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Rank The Warzone Maps


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1 - Huttball (by a mile)

2 - Novare coast (There is a flow in the wz that I like. The battles are, for some reason, almost always good)

3 - Voidstar

4 - Alderaan (turrets never change hands and there is no other wz, where everybody decide to sit down and wait for it to end)

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1) Let's play Huttball! Because Baron Deathmark is awesome, and because I sucked so badly at this until I learned to play.

2) Voidstar. Because it's a genuine tactical challenge, not king of the hill

3) Coast. Simple and easy to play

4) ACW. It's a clever map, but playing with pugs on this map is frequently depressing, and that makes it hard to enjoy.

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As Commando Healer I enjoy them in this order


1. Novare Coast

2. Civil war

3. HuttBall

4. Voidstar


Design wise I think Voidstar is bad and the spawn areas should be moved away from doors...however I tend to win VS frequently unless some major incompetent on our team.

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1) Huttball

2) Novare

3) Civil War

4) Voidstar


it's intresting to notice that whoever put VOIDSTAR first always (to what i saw) put HB last (not true the opposite but close)


and that because they are completly opposite voidstar is a deadmatch zerg where more or less u use only 1% of the brain (at first door at least) just zerg kill aoe


on the other hand huttball u almost have to restrain yourself from killing (so they dont pop right in front of ur carrier) the goal is totally different then just kill and AOE zerg

Edited by Pekish
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1) Huttball

2) Voidstar

3) Civil war

4) Novare Coast


I can see Novare Coast being a great wz for when rated battleground comes into action, however as of right now I feel that when you group with a bunch of random players Novare can be awful. Obviously, one can argue the same for all warzones nevertheless I feel this warzone really is changed by who has the more "active capping players".


I know my explanation is vague but I couldn't put it into better words.

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Please list your personal rankings of the four Warzone maps.


Rank them from 1 to 4 with 1 being your favorite and 4 being your least favorite. Please note that I will only count rankings that include all 4 maps. I will keep this OP updated with the overall player rankings each time we add a new page to the thread. Overall Ranking scores will be determined as follows:

Rank - Points

1 - 4

2 - 3

3 - 2

4 - 1


Rank 1 (239 points - 2.9938 average) - Huttball (HB)

Rank 2 (208 points - 2.6000 average) - Novare Coast (NC)

Rank 3 (190 points - 2.3750 average) - Alderaan Civil War (ACW or CW)

Rank 4 (162 points - 2.0313 average) - Voidstar (VS)


Some interesting distribution information thus far:


Alderaan Civil War - Has twice as many 2 and 3 votes as it does 1 and 4 votes. People seem to neither hate nor love this map in general.


Huttball - Nearly 80% of the votes are either a 1 or a 4, with 1 votes having a 2:1 advantage over 4 votes. This map is either hated or loved, and the trend suggests loved more often than not (Huttball has more number 1 rankings than all other maps combined).


Novare Coast - Very similar distribution to ACW, though it has twice as many 2 votes as 3 votes whereas ACW the 2 and 3 votes are dead even suggesting that it is viewed slightly more positively than ACW.


Voidstar - A full 75% of the votes put Voidstar in the bottom half (3 or 4 vote) of user's preferences.



I absolutely agree.


Voidstar is *********** horrible, and Civil war isn't much better. Both are too easy to defend and are SO DERPY. Huttball is fun but also has many things making it frustrating where it should be fun. Novare is easily the most balanced for the Rated WZ's, and is not only hard to defend, and has a great tug of war style of PVP, but it is the only map that clearly determines the best team, not like the other 3 that are usually determined by who has the most effective classes for the map.

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  1. Huttball, though mainly the reason I like it is the unrealized potential. Balance-wise, this is the least balanced map.
  2. Voidstar, at release it was so tedious I would have put it at the bottom, but as it is now I put it here.
  3. Novare, effectively it's Alderaan with less atmosphere and tedium, but more interesting mechanics.
  4. Alderaan, was my favorite at first because of the great atmosphere, but the high tedium and imbalance of riding speeders back to the fight wears on me.

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1: Huttball

2: Coast

3: Voidstar

4: Civil War


Civil War is atrocious and need serious work. I leave it way more than I leave the other Warzones. Generally one side takes a turret, it's not changing hands and there's no point in wasting your time trying to take it back.


Everything else there is generally still a chance to win when you're behind.

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