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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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I'll throw my perspective in here rather than starting a new thread.


I have never played a proper mmo before this, to be honest I doubt i'll play another. I'm a big SW fan and thats why i'm here. I generally read the forums before I invest in any game, the stuff posted on this forum would have put me right off if it wasn't for the genre. I'm not alone in this, convinced in fact. A forum full of whining kids is always going to do more damage than any content issues imo.


Love the game and will be looking forward to seeing whatever gets added.


That's exactly what the 15 or so forum trolls have been paid by other developers to do, didn't you know?


Hey, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, right? :D

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I still can't believe they designed something that bad in the first place. They just needed to cut an paste something from WAR. :confused:
I'm sure Blizzard would have more than happy to donate their source libraries for anything you think WoW has that should already be in TOR. That assumes of course that Bioware even wants what you want for their game. You're famous - call Blizz & set it up. :rolleyes: Edited by GalacticKegger
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I'll throw my perspective in here rather than starting a new thread.


I have never played a proper mmo before this, to be honest I doubt i'll play another. I'm a big SW fan and thats why i'm here. I generally read the forums before I invest in any game, the stuff posted on this forum would have put me right off if it wasn't for the genre. I'm not alone in this, convinced in fact. A forum full of whining kids is always going to do more damage than any content issues imo.


Love the game and will be looking forward to seeing whatever gets added.


I totally agree with you on this. But i think it is the same on every, i guess it is cos those who like the game play it and the rest degrades it on the forums until the supporters come ahead and defend it.

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I totally agree with you on this. But i think it is the same on every, i guess it is cos those who like the game play it and the rest degrades it on the forums until the supporters come ahead and defend it.
Attack ... repost ... remise ... rinse & repeat. Gives people with nothing better to do something to do.
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I'm sure Blizz would have more than happy to donate their source libraries for anything you think WoW has that should already be in this game. That assumes of course that Bioware even wants what you want for their game. :rolleyes:


Huh? :confused:


WAR not WoW....... you know Warhammer Online, the game many of the Bioware devs build when they were in Mythic, and the game that Bioware ran for 20 whole months before it launched SWTOR.


I'm truly mystified at how they could create something as bad as Ilum RvR. :(

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Your normal video gamer is in a lot of ways the same as a drug addict. They are addicted to something and looking for a fix, they are always "chasing their first high" by trying to get the feeling they got when they played their first MMO, you know the one they ended up leaving and saying was garbage, and they will call everything else FAIL that doesn't meet the feeling they had from thier first MMO even though it will never happen again.
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Dear Original Poster,


TL; DR. Also, I don't like being spoken to by people who think they're Ronald Reagan. You're not the Team Captain and none of your "points" consist of anything more than "Suck it up, you babies. You've got it great over here."


For those of you who also didn't feel like digesting that wall of text, here's a summary: "Complaining is tantamount to trolling, and trolling is tantamount to disloyalty! And disloyalty is why SWTOR is only thing that's keeping SWTOR FROM CONQUERING THE SUDETENLAND! EVERYONE ON BOARD FOR THE BIG WIN!"


Dear random rage-guy,


The OP was quoting from another fan site, he was not the author. If you're going to admit to not reading something and then subsequently flip your lid at least aim it in the right direction. He provided a link to the original article and said:

creds to the original author at torwars


How can you summarize a "wall of text" that you didn't read? Omniscience must be nice.

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Huh? :confused:


WAR not WoW....... you know Warhammer Online, the game many of the Bioware devs build when they were in Mythic, and the game that Bioware ran for 20 whole months before it launched SWTOR.


I'm truly mystified at how they could create something as bad as Ilum RvR. :(

Ah yes ... my bad. Wrong War ... was always WO for me. Oops. :o Edited by GalacticKegger
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Assuming that the grammatical error in the title of your thread was intentional, I'd like to congratulate you on making it through one whole sentence before making another mistake. Instead of 'setting my sites', you should have typed 'setting my sights'. Have a nice day!


- Grezgorz the Grammar Nazi


Disregarding incredibly stupid and inane posts like this, which offer no contribution to the topic AT ALL, I would have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the game. A few annoyances here and there... but which game doesn't have annoyances? None.


The only things that I REALLY did not like was the fact that my server is so dead in the level 1-49 range that I can't even find a flashpoint group unless I spam general chat for 3 hours. And don't even get me started on the bugs... bugs that should have been fixed by now. Bugs that shouldn't cause me to doubt my integrity in trying to hold on to my subscription like a baby on fire. Ultimately, these two issues are why I left. Fix the issues, and I'll come back -- as I really want to finish my characters' stories.

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I wasted 10 seconds composing a reply. That wall of text had to have taken him at least half an hour to put together. Who exactly came out of this with more of their time wasted?


Actually this is a copy and paste from an online site.... The op even says so in his post.

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Dear random rage-guy,


The OP was quoting from another fan site, he was not the author. If you're going to admit to not reading something and then subsequently flip your lid at least aim it in the right direction. He provided a link to the original article and said:



How can you summarize a "wall of text" that you didn't read? Omniscience must be nice.


Thx for this i jst didnt want to waste energy by replying to his post :D

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Disregarding incredibly stupid and inane posts like this, which offer no contribution to the topic AT ALL, I would have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the game. A few annoyances here and there... but which game doesn't have annoyances? None.


The only things that I REALLY did not like was the fact that my server is so dead in the level 1-49 range that I can't even find a flashpoint group unless I spam general chat for 3 hours. And don't even get me started on the bugs... bugs that should have been fixed by now. Bugs that shouldn't cause me to doubt my integrity in trying to hold on to my subscription like a baby on fire. Ultimately, these two issues are why I left. Fix the issues, and I'll come back -- as I really want to finish my characters' stories.


Were they huge game breaking bugs or only minor but annoying ones. Anyway i think these problems will be fixed soon and then i will welcome you back to the game.

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Thx for this i jst didnt want to waste energy by replying to his post :D


I'm just trying to keep things level headed. I view catharsis as an absolute necessity with regards to frustration in or out of game, but there's something innately wrong (IMO) with making yourself feel better by denigrating someone else. He actually validated the article's relevance by emotionally exploding without reading it.


Sometimes everyone needs to

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You prefer they left that broken crap in as they revamp open-world PvP? I sure don't.


Also, I'm still looking for the confirmation that BioWare had server transfer software since beta, but I'm not the only one that remembers it.


Seriously? Yeah...HELL yeah! As bad and as terrible as Ilum was, at least it provided more than we have now Jeramie. The little 'taste' of Open World PvP that I'd get on Tuesday nights as everyone ran out to fill their weekly kill count, beat a week worth of warzones ANY day!


Ilum was awful, even Bioware agrees, but it beat nothing.

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SHOCKING, that a 100% TOR focused site which depends completely upon TOR's success, would claim that TOR has been a success!:rolleyes:


And Shocking that those that have unsubscribed would brand the game as a Failure :rolleyes:

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