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I Like Level 50 PVP Better Than 'Lowbie' PVP, how about you?


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I really enjoy level 50 pvp compared to lowbie pvp. Here is my background:


4 full battlemaster toons who all started 1.2 with full champion on jekk'jekk tar, a now dead server


4 various level 40 toons on the harbinger, a not dead server


playing my jekk'jekk tar toons was fun, getting owned because of the gear was not as bad as I played with good allies and enemies. people knew how to play and tried to win.


playing my harbinger toons was not fun, people have no clue on how to play the game or completely ignore the objectives and there is a revolving door of people who quit playing the warzone at the first hint of a loss.


i would rather play with good players than not, and only level 50 pvp does that. What are your experiences playing level 50 and lowbie pvp and what do you prefer?

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I liked 10-49 the first time around. It isn't really much fun to me now though as I've leveled alts.


I get frustrated when people don't follow the most basic of warzone objectives (pass the ball in huttball, having someone guard a node etc) and you can count on a big spoonful of that in the 10-49 games. People are too busy bragging about how much leet dps they did on their level 23 powertech (speaking of which, get ready to hear that railshot powering up sound effect a lot because everyone and their mother rolled a PT in the last month it seems)

Edited by ShadowOfVey
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honestly hate sub-50 pvp so much I gave up rerolling a toon cause of it, simply giving up on PVP in general until server transfers since PVP on my server is nigh impossible. Player skill in the sub-50 bracket is at an all time low, and many classes are COMPLETELY useless if they're joining up below level 20-30.
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I really enjoy level 50 pvp compared to lowbie pvp. Here is my background:


4 full battlemaster toons who all started 1.2 with full champion on jekk'jekk tar, a now dead server


4 various level 40 toons on the harbinger, a not dead server


playing my jekk'jekk tar toons was fun, getting owned because of the gear was not as bad as I played with good allies and enemies. people knew how to play and tried to win.


playing my harbinger toons was not fun, people have no clue on how to play the game or completely ignore the objectives and there is a revolving door of people who quit playing the warzone at the first hint of a loss.


i would rather play with good players than not, and only level 50 pvp does that. What are your experiences playing level 50 and lowbie pvp and what do you prefer?


I prefer <50 WZs. I don't think your logic is quite there by saying only lvl 50 players are good. Are you a good player? If you rolled a new character and played a WZ would you suddenly suck? Get real. Several good players reroll.


Some players are new and do ignore the objectives. Don't you dare think that because someone is 50 they are "good" now.

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For some reason the guys in the 10-49 seems to be even worse than the level 50s even though it'd appear most of these guys are existing level 50 rerolling on alts.


It's worse in the way that there are some guys who are never getting past level 49 with full epic gear that you pretty much can never defeat. It's not like fighting against someone in full WH gear because you could eventually get the same thing but you really can't do that unless you want to purposely not hit level 50. Outside of these relatively rare cases, 10-49 is pretty random. Not having access to all your abilities makes the game more and less interesting in different ways. For one healing is almost pointless unless you got guys at level 40+ because healers won't have close to the right set of tools to do their job. On the other hand, you don't see the traditional powerhouse DPS classes dominating like Marauder/Tanksin just because there isn't time to amplify the advantage, and Tankasin need to be level 40 to get Wither which is the cornerstone of their power.

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I prefer <50 WZs. I don't think your logic is quite there by saying only lvl 50 players are good. Are you a good player? If you rolled a new character and played a WZ would you suddenly suck? Get real. Several good players reroll.


Some players are new and do ignore the objectives. Don't you dare think that because someone is 50 they are "good" now.


i should rephrase "good' as people play the objectives call incs etc not good as in leet players only. and honestly i never suck at pvp cause i play the game and not play team deathmatch.

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I prefer 50 pvp over sub 50

Reasons being bolster gives players a false sense of ability

that is stripped away upon entering 50 pvp which is why I think we see so much qq about 50 pvp gear.

Because sub 50 bolster evens and boosts your stats you don't even need to think about gear

I like the idea of bolster but IMO its got a nasty side effect which makes players lazy

And forget the importance of gear and stat allocation

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I like them both.


When I play with my level 50 characters, everything is familiar. I know my character, I know my teammates and I know my opponents. But I don't know any of them perfectly, so there's a lot of incremental learning as I work to make this warzone a little bit better than the last one.


When I play level 50, nearly everything is new. I don't recognize most of the other players and I'm still figuring out my character. Although I know all of the objectives and strategies that we use in the level 50 bracket, I usually don't know the best way to implement them with my new character. There's a lot more uncertainty and confusion, but there are also some great "eureka!" moments when I figure out how to use a new power or combo for the first time.


In the past, I loved that I could jump in and play either of these brackets at any time. But now that our server is depleted, we're often forced to play one or the other. I'm glad I enjoy both of them. Otherwise I'd find our new ghost-town PvP community to be even more frustrating than I already do.

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PvP, is PvP, I play to enjoy, and win when we can. 50 or not. So OP I guess my answer is no soley due to 10-49 warzones popping way more than 50s my server.


I find the people that intentionally quit warzones are far more of an issue than those who struggle to meet objectives or who have limited skills available..


I am happy to do my best and express myelf in a manner that may encourage others to queue again, except when i lose it totally and go#@$%^&*().....

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This is a tough question. I enjoyed pvp pre50, but 49 was where I felt like a god lol. Then I hit 50 and was humbled for a few weeks. Now I'm doing well, but not godly. btw, this was pre1.2 where I hit 50. I am loving pvp still and now that I'm nearly full bm. I just wish I could get into more wzs. They don't really pop until an hour after I have to log out.
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Level 50 stuff is totally awesome, but my 37 Shadow has finished on top of the scoreboard in every single warzone since level 23, haha. So I have no idea which I prefer. Lvl 50 is nice because people (generally) know what they're doing, while in 10-49 a lot of people just stand around and hit each other.
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So, playing the sub 50 bracket is probably where I have the most fun playing the game, I'm going on my leveling my 7th 50 via pvp.


What I do: Get to about lvl 25, Craft full sets of epic mods / armoring offhand etc.. xfer some stims and abuse the crap out of the bolster system.


I mean, it's fun for me on my sniper I was killing people in 2-3 hits. But i'm sure this isn't too fun for people I'm playing against. If everyone were doing the same thing, low lvl pvp would be extremely competitive and intense. But right now it's really a beat down fest.

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Level 50 PVP is my playground and have fun there even when losing but I do need a change in scenery and take my naked level 28 sentinel in the lower brackets. When people see my sentinel running around like a crazy person attacking everything and anything just crack up. In lower PVP I can do all the stupid things I can't do in level 50 PVP. On Novare coast I leave things unprotected and go bully people east and when we lose it I blame it on the lag :D. I have a partner in crime with whom I pvp in the 50 and low level warzones. My mate has a level 14 alt, sage dps, and we always gank everything and everyone we see :).


To be honest, level 50 becomes too serious sometimes and one little mistake with an early cc in huttball may lead to a score for the enemy. All you hear in my vent is tactics, how to time the rotations and armour reductions on targets. We often face WH imperials and these guys punish badly. Now if you listen to a lower level PVP vent conversation, we cannot stop laughing it is so much fun.



I reckon many are in my situation where they have an excellent main char geared like a greek god and a few alts for some harmless fun. To those who level one toon and see me doing stupid stuff in low level pvp, I apologize. :D

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I just think the 10-49 bracket has worse imbalance than in the 50's bracket. Bolster is a great idea but most classes don't start to come together till higher levels like late 30's early 40's and you can still pass and guard but you are just at a disadvantage when you have half the abilities than the guy who is pounding on you.
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