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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Massive E3 Announcement on Monday


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This only rings true if the people complaining about no content are the same exact people complaining about new content now--assuming anyone is complaining about the fact that new content is coming and not the character of said content (which is exactly what isn't happening here).


Hyperbole at its finest, ladies and gentlemen.


Well you seem to want to assume that most of everyone that left aren't the general known content locusts and instead people not happy with the game.


After 1.3 there were many complaining about lack of content in the patch, and now that the content is here I see people complaining about the content. I know how this goes and you do as well.

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Actually, I've heard of new locations being released via content patches before (IE Ruby Sanctum, ICC etc) :)


Edit: But yes. Very damn excited now.. But really? Who would have thought of Makeb as the new planet? I certainly didn't :)


True true, still awesome news. I'm starting to miss my Sith's voice a bit. xD

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Game just gets better and better


Seriously...I don't know how people can complain now.


More content is coming, more things for Legacy are coming, new abilities, new planet, ANOTHER operation, another flashpoint, FREE server transfers, mega servers AND increased level cap WITH a new companion that is hk series droids...



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Well you seem to want to assume that most of everyone that left aren't the general known content locusts and instead people not happy with the game.


After 1.3 there were many complaining about lack of content in the patch, and now that the content is here I see people complaining about the content. I know how this goes and you do as well.


Yeah because it's simply not true. The majority of 1.1 million people are not content locusts. Period.


Like I said, unless you're pointing out people who complained about a lack of content and are now the same people complaining about the addition of new content, your statements are nothing more than hyperbolic--which they are.

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Some nice stuff.


However the two big drawbacks are:



1. Raised level cap? In less than 1 year without an expansion...... really not sure about that.


2. No Space Content this year, and the 1 new mission is still on rails..... huge disapointment , basically (however if it's a Decent/JoTJ Death Star assault type mission it should be decent for what it is).




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Game just gets better and better


Seriously...I don't know how people can complain now.


More content is coming, more things for Legacy are coming, new abilities, new planet, ANOTHER operation, another flashpoint, FREE server transfers, mega servers AND increased level cap WITH a new companion that is hk series droids...




Is it only Cathar, GIVE US MOAR SPECIES!!!!!


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"Soon" just became "Sometime".


Rofl. This.


We just got spun by the best spin team in the business. Or possibly the worst. The jury is still out on that.


Now we begin the waiting....oh wait...we've been waiting for 6 months already.

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All the info leaked out today was very disappointing :mad: We still have nay ranked war-zones and still nay merges/transfers. Yet we can sit and sweat all around at some lame video game expo and not give our "community" any real info, yay for new content that will just break the game so many times over like all the other past "new" content we've blazed threw and don't seem to care about anything else but more new content.... :confused::confused::confused::confused:

Well that isn't me, I want transfers/merges, ranked war-zones, Bugs fixed (pvp bugs/pve bugs/planet bugs/mission bugs) I won't be going into detail since the thread isn't about bugs, but there are still quite a few bugs out there that we "know" about but never seem to see any solutions too =/.


Good game EA games and Bioware 17days and counting till my sub runs out and nay renewing for you Hutts!:rolleyes:

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Game just gets better and better


Seriously...I don't know how people can complain now.


More content is coming, more things for Legacy are coming, new abilities, new planet, ANOTHER operation, another flashpoint, FREE server transfers, mega servers AND increased level cap WITH a new companion that is hk series droids...




Seriously? Alright...speaking for myself, I think because it feels this game needs something cool, big and new - now Im not claiming to know what that would be (3d space battles, 3rd faction..look in suggestions forum) but adding more of the same is...nice but no game change so to speak.


Then there are those who complained about lack of content...you will never satisfy them by adding single WZ's and OP's every that many months. Again, personally I find the amount of content alright now already. Like I said before...any new content is welcome, choice is always a good thing (even another space mission though I find that a waste of resources but ok). I fully understand though how many are not all too excited.

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Game just gets better and better


Seriously...I don't know how people can complain now.


More content is coming, more things for Legacy are coming, new abilities, new planet, ANOTHER operation, another flashpoint, FREE server transfers, mega servers AND increased level cap WITH a new companion that is hk series droids...




I know.


It's very sad about those who tries to ruin the game for everyone. Like seriously, if you don't like the game, please just leave and let those who enjoy it, enjoy it :)

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Some nice stuff.

1. Raised level cap? In less than 1 year without an expansion...... really not sure about that..


You aren't the first person to worry about a level cap raise. Honestly, I don't see how that could be a drawback. Personally, I'm super excited to see the level cap go up. Could you explain why you think it's a drawback? I just don't see it, I guess.

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All the info leaked out today was very disappointing :mad: We still have nay ranked war-zones and still nay merges/transfers. Yet we can sit and sweat all around at some lame video game expo and not give our "community" any real info, yay for new content that will just break the game so many times over like all the other past "new" content we've blazed threw and don't seem to care about anything else but more new content.... :confused::confused::confused::confused:

Well that isn't me, I want transfers/merges, ranked war-zones, Bugs fixed (pvp bugs/pve bugs/planet bugs/mission bugs) I won't be going into detail since the thread isn't about bugs, but there are still quite a few bugs out there that we "know" about but never seem to see any solutions too =/.


Good game EA games and Bioware 17days and counting till my sub runs out and nay renewing for you Hutts!:rolleyes:




Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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Everything sounds alright except for the level cap being raised. I've defended this game from day one and all it has done for me is make me feel like an idiot. One ridiculous decision after another. This might as well be a side scroller.
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Cool additions, but not enough to make me resub.


I need:


More character slots.

Viable solo endgame pvp queues.

Ability to queue for specific warzones.


I want:


A game engine that can handle placing enough people together so that the game FEELS like an MMO.

Tri-faction OWPvP - something that balances out the sides so I can enjoy OWPvP without playing biggest zerg wins.


At least it's going F2P for the early levels. So if they never add the stuff I need then I can drop in to swing a lightsaber whenever I feel the itch.

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You aren't the first person to worry about a level cap raise. Honestly, I don't see how that could be a drawback. Personally, I'm super excited to see the level cap go up. Could you explain why you think it's a drawback? I just don't see it, I guess.




1.4 WAR, they added a HUGE level grind (PvP levels, but in WAR it was effectively the same as real levels in any other game) and no other content.


It was basically a grind added to keep players paying...... but it largely had the reverse affect 6 months on, people just looked at the new grind and went "meh" and quit.



A level cap raise without an expansion (and mass content to go with it) is something you're more likely to find in a F2P model, not a subscription model, and certainly not every 6 months.

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Everything sounds alright except for the level cap being raised. I've defended this game from day one and all it has done for me is make me feel like an idiot. One ridiculous decision after another. This might as well be a side scroller.


What's wrong with raising the level cap? Seems like a plus to me. :confused:

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I'm gonna quote a nice definition since some people are thick in the head.

va·ri·e·ty: the state of being varied or diversified


Taking what is already in game and just tacking on same stuff IS NOT CONTENT. It's like George Lucas with the effects. Special effects are NOT special when you use them all the time.


But of course this post will probably get deleted anyway so whatever.

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No mention of world PvP. And new content that = 25% of a WoW expansion . . .


Pretty disappointing. Especially since it's been 6 months and SWTOR is still waaaay behind where it should have been at release.


considering this isnt an expansion why should they give the same ammount of content an expansion gives???


its free.. and its not an expansion.. it hink this is an awesome content update.

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