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Community Team General Update: May 31st, 2012

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That'd be nice! Well, for the actual worthwhile tweets, anyways.


Agreed, if they could like "highlight" their important tweets so they go to the dev tracker that would be awesome.


And just in case the tweeter doesn't think its important and the rest of us do we should be able to "like" it enough so it shows up or something.




This is an idea that should really get kicked around. It has potential.



Edited by metalgearyoda
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I would agree with this if it weren't for the fact that the forums exploded with "Bioware is doomed! Swtor is dying! 1.2 Delayed = End of days! EA killed my dog!"


Forums exploding and bad press do not necessarily contradict a better community relationship. Venting can be important and bad press doesn't mean the game is bad. A brief explosion while people come to terms with the delay is better than a dysfunctional few months as people keep asking, when is 1.3, when is 1.3, why haven't you done server consolidations, etc.

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I think it would be cool if their dev tracker incorporated their tweets as well. Tera's dev tracker does this: http://www.teradevtracker.com/ and it works pretty well.


I am confused why it is even called a Dev tracker. It is mostly filled with Community Manager fluff. They should make a Community Manager tracker that can hold all the fluff ("I play a marauder, etc"), and a separate Dev tracker where actual devs give real information.

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Forums exploding and bad press do not necessarily contradict a better community relationship. Venting can be important and bad press doesn't mean the game is bad. A brief explosion while people come to terms with the delay is better than a dysfunctional few months as people keep asking, when is 1.3, when is 1.3, why haven't you done server consolidations, etc.


Perhaps. I fear that explosions in negativity are costly. I have a friend who is convinced that arsenal bounty hunters as so bad that they can't raid. I keep trying to show him Arreos 1750 dps solo and how all the top guilds use them and blah blah blah but he is convinced by the forums that its impossible... despite me showing him proof. He believes his terribad BH friends and the forums over parsed logs and mathematics. He hasn't even tried BH since 1.2 because of what people say. Its really frustrating.


Granted this is anecdotal and can not be used to extrapolate upon the larger population but it doesn't help me feel comfortable with the idea of negative press.

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@ The community Team :ph_cheers:


In terms of navigation for the SWTOR web site, will all of your blogs be under community news? Or will there be a link that states "blogs"?


How will you reach out to guilds?


Will the web site be taking on a more social aspect for its subscribers such as what LOTRO has done with providing a form of wordpress for its community, or how Eve Online has an Eve gate?

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Great... but we dont care who you are and what your roles in bioware are.


If you have no information regarding the future of this game, the patch notes, a short list of "things that are going live within next 30 days" or "things that will be going live within next 60 days", the entire introduction is exactly as this post - worthless.


I kind of agree with this, we have been waiting way to long holding out way to long for this game to start, content is coming but yet so many bugs. I will say bugs are a lot fewer than the past but PVP alone just to me is stagnant. On our server we may see 40 at peak, maybe 1/4 players left in game. When we get a WZ we play rep v rep. This in turn breed a lot of hate for each other on the same side.


I love the game but "when a large part of students fail in a class, the teacher should reevaluate the lesson plan".


I truly hope the game can stay alive. SWG was in this same boat...

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It's likely that the bug you're talking about is already known as well, but it may not be in the known issues list if we needed more reports about it or if it was a less visible mission. Please do report it with the in-game CS tool, though!


I've come to the conclusion that the in-game tool is a waste of time, just look up the cs tickets I've placed and the moronic responses I've received, like in a cutscene where multiple NPC's are inside each other, I'm told to take my suggestion to forums and post it in the suggestion box, ITS A BUG REPORT to fix something clearly broken and not working as intended, not a suggestion. Or, when I say there is an invisible box that I can stand on and that blocks my walking path, i'm told to reset my UI... How is the UI going to have an effect on a bugged world object? And, I've been told by CS reps that they can see the location I was in when sending the bug report in, but now I'm told that I have to put in all the bug info including my planet, character, class, level, coord, ect... waste of time!

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They fear the flames of “BUT YOU SAID IT WOULD BE DONE NOW, WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU FOUND MORE BUGS TO FIX?” being shouted by a million voices whose accounts go silent when a release window is missed. It would cause a great disturbance in the force. Heck look at the furry over ranked war zones. After the furry over a system that was pulled as they felt it was broken.


They need to get over that fear then. They run a business, not a social site. And the "fury" over ranked warzones was by very few (vocal, but few) the day of 1.2...the real angst started after weeks of silence on the subject.

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Perhaps. I fear that explosions in negativity are costly. I have a friend who is convinced that arsenal bounty hunters as so bad that they can't raid. I keep trying to show him Arreos 1750 dps solo and how all the top guilds use them and blah blah blah but he is convinced by the forums that its impossible... despite me showing him proof. He believes his terribad BH friends and the forums over parsed logs and mathematics. He hasn't even tried BH since 1.2 because of what people say. Its really frustrating.


Granted this is anecdotal and can not be used to extrapolate upon the larger population but it doesn't help me feel comfortable with the idea of negative press.


Well drawing it out isn't going to lessen the negativity, it will just draw it out. If they give a date and miss it you have a relatively quiet few weeks followed by a few weeks of anghst until it hits... If you give no date, you get anghst 24/7 until it hits.

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I find this interesting because I'm on the fatman (been there a few weeks, not too long) and have never had a queue yet. Not once, and I log in during prime time after work. So which server is more active than fatman?


That's even stranger! Because just last night it had a queue! http://www.torstatus.net/the-fatman/history/7d#!/the-fatman/history/1d

Almost every night for the past week it has hit full and even had a queue at some point in the evening!


Bizarre! Are you sure you are on fatman?

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I'd rather have it soon with some bugs then months from now and perfect.


They can debug it over the next 4-6 months.


People need to feel like the game has more then 10 people playing it NOW.


We are talking about messing with the most sacred entity of the game: the characters. If they start messing up characters, they will get severly hurt.


Devs, please take the time you need to ensure nobody is sent into a black hole, and document the remaining flaws. ;)

Edited by JohanGill
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Then you need to be completely clear. Are you completely finished with Dev., and are now into the Testing phase (completely different phase). Or, are you "just about finished" with the Dev. phase and have not started testing yet?


Basically what does "just about finished" mean? Hours, days, weeks?


Also, based on your past track record with internally testing things (see mini patches that are not put on the ptr as evidence), the community has very little faith that this will be tested properly/completely.


I'd like to point out that this man is right.

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Courtney High Five For MM Sniper! Are you full MM or MM/eng Hybrid? I'm Full MM :D


Also have you guys considered opening a live chat system on the website that we could talk directly with you guys or a developer on a break :p or even some team managers on a spare moment. I believe something like that had been done over twitter once (or just my imagination lol) but it would be much better on the website.

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As a PvP'ing commando that has attempted to draw attention to our plight on numerous occasions, if this pic: http://cdn-www.swtor.com/sites/all/files/en/cb/2012_thumbs/dancing_854x480.jpg is of the community staff, then I'm not encouraged to see the two troopers in the foreground in PvE gear. :/


Despite appearances, are any of the team currently or intend to soon participate in 50 lvl PvP, if for no other reason than to investigate the validity of the concerns of our community? This is something which I had myself suggested in a post long ago.

Edited by BoushhDC
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I'd like to point out that this man is right.


i'd like to point out that I too am waiting for all the features of 1.3, But I am patient enough to just wait for it an have trust in Bioware for doing the job they are paid to do thoroughly and correctly. All this hubub about times an dates, Life is like a stream of water Take a stone (Metaphorically a time frame) an throw it in, most of the time it skips an bounces(changes) so just be patient an go with the flow man

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That's even stranger! Because just last night it had a queue! http://www.torstatus.net/the-fatman/history/7d#!/the-fatman/history/1d

Almost every night for the past week it has hit full and even had a queue at some point in the evening!


Bizarre! Are you sure you are on fatman?


I posted a comment apologizing for my comment that led to this one, since metalgearyoda was ultimately more correct than me, but it disappeared. Maybe I came off snarky so a mod thought it was unacceptable? Anyway, I was offline before the queues started.

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Well it's official. The reason assassins get no love is.......BW doesn't play them :p.


Just because one member of the new Communications Team doesn't play them doesn't mean they don't get any love :p (which isn't true anyways, because one person does play an Assassin) Besides, they're already great as-is ;)


In fact, it's the same guy who shares my dad's first and last name :p

Easy answer from me - Sith Assassin.
Edited by psi_overtake
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Um go re-read the blog their is a Sith assassin


uh... go re-read yourself man there is no mention of an assassin in that post. there is a mention of a sith inq (which honestly could be sorceror or assassin) but none of an assassin itself.

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uh... go re-read yourself man there is no mention of an assassin in that post. there is a mention of a sith inq (which honestly could be sorceror or assassin) but none of an assassin itself.


Nope. :D


The Sorcerer may have *more* lightning than I do, but there's no way I'm giving up my double-bladed saber. It also doesn't mean I don't use Shock, Force Lightning, or Electrocute every chance I get. :sy_darkside:


\m/ 0.0 \m/


I dont even.

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