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Bioware was sleeping or testers didnt care? Lvl 50s in 4 days ?? ***


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To me a game is to enjoy my self .

I like to level but this game is so brilliant i think i would spoil my personal fun if i would focus only on leveling

This is no generic story,no filler glued to each other like most MMO's

Now i finaly enjoy more than just a lvl rush :p

I hope those 50's are happy.

Its must been many hours ,pro job ;)

Hope there is endgame enough but if there is not you got your self to blame ,best start rolling alts :rolleyes:


Again we all play games in our own way ,none is better or worse :D


Freedom as always :cool:

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Testers sleeping? Bioware not paying attention? Who tested this game? The game has been out live for like 4 days and we have lvl 50s running around??? Seriously did Bioware not realise how stupidly quick ppl could lvl? The game isnt even officaly released yet and we have ppl at capped level.. this doesnt bore well for long term.


Notice how you didn't say anything about you being level 50 yet. Turns around waiting for you to prove that it's stupid fast to level by you getting to 50 in four days, then you realize you're not a power leveler.

Edited by Dreavus
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You can't blame the testers. Dozens and dozens of problems were addressed and brought up, literally everything you can possibly think about...it's up to Bioware to change these problems. (Many things seemed to be ignored by Bioware...we rarely had any responses/comments from the Devs)
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I do feel that this game won't be one for the hardcore elite. Bioware does RPGs. Storytelling is their thing and now they've created a place to do that with friends. They're never going to shy away from what they do best.


A lot of people are skipping the story because they want to level. A lot do it because they don't like the story. When these people get to level 50 I think they're going to be surprised. If you think about it the whole legacy system is about making you play other stories and I don't think the endgame will be Biowares focus.

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Testers sleeping? Bioware not paying attention? Who tested this game? The game has been out live for like 4 days and we have lvl 50s running around??? Seriously did Bioware not realise how stupidly quick ppl could lvl? The game isnt even officaly released yet and we have ppl at capped level.. this doesnt bore well for long term.


I'm 27 after 6 days of, what for me are, marathons (no skipping story). From next week I should have less free time and still the same need to "rush" content (hint: none). I don't consider the game finished when my first characyer hits 50 neither.

Edited by Areka
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Yes its totally Biowares fault that some people don't care for content and like to rush through the game up to cap. They should in fact have a GM for each person in game, making sure they don't level too fast...


Honestly, what do you care if others are 50 already? Are they affecting your gameplay?


Tbh, i see no advantage to being 50 so early, but hey, thats just me.

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Testers sleeping? Bioware not paying attention? Who tested this game? The game has been out live for like 4 days and we have lvl 50s running around??? Seriously did Bioware not realise how stupidly quick ppl could lvl? The game isnt even officaly released yet and we have ppl at capped level.. this doesnt bore well for long term.


The first to 50 are people who had /played at 3-4 days meaning they never slept or had 1-2 hours of sleep.

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speed leveling in this game means you literally skipped 75% of the game to be the first to do the last 25% that nobody really cares about.



Elitist raiders will be the first ones to quite this game. It's really not a raiding game.





Actually my husband (Tajei) has been 50 for almost 24 hours now. He did not power/speed level. He raised a vanguard to 35 four times in beta. He did skip dialogue to level 35, but then he has played every single quest, and every single cutscene since then. Aside from heroics he has done all quests on all planets. He has been unable to do flashpoints or PVP or heroics due to not having others his level (He is our server's first fifty and has been well ahead of most people the entire time.) He estimates he spent more time 40-50 than he spent 1-40. Leveling is WAY too fast. His crafting professions are all 300+ he has all his riding skills, 4 or 5 speeders and plenty of cash currently. He is not being an elitist raider, he simply loves the game and rolled through it engrossed in his story. In fact he raged for hours at the end of the trooper story.


Mind you, he slept between 6 and 7 hours each night, took breaks to eat, run to the store, and help me out around the house for small things. He and I and our 4 friends all playing together are dismayed at how fast the leveling is and constantly reported it in beta. We and many others begged and begged Bioware to change the stance from instant gratification to long lived storyline. Unfortunately world of warcraft has been a huge detriment to story based MMORPGs now. Most MMOs are built on the level really fast and play end game basis... not the savor and enjoy the storyline basis... Its very very sad.




Seela from The Ebon Hawk server.

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I will agree a bit. It seems that if you are solo the leveling is pretty nice paced in the early levels. I'm in the twenties after two days and I am fine with that. I do come from Ragnarok Online though, so I'm used to the early levels being pretty fine, then hell later on. I do feel like at this pace I'll hit 50 by the end of my winter break. That's a bit of a concern to me, not going to lie.
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Testers sleeping? Bioware not paying attention? Who tested this game? The game has been out live for like 4 days and we have lvl 50s running around??? Seriously did Bioware not realise how stupidly quick ppl could lvl? The game isnt even officaly released yet and we have ppl at capped level.. this doesnt bore well for long term.


So are you 50? If not, then why are you so complaining. Obviously 50 was hit by power gamers who had no intention of watching every cutscene and wanted to hit the cap relatively fast. Game developers can only do so much to slow down power gamers, but people will always hit level caps within a few days in MMO's.

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lvl 50 in 4 days so.... uhmm they probably put in about 75ish hours of game play. Some people share accounts so as to have a guild fully lvled up and doing content in as minimum of time as possible, so characters on fulltime grinding away.
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