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1.3 on Test Server in "a few weeks"?


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Unfortunatly for swtor there relased numbers of 1.4mil subs will be down below 700k if 1.3 is more than 2 mroe weeks away plain and simple already with d3 out there would be far less than 700k people actually playing the game (people do actually keep subs active but dont play) if 1.3 is going to be tested in a few weeks then actually b tested for a couple weeks then fixes and such for a couple more weeks thats 2 more months by then i seroiusly doubt there will even b 500k subs left, other new mmos will b well and truly out by then.

The day GW2 comes out every single person thats serious about pvp will go to it ( i realise some serious pvpers state there not going to paly gw2 but when there no competion around at all to get a game they wil sheep it up and move also) and when the casuals pvpers cant get a game of pvp when not raiding (wich is what 1-2 nights a week max in swtor) they will b bored the other 5 nights and move elsewhere, i really enojoy this game but unfortunatly the next few weeks will determin weather it lives or dies there are only so many alts u can get war heroed out before u say meh enough already and leave

Edited by fleshtaker
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Unfortunatly for swtor there relased numbers of 1.4mil subs will be down below 700k if 1.3 is more than 2 mroe weeks away plain and simple already with d3 out there would be far less than 700k people actually playing the game (people do actually keep subs active but dont play) if 1.3 is going to be tested in a few weeks then actually b tested for a couple weeks then fixes and such for a couple more weeks thats 2 more months by then i seroiusly doubt there will even b 500k subs left, other new mmos will b well and truly out by then.

The day GW2 comes out every single person thats serious about pvp will go to it ( i realise some serious pvpers state there not going to paly gw2 but when there no competion around at all to get a game they wil sheep it up and move also) and when the casuals pvpers cant get a game of pvp when not raiding (wich is what 1-2 nights a week max in swtor) they will b bored the other 5 nights and move elsewhere, i really enojoy this game but unfortunatly the next few weeks will determin weather it lives or dies there are only so many alts u can get war heroed out before u say meh enough already and leave


I'm not sure waiting until July would kill off this game. I know alot of people are playing on dead servers, and they will potentially unsub, but that doesn't mean they won't resub later. I unsubbed for a different reason, and when they address that, then I will resub.

I guess we will have to wait and see. Time is flying by this year, before we know it we'll be looking at an expansion IMO. There's going to be alot of things put out there to lure people back.

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If they arent even going to start testing for a few weeks what does that mean about release? Are we looking at August or Sept before 1.3 even comes out?


Based on what we know so far

-few weeks before 1.3 on PTS

-few weeks before 1.3 on other servers

-1.3 in early summer


I think we're aiming around June 26th.


P.S. About that "1.3 in early summer", they kept repeating it in the forum, in the Q&A and in the articles. It wouldn't make sense if they'd release it in August or September, it'd be such a huge PR disaster. Plus, releasing it at the beginning of student summer vacations would be a huge boost imo.

Edited by Sammm
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Based on what we know so far

-few weeks before 1.3 on PTS

-few weeks before 1.3 on other servers

-1.3 in early summer


I think we're aiming around June 26th.


P.S. About that "1.3 in early summer", they kept repeating it in the forum, in the Q&A and in the articles. It wouldn't make sense if they'd release it in August or September, it'd be such a huge PR disaster. Plus, releasing it at the beginning of student summer vacations would be a huge boost imo.


I know what they were shooting for but I wonder now if that will change. Early summer is subjective and not definite. They could say August is early summer. Just irritating. If I wasnt on my free month Id just cancel my sub. Its quite obvious this wont be ready anytime that rational people consider early summer. Also GW2 is coming out June 26th according to my preorder email. They might want to get 1.3 out before that.

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I dont believe this patch would require as much testing as 1.2 did, especially if they get more players on to test it. But yeah realistically let's say 2 weeks till its on pts. And 3 weeks of testing.


At earliest I reckon 1st week of July. Which I have no real problem with. We need it asap, but testing to make it bug free is more important.

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My post got closed so posting here....


"Hello all!


They announced that 1.3 will be on test center in a couple of weeks, that means that we will have to wait many more weeks until they're going to implant it on the real servers. First we players are going to try it out - then they want feedback - After that fix some issues and after that schedule a date and then implant it on the servers.

Meaning that we won't see any character transfer in a couple of weeks/1,5 month.... For me this is a huge let down, my server is empty as hell and it almost feels like me and a couple more are the only guys left playing on my server. Everytime I log into the game I do a /who - results in maybe 10-15 imperials online... At best. Haven't been able to play a single instance since 1.2 and the pvp que takes forever... pvp at daytime (EU) is impossible and if you are lucky you can pvp at evening/night... They said early summer, when 1.3 comes it's not going to be early summer, and how long are they going to wait; they're letting us pay and we can't even do anything.


Ofc I understand that things needs to be tried out and fixed before they hit the servers but come on; do the server transfer before 1.3.... We can't wait a couple of weeks for this to happen... why are they focusing on the group finder and such when players cant even play the game


What do you guys say? Are you all going to wait and are your server as dead as mine? It's sad because I really enjoy the game but this is nonsense... "

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And as my comment to this post....



**** im so mad right now; they're letting us play on empty servers and now this ****? I thought the patch would come real real soon.... maybe in 1 week or 2 but.... on TC in a couple of weeks... WTH!!!!!!!!! That means we're far far far away from getting a server transfer... ye let us wait and not beeing able to do a shi*




*** just give us the transfer and THEN focus on 1.3............

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This is probably a really dumb question, but if there's only one test server, how are we supposed to test the transfer service?


Transfer from your server to the test. Just in this case your original character will not be deleted.

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Lol i'm just trying to be positive...

D3 is getting boring already..

Maybe I will go out and see the sun over the next 8 weeks...



WTH is the sun? care to elaborate please...

also.. i hope BW get all this plans for the future fine....

i really hope they can save this game, sigh, i know.. i may be a dreamer :confused:

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google the word summer and you get "The astronomical summer (Northern Hemisphere) begins Wednesday, June 20, 2012, and ends Friday, September 21, 2012."


Maybe he lives in Florida? We got two seasons here, Summer and not summer. Not summer only lasts from Nov to March, any other time its balls sticking to your thigh hot. Forgive us crackers if we forget about Spring or Fall.

Edited by RocNessMonster
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yeah its becoming harder by the day to play the game. I am the last one for my guild playing and i everytime i log i just want to log off:\ Whe have top 20ppl online for many lvls and cant get a single wz:s and thats top cause most of the time we are like 10!! The GNT as nothing for sell. I am just hoping that transfer come really soon. Like 2 weeks top.
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I'd be surprised if their release isn't in mid to late June. Keep in mind that they server two masters - the playerbase and their shareholders. They want to make sure the patch is ready but they want their subscription numbers to look as positive as possible when the quarter ends.


This patch doesn't have a lot of content additions so as long as the LFG system is working it should be good to go. I doubt it stays in beta for very long as there are really only a few things to test and the playerbase isn't really that helpful.


I'm sure they want to release the patch around June 20th in hopes that people that have left the game will come back and resub so their numbers spike. That will allow them to report to the investment community that the game is stabilizing and with the things they are adding in the future they expect it to grow from here. Despite what they've said publically this will also have a huge impact on their share price and that will help them convince EA to continue investing in the game. That's really the only road to long term success.

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Thatts stupid they myswell test it on a normal server i downloaded the pts and a whopping 7 poeple on the whole server so im not sure how much testing is gonna be getting done. I think its officail SWTOR is dead cuz all I'm seeing is Stars theirs no Wars and theirs barely a glimmer!!!!!!!!!! Edited by LexiCazam
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Thatts stupid they myswell test it on a normal server i downloaded the pts and a whopping 7 poeple on the whole server so im not sure how much testing is gonna be getting done.


The PTS is currently largely dead as there is a very annoying bug with melee mobs evading in the middle of a fight and resetting which gates much of the content, that and PTS is currently still running 1.2.0 so is quite behind the live servers.


Once 1.3 is deployed to test you will likely see a very large increase in population.

Edited by LexiCazam
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From http://www.swtor.com/info/news/%5Bnews-category%5D/20120525




Wait. A few weeks? Really?


Doesn't that mean 1.3 might not be coming out until sometime in July? At the earliest? That seems pretty insane.


Frankly, I don't know what to even say about that. I'm just kind of shocked.


I don't believe any of this. A very credible man, once said that there will be MONTHLY updates for this game! o.O

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I don't believe any of this. A very credible man, once said that there will be MONTHLY updates for this game! o.O


Can we please stop perpetuating this myth of monthly "big updates"?

Edited by MikelGoff
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From http://www.swtor.com/info/news/%5Bnews-category%5D/20120525




Wait. A few weeks? Really?


Doesn't that mean 1.3 might not be coming out until sometime in July? At the earliest? That seems pretty insane.


Frankly, I don't know what to even say about that. I'm just kind of shocked.


I won't be around that long. Poor game requirements, bad product owners, bugs, game is still in beta, low server populations, class imbalances, the gear gap between WH(me) and fresh 50's, and the general lack of fun.

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1.2 wasnt on the PTR for a month, it was closer to like 2 weeks I think wasnt it?


Feb 29, 2012: Announcement: 1.2 hitting PTS soon.

Mar 16, 2012: 1.2 deployed to PTS.

Apr 12, 2012: 1.2 goes live.

May 25, 2012: 1.3 Announcement for PTS.





16 days from announce to PTS.

27 days from PTS to live.


Projected Timeframe {Speculation from 1.2} :

Patch hits PTS by June 11.

Patch goes live by July 10.


Yes, they've stated 1.3 should be faster than 1.2. My best case scenario puts it June 19.

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Can we please stop perpetuating this myth of monthly "big updates"?


What myth? It came from the mouth of a developer. By the time 1.3 is live it will be over three months after 1.2, for a patch that had no content, only features. And they wonder why people are quitting in droves.

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What myth? It came from the mouth of a developer. By the time 1.3 is live it will be over three months after 1.2, for a patch that had no content, only features. And they wonder why people are quitting in droves.


On a side note I think it was Reid who said that. He isnt working there anymore.

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