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Powertech Pyrotech deserve the HUGE nerf


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The large numbers on sorcs were from hybrid specs pre 1.2. Maybe a sorc can post an 800k wz post 1.2, but how much of that damage resulted in a kill?


Sorcs and pyro pt's are in 2 different leagues, you can stop comparing them now.

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madness spec is all about attacking multiple targets with dots and aoe

sinse then dots with 15sec CD became aoe? and 1 new aoe is really OP :D


Level 24 sage responding , move along people - nothing to see here!

good boy... at least u tried :D but as i can see u don't have any arguments, do u?


Sorcs and pyro pt's are in 2 different leagues, you can stop comparing them now.

sorry dude i thought they have one of 2 things brains or arguments, but it looks like i was wrong :(

Edited by CJIaCTeHa
spelling errors :(
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Why would anyone even need to argue this fact...


Pyro pt's can do 800k dmg on single target burst, resulting in kills most of the time.


Madness sorcs can multidot targets, most likely not resulting in a kill but it pads the meters well.


Most people know that Pyro pt's are much better than sorcs are, and would agree that dps specced sorcs are one of the worst pvp classes at the moment.

Edited by Slashtwo
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Why would anyone even need to argue this fact...


Pyro pt's can do 800k dmg on single target burst, resulting in kills most of the time.


Madness sorcs can multidot targets, most likely not resulting in a kill but it pads the meters well.


Most people know that Pyro pt's are much better than sorcs are, and would agree that dps specced sorcs are one of the worst pvp classes at the moment.


You said two posts before you can not compare them. So why do you say things like "are much better" now. Are Pyros better at healing? Are pyros better at kiting or cc? That would be comparisions that are as likely as yours comparing a burst class with a sustained damage class.

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sinse then dots with 15sec CD became aoe? and 1 new aoe is really OP :D



good boy... at least u tried :D but as i can see u don't have any arguments, do u?



sorry dude i thought they have one of 2 things brains or arguments, but it looks like i was wrong :(


I'll just get an infraction again. Your response reeks of imaturity and cluelessness.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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madness spec is all about attacking multiple targets with dots and aoe


No it's not, were you a warlock in WoW doing tab dot tab dot tab dot tab dot? It's a waste of resources to do that as a madness, the only effective AOE madness has is death field.

Edited by Sookster
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You said two posts before you can not compare them. So why do you say things like "are much better" now. Are Pyros better at healing? Are pyros better at kiting or cc? That would be comparisions that are as likely as yours comparing a burst class with a sustained damage class.


At CC, yes, they are. Group AOE CC yes please.


EDIT: My bad for contributing to the derailing of the topic. I'll simply say this, anyone who believes that right now a sorc is comparable to a PT is fundamentally and absolutely wrong.


Sorc are ATM the weakest or second weakest DPS class in the game (depends on what you think to Commandos). PT are by far the highest single target burst.

Edited by TheGreatFrosty
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No it's not, were you a warlock in WoW doing tab dot tab dot tab dot tab dot? It's a waste of resources to do that as a madness, the only effective AOE madness has is death field.


The balance tree of a sage holds tremendous potential for sustained damage, even in sustain mode it could need a little nudge though to have its overall performance increased, but in no way does the tree provide a good way of pressuring the enemy team.


Short of focusing other Sorcerers the Sage is incredibly weak and to provide any kind of "pressure" he needs to apply his DoTs on several targets to


- Prevent dispelling

- Maximise his damage potential

- Keep up (!)


The Sage is at the moment the worst PvP DPS class and sustained damage without any spikes has a small, if any, role in PvP. Saying that you can be super effective by focus firing your DoTs on one target and then applying AoE + Lightning/Pebble spam is a downright joke (provider you're not blowing Adrenal+Relic+Potency - which in itself is ridicolous, viability every 2 minutes and meatbag the rest of the time?) . One dispell and more than 50% of your damage is gone. We're not here to discuss Sorc/Sage though but I hope you're not replying without playing this class yourself because to be honest if you do I hope it is not your main.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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When one PT can melt me and a Sage healer(both well geared, guard up, taunts used), before help can arrive at a node, that's broken.


Sorry in that case the problem is not the Pyro.

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My main is a VG, and I think VGs offensive spec gets nerfed (which is fine with me) I want it to be fixed with more dps sustainability. VG/PT are very situational with their dps, some fights its AMAZING! 12k+ damage in a few cooldowns, but other times when you dont crit, and dont proc HIB its just average or below average (usually against Maras!).


VG/PT are far to reliant on being too bursty, and I would rather them change it to more steady and sustained dps.

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Yes, it is. A sage healer cannot 1 to 1 a pyro PT and live. Their healing is easily outweighed by the damage of the pyro.


Yeah if like an idiot you stand still trying to heal thru then yes.

But if you're clever and cleanse yourself/los/shield etc etc a pt cant do much to you as they cant use RS or HiB


So stupid sage healer die from PTS

Clever Sage healers > Pts


Im guessing your the former tho.

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Yeah if like an idiot you stand still trying to heal thru then yes.

But if you're clever and cleanse yourself/los/shield etc etc a pt cant do much to you as they cant use RS or HiB


So stupid sage healer die from PTS

Clever Sage healers > Pts


Im guessing your the former tho.


Please play a sage healer, or a class, before posting.


PT has FAR greater mobility than that of a sage. They also have harpoon. Nearly all their moves are on IC. You'd have to be against a pretty special PT if LOSing worked enough to keep you alive.

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Yeah if like an idiot you stand still trying to heal thru then yes.

But if you're clever and cleanse yourself/los/shield etc etc a pt cant do much to you as they cant use RS or HiB


So stupid sage healer die from PTS

Clever Sage healers > Pts


Im guessing your the former tho.


Well it looks like you're the idiot.


1) A sage cant cleanse tech effects.


2) Flameburst applies combustable gas cylinder (100%)

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Yes, it is. A sage healer cannot 1 to 1 a pyro PT and live. Their healing is easily outweighed by the damage of the pyro.


Sorry you mentioned a 2on1 where the healer is guarded and the Pyro is taunted. If the pyro wins that one with both sides having equal equipment than the side with the 2 people has serious skill issues.

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Sorry you mentioned a 2on1 where the healer is guarded and the Pyro is taunted. If the pyro wins that one with both sides having equal equipment than the side with the 2 people has serious skill issues.


I didn't mention a 2 on 1. What are you on about. That situation is entirely different to the one that was put forth.

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Sorry you mentioned a 2on1 where the healer is guarded and the Pyro is taunted. If the pyro wins that one with both sides having equal equipment than the side with the 2 people has serious skill issues.



That's a pretty epic fail, if that's the case.

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I didn't mention a 2 on 1. What are you on about. That situation is entirely different to the one that was put forth.


Nope you didn't but you quoted my post that was an answer for a 2on1 situation. Noone spoke about a pyro going 1on1 against a sage.

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Nope you didn't but you quoted my post that was an answer for a 2on1 situation. Noone spoke about a pyro going 1on1 against a sage.


Ah yes you're right, my apologies. Bit of a reading fail there (tired).


I agree with what you say then, in the case of 'well geared' tank + heal duo against a PT, there would be a question of skill if the tank/heal died. Though I'm sure a PT would have more chance than any.

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Well it looks like you're the idiot.


1) A sage cant cleanse tech effects.


2) Flameburst applies combustable gas cylinder (100%)


Meh my mistake i thought they could.


But still I've played with a sage healer since early access and he dies maybe 2-3 times a match. But this is a guy that knows how to play sage and knows how to los instead of standing still.


The whole argument of saying a healer cant withstand a dps is idiotic as they only ever meet in a 8 v 8 warzone and its down to teamplay and havign skilled players.

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