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What is being done to stop the hacking?


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Hack/Cheat accusations without proof/evidence beyond reasonable doubt, is worthless. Not only is it worthless, but also it harms the community by propagating vicious, baseless rumors.


It also poisons the new players by influencing them into a bias in which they would make a habit out of blindly suspecting/blaming something that is very unlikely -- if ever -- to happen at all... instead of introspecting their own shortcomings, mistakes, lack of effort and etc etc..


This^. Also, I think your sig applies here ;)

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It wasn't an accusation per se, but an inquiry into something that seemed out of place. That ability you speak of, for the vanguard was it? Did that become available in 2.0? Or did it just come out in 2.1? These players I saw were in 2.0, I honestly don't give a Hutt's *** if I cant win a Warzone when it comes to Grim or Notorious, I would just like to see people have fun. If people are indeed hacking, kill your account and move onto a Facebook game. My only thought on hackers is, why must you do it in the first place? Huttball is very easy, voidstar is difficult in the sense of the respawn doors, Hypergate is wayyyy too easy, and Denova, though long, is partially hard. To Grim and Notorious, I have no problems with you, but I would like to know why people are claiming you guys to be hackers? That person with the sig indeed does fit there solely because when it comes to warzones, people run around like hillbilly chickens with their heads cut off. I'm sorry if my post accussed those two guilds of hacking, not my place to make any of those claims. Edited by DemonsLegacy
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What i have noticed lately is some kind of lag problem. I will be trucking along doing WZ, no issues...then all of a sudden I will get into a match with a certain guild. And bam...I am jumping all over the map, unable to play for the most part. Get out of the match reque, everything is fine again. But there are 1 or 2 guilds, that I always see when this lag kicks in. Has anyone else noticed this?
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I PvP a lot and lately I have not been able to get into a single game without there being hacks running rampant.

(not just my opponents but some pugs I get grouped with also)


I put in an average of 6 tickets per day about hacking but nothing seems to change.


What is being done to stop the hacking.


I'm not some "butt hurt noob" that gets bent when they lose.


Hacking is running rampant, and ruining PvP.


PS: If you are not a Bio Ware employee.. then I don't really care to see you post l2p or any other lame response.


Didn't you hear? Bioware banned hundreds of people last week for hacking....oh wait nevermind, that was over something related to the cartel market, which incidentally banned innocent people, but when it comes to the cartel market, can't be too careful.


Though, even in the case of the cartel market thing, the bans were only temporary. So if Bioware isn't going to permanently ban people over the cartel market, there is zero chance they'll ever permanently ban anyone over hacking pvp. And if those pvp hackers buy cartel coins regularly, bah, forget about it!

Edited by SomeJagoff
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Hack/Cheat accusations without proof/evidence beyond reasonable doubt, is worthless. Not only is it worthless, but also it harms the community by propagating vicious, baseless rumors.


It also poisons the new players by influencing them into a bias in which they would make a habit out of blindly suspecting/blaming something that is very unlikely -- if ever -- to happen at all... instead of introspecting their own shortcomings, mistakes, lack of effort and etc etc..


You realize bioware usually bans people for naming/posting videos of hackers, right? Nobody is going to risk getting their account banned over posting specifics, so it's easier to talk in general terms. Although the other day one poster managed to link a video with a guy's name blatantly speedhacking and somehow DIDN'T get banned, still best not to post specific names or videos.

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I've seen more hacks recently as well. Just this past week I put in 2 tickets for hacks on a generally clean server. Both were in ACW. One I joined in the middle of it and people were saying that we had a hack on our team. They were right. This guy was controlling 4 Scoundrels at the same time, each with different names but very similar in spelling, but they only took up one spot in the WZ. He would jump, the other 3 would jump. He would, the other 3 would stealth. He sucked at it but it was still a hack.


The other time I was playing on my Sniper and was fighting this Shadow, who could've been glitched, but was fighting me in stealth. I was hitting him with everything I had but he stayed in stealth the while time fighting, and I understand there are some stealth only moves for Shadows. Also that same WZ totally froze on us when it was over. We could chat, but the Scoreboard wasn't popping up. Some from our team left, and the moment that Shadow left (I was fighting him) me and another dude could roam the map killing the rest of the pubs. It was either a hack or a freak coincidence.

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You realize bioware usually bans people for naming/posting videos of hackers, right? Nobody is going to risk getting their account banned over posting specifics, so it's easier to talk in general terms. Although the other day one poster managed to link a video with a guy's name blatantly speedhacking and somehow DIDN'T get banned, still best not to post specific names or videos.


They may choose to delete the thread, since open disclosure of hack material not only warns the general public, but also draws in people's attention and propagates its use -- hence, many developers choose to receive hack accusations and corresponding evidence directly from the accuser in a non-disclosed form, rather than have them post it on the forums.


If anyone has been "banned" for simply naming/posting hackers, it is because;


* they may have accused an innocent person without basis

* or were more heavily involved in it, rather than just "report" a hack.



I call your words a bullchi* and hearsay.

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Hutt Ball reset hack...

Tied Game... holding ball (tossed to me in the last 30 seconds of the game)....

I'm at full health and being supported by entire team...

last 5 seconds it says I threw the ball...

Since all I was hitting were my defensive cool downs... 8 thru = there is no way I hit 1(my throw huttball key) and then targeted the ground especially since I couldn't see a clear spot to throw to being surrounded by both teams


This happend to me aswell, it only happend once, wasn't at the end of the game but i was carrying the ball saw a friend on the upper ram and when i pressed to throw the ball i didn't had the ball anymore, dunno what happend. I'm a sage, but my force barrier had arround 1 more minute till it finished, but it was strange.


It only happend once, posibly a bug or something.

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Saw the anti-cc hack 3 times and the speed hack twice in 5 wzs Sunday night (Speed was a bit obvious for once, especially in huttball, and no one is immune to CCs for 30 seconds straight.)


I was tempted to go back and fraps, but when I realized what was going on - I just logged off my 55 toon and did something else. I play to have fun, my time is precious and Im not gaining anything by doing a GMs work for them.


BW has it easy, most of them are in the top PvP guilds that live in warzones. Not hard to figure out given the low population they have to survey.



[The auto-heal to full is either the pickup in the warzone, or multiple healers heal critting. I see this from the opposition and do this myself when I do heals with someone else. Lag glitch I've never seen...yet.]

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I PvP a lot and lately I have not been able to get into a single game without there being hacks running rampant.


I'm not some "butt hurt noob" that gets bent when they lose.

Hacking is running rampant, and ruining PvP.



1) Yes, you are a butt hurt noob

2) Hacks are not rampant. A couple times a week I see an unusual lag spike at an awfully convenient time for the other team...but that's about it. Nothing I could ever prove, and it's far from rampant. Could just be coincidental.


Carry on.

Edited by islander
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The other time I was playing on my Sniper and was fighting this Shadow, who could've been glitched, but was fighting me in stealth. I was hitting him with everything I had but he stayed in stealth the while time fighting, and I understand there are some stealth only moves for Shadows. Also that same WZ totally froze on us when it was over. We could chat, but the Scoreboard wasn't popping up. Some from our team left, and the moment that Shadow left (I was fighting him) me and another dude could roam the map killing the rest of the pubs. It was either a hack or a freak coincidence.

Both those things are bugs.


All stealth classes can end up "perma-stealthed" against their will - usually happens if you die when stealthed (when you respawn you still appear stealthed but can still engage in combat, etc). Really common on my Sentinel, but I've seen it on other characters in both PVE and PVP.


The "no scoreboard" thing is also a common bug, and yes - usually there are 2-3 players who can keep playing afterwards.

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How many of us has had a delay of data to and from server cause weird stuff and even sometimes to our advantage. Red X over latency graph and u can walk around the buffered frame area with only some abilities and effects working. Now figure out what was allowed not allowed and how to replicate an event that happens all the time - you have a hack. Or better yet google swtor hack or swtor exploit (funny some of those sites sell subscriptions).


All cheating at a video game in an imaginary world really means is you are also a failure in a make believe universe.

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Hutt Ball reset hack...

Tied Game... holding ball (tossed to me in the last 30 seconds of the game)....

I'm at full health and being supported by entire team...

last 5 seconds it says I threw the ball...

Since all I was hitting were my defensive cool downs... 8 thru = there is no way I hit 1(my throw huttball key) and then targeted the ground especially since I couldn't see a clear spot to throw to being surrounded by both teams


That happened to a teammate a week or so ago. Our entire team had no idea what the hell happened as were were nearing the other team's goal, myself and another healer were spamming the ball holder so he was always 90% or more in health...then the random ball thrown voice appears when our ball carrier never tossed it.


PvP in this game just keeps increasing as a massive joke and poor excuse.

Edited by Eillack
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I just watched a recent video on youtube from bastion that showcases an extreme version of speed hacking. I would guess thats its happening a lot more often than people realize they are just hiding it better. Edited by Ascention
posted wrong link
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I just watched a recent video on youtube from bastion that showcases an extreme version of speed hacking. I would guess thats its happening a lot more often than people realize they are just hiding it better.


I agree. This happens alot. It definitely happens enough to justify this thread. I chased a sage all over the map 2 nights ago and he had endless speed bursts, and his normal speed was never impaired by my slow abilities. He had endless break free ability and was immune to my stun. I know the difference between a great player and someone who has endless speed bursts and immunity.


Anyone who says its not happening is probably the person doing it and trying to down play it. If you are hacking, its probably because you weren't good enough to win the right way.

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