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Free 30 days are almost done. R U RESUBBIN?


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Why are you going to remain "subbed" ? No one ever has an answer. Because you like Star Wars?


Because they just laid off a huge chunk of staff? Because they have publicly stated Tiger Woods golf and Madden have higher priority? Because they started out with an open weekly Q&A, that steadily devolved to a semi weekly mostly we are only going to answer questions that you can find in the general forums anyway session?


Any indication as to why you will stay "subbed" would be a appreciated.

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My 3 month sub was renewed today. I resubbed because I enjoy playing, for what little time I play. It is cheaper for me to pay £26 for 3 months than it is to do a lot of other things that I could optionally be doing on the weekend that might also cost money. I feel that I am getting what I pay for, and if I felt otherwise, I wouldn't be playing/paying.
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You know nothing of my commitment nor do you have the right to accuse me of such.


Secondly I put my time in. Look @ my subscribe date vs yours bud.

Lol my thoughts exactly :D

Also they will not got anymore money from me unti they have X-server LFG, planets that aren't static and have day/night cycles with weather, and a way to quest that isn't linear and takes me through the exact same quests with each character showing me only a few new quests (the class quests).


Yeah OP! When TheOnlyKyrenS says he's going to play a game it's for life yo!


And nothing new in GW2? Lol! I saw more innovation over a 6 hour stress test in GW2 than I have during my entire time in TOR. Presently, TOR is effectively a bioware game sticky taped onto an inferior version of WoW. Let's be honest, without it's IP (which they've butchered) who'd still be playing?


To the OP: I stopped playing a while back. My sub is still running, but what's the point. There's no-one left to play with..


Sincere good luck to all those sticking with it. I genuinely hope it gets better for you all.

Could not agree more :D

Edited by USMCjv
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Why are you going to remain "subbed" ? No one ever has an answer. Because you like Star Wars?


Because they just laid off a huge chunk of staff? Because they have publicly stated Tiger Woods golf and Madden have higher priority? Because they started out with an open weekly Q&A, that steadily devolved to a semi weekly mostly we are only going to answer questions that you can find in the general forums anyway session?


Any indication as to why you will stay "subbed" would be a appreciated.


People have given plenty of good reasons to remain subbed, just as others have raised some pretty valid concerns about the game and its direction and chosen not to sub. I know it's a "welcome to the internet" thing but it astonishes me how if your leaving your an entitled brat and if you stay your a mindless fan boy. There is nothing wrong with someone staying because they are still enjoying the game with friends or wrapping up their class story and want to see where it goes just as there is nothing wrong with leaving because there are a bunch of dead servers and the game is not interesting enough for you to start from scratch on The Fatman. Just because you refuse to acknowledge other peoples point of view because the only "right" answer is to quit does not mean they don't exist... you act like the people that are staying are spending your money to do so.

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Why are you going to remain "subbed" ? No one ever has an answer. Because you like Star Wars?


Because they just laid off a huge chunk of staff? Because they have publicly stated Tiger Woods golf and Madden have higher priority? Because they started out with an open weekly Q&A, that steadily devolved to a semi weekly mostly we are only going to answer questions that you can find in the general forums anyway session?


Any indication as to why you will stay "subbed" would be a appreciated.


I resubbed for the story and end game PvE. I like the comabt animation in swtor only realized how much I like them when I saw some gameplay from TSW. Animations are nice in swtor. I don't see any other MMO's coming this year that I will enjoy more.


I also like the fact that TSW does not have a cash shop.

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I'm staying, at least until GW2 and then make my decision after that. I want SWTOR to succeed and I'm still having fun with PVP and the class stories.


After some of the stuff that happened the last week or so, my determination level has taken a hit, so instead of not considering leaving, I'm now at least thinking about it.

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I haven't played in weeks... They need to merge servers into the super servers or w/e they're working on. I really don't care if I lose my legacy name I just want to be able to play with other people in an MMO. But as of right now my free month will run out in 25 days (http://i.imgur.com/XVh0W.jpg) and I'm not going to re-sub unless they make some positive changes to allow all of us to play on populated servers. In the meantime I'll just play some other games as filler until GW2 comes out. Edited by mkskilla
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Been here since pre-launch(didn't get in BEFORE launch day though) and me and my wife have just unsubbed. BUT...we will be back if they launch the new content later in the year. Additional class story paths and new quests are a must for us.


I know its a catch 22 situation, if i unsub until more content comes out they might not make said content cause we unsubbed! But there has to be more to it than the same quests basically 4-8 times when i start new characters. Got to have more AND more freedom and variety!

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I'm definitely resubscribing!

I love this game! Love the community (apart from all the This-game-will-be-f2p-by-Christmas-You-heard-it-here-first guys... they don't seem to be very happy people) ;)

Looking forward to a summer with this game after work :)

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Well, I have 2 days left and I have already unsubbed and uninstalled. Question is for the people who didn't pay for 6 months or a year sub. Are you going to resub to the game?


Strait up are you going to give BW AND EA more of your money for this game?


A. Yes, because I enjoy it for what it is and don't take personally anything EA or BW have done (yes I know this is hard for some of the special snowflakes)

B. It's only 15 bucks...

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Been here since before day 1, and will be here until the mouse is pried from my cold dead hand. Already on a 6 month recurring subscription that I have no intention of canceling. LOVE this game. :)


P.S. More Kira please

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Definitely resubbing. I'm having a good time. I was on a medium server (Ven Zallow) and in a guild group of 10-12 dedicated ops-runners. That made a big difference.


Since then, rerolled on The Fatman, and it's night and day. People are always asking for groups, and the first few planets I've been on have 100+ people on regularly, and 200+ on the Fleet. I wish there were a RP-PVP server that had that kind of population, and I'd be set.


Definitely am willing to see what the next few big game updates bring, though. I'm having a good time playing through the class quests and such, still.



Jung Ma RP-PVP, has a pretty healthy population

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NO! Unsuscribed !

First of all, i'm one of 2 coofounder's of one of top 5 biggest guilds ( Balkan Force ) on No1 european server!

Afther 6 months of gamplay, since beta ( over 50 day's - 1000 hours, 2 LvL 50 and 1 LvL 40 ) i've decidet to quit.


I never had problem with low server population. My main was lvl 50 full WH augmented valor 85+, lEGACY 40+. I never waited more than 3min for WZ queue. I never had problem to find raid group or flashopint party.


My server is biggest european server :Tomb of freedon nadd server.

I had huge guild ( over 300 people pass trough our guild ).

We had 6 active 8 man raid groups and 2 active 16 maind raid groups.

We had HC pvp team with best pvp players on server ( 10+ guys with 800k+ heal per game, 800k+ dmg per game during patch 1.2 .....)


This game lack's of few things that Are essential to become serious MMO, and thing's that are needed to motivated me and my guildmates to continue playing( not just me, but majority ( over 85% of comunity on our server ))





4) More WZ's

5) Live world ( day & night cycle, more live events - every weak 1 at least, more sandbox feeling...)

6) more detail's, statistics, achivements, exploring, in other words MORE DEPHT to keep players busy.

7) GUILD content, guild quest, guild tournaments, guild upgrades, capital ships, capital ship upgrades, guild functions.....THIS IS AN MMO, give us some MMO content beside guild bank!!!!!!!!!

8) OPEN SPACE CONTENT and no : Click - LOADING SCREEN aka single player LINEAR content. THIS IS STAR WARS we talking about ! STARS- SPACE - Exploring - LIVING WORLD - space....


In the end, i came to conslusion that:


I'm a HUGE FAN of SW IP - but that is not enough.

At first place i'm a GAMER. This Game need's to be :





BIOWARE Please, concetrate on essential GAMING - technical things, and not on cosmetics - IP things.



Edited by shule
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Well, I have 2 days left and I have already unsubbed and uninstalled. Question is for the people who didn't pay for 6 months or a year sub. Are you going to resub to the game?


Strait up are you going to give BW AND EA more of your money for this game?


Yes. SWToR is pretty much the game I expected it to be. I am going to resubscribe.

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Well, I have 2 days left and I have already unsubbed and uninstalled. Question is for the people who didn't pay for 6 months or a year sub. Are you going to resub to the game?


Strait up are you going to give BW AND EA more of your money for this game?


My 30 days haven't started yet. But, when it does, and then when it's over, it's another 6 month purchase for me.

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