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ToR Needs to be F2P


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This game will not be going "F2P" anytime soon, if at all. The main reason for that is Lucas won't allow it. At least not until he retcons himself and does allow it. Then he'll retcon himself again and disallow it, by which point he'll get all pissy and order it shutdown lol. :D
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Don't know why people think EA will never allow SWTOR to become F2P. Warhammer Online went F2P.


Every social game they push down the pipe has microtransactions.

Edited by Gungan
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Don't know why people think EA will never allow SWTOR to become F2P. Warhammer Online went F2P.


Warhammer Online went free to play the same way that WoW went free to play. In other words, it is just an extended free trial. You can play level 1-20 in WoW, Level 1-10 in Warhammer as much as you want, but if you want to go further, you have to buy the game and pay for a subscription. If anything Warhammer is an example of EA not making a game free to play no matter how dismal the subscription numbers are.


I'm wondering if Wrath of Heroes is EA test bed for Free to play model.

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lack of innovation (accept single player voice overs)


quality education



as an aside, who likes garlic mashed potatoes with home made gravy?

more importantly, who doesn't? I mean, for real.. lets keep this on topic.

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OK, some games work as a combo with f2p and people who still pay 15 bucks a month. However, let's look at the big picture.


SW was not made to be another game that went F2p. If it becomes that, the message will be sent loud and clear, no MMO can maintain paying subscriptions. This will say that you have to make games f2p from the get go.


If that happens, you know that the MMO genre will be on it's way out, because no one will want to go beyond the cheap, junky style of F2P games. Why put the money in to make it a Disneyland when the place will become a run down carnival anyway? Even the big franchises, like the Marvels, will not dare go near a serious MMO. This means the genre will become the province of ten year olds and gold farmers. Imagine, for example, if animated flims like Lion King bombed, or series like the Simpsons, you think anyone would consider animation anything more than cheap garbage for dumb kids? Add to this that console games are about to become bigger, so that will feed the whole idea of "why bother with PC gaming at all."


That last point is stronger than many would admit, as frankly, MMO games are what keep PC gaming going. If Blizzard becomes the only game in town, eventually even WoW will fall, as no industry can be supported by one game, even a big one. Once monsters like the next Xbox come out (supposedly 16 core) the focus will be on solo gaming, period, as making those games will be hard enough.


Bottom line is, yes, we can complain, yes we keep up pressure, But if we give in to the whole "Everything is doomed" line, then we will kill the thing we love. I have seen gaming ages come and go, and we do not want to act so silly that no one takes us seriously again.

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I'm ready for it, ASAP.


When're we thinking this will occur?


They can't be too far north of 500,000 subs right now, yeah?

(the break-even point, if I am not mistaken)


I'd say they're closer to 800-900k subs currently. Given another year after server merges and more features and I can see the subs climbing back to between 1-1.5 million from now on.

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declining pops, lack of innovation (accept single player voice overs), every patch seems to break something else, Useless "Legacy" system. i gave this game 3 months, and i think im experienced enough in MMos to compare this to a Developed F2P one. eq2 and Lotro have got it right. F2P is the way to go.

Seems you are poor! pay 15$ or go away :)

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declining pops, lack of innovation (accept single player voice overs), every patch seems to break something else, Useless "Legacy" system. i gave this game 3 months, and i think im experienced enough in MMos to compare this to a Developed F2P one. eq2 and Lotro have got it right. F2P is the way to go.


No thank you.


Obviously you never really played EverQuest 2 free to play. EQ2 free to play model is horrible, having to purchase every little thing from the amount of money you can carry, to inventory space, to being able to get better gear. Not to mention having to buy each race seperate as well as classes.


So no, I would rather pay $15 a month ($155 pesos for me) and be patient while they fix the current issues with the game.

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I'd say they're closer to 800-900k subs currently. Given another year after server merges and more features and I can see the subs climbing back to between 1-1.5 million from now on.


Really who cares about subs atm.


Lets talk active accounts, obviously its less than 200k.

Seeing how the majority of servers are all still "light" at prime time, I don't see where your getting your 800k sub number.



Also keep in mind fanboy, they "NEVER" said they are going to merge the servers.

* They only said you can transfer in early summer. <---- LOL


How is patch 1.3 in the PTS? O wait.... yeah... bummer...

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No thank you.


Obviously you never really played EverQuest 2 free to play. EQ2 free to play model is horrible, having to purchase every little thing from the amount of money you can carry, to inventory space, to being able to get better gear. Not to mention having to buy each race seperate as well as classes.


So no, I would rather pay $15 a month ($155 pesos for me) and be patient while they fix the current issues with the game.


F2P will destroy the game, no doubt about that.


The constant spam of bots for "credits for cash" alone will push people to the limit.

Edited by Valperion
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Personally, I won't play even if it's truly FTP at this point. The game is too simple, linear, and restrictive. If they fixed that i would come back. But 15 bucks a month is not a big enough issue to determine whether I play or not. I think there are others out there who feel the same way and won't be drawn back in any big way by the FTP gimmick.
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Personally, I won't play even if it's truly FTP at this point. The game is too simple, linear, and restrictive. If they fixed that i would come back. But 15 bucks a month is not a big enough issue to determine whether I play or not. I think there are others out there who feel the same way and won't be drawn back in any big way by the FTP gimmick.


You can still play your single player story, "For Free".

* Is that not why you bought this game?

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Personally, I won't play even if it's truly FTP at this point. The game is too simple, linear, and restrictive. If they fixed that i would come back. But 15 bucks a month is not a big enough issue to determine whether I play or not. I think there are others out there who feel the same way and won't be drawn back in any big way by the FTP gimmick.


This is something that sort of has me confused, and I will no doubt be flamed for saying it but bring it on.


Alot of people complain that SWTOR is too linear (which yes it is, I do agree with it being linear), but some of these same people will praise WoW. Have they even seen what it is like over there now? It literally holds your hand from quest to quest and each quest leads you to the next area, and you literally do not have to go out of your way to explore the area. The quests lead you there, no need for exploration.


Just my observation/opinion. feel free to disagree.

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Go debate this in the myriad of posts that pop up outside this. You are yet to prove past personal opinion how F2P can improve this game.


All i know is that this this game is not worth a subscription fee, why? because from 1-49 there is simply no incentive to even group with any other person, in fact while i was leveling my character i tend to invite anyone close and very few people wanted to group. These MMO companies make big millions charging us a monthly fee to play their game and the doesn't invest much in improvement and new content, they doesn't even invest in a communication department to talk and maintain their customers informed of what is happening and how they are fixing it. Why would you pay a monthly fee to play a single player like game to just level alts and play with 4-8 people for end game in a "Massive Multplayer" game?

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All i know is that this this game is not worth a subscription fee, why? because from 1-49 there is simply no incentive to even group with any other person, in fact while i was leveling my character i tend to invite anyone close and very few people wanted to group. These MMO companies make big millions charging us a monthly fee to play their game and the doesn't invest much in improvement and new content, they doesn't even invest in a communication department to talk and maintain their customers informed of what is happening and how they are fixing it. Why would you pay a monthly fee to play a single player like game to just level alts and play with 4-8 people for end game in a "Massive Multplayer" game?


note.. its not worth it to you.... thats all I think it is more than worth it for me.. i enjoy the game style, the story, pretty much everything about teh game.. will it be better with larger server populations.. sure will, does it completely destory the game.. not for me.... thats my opinion...just like above is your opinion...

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All i know is that this this game is not worth a subscription fee, why?...


the game, like everything in life, is worth what people are willing to pay for it.

If no one wants to pay for accesssing the game, then it's not worth it, is plenty of people a willing to pay the 12-14€, then it's all worth it.


The question to wether the game is worth or not the maney investement, is a subjective and personal one. It's like saying, is call of duty worth the 50€ if you only plan to play through the campaign and the ops, not the multiplayer aspect. Is Skyrim worth it, if you only plan to go through the main story and never touch the side quest/world exploration?


It's entirely up to the player, whether he wants to spend the money or not.

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All i know is that this this game is not worth a subscription fee, why? because from 1-49 there is simply no incentive to even group with any other person, in fact while i was leveling my character i tend to invite anyone close and very few people wanted to group. These MMO companies make big millions charging us a monthly fee to play their game and the doesn't invest much in improvement and new content, they doesn't even invest in a communication department to talk and maintain their customers informed of what is happening and how they are fixing it. Why would you pay a monthly fee to play a single player like game to just level alts and play with 4-8 people for end game in a "Massive Multplayer" game?


You have a choice: pay and play, or don`t pay and don`t play, also known as voting with your wallet. If a game is bad enough, it will go downhill really fast (and we have failed games all around us, not meeting projected goals, especially WOW-Killers).


What you are lobbying for is ruin the game for everybody else, or bringing everybody down to your level.


I am happy to have access to everything for 15$ and have or not have "shinies" based on the amount of time I invest. If this game will have nothing to offer me in the future, I will simply not sub anymore and go on my merry way.


You are not happy, then you don`t play. It`s not like you don`t have choices. To me, it is worth it. To you, it isn`t. Matter of opinion.



And, as stated above, or previously in this topic... WoW and Warhammer have F2P ... up to a certain level, past that point you need to pay monthly just as everybody else. It is the same scenario here: buy the game, get one month free = if you don`t like it, you delete your CC info and go on your way. Where is the problem again?

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