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Bioware was sleeping or testers didnt care? Lvl 50s in 4 days ?? ***


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Which completely ruined Champions Online.


Of course people will not resub because all the players saw was that there was not enough missions to lvl.


Exactly, that game was a significant failure because of the state it was in right after launch. They literally deployed a stealth nerf to halve xp the morning between early access and launch. It completely ruined the game, and now the game is f2p, and owned by a company that makes grindfest, cashshop MMOs, and has also been implicated in gold-farming in other games.


Please don't do this, Bioware.

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On the other hand, I've played since friday and I'm lvl 15...it's not biowares fault that some people skip all the dialogue and speed levels.


Ha, you are better than me; I have been playing since Wednessday, and I am only 19. But then again, I like to stop and smell the roses, a.k.a. look for datacrons.

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Exactly, that game was a significant failure because of the state it was in right after launch. They literally deployed a stealth nerf to halve xp the morning between early access and launch. It completely ruined the game, and now the game is f2p, and owned by a company that makes grindfest, cashshop MMOs, and has also been implicated in gold-farming in other games.


Please don't do this, Bioware.



They ruined Star Trek Online. It could have been just as epic as Star Wars The Old Republic. Man, I am glad Bioware did not mess this one up.

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They ruined Star Trek Online. It could have been just as epic as Star Wars The Old Republic. Man, I am glad Bioware did not mess this one up.




One whole faction was incomplete and couldn't level through missions (sounds familiar?) I mean if you roll a Klingon good luck...


If you are going to make a MMO, look at Cryptic games at launch...that will tell you what NOT to do at launch.


The sad thing is their games aren't horrible if you go play them now...but because they make horrible first impressions they find themselves going F2P eventually.

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Well I hit level 40 yesterday and honestly.. I've been doing a lot of other things.



I worked on some other classes. I'm crafting on my main and alts.. which involves of course spending time gathering. I've actually gone outside a few of these days and twice even went to bed pretty early.



I spent hours getting myself off Taris... I can't game like I used to (stay up days straight).



I have fun.. tho I do find empty planets rather haunting. There have been plenty of fast leveling MMO's and I'd see a lot of other people. To me that is far stranger than the fact anyone hit 50 in 4 days or less.



I was in general beta since March so if I level faster than someone... its because I know the most effecient order to do quests. Things someone wouldn't know their first time through. The only thing I've "skipped" was half of Taris and that wasn't because I wanted to. It was due to the performance issue there.



My armormech is currently 370 and gaining and I have cybertech almost as high. Also working on Artifice and Armstech but they are a bit lower. So the fact I can do all these things which takes time and I'm now almost 42... I'm certainly not suprised someone who spent no time on alts or crafting is 50...



Grind games or slow level games happen by design. This game we are playing TOR... was designed with a "golden path" and level ranges for each planet. There was a lot of discussion during beta about level speed. The design was pretty much done on that aspect by the time beta started (for reference my first play test was in October of 2010).



So I can say "Hi BioWare I think we level to fast..." but in the design they decided to go with.. what could they do? Well obviously they could cut xp but you have to be X level when you leave the planet. So they would then have to about double the quest content.. and since everything has voice acting guess what?



Leave testers out of these accusations or consipiracy theories... bioware didn't ask us about designing the game. They asked us to find bugs in the game they designed... in fact quite a few changes were made against tester feedback... point is.. BioWare is the one to priase or be mad at not the testers.

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One whole faction was incomplete and couldn't level through missions (sounds familiar?) I mean if you roll a Klingon good luck...


If you are going to make a MMO, look at Cryptic games at launch...that will tell you what NOT to do at launch.


The sad thing is their games aren't horrible if you go play them now...but because they make horrible first impressions they find themselves going F2P eventually.


Exactly! Whenever I hear someone complain about SWTOR being incomplete, I get flashbacks of Star Trek Online. It is like night and day.

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I think you do get alittle too much exp. I am already lvl 22 leaving Coruscant. I like to PvP too. After each area/quest set on Coruscant I would do PvP til I made the next level. So then there was maybe 4 lvl of PvP exp. I wish you could disable PvP and Space Combat exp. There is just too many ways to get exp, which is fine... unless you want to take things slow and not out level all the content. I'm already past Taris's recommended lvl range and when I'm done there I'll be past Nar Shadda's.


Definitely needs so kind of experience toggle. Maybe the ability to turn off all non-quest experience. Everquest 2 did this because it had the same issue. Too much experience, too fast. Not everyone wants to reach max lvl ASAP.

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Could you please explain how powerleveling inflicts that much butthurt to you?


The issue is not with powerleveling. It's with the progression of the game.


That said, powerleveling leads to leveling services, and those do concern me.


Some people enjoy getting to the 50 first. I enjoy story and exploring. A friend of mine enjoys partying and raids.Powerleveling has no effect on storyline and raids. Raiding affects neither "server first 50" nor story. What are you jealous about?


Gee, what are you so butthutt about that you're ascribing emotions to me that I'm not feeling at all?


The word is concerned, not jealousy.


Do you expect Bioware to cripple other ppl's experience just to give u opportunity to get to 50 first in february?



Nope. I do hope Bioware considers the progression of the game, and the pace of leveling to give a healthy balance instead of a rush. I'd rather people have something to play than something that can be skipped and ignored, and that leading to focus on only one part of the game to the exclusion of all others.


Please, bear with my English. I'm a foreigner, but I'm working on it.


You need to work on your civility. You're being quite rude and presumptive. You can disagree with me without making accusations such as you presented above.

Edited by Colobulous
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Testers sleeping? Bioware not paying attention? Who tested this game? The game has been out live for like 4 days and we have lvl 50s running around??? Seriously did Bioware not realise how stupidly quick ppl could lvl? The game isnt even officaly released yet and we have ppl at capped level.. this doesnt bore well for long term.


There was actually several threads about this in my testing group. If you know the right order to do things in and DON'T skip cut scenes you can get to 50 in 3-4 days without much effort. This game isn't that long. BW is banking on people making lots of alts.

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So I can say "Hi BioWare I think we level to fast..." but in the design they decided to go with.. what could they do? Well obviously they could cut xp but you have to be X level when you leave the planet. So they would then have to about double the quest content.. and since everything has voice acting guess what?





Or they could say "We cut xp in half, you have to be level X to move on the the next planet, there aren't enough quests. Good luck!"


There would be no faster way to kill this game.

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Useless topic and perspective imho.


I think the OP needs to go look up “power leveling” on Youtube or Google and see the folks for whom that is an approach to playing these games. The fact that people do this across the board for any game doesn’t speak to anything about the developer because if games are made with entertaining that kind of ‘playstyle’ in mind only a certain people will play it. The developer will effectively limit the reach of their product and they realize this.


In my head MMORPG content design was initially meant to keep people around but the aberration that is “power leveling” skewed the industry in the wrong direction and resources were basically wasted by trying to constantly keep up with that degree of content consumption. The games become just a ‘process’ and the only revenue kick comes from content expansion.


I think the industry has given up on feeding that vicious cycle and would prefer to facilitate people who take the time to enjoy the content as opposed to those who simply consume it as fast as possible as matter of procedure.


Here is a chap talking about taking a team of six to

. So, now the OP is concerned about seeing a level 50 in this or any other game so quickly?


Pure delusion; and nothing about it speaks to anything except the abberations some people have with regard to these game and how seeing a top level character so soon somehow implies that the longevity of a game is doomed.


Its a jaded perspective.

Edited by Solar
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Testers sleeping? Bioware not paying attention? Who tested this game? The game has been out live for like 4 days and we have lvl 50s running around??? Seriously did Bioware not realise how stupidly quick ppl could lvl? The game isnt even officaly released yet and we have ppl at capped level.. this doesnt bore well for long term.


Rift had the first level capped toon within 18 hours of Pre release going live, I fail to see an issue?

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SW:ToR: Single Player game with option to /wave at another player playing their linear single player game... oh yeah, and the monthly subscription. Surprise!!!


Like ANY mmorpg, powerlevelers aka... "Chinese" sweatshop that play a toon to max level so they can farm "gold". So look forward to the "buy our gold" spam in starting areas in 5...4...3...2...1.


But on subject, I still have not seen anything that indicates to me that this game will be around next year... the hype machine worked overtime on this baby. Even diehard fanbois will be going ... "there is nothing to do" in a few months especially after the non-fanboi have quit next month.

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speed leveling in this game means you literally skipped 75% of the game to be the first to do the last 25% that nobody really cares about.



Elitist raiders will be the first ones to quite this game. It's really not a raiding game.




Most 50's you see are people who have already played through the story during beta. It isn't a testament to the game being bad or too short. The OP should stop caring so much about others and find out is he likes the game or not for his own reasons.

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Testers sleeping? Bioware not paying attention? Who tested this game? The game has been out live for like 4 days and we have lvl 50s running around??? Seriously did Bioware not realise how stupidly quick ppl could lvl? The game isnt even officaly released yet and we have ppl at capped level.. this doesnt bore well for long term.


The problem isn't Bioware it's the gamers hell bent on being level 50 first then everyone else. I consider myself a hardcore gamer and even I don't spend that much time racing to level 50.


I've been playing for three days and I'm only level 16. Now if you told this to one of those early level 50 players, they'd think I'm a loser for being such low level, but we all know it's the other way around. ;)

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Does anyone here honestly think that Bioware does not have a plan for increasing level 50 content in stages over the next few months? Almost everything else concerning this game has been planned out to a T ... they are not going to drop the ball, I promise you.


One does not make a game of this quality and invests this much money into a project on a whim. Bioware is not stupid.

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Does anyone here honestly think that Bioware does not have a plan for increasing level 50 content in stages over the next few months? Almost everything else concerning this game has been planned out to a T ... they are not going to drop the ball, I promise you.


One does not make a game of this quality and invests this much money into a project on a whim. Bioware is not stupid.


Yes well the problem is that new MMOs have only a small window to impress a large playerbase. It's more a matter of if they get to these things quickly enough.

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The "large playerbase" is not going to be 50 in 4 days. So your argument is invalid.


This game really isn't that long. A month maybe two is all you can expect. Every character after the first levels faster and faster.

Edited by Silverrey
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