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Turned off lvl 50 pvp straight away


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We've all seen it and I'm pretty sure if you took a vote the majority here would say that 10-49 pvp if far more enjoyable than 50, and indeed FAR more balanced, and the reasons why this is the case are many.
No. This is like resolve. Those who haven't played a lot of the 50s bracket think it's broken (largely because there's a lot of stuff going on they don't yet quite get that makes them lose). Those who *have* largely realize that it's far superior and better balanced than the pre-50 version. Also, resolve works.
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PVPing before level 50 was great fun and I enjoyed it really very much. Sometimes we won, sometimes we lost, but it was always intense and never predetermined even if we had people < level 15 in our team. I really liked the balance of this game.


Then I got to level 50, gave all my credits for recruit gear, could also afford some BM stuff and ... seriously?! It was pointless! One of the matches most of us were recruits and with combined forces we managed 1(!) kill hahahhhah

What made it even worse is that people who owned us I had seen in the < 50 games and they really are not exceptionally skilled. Just got to 50 two weeks earlier.


People may argue that it is "easy" to get the necessary gear, probably just one week or so, but hey, I value my time and cannot force myself to spend it with frustrating activities such as this.

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Battlemaster > War Hero gear isn't really that much of an upgrade because of DR on expertise.


You get full Battlemaster in 2-3 days of playing. My guess is that you are just bad at PvP.


If you liked 10-49 PvP more.. that's because everyone is absolutely horrible at 10-49 PvP.


In 50 PvP there may actually be people what buttons to press and why they are pressing it.

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PVPing before level 50 was great fun and I enjoyed it really very much. Sometimes we won, sometimes we lost, but it was always intense and never predetermined even if we had people < level 15 in our team. I really liked the balance of this game.


Then I got to level 50, gave all my credits for recruit gear, could also afford some BM stuff and ... seriously?! It was pointless! One of the matches most of us were recruits and with combined forces we managed 1(!) kill hahahhhah

What made it even worse is that people who owned us I had seen in the < 50 games and they really are not exceptionally skilled. Just got to 50 two weeks earlier.


People may argue that it is "easy" to get the necessary gear, probably just one week or so, but hey, I value my time and cannot force myself to spend it with frustrating activities such as this.


That's because there are no premades that use VOIP in the sub 50 WZs. Hence, it's all just baddie pug on pug action. At 50, there are usually several premades that will steamroll pugs.


If people in the sub 50 bracket cared enough to make premades as a bunch of level 40+ using VOIP, you'd get steamrolled too.


Oh and 49 vs 10 is much more unfair than recruit with some BM vs. WH.

Edited by Smashbrother
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How would you feel if warzones were full of players with the best pve gear, cause that would be how it was and you would stil get ganked. With the pvp gear they have made pve gear useless in pvp, for you i think thats a good thing cause you dont sound too happy about grinding equipment.
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It is quite hard on fresh 50s but the main differential I feel is not expertise but practice. The 1-49 bracket is pretty much casual while after hitting 50 you run into premades and/or people who'd be hitting ranked WZs with a vengance if they were in. It's a very much steeper learning curve and things people are doing 1-49 suddenly don't quite cut the mustard any longer. It's a big bump in the smooth curve road that'll only get evened out by ranked and "regular" ques being seperated.


Not saying its a flat "u have no skill" issue but nobody was ever born godmode and those dominating the charts climbed to the top in their way. And twas a much steeper climb pre 1.2.


All I can say to OP is "I sympathize" and to persevere, ideally in a guild that pvps. A week of just doing dailies and you'll pretty much be BM decked. After that, if you really do know your class, the WH is basically prestige clothing.



What I fear is that the existing pvp community is shunning fresh 50s instead of welcoming them into the fold. When people see a newly dinged folks they often abse them, especially if the poor guy doesn't even know about the recruit gear and came into a wz with oranges. Are 10-14k hp guys somewhat of a handicap to your team? Sure. But I think that a kind and helpfull /w is better than calling them noobs and ragequitting. People moan about the ques all the time, but at the same time rip ino every newbie that doesn't drop into WZs all 1337.


For a good experience it's gonna take patience on both sides. Fresh players may need to admit that despite topping charts as 49s they may have a thing or two that could be improved in their gameplay instead of blaming everything on the 6% difference and "veterans" need to extend a helping hand instead of arrogantly dismissing them.




PvP in TOR does require skill tho. Heck hutball is pure skill v skill. And I've been in CW/NC matches where the winning side had 1/4 of the kills loosers had but won the tug of war by outmanouvering and outcapping the other side. Skill is not just being able to take someone 1v1.

Edited by aeterno
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I would say stick with it, it does feel like relearning how to PVP, but it can be a lot of fun. Better to be the one guarding nodes etc.

(unless you happen to be in a group that just complains about everyone else all the time.)

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As a fresh 50 with full recruit gear... Pvp is still depressing. I really enjoyed pvp while leveling... But at 50 i did not enjoy going in and not even be able to put a dint in the opposition. Being facerolle in pvp because everyone out gears you is not fun and just a turnoff.


Pvp should be about skill... Having pvp gear that mitigates player dmg etc destroys that concept. As a fresh 50 im not expecting to faceroll people but a fair fight would be nice.


Those of us who want a fair fight (meaning that gear is not a factor) can't get it in this game. I do enjoy most of the pvp aspects in SWTOR, but I'll be moving on when GW2 hits the stands. If people want a gear advantage and/or gear grind, they are welcome to it. It's just not my thing and not what I look for in pvp.

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I can understand why a long time pvper would be upset if Bioware took away expertise gear or used gear-bolster. It would mean all their effort was for nothing. On the other hand, the gear system is unfair for new pvpers and is likely turning people away from the game! Here is my solution:



1. Give pvp players pve-quality gear and eliminate the expertise gear from the game. The people who already have their gear would be able to replace it with comparable pve gear. If pve-people want to complain about how unfair this is, I would like to complain that fighting other humans is a lot more challenging than fighting scripted encounters, so maybe pvp players should get better quality gear ;)


2. Use a gear-bolster system for the open 50 warzones. Allow gear in the Ranked Warzones. This would give new 50s a place to play casual pvp but allow dedicated pvpers to show their stuff in ranked warzones.



Oh, and I would also replace purple gear with orange gear so that players can look the way they want to and still be competitive in either pvp or pve.

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Battlemaster > War Hero gear isn't really that much of an upgrade because of DR on expertise.


You get full Battlemaster in 2-3 days of playing. My guess is that you are just bad at PvP.


If you liked 10-49 PvP more.. that's because everyone is absolutely horrible at 10-49 PvP.


In 50 PvP there may actually be people what buttons to press and why they are pressing it.


True that the bare bones set of WH is not that much better than BM. However when you have had time like me to min and max thats where you get the huge separation. The mods for BM carry mostly accuracy and the mods from WH do not, they have some nice power surge on it which I am almost done replacing.

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In my opinion level 50 pvp is more balanced the pvp on lower levels. Lower levels gear disparity is there even bigger when combined to abilities that come with higher level.


My 40 level guardian was very dominating on each and every game just because pvp gear most of levelers didn't have. On 50 level pvp start is rough but its really kind compared to other games. Its really fast now to get 50 level BM.

At start of game it was pure pain since even items were random you grinded for.


Its also pretty even far as I can tell since most have about same gear. If there are easy wins on level 50 the losing player is propablly inexperienced, doesn't know his class or otherwise just bad team that has all those attributes.


Sure there are some 'twinked' players but its lot harder to get than on lower levels.

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In my opinion level 50 pvp is more balanced the pvp on lower levels. Lower levels gear disparity is there even bigger when combined to abilities that come with higher level.


My 40 level guardian was very dominating on each and every game just because pvp gear most of levelers didn't have. On 50 level pvp start is rough but its really kind compared to other games. Its really fast now to get 50 level BM.

At start of game it was pure pain since even items were random you grinded for.


Its also pretty even far as I can tell since most have about same gear. If there are easy wins on level 50 the losing player is propablly inexperienced, doesn't know his class or otherwise just bad team that has all those attributes.


Sure there are some 'twinked' players but its lot harder to get than on lower levels.


They use gear bolster for levels 11-49, so it is not a factor. The real factor is what abilities you have access to. Because different classes come into their own at different levels, the level at which you will start feeling powerful will vary. A guardian at level 40 has most of his key abilities, so would start feeling strong at that point.


I would even argue that they could put level 50s back in the 11-49 bracket and it would make no difference as long as they removed expertise and kept gear bolster in place. This is because most classes don't get that much in teh way of abilities from 49 to 50.

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Sorry op I can't agree with you. You need to take ur beatings in wzs just like every other fresh 50. Since when did mmos bcome a pick up and play game? If you want pvp to be completely fair from the time you log into a game grab an xbox controller lol. Mmos are a grind, you cannot hit 50 ad expect to compete with someone like myself who has been grinding war hero gear for 2 months. I would love to get hired to a new job and on the fiirst day of work tell the ceo hey I work hard and have skill I should be making the same ammount of money you do.
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As a fresh 50 with full recruit gear... Pvp is still depressing. I really enjoyed pvp while leveling... But at 50 i did not enjoy going in and not even be able to put a dint in the opposition. Being facerolle in pvp because everyone out gears you is not fun and just a turnoff.


Pvp should be about skill... Having pvp gear that mitigates player dmg etc destroys that concept. As a fresh 50 im not expecting to faceroll people but a fair fight would be nice.


BW should allow us to turn off our XP. I would PvP sub-50 forever if I could. Its much more fun.

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BW should allow us to turn off our XP. I would PvP sub-50 forever if I could. Its much more fun.


So it would be fun to be 49 with best gear possible for sup end game facing people with half of you talents...Not sure if serious or trolling but that sounds like "I am a bad and enjoy imbalance"

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BW should allow us to turn off our XP. I would PvP sub-50 forever if I could. Its much more fun.


If that happened, it would stop being fun because you'd get all the twinks who min-max themselves out in all the purple gear they could find, plus orange gear with purple mods (plus the expertise enhancements sold by the pvp vendor for level 45's) and they would outgear all the poor leveling people so badly, bolster would not come close to making up for it. the Leveling bracket would very quickly turn into the 50 bracket, I can assure you.


I'd bet any amount of money that if you could tun off XP, EVERY person (including you) would turn it off at level 49 and not a single level before. You say you want the fun, but at its heart, you just want the advantage over the leveling people that the War Hero people have over you.


You're such a hypocrite, it's laughable.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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Sorry op I can't agree with you. You need to take ur beatings in wzs just like every other fresh 50. Since when did mmos bcome a pick up and play game? If you want pvp to be completely fair from the time you log into a game grab an xbox controller lol. Mmos are a grind, you cannot hit 50 ad expect to compete with someone like myself who has been grinding war hero gear for 2 months. I would love to get hired to a new job and on the fiirst day of work tell the ceo hey I work hard and have skill I should be making the same ammount of money you do.
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They use gear bolster for levels 11-49, so it is not a factor. The real factor is what abilities you have access to. Because different classes come into their own at different levels, the level at which you will start feeling powerful will vary. A guardian at level 40 has most of his key abilities, so would start feeling strong at that point.


I would even argue that they could put level 50s back in the 11-49 bracket and it would make no difference as long as they removed expertise and kept gear bolster in place. This is because most classes don't get that much in teh way of abilities from 49 to 50.


You don't understand how bolster works, do you? You weren't here when the brackets were 10-50, also right?

Either you don't understand expertise or fail to understand that there is Rakata and Campaign gear also.

A level 10-49 tank will usually have 12k hp. A rakata player will have 20k-24k. I guess that is what you call an even playing field in your mind.

Edited by xxdragonragexx
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