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Which NPCs or alternate companions would your characters rather romance?


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*cough*Hunter*cough**blush**run away*



FemAgent should have been able to kiss Hunter. You spend all that time with those passive-aggressive flirts. Then when you say she doesn't have to pretend anymore Hunter says something like "I still want to, it's hard not to see you through his eyes." I wanted to kiss her at least to say goodbye. If I had Kaliyo out I'd have kissed her and stabbed her to death at the same time for bonus affection.


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FemAgent should have been able to kiss Hunter. You spend all that time with those passive-aggressive flirts. Then when you say she doesn't have to pretend anymore Hunter says something like "I still want to, it's hard not to see you through his eyes." I wanted to kiss her at least to say goodbye. If I had Kaliyo out I'd have kissed her and stabbed her to death at the same time for bonus affection.


or you could have a VERY comedic moment

where after everything else, your agent remained composed and cool...but " wait..i kissed... EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW"

now true girl's arent as squeamish to that idea as say a guy kissing someone they find out latter was another guy..but still



also i remember early on there was a darker skinned, akwardly shy watcher at the agency... i'd have loved to play with that :>

Edited by Crezelle
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or you could have a VERY comedic moment

where after everything else, your agent remained composed and cool...but " wait..i kissed... EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW"

now true girl's arent as squeamish to that idea as say a guy kissing someone they find out latter was another guy..but still


missed opportunities :)

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Now that I think about it, both Kira Carsen and Elara Dorne have brothers that are of fine Imperial stock... Though I don't think telling either of them that "Your brother is hot" would go over that well. ;)



Although having to kill Kira's brother would nip that idea in the bud. And I have a sneaking suspicion that Elara's brother Aleksei might suffer a similar fate...



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Now that I think about it, both Kira Carsen and Elara Dorne have brothers that are of fine Imperial stock... Though I don't think telling either of them that "Your brother is hot" would go over that well. ;)


Ah, that Kira thing...

Vallis was hot! That face, that voice! If he had been willing to sign me up for Team Evil that would've been the end of my Jedi career!


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a lot of femagents like saganu on hoth


I romanced him, as much as we could before I married Vector. But the one NPC I really wanted as an actual love interest for a while was Sanju Pyne from Balmorra. My agent loved him dearly for a long time before Vector came around. I'd love for him to become a companion for my agent and have to have a very tough decision. Or ask Vector if they can share or something. And even if he NEVER becomes an LI (no temptation for you, Eanelinea!) I'd love for him to contact my girl and say he decided to join my crew. Oh man, Eanelinea would have a tough decision to make there!

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which form? ;)

Either, really. I find the male form to be slightly more attractive, but it's the same person on the inside, and that is what is important.

FemAgent should have been able to kiss Hunter. You spend all that time with those passive-aggressive flirts. Then when you say she doesn't have to pretend anymore Hunter says something like "I still want to, it's hard not to see you through his eyes." I wanted to kiss her at least to say goodbye. If I had Kaliyo out I'd have kissed her and stabbed her to death at the same time for bonus affection.

I am really bitter about that. My agent had this great and terrible thing with Hunter that she didn't realize until there they were at the end, together, and yet my husband's agent who was sort of ambivalent about him was able to kiss her goodbye and mine wasn't. I would say that it broke my heart, but it was already broken at that point.

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Biron...omg did that quest again last night and started grouching out loud: "where are my flirts?!?" AND at the end of the quest line.....


not sure if it's the same if you did a dark side choice, but if you tell him to contact you if he wanted to defect it ALMOST sounds like he'd consider it. All he says is that he'll be watched closely after this.


Dude, I would give Imperials Thana Vesh if Repubs could have Biron.

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There are so many fine male NPCs that we ladies aren't allowed to touch. Why BioWare why?


Female Consular - Attros Finn, the Mirialan Jedi who's taking care of Master Yuon on Coruscant. When I first met him I whispered my friend, who's consular was 50, and was like "Is he my healer? Can I romance him?" only to be disappointed by the answer "No!" to both. >=( Also would be nice to have Zenith as an option. Oh, and I did find Tai Cordan adorable. It was probably due to Cam Clarke's voice. He's the only Rift Alliance who leaves your ship after you help him out on Balmorra, and whenever I saw him on holocom I was constantly like "Come baaaaaaaaack! I'll throw the whiny Twi'lek chick off of my ship instead!"


Female Trooper - Jonas Balkar. Good god I love this guy. He's like a mix of Han Solo and Atton Rand. Guy troopers can go visit Jaxo in Chapter 3 and hook up with her, why can't us gal troopers go to the cantina and get our drink with Jonas? We earned it dangit!


Female Smuggler - Numen Brock and Lokir-Ka. Would say Lenn Teraan, but I think he's better as a fling, not a full romance. Wouldn't mind having him and his sister on my ship though.


Female Agent - I swear this class has the best assortment of man-candy in the whole game, but my Agent would never leave Vector. So, she'll just have to clone herself. ^_^ Sanju Pyne, Aristocra Saganu, and Chance all need their own Agent!


No Particular Class, Republic Female - Captain Biron from Hoth. Cole Cantarus from Corellia/Ilum. I've already proclaimed to my guild that Cole is my Smuggler's boyfriend, Corso and actual storyline be damned.


No Particular Class, Empire Female - Lieutenant Rutau at the Okara Droid Factory on Balmorra. I thought he was adorable, wanted to pick him up, take him to the nearest medical station and help with his recovery. :p

Edited by Ellyria
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For my JC, it doesn't even have to be someone that's not a companion - I would take Zenith. He's the bad boy my ultra light (just shy of light 5) would enjoy. Most of her dark decision involved him, as a matter of fact.


For my Sith Warrior - I'm definitely liking Pierce. Again, he's a bad boy, at least seems that way when I meet him, that seems a perfect counterpart to my bad girl SW.


My agent? Although she adores Vector, she could also see getting involved with any number of Chiss on Hoth...her loyalty is to Chiss first, Empire second - although empire may be lower than second since they.....well, don't want to post spoilers.

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Female Agent - I swear this class has the best assortment of man-candy in the whole game, but my Agent would never leave Vector. So, she'll just have to clone herself. ^_^ Sanju Pyne, Aristocra Saganu, and Chance all need their own Agent!


this needs to be done! my agent can then smurf the entire galaxy! ...or maybe make all those males joiners, so you can smurf them all simultaneously :cool:

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So many lost opportunities for the ladies here. :( There needs to be an entire expansion for all of these.... side... romances...haha - Rated m for mature of course :o What? You know you'd buy it.


Captain Biron - I don't know if Bioware just randomly generates appearances to go with voices, but the scottish accent and the slicked back hair and the imperial uniform.... oh my. Both my Jedi Knight and Smuggler immediately considered defecting.


Seganu - Reminded me of a prince from a disney fairy tell. A blue one.


Hunter - until the "***" moment. What a freaking let down. /sigh


Chance - He was coooot.


Lord Draahg - Seriously, the female SW had literally no flirt options. This one would have been perfect for a sexually charged battle.


The Zabrak guy at the beginning of the IA story - WHY did my IA act disgusted for sleeping with him? ***... I totally pretended that she really enjoyed it.. cuz sometimes women like sex too you know.





Just a wish here....less body type 4's in the next expansion please. God. Or at least add an obese woman option to make it equally gross for everyone.

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Hunter - until the "***" moment. What a freaking let down. /sigh
That bit didn't matter in the slightest to me or my agent. Would take him either way.
Chance - He was coooot.
So adorable when you flirt with him, too.
The Zabrak guy at the beginning of the IA story - WHY did my IA act disgusted for sleeping with him? ***... I totally pretended that she really enjoyed it.. cuz sometimes women like sex too you know.
My agent was shaking her head at how stupid he must have been to think that that was going to save his life. She got to get some and she got to dispose of him somewhere quiet and out of the way. It was a pretty good deal for her.
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I started a female Sith Inq recently and while doing my trials for Overseer... uh Haskur? I convinced myself and my leveling friend that there was just the right amount of hatred and condescending sneer-a-rific boredom in his tone that he had a thing for her. He calls her slave constantly and in such a way that I think he's just trying to remind himself of her lesser roots so he doesn't forget himself and bend her over his desk.


Because he'd hate himself in the morning for sure. But that wouldn't stop him from doing again after every trial she completes.


Oh, am I reading to deep into things?

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My Sage definitely had a crush on Tai Cordin.


I was VERY disappointed when Sanju didn't leave Balmorra with me. (HELP IT'S JUST ME AND KALIYO OUT THERE I NEED YOU). But I don't think I'd choose him over Vector.


My BH was very sad to see Jewla the Nightbringer would never be an option.


I wish Zash had given Ffon to my Assassin as a slave. Oh the possibilities, little Ffon.

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I'm so crushing on Lord Scourge. Dear goodness, the voice and the intelligence and strength and all of it in a sexy package. I checked out some customizations and then decided that the original was best. Give the man a few of the softer emotions (just a few), and we'll be set! I can has please, BioWare? <insert puppy dog eyes>


Course if he does become a possibility at some point I'll be faced with ending a marriage with Doc....and I suspect that he'd be pretty hurt...or rolling a second jk. I'm honestly not sure which I'd do.


Course if we had some extra character slots this would be an easier decision :mad:


So would you reroll for a new relationship option or end it with your current LI?

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So would you reroll for a new relationship option or end it with your current LI?


Oh. Oh. Ow.


My Smuggler is footloose and fancy-free...or will be once Corso gets the hint...so she would gleefully sample the goods and pick out the best. My Agent's not exactly exclusive with Kaliyo, so...if possible, he would sample here and there but refuse to get serious with anybody else.


I suspect my Warrior would maintain stern lonely broken-heartedness for at least eighteen hours in this flirty new world before I broke down and had her fling the ragged remains of Quinn's relationship into the trash compactor and go have some fun.


I would reroll any Knight (mine's all pure and stuff) or Inquisitor (mine likes her pirate).

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Chance - He was coooot.


So adorable when you flirt with him, too.


that adorableness saved his little arse. my agent saved his life just in hopes she could tap that latter while playing nurse back at the sis medcenter :D


Oh Chance, why could my Agent never have you? :( My Agent was willing to visit him at the medcentre... with flowers... and then lock the door for some "therapy", mmhmm. :cool:


Seriously, when...



Kothe used the mind control BS, I was like "That's it, anyone who uses the codeword DIES!" Then Chance was wounded and used it even though I totally offered to come and patch him up before he asked and I was like "............Eff. Okay, you're lucky you're so effing cute, you get a pass! But no one else!"




So would you reroll for a new relationship option or end it with your current LI?


I'd totally roll a brand new character. I'm one of those crazy people that will go through a BioWare game for 10+ playthroughs to explore all the options. My only worry is that I will fill out the 40 character cap (I think there is one anyway) and have to start deleting or beg BioWare for more. :p

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The Zabrak guy at the beginning of the IA story - WHY did my IA act disgusted for sleeping with him? ***... I totally pretended that she really enjoyed it.. cuz sometimes women like sex too you know.


I think it's what he did BEHIND the f-t-b. I mean he was kind of a creepy dude, all grabby hands and such. We have NO idea what he did to her. I'd be shaking my head like 'what the HELL was I thinking!!' too if he'd done some weird **** to me. That's how I see it.

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I think it's what he did BEHIND the f-t-b. I mean he was kind of a creepy dude, all grabby hands and such. We have NO idea what he did to her. I'd be shaking my head like 'what the HELL was I thinking!!' too if he'd done some weird **** to me. That's how I see it.


thats what i figured. my agent enjoys adding another notch on her belt, but i'm pretty sure he tried to get the most of his situation, and didnt treat her like a lady at all. oh well, she had training to prepare for those kinds of situations.

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