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The Elusive Fem Body Type 3


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So, I'm starting to think that females in swtor only come in 1, 2, and 4. I've seen ONE fem npc body type 3 (Repub bonus series Balmorra) that I can recall and no player characters. Are they out there? Should BioWare stop making armor that will fit this type when very few people use it? To be honest, I don't use it either, and I've met very few women irl who look anything like it (although the same could be said for the other types as well).


Personally I'd like to see a tall version of 1, I think that would work well. Or maybe a 4 with a little less on top. Yes, it's a game and there is exaggeration in all the body-type models, but it's a little immersion breaking when every "older" woman you run into has curves a 22 year old would kill for (yes, I'm pointing at you Gen. Garza). Then again, maybe that's just the genetic predisposition of women who inhabit the Star Wars world???

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It's good to know it's being used! I'd seen so few examples of it in game that it was starting to feel like wasted resources. I'd still like to see some new body types, but goodness knows the work to adjust all the armor would be enormous. Still, as long as people are making use of it then it's a good addition - adds variety.
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Apart from the first Character I made (Sith Warrior, type 2), all mine are body type 3.

I love the way the heavy armour looks on them - especially the Trooper/BH stuff - on type 1 or 2, they just look like little kids dressing up in mummy's clothes :D

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My Zabrak merc. is a body type 3 and my mother-in-law also used a 3 for hers. I think it fits the deep voice she has better than the little girls. A lot of the heavy armor makes her chest look huge though! I"m tempted to put her in a tankini when 1.3 goes live, just to show off her muscles!


Husband and MIL also rolled body type 4 Twi'lek assassins and they look really beautiful. Twi-leks look better with fuller faces. Type 1's tend to look scrawny. (Sorry Vette!)

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I personally think that bt3 on either sex is completely disproportionate. It's like 3 meters tall.


EDIT: Wanna know what looks awesome? My twi'lek female with bt1 as a commando. Her carrying an assault cannon looks so ridiculous. :D

Edited by Jandi
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I personally think that bt3 on either sex is completely disproportionate. It's like 3 meters tall.


EDIT: Wanna know what looks awesome? My twi'lek female with bt1 as a commando. Her carrying an assault cannon looks so ridiculous. :D


Lol, assault cannons are ridiculous and I love them!! The one my commando is carrying is almost as big as she is, you'd think the recoil would knock her on her behind.

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My human commando, Mirialan Scoundrel, Twi'lek Sorc and Chiss Sniper all have BT3. Tall, muscular and sexy. It's my favorite body of the four available. Sadly the character creation is very limited. I would love to adjust a few things on each character.
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My female BH is body type 3 as well (cyborg.) Haven't played her much yet though, but I think it fits the vision I have of her.


I saw an NPC body 3 just last night. On Empire side Balmorra, the guy who asks you to escort his wife and then discretely kill her...the wife is a body type 3. There is body type 3 sith standing outside "the wall" near Grathan's estate on Dromund Kaas as well. She's got a bare midriff and she gives out a heroic 2 quest. That's all I can recall having seen myself.

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My pink twi'lek smuggler with violet irises and purple mascara and fuscia lips has a type 3 body.


Exactly what my Type 3 pink Twi'lek Juggernaut looks like. And she's gorgeous.


Also to the OP, I've noticed a few other NPC females with a type 3 body. Darth Synar on Belsavis, and the another Sith woman that gives the Empire Nar Shaddaa bonus series.

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eh my BH uses it


So does my sorc :)


wiki says chiss are tall and lithe... BT 3 is a little too muscly, but thats what i made my BH, cause well it fits a BH


That's I chose the BT 3, for being muscly. I went for a vinking kind of looks for her. Don't know if it's accurate but that's how I see it.

Though for my BH, I'll use BT 1 and I'll choose Powertech as advanced classs, for tanking :)

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now what i want to see, is a REAL fat fembody. my agent isnt fat.. shes... got pure liquid schwartz packed in ALL the right places.... only time she remotely looks fat is her butt in a trenchcoat on one of those motorcycle style speeders.

femtoons deserve the right to let loose on those ration bars too

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now what i want to see, is a REAL fat fembody. my agent isnt fat.. shes... got pure liquid schwartz packed in ALL the right places.... only time she remotely looks fat is her butt in a trenchcoat on one of those motorcycle style speeders.

femtoons deserve the right to let loose on those ration bars too



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To be fair, I felt like only the body type 2 worked for me for male characters and only 2 and 4 for women.


Essentially, 1 for either looks like an emaciated child. Maybe it would work if you saw your character as being 8 years old (and not very well fed, or just finished with a growth spurt). But it's kind of peculiar for an adult humanoid.


2 is still pretty thin, but at least looks like it could be a video game human. (That is to say, one who is kind of freakishly tall and thin, but still at least faintly plausible)


3 for either gender looks like they've been popping steroids like tic tacs. Maybe it works if you see your character doing this, but...again, it's a bit silly.


I actually like 4 for women (although it's kind of crazy curvy. Like, I don't know what they're feeding her, but maybe they need to let me know so that I can take on the same diet). But 4 for men is kind of silly. If I'm playing a super fit hero, I want him looking...super fit. Not 100 lbs. overweight. The body type works for NPCs, IMHO. But not so much for the PC. (Who I would assume would have a hard time getting that heavy considering his daily workout.)

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I actually like 4 for women (although it's kind of crazy curvy. Like, I don't know what they're feeding her, but maybe they need to let me know so that I can take on the same diet).


i know right, i'd kill for my BT4 agent's body. it's prolly the only reason she can charm people out of thier pants, cause her flirts are TERRIBLE


bootay like a blue girl!

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