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When noobs attack!!!


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I think mine had to be on Quesh, I was level 48/49 and I had 2 Pubs try to jump me. Level 42 and 43 if I remember right. Of course I murdered them both not even thinking about the fact that when they return to med center... they would be spawning damn near right on top of me at a neutral area. So with almost no revive CD they continued to try and kill me over and over for a good 30-45 minutes.


Finally they gave up and tried to make a run for it... obviously not knowing any other way out they spawned and jumped on their speeders, hoping I would let them pass. Not the case...


At this point I was determined to hunt them down and and murder them over and over out of spite. Thankfully with being able to target them from my speeder and using force charge while on my speeder I managed to kill these guys for about another 20 minutes straight before they either figured a way out or decided not to spawn at all. :D

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A few weeks ago a guy ran teh huttball the wrong way.. we all were in chat saying "Wrong way!" "Wrong Way"! . He then died and they scored as I guess he didnt read chat. The game was 4-4 and we lost 4-5. It was a comeback from 0-4. :(
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A few weeks ago a guy ran teh huttball the wrong way.. we all were in chat saying "Wrong way!" "Wrong Way"! . He then died and they scored as I guess he didnt read chat. The game was 4-4 and we lost 4-5. It was a comeback from 0-4. :(


I had a brainfart and ran the whole way to the wrong end zone and was upset that I had the ball but there was no score. I thought it was a bug or server lag! I finally figured it out, tossed the ball to the ground safely to reset it, force sped back to mid where there was a huge firefight but no one had gone for the ball so I got the ball, force sped out of there and made it half way to the enemy line before I started taking hits so I passed it to a mara and healed/buffed her all the way to the end zone but we both died moments before she would have scored. *phew*


Went from total screw up to almost-redemption in under two minutes. We won three to zero so no harm no foul. I was in the end-zone assisting on two of the scores, including purging roots off the ball carrier on the fire traps. On the next Huttball match, I scored twice, assisted in other scores and got voted MVP. All in one night. I love this game!


We all make noob mistakes from time to time. ;)

Edited by DroidDreamer
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mara 50 wisp: hey are you a marauder?

me: yes

him: can you help me?

me: with what?

him: I just bought this toon..... can you tell me what I have to do.....



wz after.... he did 8k dmg and died 22 times....


sadly he is not much worst, than most imps on my server.

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mara 50 wisp: hey are you a marauder?

me: yes

him: can you help me?

me: with what?

him: I just bought this toon..... can you tell me what I have to do.....



wz after.... he did 8k dmg and died 22 times....


sadly he is not much worst, than most imps on my server.


LOL @ The Huttball ones... I'm sure we've all seen that once or twice.


And why people buy toons is beyond me... I like the learning process of little by little that comes with leveling. Makes using 25-30 binds that much easier when you only have to learn them gradually.

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Hardly a constructive thread, lads.


"Dutch researchers say that the schadenfreude sensation - a malicious joy in the misfortune of others - is influenced by low self-esteem and self-affirmation."


Maybe if it was, "tell us something daft YOU did, back when you were new or daydreaming," like DroidDreamer's post. Maybe that'd be fun instead? Subs are dropping enough as it is ...

Edited by Solaufein
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Hardly a constructive thread, lads.


"Dutch researchers say that the schadenfreude sensation - a malicious joy in the misfortune of others - is influenced by low self-esteem and self-affirmation."


Maybe if it was, "tell us something daft YOU did, back when you were new or daydreaming," like DroidDreamer's post. Maybe that'd be fun instead? Subs are dropping enough as it is ...


It's more for entertainment than constructiveness... I would be glad to share but my noob stories are hardly entertaining. Trust me... I was bad when I started.... really bad! But it was far from entertaining, nothing ridiculous, just lousy stats, not passing quick enough, over all just bad reaction times and not COMPLETELY understanding the game.

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Oh wait... I take that back.


Not even too long ago... there were 4 of us farming a node on civil war for what remaining defender points we could scrounge up since we were getting beat pretty bad. While we had a pants off dance off at the node... a stealth from the other team took the node with 4 of us dancing around it and ME literally dancing on top of it. It was so damn funny we let him live and continued to dance.

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It's more for entertainment than constructiveness... I would be glad to share but my noob stories are hardly entertaining. Trust me... I was bad when I started.... really bad! But it was far from entertaining, nothing ridiculous, just lousy stats, not passing quick enough, over all just bad reaction times and not COMPLETELY understanding the game.


:jawa_angel: No. Do share. Please.


We were all new once. Actually, wouldn't it be a cool thing to show the new players how we all sucked waaaay back [cue troll post from some comedian saying I still suck].


Just don't want to scare any more new players away, mate. PvP doesn't work without opponents ;)

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Here's a typical scenario:


In Civil War, we have a premade. Of the 4 PUGs, 1 is a good player we know and the other 3 are just randoms. We outline the plan in chat: 2 designate players go East, 2 designated players go West. The 3 random PUGs and 1 of us from the premade were all instructed to go mid.


When the game starts: the 2 that are supposed to go East do so, me and a guildmate go West as planned... And all 3 of the random PUGs go West with us... Me and my guildmate ended up turning around and going back to mid, we ended up winning the game but I have never seen such a reckless ignorance of such a specifically outlined plan...

Edited by Z-ToXiN
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Two sorcerer's at a node in Civil War both using Consumption to get their health really low. All it took was a Shoot First to one and a Back Blast to the other and they both died leaving me free to cap.


People really should stop doing that.

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Share your funniest noob stories here...


I was at the exit of the Imperial starting area on Quesh and I noticed a Republic Gunslinger riding around on his mount exploring the area. I walked a little away from the gate and he tried to follow me, but made sure to stay just out of aggro range of the guards and turrets.


When he got close, I leaped to him (my marauder). The leap dismounted him, so his companion spawned. When that happened, his companion made a beeline for my companion, who was still spawning herself and was still next to the turrets, since I was mounted too. His companion ran into range of the turrets chasing after Jaesa, and the turrets proceeded to oneshot his companion and make quick work of him soon after. I got a couple of good shots in first, though!

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Oh wait... I take that back.


Not even too long ago... there were 4 of us farming a node on civil war for what remaining defender points we could scrounge up since we were getting beat pretty bad. While we had a pants off dance off at the node... a stealth from the other team took the node with 4 of us dancing around it and ME literally dancing on top of it. It was so damn funny we let him live and continued to dance.


lol. Pants Off. Dance Off!!


:jawa_tongue: You nub.

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:jawa_angel: No. Do share. Please.


We were all new once. Actually, wouldn't it be a cool thing to show the new players how we all sucked waaaay back [cue troll post from some comedian saying I still suck].


Just don't want to scare any more new players away, mate. PvP doesn't work without opponents ;)


I absolutely agree and I did share an even more recent one which is worse... cuz I'm about 3 months deep on this game now. :D


However I didn't word it that way knowing most wouldn't share their own embarrassments. But I def get your point... I'm right there with ya as I hope to see this game going strong for another 5 years or so.

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Here's a typical scenario:


In Civil War, we have a premade. Of the 4 PUGs, 1 is a good player we know and the other 3 are just randoms. We outline the plan in chat: 2 designate players go East, 2 designated players go West. The 3 random PUGs and 1 of us from the premade were all instructed to go mid.


When the game starts: the 2 that are supposed to go East do so, me and a guildmate go West as planned... And all 3 of the random PUGs go West with us... Me and my guildmate ended up turning around and going back to mid, we ended up winning the game but I have never seen such a reckless ignorance of such a specifically outlined plan...


Happens way too often... even funnier I watched a guy who obviously had good sense of his character but apparently lacked the knowledge to understand the map (civil war). I saw it happen in pieces so it may not be completely accurate but here's how it went down.


From start I watched 1 guy go to snow and I saw 1 guy go from enemy side... hoping he could take a 1v1 I went mid and figured I'd check on him as with my PT i like to get on the higher ground anyways. Worse comes to worse... I abandon the fight on mid and go help him.


So I pop a few shots at mid and I check on the guy. He is now outnumbered and it's a 2v1. To my surprise he has around 80% HP and one of the enemies is near dead and the other is near full. I'm impressed... So I figure I'll give him more time since he seems to be handling himself pretty well and I continue to pop a few more shots to help the fight before I check on him again.


So I look over the wall to check on him shortly after... he is alive and alone... well done sir!


However... he hasn't captured the node yet... :confused: And he isn't capping the node. Standing there alone with full health with his back to the thing... :confused:


Personally I thought it was comedy that this guy was good enough to own a 2v1 but had no idea how to capture a node. :D Whatever he learned in PvE obviously helped him enough to win the battle but he didn't have much PvP under his belt. Either way... kept me entertained. I expect that random guy to be a beast one day.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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I have a noob story about myself moreso than others. New to the game and MMOs in general I was still trying to figure out the interface. As I'm going on a mission, I right click my character picture and start going through options and one is the toggle pvp option. Not knowing what it was I turned it on and quickly turned it back off before I did something stupid. I still didn't understand what it did so I kept going on about my mission on Tatooine when I notice a BH with his companion. I notice he's red when I click on him but I decide to ignore him. As I stealth past him (not just him but other npcs my Shadow wasnt ready to fight) I get aggro on his companion and within seconds I'm burned down! Mad as hell, I decide to just keep going and stealth again. This time I get far from him but my companion (Qyzen) is still lagging behind and this time Qyzen attacks them!! I was sooo pissed but this time I tried to fight and again got burned down within seconds lol. This time the guy/girl follows me and attacks me again lol. I'd say this happened again about 2 more times before I managed to stealth away from and stay hidden for a few minutes.
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Here's another good one:


Voidstar, we are attacking, start of the match. At the start, I go stealth, force speed to the door, and see that there are no defenders around. So I stealth up to door, start planting - and succeed with the plant. A Voidstar plant less than 25 seconds in - about as fast as possible.


So where do the noobs come in? When I turned my camera around while planting, I noticed 2 supposed defenders fighting my teammates some 50m away from the door. Really? As a defender, why the heck would you be fighting that far out? They were so busy fighting they didnt notice my capping the door, and this was right at the very start of the match. This is what happens when people focus more on killing stuff and not on objectives.

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There's two Juggernaughts on my server that play on the pre-50s PvP on a regular basis. I play PvP on my sniper as it's around level 45ish and I want to max my RWZ comms before 50.


They both were in Soresu (tank) stance, and never Guard/Taunt. They both had 0 protection at the end of the game, with around 60k damage output, less than 5 kills, over 12 deaths, about 3, maybe 4 medals. I don't think I've ever won a game where either of them were on my team. I asked them if they could Guard/Taunt, and they never listened.


I saw one of them again today after not having played for about a week. He Guarded me. He still didn't do much for the team, but he got like 10k protection in a full game. It's an improvement, at the very least.

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Here's another good one:


Voidstar, we are attacking, start of the match. At the start, I go stealth, force speed to the door, and see that there are no defenders around. So I stealth up to door, start planting - and succeed with the plant. A Voidstar plant less than 25 seconds in - about as fast as possible.


So where do the noobs come in? When I turned my camera around while planting, I noticed 2 supposed defenders fighting my teammates some 50m away from the door. Really? As a defender, why the heck would you be fighting that far out? They were so busy fighting they didnt notice my capping the door, and this was right at the very start of the match. This is what happens when people focus more on killing stuff and not on objectives.


There needs to be a pure deathmatch warzone that you can queue for separate out of the random queue. Why? So it gets the idiots out of the objective warzones

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A few weeks ago a guy ran teh huttball the wrong way.. we all were in chat saying "Wrong way!" "Wrong Way"! . He then died and they scored as I guess he didnt read chat. The game was 4-4 and we lost 4-5. It was a comeback from 0-4. :(



was it this guy?


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