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I think Bioware is about to get something right, just hope it's not to late


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So I just watched the video for 1.3 and BW is finally going to put in a dungeon finder and free charecter transfer. I have been a big critic of this because, (1) what happens to the server that everyone is leaving because it is dead and those few people that decide to stay loyal to that server? (2) what's the point of putting in a server only dungeon finder when that server is dead to begin with? Well here is what I think/hope will happen... This free charecter transfer will only last for a few months, that way Bioware can see what servers are doing well and what servers are dead in the water. Then they will finally do a server merge. Once this is complete, then they will put in a cross server looking for game tool. Let's face it. This is the easiest way to fix the server pop problems. And I think Bioware knows this. I just hope that if this is what they have planned, please GOD don't take till the end of the year to do. By then it may be to late. . Let's get it rolling Bioware. Please!!!
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So I just watched the video for 1.3 and BW is finally going to put in a dungeon finder and free charecter transfer. I have been a big critic of this because, (1) what happens to the server that everyone is leaving because it is dead and those few people that decide to stay loyal to that server? (2) what's the point of putting in a server only dungeon finder when that server is dead to begin with? Well here is what I think/hope will happen... This free charecter transfer will only last for a few months, that way Bioware can see what servers are doing well and what servers are dead in the water. Then they will finally do a server merge. Once this is complete, then they will put in a cross server looking for game tool. Let's face it. This is the easiest way to fix the server pop problems. And I think Bioware knows this. I just hope that if this is what they have planned, please GOD don't take till the end of the year to do. By then it may be to late. . Let's get it rolling Bioware. Please!!!


Well, to start with there as yet undiscovered tribes in the Amazon jungle that realised that what BW have to do is Server transfers and create some form of useable Looking for Group tool (Dungeon tool would be no use in this game tho)


The feature I highlighted in yellow was introduced in 1.2 and has actually been the main reason for the depopulation of the servers as far too many people used it.




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Two sides..


Sad part is, if we had the community that was meant to be here =- this tool would not be needed.


However the mistake, right now from the start seems to have been making too many servers. If there is any chain reaction that started a lot of the issues that would be it.


Making it so you can random pug instead of working with the community changes a game.. as it did WoW.


It made instances empty and lifeless... you go in to get a item of gear and some get out before it's even over.


All things considered, I rather see something else in place then that tool.

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Yeah, wonderful...but holy crap dude...WHEN?! Until 2 days ago, they had 600+ employees working on this game...WHEN IS THIS COMING?! Patience only lasts so long and frankly, they're outta time.
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So I just watched the video for 1.3 and BW is finally going to put in a dungeon finder and free charecter transfer. I have been a big critic of this because, (1) what happens to the server that everyone is leaving because it is dead and those few people that decide to stay loyal to that server? (2) what's the point of putting in a server only dungeon finder when that server is dead to begin with? Well here is what I think/hope will happen... This free charecter transfer will only last for a few months, that way Bioware can see what servers are doing well and what servers are dead in the water. Then they will finally do a server merge. Once this is complete, then they will put in a cross server looking for game tool. Let's face it. This is the easiest way to fix the server pop problems. And I think Bioware knows this. I just hope that if this is what they have planned, please GOD don't take till the end of the year to do. By then it may be to late. . Let's get it rolling Bioware. Please!!!


I'm pretty much a fanboy of the game and I want so much for it to succeed. Having said that, my opinion is that it just might be too little too late. Don't get me wrong. I think SWTOR is going to be around for a lot longer, maybe even years but with a much lower player population than it started with or that exists currently.


There have just been too many frustrations with gameplay and features. I hope I'm wrong but it appears to me that the exodus of players seen over the last couple of months may level off but they're not coming back. So in my crystal ball SWTOR will go on but with a greatly reduced population on a handful of servers.

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So I just watched the video for 1.3 and BW is finally going to put in a dungeon finder and free charecter transfer. I have been a big critic of this because, (1) what happens to the server that everyone is leaving because it is dead and those few people that decide to stay loyal to that server? (2) what's the point of putting in a server only dungeon finder when that server is dead to begin with? Well here is what I think/hope will happen... This free charecter transfer will only last for a few months, that way Bioware can see what servers are doing well and what servers are dead in the water. Then they will finally do a server merge. Once this is complete, then they will put in a cross server looking for game tool. Let's face it. This is the easiest way to fix the server pop problems. And I think Bioware knows this. I just hope that if this is what they have planned, please GOD don't take till the end of the year to do. By then it may be to late. . Let's get it rolling Bioware. Please!!!


I strongly suggest you read the posts about "Super Servers" and reconsider your entire rant. :)

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I strongly suggest you read the posts about "Super Servers" and reconsider your entire rant. :)


For many people this is too little, too late.


When should this mysterious "Super Server" plan have been implemented?


Oh about 3-4 months ago.


Besides, why should we even believe it will ever happen? In my humble opinion Bioware's "trust us, it's coming" capitol has long since been spent.

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Two sides..


Sad part is, if we had the community that was meant to be here =- this tool would not be needed.


However the mistake, right now from the start seems to have been making too many servers. If there is any chain reaction that started a lot of the issues that would be it.


Making it so you can random pug instead of working with the community changes a game.. as it did WoW.


It made instances empty and lifeless... you go in to get a item of gear and some get out before it's even over.


All things considered, I rather see something else in place then that tool.


In wow.. the random dungeon finder did it's job.... Just because you were not smart enough to use a system does not mean it failed in it's job.


I support a cross server FP lfg tool.... I do not support a cross server or even server only lfg tool for OPs...


Ops should be about grouping with players you know and match in skill to complete the hard content via pve. WoW sliced it's throat with random raid finder... I know whole guilds who left when it hit because there was no reason to be guilded or anything else. you logged on ran your random raid for the week then logged off.


Random dungeon finder was good because it wasn't endgame content... which worked out in helping those with less time to play get geared for the raids faster while looking for a good guild to join... which set another point... no guild would recruit unless you had gear comparable to what they was running.. The dungeon finder helped to make it so guilds had a larger pool of players to recruit from.. but nope you'll see none of that.. only that it ruined your game experience right?


So in swtor a FP group finder would prolly kick a little life into the game and bring in some subs. Free char transfers would help as well... but the bottomline is keep players who think they need to have a game that only they can play and enjoy happy is not going to bring in subs.. so if you don't want to be randomly grouped then how about you go play fallout or skyrim... I'm pretty sure those games are more to your style.

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SWTOR - 5 months since launch, still no server transfers, and future transfers to be either free but limited or paid open transfers.


TERA - Opening day, unlimited free server transfers with one day cooldown to same type of server.


Common sense and competency points go to TERA devs.

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SWTOR - 5 months since launch, still no server transfers, and future transfers to be either free but limited or paid open transfers.


TERA - Opening day, unlimited free server transfers with one day cooldown to same type of server.


Common sense and competency points go to TERA devs.


And yet, here you are. Funny, that.

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SWTOR - 5 months since launch, still no server transfers, and future transfers to be either free but limited or paid open transfers.


TERA - Opening day, unlimited free server transfers with one day cooldown to same type of server.


Common sense and competency points go to TERA devs.


WoW, are you serious!?

* Free transfers available on day 1....

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EvE online is an MMO too and I can 150% say the term Dungeon has never been used there. :csw_xwing:


Yep, dont remember ever using it in SWG either....wierd.


Pretty sure dungeon was never used in Galaxies, i wish people would stop thinking that everyone has played wow and just call it a group finder.




I bet you pedantic fellows are fun at parties!

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So I just watched the video for 1.3 and BW is finally going to put in a dungeon finder and free charecter transfer. I have been a big critic of this because, (1) what happens to the server that everyone is leaving because it is dead and those few people that decide to stay loyal to that server? (2) what's the point of putting in a server only dungeon finder when that server is dead to begin with? Well here is what I think/hope will happen... This free charecter transfer will only last for a few months, that way Bioware can see what servers are doing well and what servers are dead in the water. Then they will finally do a server merge. Once this is complete, then they will put in a cross server looking for game tool. Let's face it. This is the easiest way to fix the server pop problems. And I think Bioware knows this. I just hope that if this is what they have planned, please GOD don't take till the end of the year to do. By then it may be to late. . Let's get it rolling Bioware. Please!!!


Actually, what's most likely going to happen (since anything on this topic is pure speculation at this point), is that they will offer free transfers from a list of low pop servers they have compiled to a list of high/standard pop servers they have compiled (which they said in a Q&A), meaning they most likely plan on shutting down the low pop servers and are offering the free transfers for those players who server is getting the axe. The destination servers are going to have the player max cap raised and become "mega/super servers" with a high density population. By doing this, it makes an cross-server LFG tool unnecessary as all servers at that point should have a healthy population. Paid transfers will allow all players to move from one server to another of their own choosing, making server mergers unnecessary.




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Actually, what's most likely going to happen (since anything on this topic is pure speculation at this point), is that they will offer free transfers from a list of low pop servers they have compiled to a list of high/standard pop servers they have compiled (which they said in a Q&A), meaning they most likely plan on shutting down the low pop servers and are offering the free transfers for those players who server is getting the axe. The destination servers are going to have the player max cap raised and become "mega/super servers" with a high density population. By doing this, it makes an cross-server LFG tool unnecessary as all servers at that point should have a healthy population. Paid transfers will allow all players to move from one server to another of their own choosing, making server mergers unnecessary.




How is this any different than just merging the servers?


Legacy names are still going to be lost.


Character names are still going to be lost.


Servers are still going to be shut down.


The game is still going to die.


I don't see what the difference is between the extremely slow plan of action they have and a quick merge. Publicity for this will be just as bad, they will still lose players, and the game will still have very little to do, a ton of bugs, and basic features missing.


To sum it up. I don't care.

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How is this any different than just merging the servers?


Legacy names are still going to be lost.


Character names are still going to be lost.


Servers are still going to be shut down.


The game is still going to die.


I don't see what the difference is between the extremely slow plan of action they have and a quick merge. Publicity for this will be just as bad, they will still lose players, and the game will still have very little to do, a ton of bugs, and basic features missing.


To sum it up. I don't care.


Well, for someone who "doesn't care", actually taking the time to log here and posting 50+ posts over the last 4 days in a SWTOR forum seems contradictory...

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SWTOR - 5 months since launch, still no server transfers, and future transfers to be either free but limited or paid open transfers.


TERA - Opening day, unlimited free server transfers with one day cooldown to same type of server.


Common sense and competency points go to TERA devs.


Is this True?


Edit: OMG This IS True!



Edited by AeSaar
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