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Body types fail? Yet another game forced to be female.


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I disagree with this. I was about to post a screenshot but you can easily see this for yourself simply by selecting a male republic trooper with body type 2 in the character creation screen. Among other issues, the head is just too big for the body. It is, in fact, almost as large as the head sitting atop the much larger body type 3.


LOL you have no idea what are you talking about.


If you're really that interested go learn some body proportions.


Google is your friend.

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since i am a female in real life its not so hard still why can't the developer do as the community ask and give as a detailed character creator also the forced hood wear is also a pain bioware should change this and soon i seen several npcs in the old republic who wear variants of the chest parts we have to endure with hoods Even in SWG you could put the hood down if you can remove the head part from displaying so should you be able to do it with the hood Edited by bloomfireblade
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needs more fat female. currently its stick figure and huge breasts, skinny and huge breasts, tall and huge breasts, or curvy with giant breasts.


someone at bioware (a woman) obvious thought that obesity objectified women, so they went with giant breasts instead.:p



on a side note it took me 4 attempts to find a BREAST word that wasn't censored. Get real BW. B00bs is not a bad word.

Edited by weezdajuice
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For a professional graphic artist take few days to do it, just look who makes bodies and armors for games like Skyrim, Fallout 3/NV, Oblivion, and they are not professionals.


Do you have any idea what amount of animations (cut-scenes, riding speeders, riding shuttles, combat animations etc) would have to be checked that they dont clip or cause other problems? Also items, hoods, armor, I dont think its going to happen anytime soon really. Bioware devs have stated they take that testing stuff really seriously.


I agree that the last two bodytypes (the hulk hogan and jabba the hutt) look slightly out-of-place. But at least we have some options. Better than none. I wish they would have slightly toned down the size of bodytype 3 really.


We need bodytype differences like: Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon in episode I. Qui-Gon isn't Hulk Hogan.


needs more fat female. currently its stick figure and huge breasts, skinny and huge breasts, tall and huge breasts, or curvy with giant breasts.


someone at bioware (a woman) obvious thought that obesity objectified women, so they went with giant breasts instead.:p



on a side note it took me 4 attempts to find a BREAST word that wasn't censored. Get real BW. B00bs is not a bad word.



You obviously haven't played MMOs before. There is no fat female bodytype ANYWHERE. Im not saying there couldnt be, but the devs will never do it.

Edited by Karkais
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Yeah, it's a little sad that the star trek mmo has a way better character builder than the 300 million dollar wow clone. Especially considering how one of the biggest outcry's of beta was the terrible customization. It's not like we were asking for apb or eve level of character building, but I think they did a terrible job of it and DE gave a horrible reasoning as to why.
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I have to agree : the male bodies are seriously horrible.


Most of the problem comes from the fact that the torso is FAR too short. It seems they used the woman's proportions, and it's particularly egregious on the type 3, with a torso that has more depth than height.


And yes, the type 2 looks skinny. It's not because they applied a muscular TEXTURE on it that it changes its frame nor, more than anything, the relative size of its head compared to the body. I tried to make a Jedi Knight with the male body 2 and 3. The first one look like a gremlin, with a big head on top of a stick. The second looks like a supermutant with an horizontal barrel in place of the torso. Both have laughable animations - body type 2 running looks like a girlish Benny Hill.

I simply can't have a male character looking acceptable. I've already two female char, and I'd like to make my male ones, but I can't have fun with buffon-looking avatars, sorry.


Male models simply look completely ridiculous, and if you can't see it, it's time to repair or change your eyes.

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The bodies are pretty bad, but it's the hideous faces that really annoys me. Particularly on body type 3 because the facial features seem distorted in order to match the size of the body...looks really retarded. BioWare I would rather have a choice between 4 or 5 ATTRACTIVE faces than 20+ repulsive faces that make my character look he has down syndrome. Oh, and don't even get me started on the hairstyles... :mad::mad::mad:
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As other people have mentioned, #2 really isn't all that bad once you throw some gear on it. I thought he looked a bit skinny right out of the gate, too, but after a few levels you realize the poor guy just needed some clothes.
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dude seriously, i can't believe you are complaining about the MALE options... I went through all the body types and faces like i always do just to see what combinations i could create.


I went through male: not so bad. I like the fat man not being fat below the legs...


I went through the female: WTEFF?!?!?! Where is my fat chick? Why the hell can i be a portly man and not a portly chick? The worst part about it is im not even chubby in the face... It's just round. I have huge bust and not a single ounce of fat like the male characters. W/e i guess my character is going to be female.


When they say "haha, ok we will give you fat chicks" then im gonna come back in THIS VERY THREAD and rage that they changed it on me....

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You're not overreacting, in my opinion. There has been an almost universal complaint about this for over 6 months now and (to my knowledge) Bioware has never even commented on it much less done anything about it. It has been difficult not to look at that fact and wonder how that lack of communication is going to work on a larger, big picture scale.




All throughout beta it was one of, if not the biggest complaint.


Testers were hoping it was just a bare bones version of the creator so they could focus on testing but alas, what we saw is what we got and I agree with the OP that the male body types are pitiful. The female ones are just as bad although the female 4 body type(besides her top half) is about as close to normal as we're gonna get I think.

Edited by einherjar_LC
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Yeah I agree with OP. I tried to make a male trooper and really wanted for a 2.5. I just gave up and made a smuggler. I was cool with him looking skinny.


You know what is the most stupid thing in the MMO genre?


The game with the least need for it has the best (human) character generator ever seen in MMOs to date.


Guess which game I'm talking about?


I'd guess Star Trek Online. Amazing character customization. but why? Nothing in Star Trek ever looked different except

1. different color skin

2. different junk on forehead

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  • 5 weeks later...
Again a game where you are pretty muh forced to go female to make a good looking character. THe problem here is actually so fundemental you cant even start MAKING a male character because of body type.


Male bodytypes:

1: Skinny little kid

2: Anorexic hunger starvation victim of a male

3: Hulk Hogan on steroids

4: Human Jabba the hut


Was it really that hard to add a NORMAL male model? Am i overreacting or do you guys agree? >.<


is there anything you guys won't complain about? it's like you sit at your comp for hours trying to think up more ridiculous things to be mad at. the number two body looks totally normal. not anorexic in the least. you people are insane

Edited by Gilbara
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Again a game where you are pretty muh forced to go female to make a good looking character. THe problem here is actually so fundemental you cant even start MAKING a male character because of body type.


Male bodytypes:

1: Skinny little kid

2: Anorexic hunger starvation victim of a male

3: Hulk Hogan on steroids

4: Human Jabba the hut


Was it really that hard to add a NORMAL male model? Am i overreacting or do you guys agree? >.<


I had no issue with the male body types here, as opposed to...WoW. It's not as customizable as Perfect World, but it's still pretty good.

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I had no issue with the male body types here, as opposed to...WoW. It's not as customizable as Perfect World, but it's still pretty good.


well if bioware claims this is a next generation MMO why is the character creation from 2006 ? even Mass Effect 2 had more options as i recall that was also their work

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