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Dark Jedi Knight gear?


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It is called reroll empire with the rest of us. I mean your question is kind of an oxymoron isnt it? You are playing the hero faction yet you want to be dark? I mean seriously if you want to make dark choices just be a sith. Face the reality you cannot be an evil hero. Edited by Zergnaut
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I'm playing a Jedi, and other than lightsabers that are specifically called out as darkside items which I can still use btw, I have not seen Dark Jedi items specifically. I did see a Marauder's robe on sale on GTN, but it was blacked out for me and specifically said in the description it could only be used by Marauders. Interesting that it was on the GTN on the fleet though... I get the feeling someone bought it on the Narshadaa GTN which spans factions, couldnt' use it, and tried to sell it on the fleet.
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It is called reroll empire with the rest of us. I mean your question is kind of an oxymoron isnt it? You are playing the hero faction yet you want to be dark? I mean seriously if you want to make dark choices just be a sith. Face the reality you cannot be an evil hero.







I'm playing a Jedi, and other than lightsabers that are specifically called out as darkside items which I can still use btw, I have not seen Dark Jedi items specifically. I did see a Marauder's robe on sale on GTN, but it was blacked out for me and specifically said in the description it could only be used by Marauders. Interesting that it was on the GTN on the fleet though... I get the feeling someone bought it on the Narshadaa GTN which spans factions, couldnt' use it, and tried to sell it on the fleet.



Yeah, that must suck for whoever bought it lol

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I'm playing a Jedi, and other than lightsabers that are specifically called out as darkside items which I can still use btw, I have not seen Dark Jedi items specifically. I did see a Marauder's robe on sale on GTN, but it was blacked out for me and specifically said in the description it could only be used by Marauders. Interesting that it was on the GTN on the fleet though... I get the feeling someone bought it on the Narshadaa GTN which spans factions, couldnt' use it, and tried to sell it on the fleet.


crafters can make anything... well most anything... including stuff for that's limited to the other factions classes. As far as selling it on the Republic GTN maybe someone wants it for their alt. you can send stuff across faction.


Also soon the GTNs will all be cross faction like the Narshadaa one.



To the OP.

try torhead.

Edited by FITorion
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Speaking of which, OP, have you checked the Narshada GTN? There may be some darkside looking items there. Not sure if there will be much variety as that GTN on my server seems to be very limited in its offerings. Edited by Rafaman
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I don't think it's possible to have the Sith style clothing on Republic side or vice versa. Everything I've ever sent to my Republic alts from my Sith character's has always converted to a Republic style appearance.
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I don't think it's possible to have the Sith style clothing on Republic side or vice versa. Everything I've ever sent to my Republic alts from my Sith character's has always converted to a Republic style appearance.


This ^


You're stuck with the Republic style of gear -or- social gear.

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It is called reroll empire with the rest of us. I mean your question is kind of an oxymoron isnt it? You are playing the hero faction yet you want to be dark? I mean seriously if you want to make dark choices just be a sith. Face the reality you cannot be an evil hero.


Yeah you can.

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I am just looking for dark themed jedi robes and the sort. I don't really see where all this: "Reroll to sith, you can't be a evil hero" thing came from as I don't recall ever saying my suggested alignment.


I just want to wear some darker stuff is all. :) Doesn't have to be black, can be darker shades of brown or blue.

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I just want to wear some darker stuff is all. :) Doesn't have to be black, can be darker shades of brown or blue.


There's very few dark.. ish robes, I can only think of two, from Esseles and Athiss if memory serves.. might be one from commendations too (Nar Shadaa ?) The rest are mostly various shades of light brown or other light colors :rolleyes:

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I am just looking for dark themed jedi robes and the sort. I don't really see where all this: "Reroll to sith, you can't be a evil hero" thing came from as I don't recall ever saying my suggested alignment.


I just want to wear some darker stuff is all. :) Doesn't have to be black, can be darker shades of brown or blue.


no worries, people just still love to do that joke, for whatever reason ...


don't sweat, there .are. darker looking jedi robes out there, they are just obviously more rare than the brown or white ones. (same as it is kinda hard to find light coloured ones on empire side which is actually something that is bothering me immensely. my inquisitor can run around with the social gear they just copied from rep site for females :rolleyes:, but still... )



you could wait for 1.3 I guess when social gear will scale to your gear kind, so you could get the male social gear from coruscant. it used to be empire-exclusive, so of course it's dark (I personally think it looks kinda silly but oh well :D)

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I actually outfitted my new Jedi Shadow in the CE "Republic Officers" outfit (minus the headgear...I hate the majority of the headgear looks in this game) because I hate the earth-tone frumpy look of most Jedi robes for the Consular.
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It is called reroll empire with the rest of us. I mean your question is kind of an oxymoron isnt it? You are playing the hero faction yet you want to be dark? I mean seriously if you want to make dark choices just be a sith. Face the reality you cannot be an evil hero.


Read the definition of a Anti-Hero and then realize your statement was stupid. To the OP, the closest I have found to Dark Jedi gear would be to just use Gunslinger clothing until you can get some Foundry Marauder Pants and Sith BattleMaster robes from the Taral V and Maelstrom FP's respectively, least for Sentinels. If your a Guardian then the Force Battler and Maelstrom Guardian Armors are both Black with white armor pieces, very cool looking.

Edited by CadeAssant
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Read the definition of a Anti-Hero and then realize your statement was stupid. To the OP, the closest I have found to Dark Jedi gear would be to just use Gunslinger clothing until you can get some Foundry Marauder Pants and Sith BattleMaster robes from the Taral V and Maelstrom FP's respectively, least for Sentinels. If your a Guardian then the Force Battler and Maelstrom Guardian Armors are both Black with white armor pieces, very cool looking.



while the clothing has the same name for both factions, they look vastly different. I'm pretty sure the ones from Taral V and Mealstrom are actually not black (I could be wrong, of course, but I don't rememeber dark looking jedi stuff dropping in either instance, but I do remember the look you mean from doing the foundry)

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I could manage a somewhat dark outfit. I don't have any image here right now but I can post it later. Mainly it's a dark grey robe and enabling the color matching, the rest of the gear gets dark shades of grey. It never gets to deep black though...
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I am just looking for dark themed jedi robes and the sort. I don't really see where all this: "Reroll to sith, you can't be a evil hero" thing came from as I don't recall ever saying my suggested alignment.


I just want to wear some darker stuff is all. :) Doesn't have to be black, can be darker shades of brown or blue.


It doesn't have a "dark" name, but the Jedi Myrmidon set is a heavy armor set with a dark color. It can't be crafted though so your best bet is to keep an eye out for the pieces on the GTN. Some of it comes from random drops so it would probably take awhile to acquire.

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Well I know that there are in fact some "Dark Jedi" gear, here's the link to it


However I am under the assumption no one's seen these drop, which is a major bummer since I do hate when an MMORPG designs an outfit and then for no reason at all decides to take the outfit out of the game. :/




I'm aware of the Dark Jedi Lightsaber, the piece that really caught my attention is the Dark Jedi's Robe.


Anyone seen or know what has become of this cool set?


And I don't care for "Dark" names, I mainly care for the appearance,


HOWEVER, I do like the Dark Jedi robe only because I'd wear that until I could find something better... So I guess it's partially the name. Hah, see how I just contradicted myself?

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I don't think it's possible to have the Sith style clothing on Republic side or vice versa. Everything I've ever sent to my Republic alts from my Sith character's has always converted to a Republic style appearance.


I have observed this, that the clothing appearance is specific to your faction. But, I so, so, so, soooo want to be able to have Sith-style on Republic, and vice versa.


Bounty Hunter in Trooper Armor. PLEASE?


Gunslinger in Agent armor. Want.

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I have observed this, that the clothing appearance is specific to your faction. But, I so, so, so, soooo want to be able to have Sith-style on Republic, and vice versa.


Bounty Hunter in Trooper Armor. PLEASE?


Gunslinger in Agent armor. Want.


Huh. Honestly I just want a Jedi clad in darker colored Jedi robes, maybe, I don't know, dark grey gear?


But... I did laugh at your sarcasm there, and if you're not being sarcastic then I'm sorry lol

Edited by DeckerVeden
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mh... so I recently played an alt again and realised that the jedi robe you get for the first heroic on coruscant actually is dark blue (for guardians, anyway)


maybe you could try and check that? it's moddable iirc.

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I don't think it's possible to have the Sith style clothing on Republic side or vice versa. Everything I've ever sent to my Republic alts from my Sith character's has always converted to a Republic style appearance.


That is correct. Even if you craft some gear on your sith and post it to a republic alt, it's appearance and name will change to the republic looks.


This is so each side has their own traits and style, otherwise both would look the same which is silly. You don't see jedi looking like sith in starwars.

Edited by NasherUK
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