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For some reason we wonder why BioWare doesn't take us seriously?


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For some reason I don't take Walsh very seriously, probably because posts like:


I am sorry that you feel that way, however you aren't including the contexts of any of those quotes nor are you disputing what I said in any of them. Also, if you notice, they are all personal opinions and not once make any claim as fact aside from those that actually are facts.


Why the operative nerf was OK


And? You aren't disputing my stance. According to the lore of Star Wars for the present moment Operatives are indeed normal non-special (as in "possessing powers") individuals who live in the Sith Empire. The Sith Empire is indeed a Sith controlled essentially theocratic society that places Force Users, Sith specifically, on a higher tier in the socio-political hierarchy. They can be killed and executed by more or less any Sith with the only possible repercussions coming from other Sith. Thus they should fear Force users.


If you want other reasons why the Operative nerf was okay I can only reference many games from the past that had a similar issue. It simply is not fun, nor is it balanced, to die to a stunlock from a class that can approach and attack from invisibility and on my server the so-called "mythical" groups of Operatives actually did exist and it was completely not fun nor balanced to encounter them as in order to counter them it took a Trooper who laid down a stealth scan at the exact right time in the exact right place without any indication of when that time or place was.




Why it's OK for melee to faceroll ranged


And I stand by this statement as well. In 1.2 the balance was squarely with the ranged classes. This has the exact same problems as having the melee classes being on top. The only difference is that one supports the IP and one does not. True balance of course would be better, and I never said it wouldn't be, but if I had to pick between two choices that had the exact same down sides with the exception of one supports the IP and one doesn't support the IP then there is no reason to go with the option that doesn't support the IP.




some more goodness


Your argument means nothing here. Again, I would prefer a game that resembles Star Wars as this is a Star Wars game. The fact that you, for some reason, take offense to that seems suspect. I personally feel that you have a grudge against Jedi and/or Sith and enjoy the feeling you get when you see an on-screen Jedi or Sith die. It is a troubling thing that has become "popular" as of late.


It just doesn't seem to end


Absolutely. That was a post pre 1.2 when Trauma was a joke and was also able to be cleansed off which is something you failed to consider. Since Trauma was so easy to cleanse off in pre 1.2 having it have a greater impact for the limited time it was on would have indeed been fine with me.


There are more examples if you want to dig into, these were just some that I remembered. So from what I've seen is that he has been a strong advocate for sentinels (or Jedi in general) from the start and just doesn't want his class being looked at now that he feels it's in a "good place".


Actually you are somewhat correct and incorrect. I don't care if BioWare looks at the Sentinel, they have, in fact, looked at it quite a few times. They, and I, agree that the class is fine. I also did strongly advocate for the Sentinel, specifically the Combat Sentinel and the class absolutely needed it at the time. There is nothing wrong with the Sentinel class in my opinion, there is simply a lack of understanding on behalf of others and a failure to adapt to a new paradigm that is causing the current state of affairs.


Walsh, I like how you know your SW lore and all that good stuff, I mean I'm a SW fan but I do not even come close in that area, but your posts are biased whenever it comes to PvP so I would not give out community advice to others on the PvP board.


I feel that you aren't really a Star Wars fan and I feel that you are biased when it comes to PVP as well. You push and advocate for Operative superiority and seem to celebrate any perceived defeat or Jedi and or Sith. I will not take your advice but I do thank you for giving it. I do wish that you would present the full context of an argument instead of simply posting a snippit however and I wish you would at least explain what you took offense to because in none of the snippits you posted did you ever point out a bit of hypocrisy in any of those statements. There were no lies, there were no mis-statements, and I was very clear that everything being said was an opinion.


EDIT: I agree with Annex[/color]


I don't. That is the wonder of forums. We don't have to agree with each other.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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I am sorry that you feel that way, however you aren't including the contexts of any of those quotes nor are you disputing what I said in any of them. Also, if you notice, they are all personal opinions and not once make any claim as fact aside from those that actually are facts.




And? You aren't disputing my stance. According to the lore of Star Wars for the present moment Operatives are indeed normal non-special (as in "possessing powers") individuals who live in the Sith Empire. The Sith Empire is indeed a Sith controlled essentially theocratic society that places Force Users, Sith specifically, on a higher tier in the socio-political hierarchy. They can be killed and executed by more or less any Sith with the only possible repercussions coming from other Sith. Thus they should fear Force users.


If you want other reasons why the Operative nerf was okay I can only reference many games from the past that had a similar issue. It simply is not fun, nor is it balanced, to die to a stunlock from a class that can approach and attack from invisibility and on my server the so-called "mythical" groups of Operatives actually did exist and it was completely not fun nor balanced to encounter them as in order to counter them it took a Trooper who laid down a stealth scan at the exact right time in the exact right place without any indication of when that time or place was.




And I stand by this statement as well. In 1.2 the balance was squarely with the ranged classes. This has the exact same problems as having the melee classes being on top. The only difference is that one supports the IP and one does not. True balance of course would be better, and I never said it wouldn't be, but if I had to pick between two choices that had the exact same down sides with the exception of one supports the IP and one doesn't support the IP then there is no reason to go with the option that doesn't support the IP.




Your argument means nothing here. Again, I would prefer a game that resembles Star Wars as this is a Star Wars game. The fact that you, for some reason, take offense to that seems suspect. I personally feel that you have a grudge against Jedi and/or Sith and enjoy the feeling you get when you see an on-screen Jedi or Sith die. It is a troubling thing that has become "popular" as of late.




Absolutely. That was a post pre 1.2 when Trauma was a joke and was also able to be cleansed off which is something you failed to consider. Since Trauma was so easy to cleanse off in pre 1.2 having it have a greater impact for the limited time it was on would have indeed been fine with me.




Actually you are somewhat correct and incorrect. I don't care if BioWare looks at the Sentinel, they have, in fact, looked at it quite a few times. They, and I, agree that the class is fine. I also did strongly advocate for the Sentinel, specifically the Combat Sentinel and the class absolutely needed it at the time. There is nothing wrong with the Sentinel class in my opinion, there is simply a lack of understanding on behalf of others and a failure to adapt to a new paradigm that is causing the current state of affairs.




I feel that you aren't really a Star Wars fan and I feel that you are biased when it comes to PVP as well. You push and advocate for Operative superiority and seem to celebrate any perceived defeat or Jedi and or Sith. I will not take your advice but I do thank you for giving it. I do wish that you would present the full context of an argument instead of simply posting a snippit however and I wish you would at least explain what you took offense to because in none of the snippits you posted did you ever point out a bit of hypocrisy in any of those statements. There were no lies, there were no mis-statements, and I was very clear that everything being said was an opinion.




I don't. That is the wonder of forums. We don't have to agree with each other.



I don't think anyone who is not a Star Wars fan would be playing this game for it's PvP sake.


I don't really understand where you take that I advocate for the Operative/Smuggler superiority. I don't even have one. (Well I'm lying, I have one that's been lvl 23 for the past 3 months).


As to Jedi/Sith I mostly distance myself from them because of it's player base - they tend to draw a younger and "whinier" audience, don't get me wrong each class has it just that more people = more noise. Bringing canon and IP into a MMO where all the classes are supposed to be equal is a very weak argument. If you want to play an all powerful Jedi there is a game for you: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, it even has a sequel. It is single player though. I would not have anything against Jedi being very powerful if it had similar repercussions to dying that the early days of SWG had - die and it's a perma death - and if it was not a starter class. I mean there are millions of troopers but the Jedi should be rare, right?


Yes, they are opinions and that's why I did not find the need to argue or dispute them, I'm not the one to judge how you feel or what is right. Just your original post reeked of hypocrisy while you have done the same things in defense of your own beloved class.


Also the quotes I brought out there were direct quotes from you, I did not delete, pick or leave anything out and they did not have any other meaning to it - you don't have to, but feel free to prove otherwise.

Edited by Easpeak
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The biggest balance issue in SWTOR is the person pushing the keys on the keyboard




Balance is an illusion. You can't balance eye hand coordination. I, along with @35 guildies, didn't leave this game because of balance issues. We left due to awful development, testing, and pvp content. This mmo is bad in our collective opinion. Others like it and that is awesome, but balance issues are the least of this games problems.


This mmo could have been king ****. It is the runt of the litter. That has NOTHING to do with the community not complaining properly.


As far as the op being a game developer, well, I'm a unicorn handler. I have as much proof of that as he does his occupation. All I see is a another dude with an ego problem. Fits right in with what we expect on game forums.

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Ironic that when your class is number one, you can make threads saying that 'claiming any class can't be beat is bad' or that 'it is possible to escape any class as a good player'.


Yet you weren't saying that before 1.2- in fact, you were in the exact same crowd that you're currently saying is in the wrong, the crowd that was complaining about how hard it was to handle healers, how OP sorcs were because you couldn't beat them- even though other marauders at the highest skill level are laughing about how simple it was to dominate sorcs and tear healers apart.


You call people liars when you've just made a thread where you spout nothing but lies and toot your own horn?


Everyone knows that you have been saying since long before the game came out that if a jedi knight isn't the most powerful class, and every other class finds it to be a monumental task to defeat one- that the game will be a disappointment. It's perfectly fine for other classes to be easy to crush- but a jedi knight must be godlike or the Prof won't be happy- and nobody is surprised you're smug and happy now.


You must be proud that the game has finally caved to do things your way- never mind that almost all servers are reporting having a massive drop in queue pops since 1.2. Never mind we had a drop of 400k subs since 1.2. And guess what? Everyone who wasn't a marauder- y'know, who actually played multiple classes and didn't just have a vested interest in the JK being the best class ever- predicted on the PTS and other forums that if the 1.2 changes went through, there would be a mass exodus from the game- and that is the first prediction of there being a mass exodus that was actually spot on.



That you can call others liars when it comes to 'can't beat class X' talk when you did and do the exact thing about healers pre-1.2 is almost mind boggling- but I guess it's understandable, after all, to you SWTOR revolves around the jedi knight, so it makes perfect sense to you that anything else is unacceptable. After all, in SW, a single jedi could cut through bounty hunters and troopers with relative ease, back to back- you have gotten that fantasy and it works for you.


I predict the game will be down to a million subs by the fall if the JK hasn't gotten a substantial nerf OR, classes like the trooper (specifically commandos) and sorc/sage haven't gotten substantial buffs. There- it's in writing, can't take it back now.


Fact is- you have an agenda, though in your favour you have always been very transparent about your agenda- there's nobody that can question you want jedi knights to be best and everything else to suck in comparison because you've been saying it clearly for years. You are even now pushing your agenda for certain specs/classes you hate- namely healers- to continue to be nerfed/stay where they are- and for your class, the JK, to not eat any nerfs. This thread is you pushing that agenda- as all threads you post in are.

Edited by fungihoujo
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I don't think anyone who is not a Star Wars fan would be playing this game for it's PvP sake.


I don't really understand where you take that I advocate for the Operative/Smuggler superiority. I don't even have one. (Well I'm lying, I have one that's been lvl 23 for the past 3 months).


I have no reason to believe that.


As to Jedi/Sith I mostly distance myself from them because of it's player base - they tend to draw a younger and "whinier" audience, don't get me wrong each class has it just that more people = more noise. Bringing canon and IP into a MMO where all the classes are supposed to be equal is a very weak argument. If you want to play an all powerful Jedi there is a game for you: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, it even has a sequel. It is single player though. I would not have anything against Jedi being very powerful if it had similar repercussions to dying that the early days of SWG had - die and it's a perma death - and if it was not a starter class. I mean there are millions of troopers but the Jedi should be rare, right?


This isn't "just an MMO" and to leave the Star Wars portion out of a Star Wars MMO defeats the purpose of making a Star Wars MMO. Also for the time period the Jedi aren't rare. That is what you fail to understand. There are millions of Troopers, but there are still 50,000+ Jedi.


Yes, they are opinions and that's why I did not find the need to argue or dispute them, I'm not the one to judge how you feel or what is right. Just your original post reeked of hypocrisy while you have done the same things in defense of your own beloved class.


Please look up the definition of hypocrisy. You didn't point out any hypocrisy in my post at all. Hypocrisy would be if I engaged in the things I am rallying against, which is using hyperbole and outright lies to try to swing an argument. I did none of those things.


Also the quotes I brought out there were direct quotes from you, I did not delete, pick or leave anything out and they did not have any other meaning to it - you don't have to, but feel free to prove otherwise.


No. You took them out of context. Context is dependent on when things were posted especially in a game like this. Take, for example, the trauma issue... That specifically was talking about the sorry state of trauma pre 1.2 you'll notice I have not brought it up since BioWare made it unable to be cleansed. In any case you are trying to attack me for no reason and I take offense to such things so I will simply choose not to engage in discourse with you any further on this matter.

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Yet you weren't saying that before 1.2- in fact, you were in the exact same crowd that you're currently saying is in the wrong, the crowd that was complaining about how hard it was to handle healers, how OP sorcs were because you couldn't beat them- even though other marauders at the highest skill level are laughing about how simple it was to dominate sorcs and tear healers apart.


Please at least read the original post.


I never said it was wrong to complain about a class. I said it was wrong to resort to outright lies and that is something you will never find I have done. Nor have I resorted to exaggeration to prove a point. My main complaints about Healers pre 1.2 were very basic.


I felt they healed too much damage too quickly in combination with the large amount of CC and escape options that they had. I stated that for many DPS classes and players they could over heal us 1 on 1 without the need for a Tank. They responded saying that we needed to get two DPS to kill a lone healer and I pointed out why that position is incorrect.


Also I don't foresee the Jedi Knight being the problem the game currently has. I see the problem is too many players wanting this game to be like WoW and the devs not differentiating this game from WoW enough to hammer in the fact that this game isn't WoW.

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As things are atm, I think Op healers need a little nerf, BH needs a little buff (I don't know the class that well) and Sorcs need some changes to either allow us to cast something better while we're on the move, or allow us to cast something without the risk of being interrupted all the time....


I think the biggest problem with healers, and perceived imbalances, is actually a skill cap issue. With the quality of life changes to operatives for 1.2, it's easy to faceroll to success. That does not mean, however, that the facerolling is doing well. Just that he can put out decent numbers with less effort than another class. It's also no guarantee that it was effective healing (ie, how much was healing himself over others, did he actually save anyone, etc).


A good operative healer realizes that he can keep all 8 players topped off through limited AoE and skattered skirmishes, while easily staying mobile. That's the operative niche in healing. Mobility. They severely lack in burst healing though. Surgical probe doesn't count, even under 30% health. It's simply too small of a heal to counter concentrated burst. There's ways around this limitation (my trade secret), but it's still relatively weak.


The skill cap for the mercenary is higher. You have less heals that can be used on the move, and and have these small buffs that you need to stack to reach full efficiency (super charge, kolto missile buffs). You have to be planning while reacting. But their burst is huge due to quicker, larger heals than an operative. Especially with the short immunity to interrupts. A merc more often needs to decide whether healing or moving is the better choice during every GCD.


Now, with the 1.2 changes, the skill cap for sorcerer, rose way more dramatically. A sorcerer's strength is in their abundance of utility, both in control, and wide variety of heals (especially in covering multiple targets rapidly). Jack of all trades, master of none for SWTOR. But the skill cap is so huge, that an equally skilled player of another class will almost always neutralize the sorcerer by default. A sorcerer is less effective at healing the 8 on his team while pressured, because he is so utility focused as a healer. He is required to channel his utility into himself (and maybe a guarding tank) to survive, versus mercs and operatives who can take a few hits, or keep moving/vanish.


It's not necessarily a balance issue. It's an issue of usability, as BioWare said in the 1.3 Q&A, due to the particular array of abilities the three healers have.


I know anecdotes have little worth, but I'll add one in anyways. xD On my server, there are about 2 or 3 players of each healer (merc, operative, sorc, and their mirrors Repub side) who seem to have come pretty darn close to the skill caps for their class. These players regularly hit over 425k of useful healing (ie, objective oriented, not just spam heals) during an average match. It tells me that each class is more or less 'balanced' in the sense that each can achieve the desired result, but I can tell the mercs and especially sorcerers work a lot harder to keep up with the operatives.


Here's to hoping for awesome usability changes in 1.3! :t_smile:

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Please at least read the original post.


I never said it was wrong to complain about a class. I said it was wrong to resort to outright lies and that is something you will never find I have done. Nor have I resorted to exaggeration to prove a point. My main complaints about Healers pre 1.2 were very basic.


I felt they healed too much damage too quickly in combination with the large amount of CC and escape options that they had. I stated that for many DPS classes and players they could over heal us 1 on 1 without the need for a Tank. They responded saying that we needed to get two DPS to kill a lone healer and I pointed out why that position is incorrect.


Also I don't foresee the Jedi Knight being the problem the game currently has. I see the problem is too many players wanting this game to be like WoW and the devs not differentiating this game from WoW enough to hammer in the fact that this game isn't WoW.


You see the problem as that- but until 1.2, that problem was still there, people have been asking for the game to be WoW since before it came out- it is not a coincidence that a large number of players left after 1.2- and from the widely noted across many servers increase in WZ times, I think it's fair to assume most of that drop was in pvpers.


You have constantly been saying 'I predict that this will happen because of that'. An example would be an overpopulation of imperials- you predict it would happen because of BW's cinematics and the timeline vids. It happens, so you assume your prediction was correct- yet, there were other predictions such as 'because we haven't gotten to really play sith before', 'because people in general want to play the bad guy', etc... Most of your predictions are ones that have a result that is usually actually quite widely agreed upon- but, you consider your own reasons, that you want to be changed (such as the cinematics, where you wanted the only Imperial character with any sort of spotlight to be utterly trashed like a weakling in a new cinematic), to be the cause and thus you to be correct.


As for what you are saying about healers having too much CC/escapes and healing- have you even played a healer? That complaint is EXACTLY what you are talking about, it's someone who only sees one side of the conflict saying what really isn't true. A knockback and a stun is too much CC? The mez on 2 second cast time shouldn't be getting off, the sprint is very easy to leap to- or if carnage you can even root it. Even if used- the CDs on those things are very large- they might get to heal up once, but they won't be able to use that trick twice should you decide to chase and kill them. If you even were to compare, CC to CC, defensive CD to defensive CD and escape to gap closer- prior to 1.2 there was no issue at all. So yes, that complaint that healers had too much healing/CC to handle a sentinel WAS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT WHEN IT COMES TO LYING.


Needing two people to kill a healer has always been a far, far more reasonable path to take- why? Because once you kill the healer your two dps can just go to the next target- that said, marauders were very capable of 1v1 killing a healer pre-1.2, and the best marauders knew this full well. And having it so that healers always require a tank to do their job, while dps only require another dps when they're going into a fight 2v2 is not balance. You've basically said 'make it so that a healer needs to have a second player just to SURVIVE' because it's unfair that 'a dps needs to have a second player to KILL'. If you want to argue that it's fine because a healer's job isn't to survive, it's to heal- then dps should play by the same rules- if healers get zero defensive CDs, dps should also get no defensive CDs- after all, that's why you have a tank.


You'd be completely up in arms about your class losing survivability, and you know it.

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You do realise the hypocracy of this in the context of this thread right? This is your agenda, you are pushing it right here.


My opposing belief is that the changes made in 1.2 have hurt PvP healing for the following reasons:



  • Across the board TTK changes reduced reaction time for healers and reduced the effectiveness of non instant casts.
  • Across the board TTK changes reduced skills level for DPS to perform (now spike > a long term rotation / interupts)
  • For sorcs/sages specifically these changes are exaccerbated due to the nerf to DI cast time (which magnifies both of the above issues)


Obviously the class hurt the most by these changes is sorc/sage healers as they are the class with the most long term potential healing output (ie better in long fights) and the least mobile.


Apologies but the devs posting "L2P" responses to random points (eg suggesting resource management is the main nerf to sorc/sage) does not help. It simply comes across that the dev team do not understand their own game.


I agree with this.


I'm also afraid I'll have to jump on the bandwagon and disagree with Walsh.


Jedi owning everything may be true to the IP, but if that is what I wanted to play, then I'd play some other game where I roll faces with a Jedi. Or just stick to the story. To expect this sort of concept to hold up to competitive play is absurd. It didn't work in SWG and it sure as hell won't work here.

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You'd be completely up in arms about your class losing survivability, and you know it.


Ya know what?


I wouldn't mind if you took away the survivability. All of it. I played both a Blademaster and a Valewalker in DAoC and we were the definition of a glass canon. I don't play the Sentinel for the survivability. I play it because I personally enjoy the idea of a dual wielding Jedi Knight.


As far as I care you can take away Rebuke, take away Saber Ward, and take away Guarded by the Force.


But if you do then I want things in return. Like say, 100% immunity to all crowd control.


That would be fine with me.


You know why? I don't mind dying, I've been playing Sentinel since beta and I'd continue to play it no matter what BioWare did to it for as long as I keep my account. I'd much prefer to at least not spend half of a match in a stunned, mezzed, or rooted state. It is more frustrating to me, personally, to face a team of 5 operatives (and yeah, I have a screenshot of it.) who are constantly stun locking me so I can't even respond to over half of the match.


Right now those defensive CD's are, in my opinion, one of the few things that make PVP tolerable in the face of all of the CC that is currently present.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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Sorry, mate, I can't take you seriously after reading those quotes from you a few pages back.


You claim to know the mechanics of an MMO, balance, nerfs, all the good stuff, and you turn around and speak blasphemy that the game should be dominated by saber jockeys for just clicking a picture of lightning instead of a flamethrower in their character select screen.


I'll be reasonable and give you a 7/10.:rolleyes:

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Right now those defensive CD's are, in my opinion, one of the few things that make PVP tolerable in the face of all of the CC that is currently present.


Resolve works great to counter CC when you have a healer and tank on your team. I haven't yet been in a scenario where I was unhappy with the amount of CC vs Resolve. Been annoyed cause I got outplayed? All the time. :p But there is a difference.

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Sorry, mate, I can't take you seriously after reading those quotes from you a few pages back.


You claim to know the mechanics of an MMO, balance, nerfs, all the good stuff, and you turn around and speak blasphemy that the game should be dominated by saber jockeys for just clicking a picture of lightning instead of a flamethrower in their character select screen.


I'll be reasonable and give you a 7/10.:rolleyes:


Agreed, 3/10

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Sorry, mate, I can't take you seriously after reading those quotes from you a few pages back.


You claim to know the mechanics of an MMO, balance, nerfs, all the good stuff, and you turn around and speak blasphemy that the game should be dominated by saber jockeys for just clicking a picture of lightning instead of a flamethrower in their character select screen.


I'll be reasonable and give you a 7/10.:rolleyes:


Maybe you should read the quotes that were posted again you obviously didn't comprehend what was being said. Which is why I chastised the poster for posting them without the context behind them.


The quotes specifically said:

"If I had to choose between POOR SITUATION 1 and POOR SITUATION 2 which ultimately are the same thing, where POOR SITUATION 2 is closer to the source material I'd choose POOR SITUATION 2."


They never said "Saber users should dominate."


They said: "If I have to choose between ranged dominating melee, or melee dominating ranged, I'll pick melee dominating ranged because it is closer to the source material."

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Henry, why is it that even when you make a post that I principally agree with, you have to sour the experience with reams of autobiographical ego stroking? Just make the point and spare us the self-congratulatory appeals and let your words and their point speak for themselves.


Case in point: It took you over 250 words to even begin to get to the relevant parts of your post.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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Lets get something straight here.


I have read plenty of the SW books, so according to LORE:


Force users were uncommon.


Non force users had PLENTY of ways to shut a force user down. From simply shooting them with an actual bullet firing weapon to wearing armor that deactivated light sabers when it hit it. Normal troops relied on mass fire and essentially CC methods such as tear, knockout, pepper, gas or tazers. Tazers worked amazingly well, takes concentration to use the force.


So no...force users were not king of the mountain. Normal troops could kill them just fine. Now yeah in some situations a force user was going to hand you your head, but "cops" had plenty of ways to handle force users.


If you even paid attention to the freaking movies there were jedi, but they fielding armies of troops, not armies of force users.

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I dont take them seriously from time EA announced they care only about money :p seriously - where their PR employers were studied their job?


how important is talking about XY PVP mechanics if you know the whole company is not caring about game but only green presidents?

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Henry, why is it that even when you make a post that I principally agree with, you have to sour the experience with reams of autobiographical ego stroking? Just make the point and spare us the self-congratulatory appeals and let your words and their point speak for themselves.


Case in point: It took you over 250 words to even begin to get to the relevant parts of your post.


Another hint for people that want to be taken seriously - nobody cares if you're Queen of England, your opinion has same weight as if anybody else wrote it. So get to the bloody point.

Edited by Elear
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