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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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The game did fail, it promised so much, even after release, and didn't give hardly anything!
Like..? The only promises I see that were broken were 'no trash mobs' and 'exploration'.


I complained about a lot of things, because I truly wanted the game to be good, I love star wars, and used to love Bioware, but after this debacle, I HIGHLY doubt I'll ever buy an EA or Bioware game again...
EA has a long track record of launching cheap products. They're in for the money, all the way. BioWare, on the other hand, sold out Obsidian by not cooperating with them in making KOTOR2 (had a hand in refusing them to even play the first game) , and went and recycled the KOTOR1 storyline in their own franchise (ME). In my opinion, this is by no means a failure in the sense that they didn't deliver to the fans, but that the fans just weren't interested; its by no means a 'debacle'.


They're just making it worse for themselves with every patch... not to mention the non-existent customer service!
Customer service now makes it a habit to personally contact me in live chat moments after I submit a ticket. Its based on how many tickets they're getting at the time, albeit, the auto-prioritizer, I imagine, throws a lot of meaningful tickets away.


The server transfers will not magically make more people play so that you can even run a FP, it will make it so that the 'high pop' servers have even less on them... making it even worse, and everyone will just re-roll or pay transfer back... wouldn't have to deal with ANY of this kind of BS if they would just merge the servers and this game would then actually feel/be an MMO... seeing a max of 20 people of the fleet is NOT an MMO! If anything it's an ORPG that you may see someone... if you're lucky... and it's the 'right time of day' ... give me a break
I have to say that it seems they do need to merge instead of doing transfers. Everyone wants to move to Fatman, the only truly active server on North America.


To sum it up, while the game failed to hit a home run in the MMO scene, you're really over-reacting. The only problem with the game is that there are too many servers and not enough people.

Edited by Lu_Bei
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Customer service now makes it a habit to personally contact me in live chat moments after I submit a ticket. Its based on how many tickets they're getting at the time, albeit, the auto-prioritizer, I imagine, throws a lot of meaningful tickets away.



Well, I am gonna hazard a guess here and say that maybe just maybe the customer service guys are not all that busy these days? I mean, for in game customer support to be busy you have got to have customers actually playing the game.. Amiright?

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If everybody who said 'the game is a success' or 'the game is a failure' just added 'for me' to the end of their statement It would mean there would be a hell of a lot less trolling and grade school economics on the forum.




Would'nt be nearly as amusing to read the forum though!! :rak_05:





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There is difference between short term and long term success. And for MMOS to be called a success they have to maintain retention rate which sadly SWTOR didn't. The recent laying off staff coupled with huge amount of loss in subs....i don't know if SWTOR can be considered as a success anymore.
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There is so much wrong with this. I haven't picked apart any replies yet, but I can't pass this one up.


  • If your server is dead, why exactly should you need to reroll to another server?
  • If you are having to reroll onto other servers because >90% (not an exaggeration) of the servers are dead, how does this even mildly relate to 'successful'?
  • How do you figure that this is an even mildly acceptable solution to this problem?
  • What makes you think that people want to reroll their characters, let alone new ones?
  • In fact, please, describe in detail how this game is successful. I'd love to hear your personal opinion. In group content, not single player content, because we are discussing how being forced to reroll onto other servers is perfectly acceptable.


I'm all ears.


I absolutely agree with you. They need to make a good job on character transfers. Expecting people that have played for months on a server and have like 3-4 50 level characters to reroll is wrong. They should not have to do that.

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I am sure the servers are not as dead as everyone is saying.. I am sure they just look at the server list and see their server as lightly populated and think their server is dead..


Or they wait until 3am in the morining to look at the number people on the fleet station and panic when there is only 4..


Something that all must consider.. Bioware has stated that they have upped server capacity to over double what they were at launch... That will dramaticly change how they are listed in the population column even though, no change in players has been made...


I am not saying that some people haven't left.. I am sure they have.. But stil.. I doubt they are as bad as people are saying..


Again that is me.. :cool:

Edited by MajikMyst
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I am sure the servers are not as dead as everyone is saying.. I am sure they just look at the server list and see their server as lightly populated and think their server is dead..


Or they wait until 3am in the morining to look at the number people on the fleet station and panic when there is only 4..


Something that all must consider.. Bioware has stated that they have upped server capacity to over double what they were at launch... That will dramaticly change how they are listed in the population column even though, no change in players has been made...


I am not saying that some people haven't left.. I am sure they have.. But stil.. I doubt they are as bad as people are saying..


Again that is me.. :cool:


Saying some people have left would be an understatement.

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There is difference between short term and long term success. And for MMOS to be called a success they have to maintain retention rate which sadly SWTOR didn't. The recent laying off staff coupled with huge amount of loss in subs....i don't know if SWTOR can be considered as a success anymore.


It is a success as long as it nets a profit. The thing is that we have no hard numbers so you have no idea. Zip. We also have no idea how many layoffs occured and what positions they occupied. Judging by their ad to recruit QA people we can safely say that some layoffs were of QA and market people. It is possible that it was just a reaction to the awfull QA they had were patches tented to come out with bugs. There could also be more layoffs but assuming things without information is wrong and i personally believe people doing that are people who want this game to fail and they do not care about it one bit.

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It is a success as long as it nets a profit. The thing is that we have no hard numbers so you have no idea. Zip. We also have no idea how many layoffs occured and what positions they occupied. Judging by their ad to recruit QA people we can safely say that some layoffs were of QA and market people. It is possible that it was just a reaction to the awfull QA they had were patches tented to come out with bugs. There could also be more layoffs but assuming things without information is wrong and i personally believe people doing that are people who want this game to fail and they do not care about it one bit.


yes if someone comes up with statistics, and numbers please provide some sources

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Well, since BioWare had server transfer software in beta, the plan was to open plenty then cull them back. Obviously, something broke that, and since several devs and SR stated that "Legacy further complicates server transfers", to me that means something in Legacy broke it.


Take it however you want, you're going to anyway.


I have a question. If they did have the software in beta, and due to you being unable to produce the proof of that it's an if, why did they not open a large amount of servers to begin with?

As I recall there were a massive amount of servers with long queues, for quite some time, so if the plan all along was to open loads of servers, then do transfer servers, what happened?

I'm not sure that was their plan atall, because if it was why did they wait so long for the transfer service? Why didn't they do it before 1.2 if they had the means to, and the intent to? And why wait for the forums to explode with queue complaints before opening more servers.

If that was their plan for launch then I'm afraid they failed to implement it.

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yes so successful I can't play my level 50 at all because there is no PVP ques and noone to group for FP with. Yep great success.http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/guild-wars-2/1223692p1.html


Gosh maybe a studio is finally getting it right.


During the development of TOR BW kept saying that they learned from the mistakes of the previous MMOs. TOR wouldn't be in this state today if it was the case for real... anyway the whole development of this game has been about broken promises, no wonder that it left a sour taste in mouth.

Edited by demotivator
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If you like SWTOR right now your are a lunatic star wars fanboy and/or prob play at the Fatman.


How do you like this statement?


I'm a lunatic Star Wars fanboi and BW's fail MMO doesn't feel like Star Wars, play like Star Wars or sound like Star Wars. Unfortunately the people you are refering to are just simple plain lunatics with no standards or knoweledge of what a Star Wars MMO should play like.

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1) My server is empire heavy and very active.


when the free month was over fleet was usually at 270 people on fleet during prime time, yesterday it's 28


When I do social query with blank field I get to see name and location of every online player of my faction in one list.



Every month there's MLG SWTOR tournaments with huge prizes, at least 3 korean TV channels are dedicated to SWTOR, it's all the rage with world's gaming community, more and more people join the wonderful game. Lucky bastards who play from start are still busy doing class storyline over and over! I'M NOT LISTENING NOT LISTENING NOT LISTENING YOU'RE ALL TROLLSTROLLSLTROLLSTROLLS

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I wonder how the mods that have to delete flame posts explain to people (like their parents) exactly what they do for a living.


"Well you see, there are these things called fanbois and trolls....."


Hopefully they just lie and say they're a fireman or something.

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game is fun for me. Success. Fun for millions of others..success



game is fun for me. Success


Can't argue with this, would'nt try to, very happy for you



Fun for millions of others..success


This part of your post on the other hand.................



You would have done far better just ending your post at the first 'success' mate

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yes so successful I can't play my level 50 at all because there is no PVP ques and noone to group for FP with. Yep great success.http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/guild-wars-2/1223692p1.html


haha, GW2? is that the game with 1997 quality animations? the game with no point at all? no endgame AT ALL? nothing? just a silly grind to max lvl with the worst animations seen in ANY mmo for well over 10 years. there is a reason they are giving **** out for free.

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If it is a success, why is my server dead?


because of to many people like you complaining at lauch that there where too long que's. they opened to many servers and spread population to thin. wich has a negative effect on the whole server population

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because of to many people like you complaining at lauch that there where too long que's. they opened to many servers and spread population to thin. wich has a negative effect on the whole server population


Ouch.. yeah the truth does hurt.


Don't know about the rest.. But yeah I don't have to pug, yes I'm in a guild.. and yes I'm having fun.

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