Edited by Tricky-Ha
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I'm excited. I love all the space missions, and this one looks like it will have you flying alongside a giant space station, weaving in and out.


I'd really love it if they managed to get branching paths inside a space mission. Even just little things like being able to just to go a different route through an asteroid field can add a lot to replay value.

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Personally, I did some space missions with my main. I haven't touched it with my alts. Just don't get enough rewards from my perspective. I get xp and plenty of loot elsewhere.


However, just because it is not my cup of tea doesn't mean I don't see the value in it. As others do like it and use it as a minigame of sorts, I'm glad to see it. And who knows, if it is cool enough (something more along the lines of XWing or Tie Fighter for those of you who remember those games) I'll try more space missions just to get to the new content. PVP in space would be awesome btw.


So yea, chalk me up as one that cares about it. But please... no more rails.

Edited by Rafaman
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I wont be happy until they scrap this craptacular rail shooter and actually give us proper space. No words can describe accurately how terrible rail shooters are.... Have we not evolved past the 60s? Rail shooters are just 2D arcade games that i would expect to see in a bad arcade 50 years ago.
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