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Social points, are reqs to high?


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Getting to Social V was painless for me, and I didn't have to farm or grind anything specifically for points. I just grouped up for dailies I had to do anyway (or choose to do I suppose), and I ran flashpoints.


The social point rate doesn't seem to be a problem so much as the opportunity to be in position to get them. Once the server populations become more consolidated, I think people will find that the points just come naturally.

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Mostly I think that the problem is that the other FP's are awarding near enough since that's what most people team up for, if most of them awarded points like Esselles does it wouldn't be such an issue for people that do most of the other content solo.
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My level 50 Sorc, who has grouped and run nearly all FPs, almost every planetary Heroic, and many general planetary quests, does not even have Social II. How on earth did that happen? Why, easily! Nearly everyone she grouped with already had the quests before seeking a group for the FP/Heroic/mission. Nearly everyone she grouped with dropped group as soon as the FP/Heroic/mission was complete (even after being asked- nay, begged to remain in group for turn-ins). Since nearly every FP/Heroic/mission only grants Social Points during quest acceptance and quest turn in, that means she received a sum total of ZERO Social Points for the vast majority of these 'social' grouping experiences.


Sod that. The whole system needs a re-write.


Edit to add: I have a character that is played strictly with friends. We're a pre-made group, and we only play those characters when everyone's on and we can all play together. These characters have decent Social levels, of course, (though Social X will still require a lot of farming/grinding). This situation is NOT a typical situation, and this situation is, in my opinion, exceedingly UN-social. We only play together, we NEVER meet anyone new, we do NOT socialize outside our little group... and yet, these are our only characters with actual Social levels. So I say again- the system really needs a re-write.

Edited by Shaz
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Seeing as how Social levels reward ROLE PLAYING gear...yeah its too high. Rewarding costumes for mass group farming social points is like rewarding someone PvP gear for doing 10000 emotes. Just another in a long line of poorly implimented ideas that could have otherwise been good.
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Why does everyone think they have to "farm" something. Social points are the easiest thing to get if you are in a group of only 2. My girlfriend and I started a couple of IA's recently, and vowed not to play them alone...ever. They just hit social IV, and they aren't even off Tattooine yet. Why on earth is a cross server tool necessary to get social points? Why is "farming" a low level flash point necessary to get social points?


My biggest question is; Why does everyone seem to think that this game needs to be played alone, outside of flash points? Don't get me wrong, we've both leveled 2 toons to 50 alone, and neither is social II for ether one of us. However, the biggest thing we discovered was that this game is so much more enjoyable if you play it with someone.


Ive done countless FPs, Ops from normal to nightmare, done Ilum PvP for whole time it was actual and countless BGs (solo and premade) and never went beyond social 1.


So....yah, i played alone and deserve NO social points.

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they should make "social" legacy wide shareing it with all of your charecters eventually you will run out of quests and unless you did a good chunck of the game with someone else considering the high level values and lack of points you can get black talon gets REAL boaring REAL fast. mabye add some social point situations in ops? make them a little more engaging insted of haveing someone yell at you from the end. theres 8-16 of you people theres no reason we cant yell at back at these bosses. Edited by demonmana
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I'm almost Social V and I was paired with my bro from 1-50 for all quests and heroic 2s we did. I did about 2 weeks of heroic dailies with him as well. It does seem low.


I tried this with my hubby but doing ordinary quests together just seemed pointless. We did all heroics together and FP's up to around 40 ish tho. It's quite frustrating to make your playstyle fit with someone elses even if it is your partner lol.


Anyway, back to the main point, yes I think social point rewards in conversations are far too low. As I say I've done all heroic quests, many FP's over and over and yet still struggle to get enough. You can run BT or Esseles over and over to farm them but that's just so dull and I'm sure defeats the purpose of grouping with others, namely to have fun.

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The way I see it and I think many others agree, point rewards are too lol. Fom what I ahve seen it depends on group size and where you win convo rolls. It sees to break down like this:


1 party member=1 point, theorfore 2 members=2 so on and sor forth

If YOU win the roll, double our points (full 4 members you get 8 per win)

That leave you wil wiht waht 20-40 points per FP less from heroics?

I wanna say social I-social II requires somethink like 1000 points....


thats alot of heroics and fps with 4man doing EVERY convvo just to hit social II


(forgive typeing just got back from dentists and little woozy)

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I think I was social IV, so decided to finish it off by farming to social V (oh how naive). I'm now social X (about 10000/9000). IMO, there needs to either be better Legacy rewards for it (why are companion max rep bonuses better when they can just be bought?). Maybe a small damage/healing bonus when in groups (but not ops).


Or there needs to be better ways to get it at higher levels than farming the lowest level FP due to the problem described above regarding only a few people wanting to pickup/hand quests in together.

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Why does everyone think they have to "farm" something. Social points are the easiest thing to get if you are in a group of only 2. My girlfriend and I started a couple of IA's recently, and vowed not to play them alone...ever. They just hit social IV, and they aren't even off Tattooine yet. Why on earth is a cross server tool necessary to get social points? Why is "farming" a low level flash point necessary to get social points?


My biggest question is; Why does everyone seem to think that this game needs to be played alone, outside of flash points? Don't get me wrong, we've both leveled 2 toons to 50 alone, and neither is social II for ether one of us. However, the biggest thing we discovered was that this game is so much more enjoyable if you play it with someone.


I completely agree with you, especially the last sentence. However, short of getting my wife (since she's no longer my girlfriend) to play with me, I have to bite the inevitable bullet that all social points will be earned through the sparse occurrence of pick up groups alone. i.e. the incidence needed to accrue enough points for social 10 is going to take an extraordinary amount of time at the rate of 4-8 points that I may or may not get from winning the conversation roll. Maybe you haven't seen the numerous threads on this forum that say that grouping isn't worth it "for the time invested." I can't figure it out, I group whenever possible even if I have already done the quest in question. Then again, I play the game for the fun of playing the game so I'm weird like that.

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Potential ways to get social point that are better than the current system:

- Killing world bosses as a group/op

- Killing operation bosses

- Killing FP bosses

- Completing objectives for heroics

- Completing objectives for normal quests


Gets away from the "you have to get the quest/hand in the quest as a group to get social", and moves towards the actual interaction of grouping to complete objectives.

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Why does everyone think they have to "farm" something. Social points are the easiest thing to get if you are in a group of only 2. My girlfriend and I started a couple of IA's recently, and vowed not to play them alone...ever. They just hit social IV, and they aren't even off Tattooine yet. Why on earth is a cross server tool necessary to get social points? Why is "farming" a low level flash point necessary to get social points?


My biggest question is; Why does everyone seem to think that this game needs to be played alone, outside of flash points? Don't get me wrong, we've both leveled 2 toons to 50 alone, and neither is social II for ether one of us. However, the biggest thing we discovered was that this game is so much more enjoyable if you play it with someone.


Because there is no one to quest with.

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Why does everyone think they have to "farm" something. Social points are the easiest thing to get if you are in a group of only 2. My girlfriend and I started a couple of IA's recently, and vowed not to play them alone...ever. They just hit social IV, and they aren't even off Tattooine yet. Why on earth is a cross server tool necessary to get social points? Why is "farming" a low level flash point necessary to get social points?


My biggest question is; Why does everyone seem to think that this game needs to be played alone, outside of flash points? Don't get me wrong, we've both leveled 2 toons to 50 alone, and neither is social II for ether one of us. However, the biggest thing we discovered was that this game is so much more enjoyable if you play it with someone.


Because not everyone is lucky enough to have a RL friend or significant other to play the game with, who will not play their character without you and leave you in the dust (or vice versa).

Edited by Gungan
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Honestly there arent enough ranks. Ive been rank 10 since launch day. Ive been capped at 10000/9000 pts forever now. I really wish they would let me keep gaining sps just in case there are future social rank updates. hell Im sure Id be over 50000 pts now I group a lot so its really easy to get them.
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I agree with the OP's sentiments that Social Points/Ranks are way too hard to come by. I play with friends from my guild, but honestly, unless your missions are all perfectly in-sync, it really doesn't do much for Social points. If you don't have exactly the same quests, you don't seem to get points for just being there in 'Spectator' mode. We get together and RP, but that has absolutely nothing to do with Social points, since they're only earned via NPC conversations. As others have already stated, other group activities like taking on world bosses and such likewise don't net any Social points. The vast majority of things you actually DO in a group don't tie into the Social point system.


IMO, there is a dearth of NPC conversation once you're past Esseles/Black Talon. Honestly, to me it feels as if the devs put all their best writing into those first FPs to draw people into the game. The majority of the FPs after those have very little dialog and are mostly just running and gunning. (IMO, and all that.) If there was actually more dialog in the later FPs, perhaps it would help the issue a bit. Still, at the rate the Social points accrue, the rank requirements are still pretty darn steep.


I'd really love to see the Social rank system get a good overhaul. It seems like an interesting concept, but very poor execution.

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To those of you saying "oh its easy me and so so are level V already and all we did is quest together" most people dont spend their entire play time in group, I am willing to bet 90% of people spend the majority of their time solo or in wz. What I dont get is why when in a group of 4 you only get 4 points for losing a roll and 8 for winning it when you need 750 points to go from social I to social II. Lets assume you win EVERY roll, thats still 94 conversations you have to win with a group of 4 people, if you lose every roll its 188. Many flash points have about 4 rolls so thats 16 - 32 points. So at that rate 24-47 fp runs in groups of for give or a take a few. So unless your running each fp multiple times and doing all the heroics probably multiple times while still in your level range (assuming you dont out level before they reset) you will not even hit social II before level 50.


The majority of players then have to farm for social since MOST of us do not run around with our wife/bff/lover/bro/sis/mom/dad/stalker all day long on SWTOR. Therefore social in its current state is only really non farmed for a very small niche group of players which is not how it should be.

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The points should be accumulated slowly over time by grouping, but any group I am in usually breaks up before anyone makes it to the quest giver.

These should be incorporated into the social system so that we don't all have to stay in the same group for hours to get points.

Potential ways to get social point that are better than the current system:

- Killing world bosses as a group/op

- Killing operation bosses

- Killing FP bosses

- Completing objectives for heroics

- Completing objectives for normal quests


Still being awarded from being a group, but don't have to rely on everyone else to stay grouped while I finish my stuff. We would get some from the conversation if anyone bothered, but importantly social points as we go.

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Social points need to be changed based non quest dialogue. For example, killing a raid boss or heroic boss should reward social points if your in a full group or nearly full group.


That's exactly what they're doing in 1.3. Level 50 flashpoints and operations will start granting extra social points for killing bosses and completing the instance. :)

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