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instead of transfering to fatman for pvp


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My reason not to transfer to Fatman is simple...names.


I tried to roll a character there...i ended up settling for something that looked like a Gold Spammer name. I spent nearly an hour plugging in names and found them all taken.

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My reason not to transfer to Fatman is simple...names.


I tried to roll a character there...i ended up settling for something that looked like a Gold Spammer name. I spent nearly an hour plugging in names and found them all taken.


Use the name you want but put one of those little squiggly things above one of the letters...you have to cut and paste it out of character map to do it though. The only draw back is nobody can type your name...but people can click on it to friend/whisper...etc. Go to your character map in accessories/system tools and you can type your name like this "Hãdlis" Now you can have any name you want :)

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Me and my friends are heading to Harbinger, ya it's a PvE server. But it's not like you can't run warzones on PvE servers either, plus I just don't ever see ToR coming out with open world PvP. Which killed the whole reason I rolled on a PvP server in the first place.
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I transferred to fatman and have never had to wait to log in.


That is not always a good thing. Because there are a lot of bad players. Even though the population is high, I can still count the good players on one hand.

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Me and my friends are heading to Harbinger, ya it's a PvE server. But it's not like you can't run warzones on PvE servers either, plus I just don't ever see ToR coming out with open world PvP. Which killed the whole reason I rolled on a PvP server in the first place.


The problem for me with a pve server is that a much lower % of people will Q up for it. im on a pvp server now that has 30 level 50 imps on at night and cant get 8 togetther for a WZ. I've also seen many players with less then 5 Valor :rolleyes: why did they roll on a pvp server in the first place?

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For the West Coast, I'd transfer to Ajunta Pall over Swiftsure. Higher skill and maturity level.

As a Day 1 Ajunta Pall player and Swiftsure reroller, with multiple valor60+ characters on both servers, I disagree with this assessment.


I have been in way too matches in Ajunta Pall where people insult and cuss each other out nonstop over /ops chat instead of focusing on the WZ. Every 3-4 matches, a bad player gets his feelings hurt and actively aids the enemy team (like letting people leap to them at Huttball, giving the enemy team the ball, and idling at cap points). I also saw far more 50s queueing for wzs geared in green 40 gear on AP, missing relics, etc. Given that Arasis, the GM of the best remaining PvP guild on AP (Mouretsu), has unsubbed, that's the final nail in the coffin for any decent PvP play on that server.


Swiftsure is killing it with a lot of competitive PvP guilds running premades all night long, from Strictly Business and Slackerz, to Meatlumps and Crescendo. We've had a lot of good 2 premade vs 2 premade matches lately.

Edited by Kllashaa
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Im not re-rolling anywhere. I want mah server transfer though.




Absolutely will never pay BW / EA anymore money to move either.


Not my fault or my problem they fail at managing their product.


I also will not go to fatman unless I know for sure that I won't have to wait to log on or that Lag will not be an issue.


A guildie that has been playing on Fatman said the lag / latency was pretty bad at peak times.

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As pvp will be cross server in 1.3 (unlike pve's dungeon finder) server specific pvp quality will disappear as they will all be queuing together.


Where is this information coming from. I'm pretty good about reading Dev tracker and haven't read about x-server in 1.3. Somebody link this alleged information please.

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I think everyone SHOULD role a toon on fatman.


Bioware needs to realize we will NOT accept 1990 MMO tech.


One server should be there goal... not 10 not 8... ONE.


Other companies have the tech to make it work properly. Biowares engine is already instanced. Myself I don't see the tech being the issue... it is more then possible and if they don't have the bank role to make it happen then I vote we force them to do it.


I will not be loggin into my toons not on fatman anymore. When transfers come I will move to fatman if I can... if not my toons will sit in limbo. I vote we all ABANDON every other server... and force them to realize there paycheck has voted and will not accept the multiple server cop out.

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I think everyone SHOULD role a toon on fatman.


Bioware needs to realize we will NOT accept 1990 MMO tech.


One server should be there goal... not 10 not 8... ONE.


Other companies have the tech to make it work properly. Biowares engine is already instanced. Myself I don't see the tech being the issue... it is more then possible and if they don't have the bank role to make it happen then I vote we force them to do it.


I will not be loggin into my toons not on fatman anymore. When transfers come I will move to fatman if I can... if not my toons will sit in limbo. I vote we all ABANDON every other server... and force them to realize there paycheck has voted and will not accept the multiple server cop out.


Only a Sith deals an absolutes...

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My server sometimes have only 15 people in Imperial Fleet but I can still get queues to pop pretty fast, and other times it takes 15 minutes to possibly a lot longer. But for some reason the queues never take so long for me to actually go out and try to do PvE stuff.


I think if there was a way for the game to tell me my queue has popped while I"m alt-tabbed out (I heard it does this, but sure don't see how) it'd be fine, and stop logging everyone out for 10 minutes of inactivity. Only do that for a server that's currently full, which is probably only one or two servers if any.

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Where is this information coming from. I'm pretty good about reading Dev tracker and haven't read about x-server in 1.3. Somebody link this alleged information please.


They've actually said the exact opposite. As in "X-servers are a last resort option we're not looking at right now because it's too technically difficult for as at the moment."

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I rerolled on Fatman and it's the best thing I ever did. Sucks that I had to leave my full WH geared sorc but at least I can run WZ's 24/7 now with queue pops never longer than 2 mins.


Never seen a queue to log in and there's a ton of rerolls so lots of players to do FP's and OP's with. Starter worlds have over 200 people on them at all hours.


No lag whatsoever.

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They've actually said the exact opposite. As in "X-servers are a last resort option we're not looking at right now because it's too technically difficult for as at the moment."


I'm fairly certain they went back on that. I believe the plan is massive servers and Xserver.

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