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Shadow Tank - what is your counter class?


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Not with the dot removal, mobility, and defense...


60 second cooldown and your dots last for 6 seconds (meaning they're not getting out of much). Defense is useless against tech attacks. Mobility is limited when you can snare them. When they channel their stacked projection just use your long range stun.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Fairly arbitrary answers from some but the "counter" to a Shadow-Jedi would be another and more skilled or better geared Shadow-Jedi or Sentinel. Bottom of the barrel would be Commandos and lesser experienced Sages. I've played all these classes extensively, through PUG and Pre-made play, it ultimately comes down to skill for the most part but the above classes have fairly heavy tilts to being overpowered or dysfunctionaly ineffective Edited by LeonHawkeye
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Brilliant analogy, +1.


I would've just said, bads complain more about Marauders and Pyro Powertechs, while good players realize Shadow tanks and sintanks are the ones actually winning matches.


It's all about serving objectives extremely well instead of overt big numbers/kills. Kill-centric classes get the most attention but the strength of a shadow/assassin is versatility with regards to objective-based play. This is not a matter of OP but rather their strengths serving the warzone style of play very well. Roughest group of imperials faced on a consistent basis is a group that usually is about 2 healers, 2 maras (or 1 mara one pt), 1 jugg, and 3 assassins. Its a pretty brutal arrangement to go up against where those assassins shine.



*In any warzone great healer-protection for the ability to survive having guard up quite well while being able keep that attacker off the healer himself and do enough damage to make a difference (an immortal guard can survive/peel well but I don't see him as the same threat to actually whittle away the attacker)


* Very good at holding a node solo long enough for help to arrive, thus making it easier to put an extra person into contested nodes



*Good survivability and mobility makes 'em good cap interrupts, stalling one side often keeping a 2 on 1 busy


*Stealth for planting/node capping (can be especially useful in novare where they can slowly take by a way of trickle-advancement


*Knockback, grapple, slows translate out to being a solid defensive huttball class (albeit lacking in the non grappling ballcarrier-kill department that a mara/sniper excels in).


*Force speed + brief immunity translates out to a great final-leg huttball carrier with benefit of stealth to get into position to take a pass in the final leg

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Putting up great numbers and being good at objectives is not mutually exclusive, though usually being good at objectives costs you some numbers. The guy intercepting the 4 reinforcements so your team can cap a node is almost certainly going to die very horribly and put up practically no numbers in that fight but it helps your team win. That said the best players can do both quite well at the same time. Maybe not as much if they just totally ignored all objectives, but you're talking about getting 700K instead of 500K damage here.


Powertech and Concealment Ops are strongest versus Shadow Tanks if the Shadow Tank didn't take them seriously. Most importantly, this means you don't use Force Shroud. For serious opponents, the Marauder has always been our closest equal. Snipers occupy a weird niche in the sense that most of our defenses are completely useless against them, even though we can beat them in a straight up DPS fight, but this means you also have to take them very seriously because if for whatever reason you ever fell behind, you can't expect your usual get out of jail cards to work on them at all since they can't be kited and do mostly white damage.


Arsenal Mercs are the strongest class at forcing the Tankasin to take them seriously, even though they're not actually very strong. Armor debuff really hurts the Tankasin so Arsenal Mercs force our hand (Force Shroud) faster than any other class, even though they actually can't come close to winning 1on1, but you can't take the chance that any other close matchup classes jump you while you're armor debuffed.

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We shadow tanks don't always go full tank. pre 50 i go all will power/endurance and i can tank a whole team and do hella damage on them. My level 50 shadow on another server though also can do this same by only with 2v1 because i am half and half which means some dps gears/tanking. I used this website to show a sample of my pre 50 in the rise------>http://www.narutobase.net/forums/picture.php?albumid=8811&pictureid=132068


42kills and 3 death. and the healing part was from my own ability.


the 3 deaths was when i kept telling my team to go the other door i will solo left lolz. I was doing good but then the whole dam team was on him, they figured out to multi stun me.


The only class i have problem with "SOMETIMES" snipers stun locking me to death. their range damage don't do nothing to me, since i have ward/resilience.

Edited by Dozoku
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I've been playing a tank-specced (and tank-equipped) Shadow for the last 6 weeks. Our server population has dropped to the point where we see the same 20 or so players in every match. At most I see one or two opponents of any given class, and that's not enough to make judgments about a class as a whole.


I can say that there are a few specific characters that are very difficult for me. When I see them on the other team, I know that I'm in trouble.


Keep in mind, I PvP like a tank. I'm trying to defend objectives, lock down specific opponents and keep my teammates alive. I measure success by how well I harassed opponents, not by how many of them I killed.


My biggest challenge is a burst-specced Powertech. When the random number generator is on his side, he can take me from 19k to 0 in 10-15 seconds. But if I can weather that first round of attacks, I can hold him off for quite a while. A couple times, I've even managed to force him to run away. I don't think I've ever killed him.


Right up there with him is a dot-specced Marauder. I last longer against him, 20-25 seconds instead of 10-15, but it's very consistent. Unlike the Powertech, where I can hold out when the RNG goes my way, my fate is usually sealed against this Marauder. My most successful strategy involves calling for help, holding his attention until he has applied most of his DoTs and then stealthing and force speeding away. Then I circle back and reengage him once more when he tries to capture the objective I'm defending. Ideally one of my teammates arrives before the marauder can kill me.


Those are the two big challenges. I also occasionally see a Gunslinger and an Inquisitor who can burn me down very quickly if they catch me in the open. And there's an Assassin who beats me every time, although it takes her almost a minute (when I'm defending an objective, this usually counts as a "win". So I think I'm giving her as much trouble as she gives me.)


Otherwise I feel pretty confident that I can keep another solo player from capturing an objective long enough for help to arrive. That's good enough for me.

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Good Maras/Sents destroy us almost 100% of the time (though, due to the class's high skill cap, the average Mara/Sent fails to play the class to it's potential and thus doesn't pose much threat).


Good Scoundrels/Operatives have a 50% chance of beating us (assuming they get the opener). Average ones are very easy kills.


And good dps Guardians/Juggs also have a 50% chance to beat us. The average one tends to be played worse than the aforementioned 2 other classes (i.e. the class attracts a lot of noobs).


I'm a tank-specced Shadow, valor 84, almost full War Hero gear. I'm arguably the best Shadow/Assassin on my server (though there is another that is about as good). I duel a lot to practice counters, and in about 100 duels vs. each of 2 good guildie Sentinels, my win rate is an abysmal 5% -- there is just no overcoming their godly toolset.

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I have to admit I have not played my shadow much since 1.2, but the only class that gives me trouble is a Powertech Pyro, they are absolutely beastly if played even vaguely right in PvP, which isn't difficult.
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I have to admit I have not played my shadow much since 1.2, but the only class that gives me trouble is a Powertech Pyro, they are absolutely beastly if played even vaguely right in PvP, which isn't difficult.


I remember a balance shadow giving you a bit of trouble, iirc :D



P.S. Come back to Ravager! Quite a few people have come back in the past few days, and warzones are still awesome

Edited by OysterCatcherr
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My madness assassin takes on darkness/KC specs.


Yeah, MOST of them I can too - but that is probably because most of them are bad at the game. There are two Darkness Assassins that I can not come even slightly close to beating. Like I will be lucky if I can get them down to half health, if that.

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