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What are we going to complain about next?


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When 1.3 arrives servers are merged, we will have our LFD tool and finding groups are easiser. Then what's going to be the next complaint? I personally love this game with having 2 legacies on 2 different servers that are now dead but I keep on trucking. I have faith in Bioware.
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Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.


If you read between the lines for some of the vague comments they have made, some of these features may not get released as promised.



And that will be the next thing people complain about.

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dont forget ranked warzones. Honestly the next topic that will get focussed on is lack of content. being that i find it. ery subjective as some people hate everything and anything just to do so, while others can spend hours collecting crafting mats. I also think there will still be population complaints because people will either have queues or were to stuborn to leave their server and are stuck on an extremly dead server.
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When 1.3 arrives servers are merged, we will have our LFD tool and finding groups are easiser. Then what's going to be the next complaint? I personally love this game with having 2 legacies on 2 different servers that are now dead but I keep on trucking. I have faith in Bioware.


The next complaint will be about the rules for how character transfers are to be performed.

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The next complaint will be about the rules for how character transfers are to be performed.


Probably this... I pity the poor bugger that is going to have the job of presenting the rules and conditions to the angry mob *cough* I mean community *cough*. He is going to feel like he has had a hand grenade with the pin pulled placed in his hand. If I were him I think I would make the announcement via carrier pigeon just to my Mum and then immediately take a loooong vacation.

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I think there will be pretty same scheme:

********(smth) is wrong,

BW do nothing,

I(my brother, father, granny, all the guild) cancel subs,

game is dead.

Next: Game need to be f2p or game is completely dead, close it.



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There is plenty to complain about. After all, if we stop (complaining) pointing out things that can be improved,

the Devs think the game is okay... where in truth plenty of work is still to be done.

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I pity the poor bugger that is going to have the job of presenting the rules and conditions to the angry mob *cough* I mean community *cough*. He is going to feel like he has had a hand grenade with the pin pulled placed in his hand.


"Send a droid."

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I know what I am going to complain about.


There was an interview where someone stated "if you equip it, you will be able to add an augment slot to it".


I am confident that there are going to be exceptions. For example the matrix cube.


So yea, I am going to complain about not being able to augment the matrix cube.

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When 1.3 arrives servers are merged, we will have our LFD tool and finding groups are easiser. Then what's going to be the next complaint? I personally love this game with having 2 legacies on 2 different servers that are now dead but I keep on trucking. I have faith in Bioware.

I guess the very first wave of complaints will be about the numerous new bugs which are for sure going to pop as soon as 1.3 hits live servers.

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Firstly, the server's aren't merging. In it's current format it looks like targeted optional free transfers.


The dead server complaint is centre stage right now, but there are many issues that have been eclipsed by it, such as:


1. Lack of end-game content - No new Raid/FP means the same end-game content for at least another 2 months or so. Many guilds have already cleared everything. (understandable, but a blow)

2. Only 8-man Ranked Warzones (was mooted for 1.2)

3. No Dual-spec (again, was mooted for 1.2)

4. Crafting imbalances. Some are useless now, some even more so after 1.3 with Augment tables.

5. Cost of Legacy items (I know why they're expensive, and why)

6. LFD tool will probably be "not as expected"


I'll stop there :)

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There is plenty to complain about. After all, if we stop (complaining) pointing out things that can be improved,

the Devs think the game is okay... where in truth plenty of work is still to be done.


^ I concur. When is my Twi'lek going to get head option to wear helmets again and I want my Twi"lek to bbe able to wear hoods.

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I'm going to complain about a one legged nun walking a goat!


She must have a tiny foot! I bet she complains about how hard it is to get a good shoe around here.




*EDITED for Hurr Durr Derp* Eh, I read it as a one legged nun walking ON a goat.. see, my response makes much more sense now..lol

Edited by Annedromeda
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this is definitely premature. we have plenty of time to complain about server populations. I don't know if you've logged into the game recently, but if so you may have noticed nothing has been done. There really isn't any reason to believe they're going to actually do something sometime in the next month either. If you have any information from bioware stating server population will be addressed in the next month (like a date, not 'early summer') then please let me know.


After they fix it, I will probably either complain about how they tried to fix it but I still can't get all my characters onto a single server, or I'll complain about how they expect me to pay an additional fee to get all my characters onto a single server, or I'll just shut up and quit the game. In the event their server transfers actually fix the sparse population problems and give me access to all of my characters on a single server with my current guild, then I'll just play the game instead of complaining.

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What are we going to complain about next?

- Obviously, it will be bugs introduced by 1.3


Reporting bugs introduced by 1.3 is not a complaint. There will be plenty of other things to complain about before we get around to complaining about the 1.3 patch bugs not being fixed.

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Lack of features included with the LFG!

Mass outcry the the LFG is not what we asked for!

Not enough tanks!

itemization level requirements for LFG!


and thats just for one feature with the new patch.....

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