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Hard Talk On Gamebreaker TV(The Republic: Doomed To Fail)


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When you pour 200+m $ into the game "going strong" as the games you listed (except WoW) is not an option.


Someone out there expects those 200+m back with a nifty profit on top of it. Wonder what THEY would say about you mentioning, lets say, STO still "going strong".

Edited by GrandMike
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Not going to happen.


When times get tough you fall back on your strengths, and the leveling process is some of the best material in the game. In fact it's so good that it inspires most people to level characters strait through the max level instead of trying out a bunch of different alts at once.


I admit, i do like the leveling and i love the stories and VO. But bioware kind of tried to force the mmo playerbase to do the multiple alts route and we see where that has went. you cant have a game with only ONE good aspect and expect to keep a healthy player base. if all this game had is leveling alts over and over it would not last till the end of the year.

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When you pour 200+m $ into the game "going strong" as the games you listed (except WoW) is not an option.


Someone out ther expects those 200+m back with a nifty profit on top of it. Wonder what THEY would say about you mentioning, lets say, STO still "going strong".


That and a lot of those games mentioned didn't have many other MMO's to compete with at the time so they could afford mistakes. In 2005 if you weren't happy with WoW you didn't have many options on MMO's to go to(SWG? EQ2?). Now you have plenty of MMOs out there that you can choose from and plenty more coming out if you aren't happy with your current MMO. The only thing SWTOR has going for it is the Star Wars IP, having it be the only Star Wars MMO on the market at the moment.

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Not going to happen.


When times get tough you fall back on your strengths, and the leveling process is some of the best material in the game. In fact it's so good that it inspires most people to level characters strait through the max level instead of trying out a bunch of different alts at once.


A better leveling experience is not going to save the game or make most people want to roll more alts as an endgame activity. The leveling is already great, the lack of things to do after you finish that leveling is what caused us to be in this situation in the first place.

Edited by Ganrax
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and really who cares what these people say any more, we know the game has problems, Bioware knows the games has problems, these self proclaimed game experts really kinda turn my stomach with the crap they spew and people listen which really gets me..


Bioware is the only people that can fix this gme not some lame podcast for some jack wagon../shrug


Why didnt they fix the game by now then?


heck, why didnt they RELEASE "fixed" game then?


Oh, i know, because they know what theyre doing, amirite?

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Remove credit sinks. Han Solo didn't need 500k to twirl his blasters or fire them. Another good thing NGE Emu is coming out, I won't have to pay 5 million credits or $50 to sit in a chair or change my character image. If you WOW **** like it, that's fine but don't bring that here. Edited by AFKGCWBOT
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Gamebreaker is to TOR what Fox News is to politics. They simply cater to a specific audience for the purpose of getting hits. I stopped listening to (and never cared) what Gamebreaker has to say a long, long time ago. Everything they do is artificial and staged or dramatized. They manipulate their audience and do a lot of give/take pandering. They will do whatever it takes to get attention including, but not limited to, manipulating polls (ask Darth Hater about that one), pandering, fabricating facts and passing them off as "inside information" and even latching onto rumors for the sake of traction with the community.


We all know TOR kinds sucks right now. I didn't need Gamebreaker to tell me that. But doomed to fail? On the off chance they are right, it will "validate them." When TOR doesn't fail they will just glaze over it and move on to their next proclamation. That's how it works.


Sadly, this seems to be how a lot of these game sites operate now. Although it seems to be happening everywhere... politics, gaming, other interests.


Hell, I expect some Cooking/Recipe sites to start eventually suggesting that "Spaghetti is Dead" and talk about how no one is eating it anymore because it's already been done.

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Neck-beards and basement dwellers--my apologies for being cheeky--who are of the "console" gaming, and not the MMORPG gaming, mentality: Rush to top level, grunt, and complain about being bored and yapping, "Where's my PvP", in their best "I want my Maypo" squilly voice.


SW:TOR is in the phase most games are in after six months of release--though without certain features, yadayadayada, but with other features...--and will evolve as the next six months progress. As has been stated 100,000 times before over the past 13 or so years, MMOs have coding that is different and more complex than regular stand-alond console games have and new features/content cannot be merely cut-and-pasted into the system and have it all work properly.


People need to worry about how to make suggestions--in the suggestion box--on what needs fixing/added, instead of posting post upon post about the game failure. Please get a larger worldview (the entire world does not revolve around what pockets of different types of players "think") and either enjoy what is to be enjoyed until new updates roll out or move along down the line with the knowledge that just because someone else might like the game that does not make them [insert all the names--as above--you have called them throughout the years].


There is no need for anyone to flame and attempt to e-peen their powers by restating the typical inflamatory remarks. I left WoW after five years, and for two years have not returned, because I have moved on. And please remember, for every naysayer you can find, someone else can find just as many satisfied people.:eek:

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Remove credit sinks. Han Solo didn't need 500k to twirl his blasters or fire them. Another good thing NGE Emu is coming out, I won't have to pay 5 million credits or $50 to sit in a chair or change my character image. If you WOW **** like it, that's fine but don't bring that here.


So you have a problem spending 500k on credit sinks but you don't have a problem with the economy being so inflated that buying 1 little item from another player will cost you 100 million? There are so many things wrong with SWTOR, credit sinks are not one of them. They have a purpose, they keep the amount of credits introduced into the game regulated(which is absolutely needed with how they throw tons of credits at us). Removing the credit sinks from SWG was one of the worst things they did for that game, more and more credits kept getting added into the game and next to none were ever removed.


Also there are actually enough people out there that want an NGE Emu to justify making one? I can understand a Pre-CU or a CU(my personal favorite) but NGE? Really? It was such a dumbed down piss poor attempt of trying to turn SWG into a Themepark MMO like WoW to get more subs.

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Gamebreaker is to TOR what Fox News is to politics. They simply cater to a specific audience for the purpose of getting hits. I stopped listening to (and never cared) what Gamebreaker has to say a long, long time ago. Everything they do is artificial and staged or dramatized. They manipulate their audience and do a lot of give/take pandering. They will do whatever it takes to get attention including, but not limited to, manipulating polls (ask Darth Hater about that one), pandering, fabricating facts and passing them off as "inside information" and even latching onto rumors for the sake of traction with the community.


We all know TOR kinds sucks right now. I didn't need Gamebreaker to tell me that. But doomed to fail? On the off chance they are right, it will "validate them." When TOR doesn't fail they will just glaze over it and move on to their next proclamation. That's how it works.


Thank God we have u to get real news from cnn and swtor news from other televised online game programs. Tel us whats cnn told us aboutnews lately? And what other things are being talked about on swtor news sites? As far i know cnn is reporting on the exact same things with their point of view exactly like fox news and swtor fan sites all are discussing the end of swtor and what needs to be done to save it.


If you want to discredit one news source then u must also do the same for all. Get off ur highhorse cause u watch or listen to one show instead of another and somehow are more informed or the view is less biased.


Gamebreaker is the biggest and most watched site just like fox news is and they report one whats going on in the game world. They hve 4 hosts 2 of wix are reporting specifically on swtor as their livelyhood (so they want it to succeed more then any player) and the other two hosts both have been reporting on mmos for a decade. They like the fans, sites and ea itself all know and speak and do things based on the fact the game sold 2 million copies and is lucky to have 700k subs left including free weekends.


The game has major issues and the only people we see not caring or changin how they speak to the community are bioware. Something needs to be done and someone needs to be on the forums daly telling us what we are loking orwards too and why we should pay them. How many times to u give someone money and are ok when they say youll get what u paid for soon?

Edited by Masturomenos
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I think you are seriously short in understanding of what makes up the social/community side of an MMO




A majority of players do not Raid, contrary to raidiers opinions. That amount is shortened even more after you put in raider selective elitism rule sets which have become common place in MMORPGs since EQ2/WOW era.


Players might try something once or twice but thats it, other wise you have like 5% (or less) of any server hard core raiding.


So no, Raiding is not a social building content, it promotes clickish elitist behavior for the most part


PVP is the same. Your average player will try here and there but with the power base expanding on ability to reasonably partake (requiring special equipment for PVP), the vast majority of players are not everyday PVPers. Oh sure there is more PVPers then there is Raiders but neither alone or combined constitute a majority of the player base and once again, it doesnt constitute social activity


And in case you dont get it still, social activities usually require interaction and communication and if your going to sit here and claim PVP or Raid promotes interaction on a social level.


Well you shouldnt be casting stones at those with more knowledge.


Social community side of MMORPGs is exactly that, A COMMUNITY THAT INTERACTS.


Dont know what I mean (its ok, allot of newer to MMORPG players dont it seems....(newer = last 8 years or less).

Go look at reports of Early DAoC servers when a relic was being defended or attacked. Go look at general chat in DAoC, EQ, FFXI, and a host of other games that had communities. Go look at the original MMORPG (NWN on AOL) or the 3rd MMORPG The Realms and see how their players interacted in and out of combat.


Heck I hated the game but go walk into a cantina on a populated Emu server in SWG.


Community is built OUTSIDE of Raiding and PVP.

Some games like DAoC managed to bring the community into the RVR and the game was better for it.


So yeah, until you actually have a full grasp and understand the meaning of community and actually play a game with one, I wouldnt be calling anyone out for short sighted understanding.


Just a opinion. Hey maybe im wrong for last 21 years, who knows?

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Gamebreaker is the biggest and most watched site just like fox news is and they report one whats going on in the game world.


Take it easy there Mister Arguement for Popularity, GBTV is lucky if they have 600 viewers watching their shows :p


Swtor may be dead with 1.3 million players, but its still more alive than that GW2 fansite.

Edited by ChazDoit
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A look at MMO's and the history of naysayers...


Ultima Online- SEVENTH MMO, introduced a new engione and first mmo to break 1000 player server loads. First Sandbox MMO but todays MMOs are based far more on EQ then anything UO offered up.


UO is more noteable for what it did wrong then what it offered to the genre

- urban houseing was a disaster and only copied by one more MMORPG to again urban sprawl disaster

- open world PKing almost destroyed the game for all time

- very slow to react to bug reports

- exloiting was rampade




Fixed it for you as you were useing that wiki version rather then the factual history of MMORPGs


PS First 6 were


NeverWinter Nights on Aol circa 1991-97

Game on Imagination network

The Realms, still open to this day

Dark Sun Online, Still open to this day

Meridian 59, think its open, not sure

Twilight Lands, closed shortly after opening as grossly over shadowed by the upcoming UO at the time

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A majority of players do not Raid, contrary to raidiers opinions. That amount is shortened even more after you put in raider selective elitism rule sets which have become common place in MMORPGs since EQ2/WOW era.


Players might try something once or twice but thats it, other wise you have like 5% (or less) of any server hard core raiding.


So no, Raiding is not a social building content, it promotes clickish elitist behavior for the most part


PVP is the same. Your average player will try here and there but with the power base expanding on ability to reasonably partake (requiring special equipment for PVP), the vast majority of players are not everyday PVPers. Oh sure there is more PVPers then there is Raiders but neither alone or combined constitute a majority of the player base and once again, it doesnt constitute social activity


And in case you dont get it still, social activities usually require interaction and communication and if your going to sit here and claim PVP or Raid promotes interaction on a social level.


Well you shouldnt be casting stones at those with more knowledge.


Social community side of MMORPGs is exactly that, A COMMUNITY THAT INTERACTS.


Dont know what I mean (its ok, allot of newer to MMORPG players dont it seems....(newer = last 8 years or less).

Go look at reports of Early DAoC servers when a relic was being defended or attacked. Go look at general chat in DAoC, EQ, FFXI, and a host of other games that had communities. Go look at the original MMORPG (NWN on AOL) or the 3rd MMORPG The Realms and see how their players interacted in and out of combat.


Heck I hated the game but go walk into a cantina on a populated Emu server in SWG.


Community is built OUTSIDE of Raiding and PVP.

Some games like DAoC managed to bring the community into the RVR and the game was better for it.


So yeah, until you actually have a full grasp and understand the meaning of community and actually play a game with one, I wouldnt be calling anyone out for short sighted understanding.


Just a opinion. Hey maybe im wrong for last 21 years, who knows?



The only main difference was in OLD style you were basically raiding all the time. Without a group in games like DaoC, or EQ you were not able to do nothing affter 20 or 30 levels. Most classes in EQ couldn't solo to save their lives.


You grouped or you went no were.


You simply needed people all the time. You couldn't get aay with doing stuff by yourself at all like you can now in most MMOs

Edited by Lt_Latency
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The only main difference was in OLD style you were basically raiding all the time. Without a group in games like DaoC, or EQ you were not able to do nothing affter 20 or 30 levels. Most classes in EQ couldn't solo to save their lives.


You grouped or you went no were.


You simply needed people all the time. You couldn't get aay with doing stuff by yourself at all like you can now in most MMOs


Well I wouldn't call it raiding all the time but back then MMO's forced player interaction to play the game so you either played or at least talked to other players or you didn't play. SWG for example, if you wanted to play the game without buying multiple accounts and playing them all at the same time you had to interact with other players for either buffs, gear(it was all crafted), rare crafting mats, healing, etc. You could still play solo and do your own thing but that still involved some player interaction.


I personally loved that and hate the direction that MMOs are headed now. Now there is so much emphasis on "the solo player" and allowing players to do everything themselves without having to rely at all on other players outside of designated group content(instanced PvP, Dungeons, and Raids). Because of this players just don't interact anymore unless they have to for the given content and then they usually don't talk again. We can't exactly go back to the way things were before either because players are now spoiled by being able to operate solely on their own now and see any type of reliance on other players as unwanted forcing of multiplayer content(ironically in a genre that has multiplayer right in the title).

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I'd hope they drop both to support the 4th pillar. I have no interest in endgame PvE, and no interest in ANY form of PvP in an RPG.


I have to hope this response wasn't serious. If you want you can go play Skyrim and just send your 15 bucks a month to me.

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I like the GBTV, the Netflix drinking game is fun.


I'm not a big fan of the panel for The Republic. The only people I do like on that show is the host and Ed, the other two just annoy me.


Also MikeB makes most of the shows watchable.

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The title is inflammatory (my only real gripe with GBTV is their Drudge Report-esque front page), but I thought they were pretty fair about it. And I'm certain none of them want the game to fail.


I did edit my OP post 5 minutes after i made it to put in the question mark but the system refused to add it.

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The only main difference was in OLD style you were basically raiding all the time. Without a group in games like DaoC, or EQ you were not able to do nothing affter 20 or 30 levels. Most classes in EQ couldn't solo to save their lives.


You grouped or you went no were.


You simply needed people all the time. You couldn't get aay with doing stuff by yourself at all like you can now in most MMOs


I get what your saying but your actually wrong


You could solo to max level in DAoC.

It was slower and you had to be more careful, but many many many players did just that

EQ was soloable from day 1 as a Druid or Shaman or Cleric (though all 3 were often blind invited to join groups, doesnt change fact that it was completely doable)


But yes, I get what you mean (not the raiding part as leveling in those games was nothing like raiding. Named were raid like content but you didnt solo a named and quite often didnt single group a named area either), forced grouping was a artificial way to bring players togather.


SW:TOR doesnt have forced grouping so you have to look outside the box for the solution. It HOWEVER doesnt change the fact that Raiding and PVPing are NOT social content or community building content!


Sitting silent in a Raid group while someone orders everyone around is NOT social behavior and doesnt build communities.


Talking to your 4-5-6 buddies on your private vent server for your PVP premade is NOT a social building activity


TOR doesnt have forced grouping (and Im happy for that honestly) so its got to embrace other concepts to adjust for the lack of that mechanic.


RVR as mentioned is one way but they refuse to put that in despite it being requested from the first day this forum opened in 08.

Rift Public Groups where people are free to join togather with out the stringent and arbitrary rulesets enforced by the raider crowds is another way. EA has said "were looking at it". So thats no help as it needs to be added now, not later.


This content needed to be in game from the get go BECAUSE there is no forced mechanic pulling people togather like the old games.


So the clear and obvious solution to me is something else that was requested day one these forums opened, is iconic, and really should have been in game from the start.


Cantina social side games


Swoop Racing

Holo Chess

Pit Fighting

And more thats been suggested over and over and over again since Oct 08, all through out the closed beta, during the open beta, and continues to be suggested to this very day on the Suggestion Forum.


How many times have you read some person tell someone upset that their server doesnt speak on general or reply to them to "Join a guild". Last I looked joining some other players guild and abiding by some other players arbitrary rule set WASNT a stipulation when purchasing this game (or any MMORPG).


EA needs to add social content to TOR.

Cause as I said before.

If someone refuses to speak right now to the 4 others on the planet with them.

Why would that change just because you merge servers and add 100+ more people?

The game in its current form offers no incentive to interact and be social and MMORPG players are their own worst enemies many times and quite frankly need the push to get it all started.

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Gamebreaker is the foxnews of gaming. Not taken serious.


People equating an opinion based round table discussion to a network that claims to have fair and balanced news coverage shows how much of an idiot they really are. Gamebreaker at no point claimed they were unbiased in their coverage of SWTOR on"The Republic", while on the other hand Fox news goes out of its way to spin nearly every news story while claiming (comically so) to be unbiased.


Does no one understand the difference between news and editorials/opinion pieces anymore?

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People equating an opinion based round table discussion to a network that claims to have fair and balanced news coverage shows how much of an idiot they really are. Gamebreaker at no point claimed they were unbiased in their coverage of SWTOR on"The Republic", while on the other hand Fox news goes out of its way to spin nearly every news story while claiming (comically so) to be unbiased.


Does no one understand the difference between news and editorials/opinion pieces anymore?


No. People take everything Faux noos say as fact, undisputed too.

Edited by siegedeluxe
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