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If you were a Jedi/Sith which Lightsaber form would you specialize in?


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There are only two real answers in my opinion. Vaapad is one, because when perfected it seems ridiculously over-powered, with Mace Windu moving so fast his lightsaber is a blur. But my choice would be Soresu, simply because a master of Soresu is considered invincible.


Makashi duellists tear Soresu practitioners apart, as witnessed when the greatest practitioner of Makashi Dooku schooled the best of Soresu Obi-Wan in RotS.

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trollesu lololol u mad xDDDDDD


I'd modify a slugthrower, load it with beskar or cortosis bullets, hide my presence in the force and go around hunting force sensitives.

Edited by Rahak
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Nothing. Simply improvise so the opponent(s) will never know my pattern.


It is a weakness to rely on anything, and that is why the jedi will fall.


And then you'll die, because your not specialized in anything, and anyone that is will school you.

Edited by Velaran
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Makashi duellists tear Soresu practitioners apart, as witnessed when the greatest practitioner of Makashi Dooku schooled the best of Soresu Obi-Wan in RotS.


Except that according to the novelization of Revenge of the Sith, Dooku bested Obi-Wan because of his superior mastery of the force, not because of his lightsaber skill. "Dooku was astounded by the simplicity and efficiency of his bladework, but also his bewildering speed and precision. Caught off-guard and forced to retreat in confusion, Dooku only succeeded in defeating Kenobi thanks to his superior mastery of the Force" -- from Wookiepedia, citing the novelization of the movie.

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Except that according to the novelization of Revenge of the Sith, Dooku bested Obi-Wan because of his superior mastery of the force, not because of his lightsaber skill. "Dooku was astounded by the simplicity and efficiency of his bladework, but also his bewildering speed and precision. Caught off-guard and forced to retreat in confusion, Dooku only succeeded in defeating Kenobi thanks to his superior mastery of the Force" -- from Wookiepedia, citing the novelization of the movie.


Heres the thing though, this time he was fighting two jedi at a time. He wasn't able to focus on just one, hence why he kicked Anakin and then just force threw Obi-Wan towards the balcony before dropping it on him.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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In RoTS "Novel" the whole opening act of the movie doesnt dipict any of the real fight with Dooku. In the novel Dooku thinks he has them on the ropes and taunts obi-wan to get serious. Which he does, Dooku can't keep up. Dooku is fearing his life because he can not take them. The whole battle is edited for movie, obi-wan gets beat by mastery of the force dooku that has shown. Anikan takes dooku one on one and is on the verge to win until Dooku uses his mind as a weakness and makes him question his actions. In turn, turn moves the battle back to his side. THEN, Palipatine gives Anikin the push he needs to take back control. Before he cuts his head off there is a full dialong that is not in the movie that explains alot more what is going on. For me tho Vapaad, and to learn shatterpoints lol. Vapaad isnt the "best" form it was a deadly form but Mace made it better because he could use shatterpoints with the deadly form. Edited by Stridentzephon
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...and would love to see the actual animations reflect each Form instead of the generic attack animations that are in there already.



Thats what I am saying.


I would start with and base all my future saber skills on Soresu.

Edited by RSLeMire
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they are all rediculously terrible ways to fight someone using a sword, so i would go spend a year on fencing or kendo. even after such a short time i would be a better swordfighter than any jedi or sith using these styles.
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they are all rediculously terrible ways to fight someone using a sword, so i would go spend a year on fencing or kendo. even after such a short time i would be a better swordfighter than any jedi or sith using these styles.


I don't think you even understand lightsaber combat with that statement.


And I'm from a Shimazu clan family.

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I'd have to master all the lightsaber forms before trying to master Juyo. At the time Vaapad wasn't created. I would mix Shien's Djem-So and Juyo together. Dominating and overwhelming your opponent with unpredictable and rapid strikes sounds like the style I'd like. Dual wielding lightsabers too. I could always just do Djem-So and Ataru, but I prefer a blurring assault to heavy acrobatics. The Jedi Council won't quite like or support my fighting style, so getting a Juyo practitioner to teach me the final form might be difficult :(
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trollesu lololol u mad xDDDDDD


I'd modify a slugthrower, load it with beskar or cortosis bullets, hide my presence in the force and go around hunting force sensitives.


Yes, Trollesu. The sub-form of Soresu mastered by Obi-Wan and used effectively against both Grievous and Anakin in RotS. :D

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Form ll: Makashi, definitely. I want to be balanced in stance, and elegant about it. After that i'd choose Juyo, and then maybe Ataru...


Makashi and Ataru are quite different from each other, so how would you integrate Ataru into your Makashi style? Also, Juyo is less graceful and very erratic as well. Combining those two forms while maintaining their principles doesn't seem possible, but I believe you know of a way. How would you accomplish it?

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I don't think you even understand lightsaber combat with that statement.


And I'm from a Shimazu clan family.


uhuh, if you say so.


i am from a highland clan of scotland, it does not mean i know any more about which end of a claymore to use than you do.

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