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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BioWare discourages PvP. Threatens account bans.


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So we are camping Aurek base to start some World PVP. 20 level 50 repubs show up to fight and leave. Next thing ya know a GM comes on by the name of U4-T2 and threatens all our accounts unless we leave the area. This is The Fatman. A pvp server. Such things are allowed on a pvp server yet we arent even allowed to talk to the GM threatening us with it. He was using the skin of a CS-Droid just following us everywhere. Here is a screenshot of what he was saying. We also opened a customer service ticket and were told hes not allowed to do these things. So bioware likes to STOP world pvp on a pvp server? lol What a joke.




You need to fire this GM ASAP.

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Ya thats just crazy.... Im on the fatman w/ a lvl 50 sentinel and i had some lowbies ask me for help with some 50 imps that were griefing them so i jumped to hoth and helped... It was fun...


I dont understand why they would ever stop pvp on a pvp server? Im just baffled...

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This seems to be an isolated incident. I don't think the company has to fire the GM. I think a simple reprimand is a more appropriate sanction for her/his misconduct. Btw, I hope this is 100% true. Edited by Sammm
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This does look bad, but how about some context?


I noticed you almost completely omitted the situation that lead to this warning.

'Camping Aurek base'? As in spawn camping? that would get a legitimate warning I am sure.


What were you doing exactly to warrant a reaction like this from a GM at all let alone on a pvp server?

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Where's the rest of the screenshot? All I see is some chat from this "U4-t2" who could be anyone. Probably a troll.


Why would a GM "tell" people to leave an area, anyway. A GM would just port people out.


What he said.

Besides, there are no GMs in game anyway.

I think someone is laughing his butt off now. :)

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Hmm have bioware made any statements regarding this?Are you sure it wasn't just an alt trolling you guys?

Would like to see more of the chat/avatar the guy used..


You can't make names like S9-D3 etc they are reserved iirc.

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Hmm have bioware made any statements regarding this?Are you sure it wasn't just an alt trolling you guys?

Would like to see more of the chat/avatar the guy used..


I think it is an actual dev, i just tried making a character with similar name to a dev, i tried R4-T7 and it said i had invalid characters, therefore i think this is actually a dev

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I keep reading that screen shot.




1. There are no GM's in game that I am aware of. Usually you ticket information and it floats to an email. I never actually seen in game.


2. Look at the supposed GM's screen name. In warcraft they have some kind of signature to promote they are from bioware.


It looks like someone just randomly came up to you and said warning and you accepted it was a GM without verifying it.

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Ok. This thread will probably be closed since its a thread linking to another thread thats currently open. If you really want answers to all these questions go read the thread. To sum it up quick for you...


1) We were not camping a medcenter. The medcenter is outside the Hoth base.

2) Players cannot make names such as this. This was a real dev/gm/tos team member.

3) This is the first known account of a GM intervening world pvp. Even when 100s were being camped in repub bases on ilum not one single GM came to their aid.

4)lvl 50s on both sides of the faction were involved.

5)the GM used a droid skin that is the exact same skin as the CS droid picture you see in CS posts.

6)stop reading duplicate threads and read the real thread. k thanks.

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You need to fire this GM ASAP.


I call BS, where is the pick of the GM? Why would he be talking to you in /say talk and not in world talk, like most of them do in ever MMO so that everyone reads it and see it. This is made up crap but good try.

Edited by Asturias
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this is proof that the forums are more fun than the game itself


and if such a gm exists, he should be expelled from the game, without notice, I'd like a pic of him collecting his personal belongings from his desk on the way out.

Edited by Vonb
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for those that are debating the existence of the GM. 11 guild members other republic there can vouche for it. so your disbelief means nothing to me. if you feel that its all a lie go ahead and make a character and try to use a name with numbers and dashes in it. good luck.
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