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1.3 will make or break this game


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Too late, 1.2 already broke it. Combat and balance were 10x better pre 1.2 This game will just continue to get worse. The PvP team has proven that they are clueless. Maintanence-Mode incoming.


It's not 'too late'

1.2 certainly hurt the game

Combat and balance changes in 1.2 were badly/not thought through properly, true

It would actually be harder for them to make the game worse now than better, so it's more likely it will improve

The PVP team have indeed proved that they are indescribably awful

Maintenance Mode is not incoming yet. They will get quite a bit more rope to either hang themselves with or to lash the game back together with before it goes to that.

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Or, all the pvpers will go to Guild Wars 2 and since they won't be complaining the devs will be able to focus on actual content and new things. It just seems way too hard to balance both pvp and pve.


The devs, half of which were just fired?

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You actually been on a server buddy? People have been saying they're leaving for the last few months, and I hate to break it to you: They left already. My server now has 10-15 ppl online at most times, seen as low as 3. Give me a break.


Three people on your entire server? Please provide a name.

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Yes, there are still people playing this game...


Unless they do server merges in 1.3 they'll lose yet another half of their player base...


They had their chance, they dropped the ball at every chance and now can't make up for it...


When people want to play an MMO... They want to play an MMO... ~100 people on a server is NOT an mmo!!!


Merge the servers and people will actually be able to play with each other, transfers don't matter at this point, if they would have offered them in Feb, then maybe... If they would have come out with merges in March... this game would be thriving, compared to how it is now...

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Too late, 1.2 already broke it. Combat and balance were 10x better pre 1.2 This game will just continue to get worse. The PvP team has proven that they are clueless. Maintanence-Mode incoming.


Translation: My OP class got nerfed and now it isn't OP anymore. THE TRAVESTY!

Edited by Jederix
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Yes, there are still people playing this game...


Unless they do server merges in 1.3 they'll lose yet another half of their player base...


They had their chance, they dropped the ball at every chance and now can't make up for it...


When people want to play an MMO... They want to play an MMO... ~100 people on a server is NOT an mmo!!!


Merge the servers and people will actually be able to play with each other, transfers don't matter at this point, if they would have offered them in Feb, then maybe... If they would have come out with merges in March... this game would be thriving, compared to how it is now...


Funny thing about predictions. They are generally wrong.

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Funny thing about predictions. They are generally wrong.


I predict that the predictions based on the predilections of various persons about the future predicament of this game will be both right and wrong.

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What we really need in 1.3 is that people without an active sub aren't able to post on the forums anymore. That would cut out at least half of the completely moronic moaning and groaning.


A lot of folks still had 3/6 month subs, mine runs out on August 6th, So i sitll got a couple of more months to post on the forums.


They way I see it they got my cash, I should be able to gripe if I want too.

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Full disclosure: Long-time RPGer, first time MMOer.


For the longest time, I would not play an MMO. I could not understand why you would pay $15 / month to play a game. I played Elder Scrolls, Knights of the Old Republic, and even had a couple of World of Darkness games thrown in there. When ToR dropped I was still relatively skeptical, but I knew people that played WoW and were enjoying Tor.


Flash forward to my 2nd resub, and as a noob to the MMO scene there is one glaring fact that no one seems to want to face: It's the hardcore MMOers that are killing the game.


I log in to the fleet ready to play, and for the most part it's a good time until one of "you people" get a stick in your *** and want to go all elitist because I chose need on an orange item for my companion that you "need"ed. It makes the game unfun.


I enjoy the game, and will resub again. For the most part, I just wish the elitist hardcore MMO crowd would just relax and enjoy the game. You complain about lack of end game content, but half the fun is rolling a new toon and leveling it. So it takes you a week to get to level 50. Great. You're ruining the fun for yourself. I like running the side missions on the planets. I pick up 5-10 quests and go do my class quest and pick up all the side ones on my way. One class quest may end up taking me 4 - 6 hours with all the side quests I go on. Then if you can get a group, you can have people in different locations to turn in the quests quickly. This game works great when you roll with 3 other people doing the same level progression as you, but when you get to 50 just as fast as you can, IMO, you can no longer enjoy the game because you're going past it as fast as you possibly can. And then you complain there's no content.


That makes my brain hurt.


Tl;dr Enjoy the game or not. Provide constructive criticism or none at all. Resub or don't. Just quit trying to ruin it for the people that enjoy the game. You do it for love of the game, not the glory.

Edited by HurricaneEagle
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Welcome to mmo's, HurricaneEagle, you make valid and reliable points and will make a decent addition to the mmo world. Your right, people can be are stupidheads- human nature...grrrr!. And yet some of what the the "stick to **s elitists" say is valid and reliable as well, and I am sure has been helpful to you as you learn the ropes of this kind of game.


All the trolling about this game has had a positive impact, disappointed fans (its Star Sars, cmon!!1!) have let their voices be heard. Although I do not read any of it (whatever controls the fate of your omniverse, have mercy on any of you that have), but I am glad it is there. The developers that be, know they have messed up and the mob has most definitely spoken. Stop breaking the star wars subculture!!!


This is my first time posting (as far as I can recall)- and want to add to the mob- but first I want to say thanks for the free one month. - apology accepted.


The lack of server transfers/mergers required to address low populations in all servers (except 2- theirs over a hundred of them in NA) has created a product that I bought, that I am now not satisfied with.

This one issue amplifies all the other issues/bugs this game has...such not having map markers we can use for the maps. wth!?


When I speak to people in real life about this game I say, buyer beware.

Edited by Tekill
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Nothing wrong with this game. It is amazing. Only impatient people who are too lazy to reroll on a populated server with good latency post and complain about something 'making or breaking' this game. I live on a server with a decent community and great gameplay. No problems. And to get there i had to reroll... So what the game is still young.
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Nothing wrong with this game. It is amazing. Only impatient people who are too lazy to reroll on a populated server with good latency post and complain about something 'making or breaking' this game. I live on a server with a decent community and great gameplay. No problems. And to get there i had to reroll... So what the game is still young.


No Im not lazy, I am jsut not interested having 4 50's in regrinding all that out and dooing all those booring side quests again.

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1.3 will make or break the game depending on its release date. Transfers/mergers have been needed since February, and taking a month to release it would be disastrous.


Really disastrous? Get real the game will be fine it has 1.3m people no other MMO has broke that on release and kept it . 1.3 is just the beginning of good things to come but most of complaining probably don't have accounts but Bio still allows you to post. I say they are not afraid of the future of this game because they have big things in store for us players and I will be here ahead of the game.

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Games in a lot worse shape than this one still exist or lasted for years. SWTOR isn't going anywhere, don't fool yourself.


I don't think anyone believes the game will fail in the sense it will close. However I think maybe the OP means make or break in terms of perception of the game. We all know an MMO gets one big chance at launch and just after, if it screws that up in any way it is very hard to come back from. I'm not suggesting this game is in any way in the state that FFXIV was in when it launched, but look at the perception everyone has of that game, it could improve massively but it is unlikely it will be given a second chance by gamers.


If the server merges here are not handled effectively and soon, then TOR could earn the reputation of being a good game but with 'ghost servers'. No one wants to play an empty MMO. It still has a chance to pull it off, but merges have to happen sooner rather than later and there can be no mistakes.

Edited by Cordelia
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I cant wait for the

1.4 Will make or break the game

Then the

1.5 will make or break the game


Nah man your wrong... Everyone knows that its 2.3215a34b2c patch that will make or break this game. Get with the times dide.

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I'm okay waiting for them to fix the server population issue, but I really don't feel like paying a subscription fee so that I can sit around on the fleet with my 5 lvl 50's and wait for PVP queues that never pop. It's been getting bad the past few months but this past month I've seen my server drop from 50 at peak hours to <10 at peak. I just don't see why BW didn't make server transfers a top priority. I can live without new content if it means I can actually play the game I'm paying for.
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I disagree another month will no destroy this game, 3-5 would do serious damage but a month? i doubt it.. there are alot of people saying they are leaving, but i rarely believe anyone saying they are quitting a game when they post on the forums, alot of people say it for shock value to try and force the devs into action (silly notion really) but alot of people are anticipating these transfers, so i think more people will stick around the month or so it will take.


I don't believe that either... in a game that has a steady or growing population.


When a game drops 25% of their subs in 1-2 months though, then that becomes a threat that shouldn't be taken so lightly- because it is meaning everyone else is dealing with fewer people to group with in pve, broken guilds, and longer pvp queues... which means those still liking the game start to not like it too because they can't pve, their guild mates are gone, and they're waiting an hour to pvp.


It's a snowball effect that if they don't address very fast- is going to ruin the game.


Thing is, there's alot of people still playing- but so spread out right now. If they can get it so there's only heavy pop servers- they not only should keep most of who is left, but might even start to see SLOW growth. BUT, they have to react fast, and there's a lot less patience for failure right now.

Edited by fungihoujo
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