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Free 30 days are almost done. R U RESUBBIN?


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Yeah OP! When TheOnlyKyrenS says he's going to play a game it's for life yo!


And nothing new in GW2? Lol! I saw more innovation over a 6 hour stress test in GW2 than I have during my entire time in TOR. Presently, TOR is effectively a bioware game sticky taped onto an inferior version of WoW. Let's be honest, without it's IP (which they've butchered) who'd still be playing?


To the OP: I stopped playing a while back. My sub is still running, but what's the point. There's no-one left to play with..


Sincere good luck to all those sticking with it. I genuinely hope it gets better for you all.


wonder who will have the next shot at a SW MMO... maybe Pop-cap games?

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Well, I have 2 days left and I have already unsubbed and uninstalled. Question is for the people who didn't pay for 6 months or a year sub. Are you going to resub to the game?


Strait up are you going to give BW AND EA more of your money for this game?


still waiting for the boot myself, Forum PvP was the only real PVP EA/BW did not drop the ball on...

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Nah, unsubscribed a few days ago. Haven't touched the game in a week. I'm not gonna sit here and flame the dev's or anything. I had a decent time leveling my character and the PVP was ok.


Overall I feel like SWTOR had the potential to be something really special though, and the bugs, glitches, and poor design kept it down in the mediocre range. No hard feelings tho, Bioware. Just moving on.

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wonder who will have the next shot at a SW MMO... maybe Pop-cap games?


I could think of Valve, Rockstar Games, Ubisoft, Rocksteady Studios, Funcom, Naughty Dog, Bethesda Games... and a bunch of others who could come up with something more original.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Already set up for 3 more months when mine runs out. (I don't plan to quit in 3 months, I just don't want to commit to 6 in case I have real life changes and need to take a break)


I try to get on every day and I continue to have fun, I'm in a fairly small but active guild who is planning to stick with it. Both my wife and I enjoy playing it; I have no reason to quit.

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Nah, unsubscribed a few days ago. Haven't touched the game in a week. I'm not gonna sit here and flame the dev's or anything. I had a decent time leveling my character and the PVP was ok.


Overall I feel like SWTOR had the potential to be something really special though, and the bugs, glitches, and poor design kept it down in the mediocre range. No hard feelings tho, Bioware. Just moving on.


-I just wanted to point this post out to everyone-


This is a normal person who decided to stop playing a game. He has his reasons, but there's no intense unmitigated anger. A post like this is so rare that I feel like I just found a giant diamond in my yard. :p Guthwine, you have my deepest Forum-Respect.

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Definitely resubbing. I'm having a good time. I was on a medium server (Ven Zallow) and in a guild group of 10-12 dedicated ops-runners. That made a big difference.


Since then, rerolled on The Fatman, and it's night and day. People are always asking for groups, and the first few planets I've been on have 100+ people on regularly, and 200+ on the Fleet. I wish there were a RP-PVP server that had that kind of population, and I'd be set.


Definitely am willing to see what the next few big game updates bring, though. I'm having a good time playing through the class quests and such, still.

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Still waiting for that 3D-space combat update that we've been promised awhile back.

I think.

They did say we would be getting 3D space combat, right?




Still waiting......


u n me both bruddah!

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My wife and I will definitely keep subbing. We re-rolled on Jung Ma a few months ago, and are very glad we did. Yeah, it sucked a bit to get back to where we were, but the difference is night and day.


None of the problems I read about apply to us ... easy to find groups, no need for transfer, no gamebreaker bugs, loving crafting and questing and PVP. We're also a bit daunted about ranked warzones (we suck), so even that's not a disappointment for us.


In short, we're completely happy with the game and consider 50 cents a day a bargain for what we get out of it.

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But I will ck in on the forums from time to time and watch for patch notes that help the game out. I do actualy figure that in a year or so with some post launch content/fixes/redesign, this will probably be a good game to come back to.

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I didn't qualify for the free 30 days they gave, but I subbed for 6 months when the game released, so my time ends July 21s (6 months from Jan 20th, +1 day free they gave). And I quit playing at the beginning of March, and things have not even come close to improving, so no, I will not be resubbing. If they do the free trasnfers/Merges after my sub runs out, Bioware will have to give me enough free time to check this game out again, otherwise I will not pay to find out of things really improved or not.
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My wife and I will definitely keep subbing. We re-rolled on Jung Ma a few months ago, and are very glad we did. Yeah, it sucked a bit to get back to where we were, but the difference is night and day.


None of the problems I read about apply to us ... easy to find groups, no need for transfer, no gamebreaker bugs, loving crafting and questing and PVP. We're also a bit daunted about ranked warzones (we suck), so even that's not a disappointment for us.


In short, we're completely happy with the game and consider 50 cents a day a bargain for what we get out of it.


i call bullchit

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Doubtful. I've followed this game since the day it was announced back in 2008, and I've defended Bioware in the past. But they're passed that new game defense threshold. The game has been out five months, and we've seen two major patches (one of them, 1.1, wasn't even that large).


Bioware needs to step up their game. I might resub after 1.3, but the continued dense thought process of the devs when confronted with questions such as server merges and cross-realm features casts further doubt on the survival of this game. They've already managed to shun the general MMO fanbase, and all that's really left are either the ultra-dedicated Biodrones, or those waiting out the free 30 days and are ready to jump to a different product.

Edited by Merex
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