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Raised Level Cap, New Skills/Talents - What do you Want?


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I would like mandatory roleplay every 20 seconds in a WZ.


the king of bads approves of this decree


seriously tho, i dont think adding more abilities/talents to the game is such a good idea. bioware has enough trouble with game balance as it is, implementing a massive change to game balance is not going to have good results. increasing the level cap doesnt seem necessary honestly; i would rather they just add more story quests that are all level 50 and call it good.

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I'd love a self heal for my sniper.


What do you want the new skills/talents to be?


Id like a 60m rifle skill in the top MM tree talent to match EMP discharge :p


I love those scenes in movies of some guy running away miles out and getting shot down :p i wanna do that.

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I would like a 50 Caliber Sniper Rifle and be able to go Prone all day so I can camp nodes and farm kills =). Just kidding, I want world pvp where Republic and Empire can take over designated planets and you can fight over them in space combat and on the ground, **** would be amazingggggggggggggggg:D
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More talents and more skillpoints just means that the allready ovepowered classes are gonna be even more overpowered. From past experiences I dont have much faith on BW's ability to balance these changes.
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Id like a 60m rifle skill in the top MM tree talent to match EMP discharge :p


I love those scenes in movies of some guy running away miles out and getting shot down :p i wanna do that.


Call it "One Shot, One Kill" and it will have a 10 second cast and instantly kill players lol.


I want some type of pull for my guardian. For my commando, I want a spammable hot, a root, and an interrupt.

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1) I would love to play in a WZ where melee dps is not an I win button.


2) A reason spec as a tank in pvp.


3) Mercenary / Trooper to actually be about to compete as a dps spec.


4) Some semblance of class balance.

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new skills/talents/levels aside operatives need a serious buff to their PVE sustained DPS through either increased survivability or more reliable post opener damage.


Mercenaries need a serious utility work-over to make DPS mercs PVP viable again, the only ones I've seen who have done decently are pyro mercenaries that no one knows how to handle because they're used to only looking for grav round/tracer missile. still, the concept of a ranged class in pvp that is vulnerable to CC, interrupts, leaps, pulls, etc at all times is one that's a pretty bad idea all together. add on to this the fact that they're squishy as all hell and you see why mercenaries are probably #1 on the list of undesirables for rated warzones.

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1) I would love to play in a WZ where melee dps is not an I win button.


2) A reason spec as a tank in pvp.


3) Mercenary / Trooper to actually be about to compete as a dps spec.


4) Some semblance of class balance.


generally dont respnd to these.but, umm what? lol

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