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[POLL] Extra Character Slots per Server?


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i will say i have use all eight spot and have deleted many of characters in the process to get what i was looking for....i think 16 slots per server would allow us to enjoy each class options... eight make it very ruff. but than again i guess we will wait and see what bio has in store for us.:rolleyes::rak_01:
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16 slots after all there are 16 choices to make.

Eliminates having to roll on 2 seperate servers.

Trooper: Vanguard Or Commando

Bounty Hunter: Mercenary Or Power Tech

Smuggler :Gunslinger Or Scoundrel


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Well, you'd need 8 to get all 8 stories and the general flavor of each advanced class. Granted, the Republic and Imperial advanced classes aren't exactly the same, but the roles they fill are the same. You don't need to have a Gunslinger, Scoundrel, Sniper and Operative to feel you're getting everything the game has to offer.


Also, they did announce from the beginning that the Legacy perks applied to both factions on the same server, even though Legacy hadn't been implemented at that time. We all knew something was coming, even though we didn't know the specifics.


So, I agree with having more character slots, but not that Bioware owes it to us. Not at this point in the game.


That being said, with the species unlocks, it would have been nice if some kind of species change (paid or not) would have been implemented, as that's something that people who did create 8 characters in the same legacy can't take advantage of. And once the game adds additional classes, I think they should add 2 character slots per base class added, so you could get the two stories and the flavor for each advanced class.


As it is now, I think paid, or Legacy-based, character slot unlocks (up to 16) would be reasonable, but not that they're owed to us.


if there where lots of servers i would agree i created 22 char on 5 servers to max species unlock. now i have to move those 22 on 2 pve servers so not enough slot so they own me at least 22 slots

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I also want extra slots because i have to share my account with brother and we want more toons but we can't because we haven't enough slots. :(


Bioware give us more slots. 8 extra slots would be so nice. I want to ops with every class. :D

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I would love more character slots.


from 7 to 10 would be nice. id like to stick to 1 server and try multiple advanced classes on some chars. but since there is no multi talent yet, id have to create a new char altogther.

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I have little/no interest in extra character slots at this time. Several of the classes hold no interest for me for a variety of reaons (do not care for the mechanics, aesthetics or sound of their abilities and VO, or their companions/ships/story do not interest me).


If they were to give us greater freedom in some of these areas I might be more inclined to play through all the classes, in which case I could see the desire for more slots being on the distant horizon, but a lot needs to happen beforehand before I start asking for more slots. There are many, many other things I would rather see get top attention and made to happen first.

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Would LOVE more character slots. Deleting characters to make transferring from TU to Progenitor 'do-able' was painful (I had 8 slots full on TU and 4 on Prog). Also, those of us who created human toons would like the option of levelling other races to 50 to take advantage of full Legacy options - we had no way to know in advance human levelling to 50 would not give access, so currently people need to start and level a - for example - chiss agent to 50, if they want to have a chiss Rep character, even if they have a human agent at 50 already. That's actuallly annoying enough without having to delete characters to do it!
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Why? they have already said they were going to add more slots. Id say once the Cathers come out I, bet we will get atleast 2 slots.


I hope so or else there will be an outcry on the forums if people have to delete characters.

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I just wanted to add my voice to this. I only recently started playing TOR but I tend to play a lot of characters in games like this, especially as I enjoy the leveling experience and with 8 different story lines plus 2 different ACs for each, 8 character slots per server just seems too few. Basically, I will need to split my Republic and Imperial characters onto different servers to ensure I have enough character slots, but that means they won't be able to share the same legacy which is a shame :(


Increasing the character limit per server to 16 would solve this problem and then I'd create all my characters on the same server. Pretty please with sugar on top :)

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I'd love to see a Legacy perk allowing more character slots, as things stand you can't make USE of several Legacy Perks once they're unlocked, because you would have to make a new character to do so, and need to have already leveled 8 characters to 50 to /get/ the perks. (or pay a ton of credits)
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It just makes sense to double the slots, it gives altaholics like me more stuff to do as well as solves the issue for most of the people who had a ton of toons on different servers that are all getting merged to one. If you need more than 8 for your merger I don't know what too tell you.
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You don't need to double the slots since each base class has a mirror. The current is just fine as you can fully enjoy the individual 8 stories for the most part anyways since there is not that many forks in the road anyways.


Well, it wouldn't hurt to allow those that want 16 character in one legacy to have just that

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Well, it wouldn't hurt to allow those that want 16 character in one legacy to have just that


Thank you ;)


With the upcoming forced character-transfers additional slots have to come, because otherwise part of the players might have to delete several toons. BW created a game which motivates to play alts. It would be kind of stupid if they keep the status quo. Best solution would be 8 more slots for free and additional slots for money. But by now im quite sure that this won´t come, although it should be easy to implement.

Edited by Clipperson
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I want extra character slots! I am sure there were many people like me that made one of each class on the same server (4 Republic/ 4 Imperial), and now that the legacy has been added want to make an additional character from the race they got to 50 on the opposite side. With 8 character slots already filled I cannot benefit from this perk. Also I don't care if I have to go through the same story line again if I had a Commando already, and I want to try out a Vanguard.
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