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think we were working on this on another post...but do you give your toon/companions nicknames?


My agent: Secret Agent Blue Booty

Vector: honeybee

kaliyo: Kaykay

Temple: Marcy

Blizz: Best.Thing.EVER

Torian: Beiber Fett, Boy-toy, Cougarbait

skadge: * the following nicknames have been cencored to fit into the TOS *

Risha: The Drewish Princess


Corso: Southern Comfort

Jorgan: ()*&&^ frigid cat

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Khem - Khembo or Khemmy.

Andronikos - Ando

Torian - Junior

Vector - Bug boy (I should point out I like Vector I just call him that, possibly stolen from Kaliyo..)

Zenith - Zen

Quinn - Dr Quinn

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on balmorra so far and this cat won't give in!



All good things come to those who wait. :cool:


My nicknames for my guys - I simply call Torian blondie, because I am not very inventive...and Jorgan has a variety of names, such as...Sir Crankypants, snookums, sergeant kitty, really I change names for him every day, occasionally I call him Lassie :p Just depends on my mood.


Haven't had Quinn long enough to give him a nickname as yet.

Edited by Taalbert
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My smuggler has Creepo, Fenris (I WAS A SLAAAAVE), and the other three get their own names.

My Warrior calls everybody by their given names, except she'll assign exciting and abusive nicknames to Quinn every few days. When he fails at something and I get annoyed he's the

One-Shiv Wonder. (Guess you blew it all on that one sad day, huh?)


My Inquisitor has Nicky. Seriously, Andronikos, four syllables to speak and a spelling I barely have time to type during one global cooldown in combat? Nuh-uh.

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F!Trooper was my first character to finish the starter planet and get a companion. I was so angry that it was Jorgan I complained for an hour in gchat about what a d-bag he'd been to me. After that he was referred to as the Miserable Old Crank or MOC until the day we finished taking the prison on Nar Shaddaa. He flirted with me and I caved like a wet paper bag.


I still call him a crank under my breath but that's only when I go to the weapons locker for a smooch and he's too busy counting barrels to notice me.


Corso is Mista Riggs in a Marilyn Monroe breathy tone when I wax eloquent about him on Skype.


I like Vector's name too much to refer to him as anything else. I just imagine that my f!agent says his name at the beginning of every conversation, tosses it around in the middle and then fondly says it after a kiss before they part. She's smitten.

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Everyone automatically has "dammit" added to their name when they die in combat. Mostly Corso. I yell "Dammit Corso!" a LOT.


Other than that, only Torian is lucky enough to have a nickname. I call him My Little Power Ranger. :D


Edit: Wait, I lied, Mako has one too. It's "MAKO NOOOOOOOOO!" in honor of Sebastian from DA2. :D

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Jorgan is to counting weapons' barrels as Garrus is to doing calibrations.


But for me


Jorgan - Sgt Grumpy-pants, Scowlie-face,

Quinn - Quinn-ster, Captain Tight-pants,

Qyzen Fess - Grimlock (because he reminds me of that stupid dinobot from Transformers)

Vector - The Borg, Bug-boy, Mr We are Dawn Herald

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Blizz: Pimp Daddy

Vette: "And this one time, at band camp..."

Quinn: The Baras Brown Noser

Skadge: Oxygen Thief

Risha: Summer Lovin'

Kira: Irish Whiskey

Doc: The Bruce Campbell Wannabe

Akaavi: Miss "I usually charge for this"

Bowdaar: Chewie

Dr. Lokin: The Incredible Rakh

Vector: Zen Master Bug

Corso: Gun Nut

Gault: Devil Comedy Tour

Guss: Shrimp Boy

Khem Val: Kermit on Steroids

Ashara: Togruty Booty


Raina: Halle Berry

Qyzen: The Gorn

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Looooong list!


Vette: Skippy (Let's go, Skippy. I have to kill this....sweet!)

Quinn: Sex Machine (Come on, Sex Machine, momma needs heals....damnit, stop carbonizing them and heal me!)

Pierce: Cranky Pants

Jaesa: Woman (Woman, I swear to God, shuddup)

Broonmark: Honker


Corso: Baby Daddy, Damnit, Corso, Pookie!

Risha: Stuck up *****

Akaavai: Klingon Warrior

Bowdaar: Furball

Guss: EL OH EL


Mako: Whiny brat (Shuddup, Whiny brat and heal me)

Gault: Goof ball

Torian: Boy toy

Blizz: Snuggle bunny (he's cute)

Skadge: Psycho


Kaliyo: Psychotic *****

Vector: Baby

Lokin: Manfred

Temple: Shuddup woman

Scorpio: Freaky


T7: R2

Kira: BAMF

Doc: Playa

Rusk: Soldier boy

Scourge: Sithy boy


Khem: Vacuum

Andronikos: Brown sugar

Ashara: Goody two-shoes

Talos: Grandpa Talos


Qyzen: Fezz (from that 70s show)

Tharan: Flamer


Aric: Sergeant Grump

Elara: Tight ***

M1-4X: Annoying piece of metal

Tanno: Conman

Edited by Eanelinea
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F!Trooper was my first character to finish the starter planet and get a companion. I was so angry that it was Jorgan I complained for an hour in gchat about what a d-bag he'd been to me. After that he was referred to as the Miserable Old Crank or MOC until the day we finished taking the prison on Nar Shaddaa. He flirted with me and I caved like a wet paper bag.


Yep, yep, well worth the wait :D


Aric is occasionally Mr. Grouch, often Honey, and sometimes Sweetie

Doc is Dear when I'm mad at him and is always said through clenched teeth, as in "Dear, would you please stop aggroing EVERYTHING?!? I'm not a tank!!"

Torian is Kid

Elara is Miss Nurse

4X is Stephen-Colbert-As-A-Robot

Skadge is *%^@#^ %$(&!%# dirtbag

Blizz is Adorableness!! (and that particular nickname must include at least two exclamation points; more are optional)

Lord Scourge is Hotness

Rusk is Whatshisname (and yes it took me about half a minute to remember his actual name this time)

Mako is occasionally Miss Priss

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M1-4X: Liberty Prime (for you fallout fanatics out there)nuf' said


He is my go to companion. We go on glorious crusades neutralizing imperials whilst we shout Republic Propaganda.

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Khem: Tulak Hord's Boyfriend


God I hate him.


M1-4X: Liberty Prime (for you fallout fanatics out there)nuf' said


Nice! Before this I played LOTRO and my character's name was Amata...no one ever made the connection. :(

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Quinn: Sex Machine (Come on, Sex Machine, momma needs heals....damnit, stop carbonizing them and heal me!)

Hahaha that often happens to me XD 'med pack, come on... med pack, noo don't heal yourself, gimme that sweet green!' (Am I the only one that gets excited and dances around in kolto clouds? It's just so pretty...)


Quinn: Quinny. It's awful, I even hate doing it but can't seem to help it, I need to think of a better one lol

Jorgan: Kitty Man. My Trooper is my main, I call him that a lot :>

Rusk: Mister Biscuit. (Rusks are baby biscuits, not sure if they're only sold in the UK)

Torian: Pretty Boy.

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Hahaha that often happens to me XD 'med pack, come on... med pack, noo don't heal yourself, gimme that sweet green!' (Am I the only one that gets excited and dances around in kolto clouds? It's just so pretty...)


my agent is famous for her patented kolto enemas. :rolleyes:

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