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How many folks would be bothered if the VO was scaled back to only class quests?


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I don't think I would mind if the side quests and world quests were scaled back to being the classic wall of text to read rather than a full-blown cut-scene. I love the class stories and what VO does for them, but if it helped with development resources, I would not mind seeing the side and world quests scaled off of full VO.
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I'd be bothered, the voiceover is usually the only thing that makes it possible for me to do those quests, in the future if they don't want to bring in voice actors they can always just get random people working at bioware to do a bit of VO


Lol. I think it would be a bit funny if I click on a quest and Daniel Erickson's voice comes out.

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I don't think I would mind if the side quests and world quests were scaled back to being the classic wall of text to read rather than a full-blown cut-scene. I love the class stories and what VO does for them, but if it helped with development resources, I would not mind seeing the side and world quests scaled off of full VO.


It would bother me a great deal since different classes, alignment and genders gets somewhat different greetings and responses in the "shared" quests and is one of the things that keeps me hooked, without it I'm not sure I could keep up the interest.

Edited by WereMops
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Quests you get from mission terminals already don't have VO, sounds like you're just asking for more mission terminal quests. I like the voice acting aspect of the game, even the side quests can add a story aspect to overall character development. Take that out and it would start down the path of auto-accept drone-ism rampant in games that are all MMO with no RPG.
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How did you come to this conclusion?


voice overs take away time and money from developement. if there were none, we would have alot more contenet at launch and probably faster content updates in the future.

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voice overs take away time and money from developement. if there were none, we would have alot more contenet at launch and probably faster content updates in the future.


You could argue the money part, but no coders are sitting in a recording studio capturing voice-overs. That has very little to do with the game being worked on by the professionals who code the game.


Even being able to argue the money part, the voice-overs probably have a budget of their own that was accounted for in the development cost.

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You could argue the money part, but no coders are sitting in a recording studio capturing voice-overs. That has very little to do with the game being worked on by the professionals who code the game.


Even being able to argue the money part, the voice-overs probably have a budget of their own that was accounted for in the development cost.


the coders are sitting there making the hundreds of cut scenes to fit those voice overs, they could be sitting there making new planets,new ops and flashpoints. but instead they are sitting there figuring out how to make mouth movements look right for the voice over work, id rather have the new content,and not the shiney cut scenes.

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Actually they would of saved a lot of $$$ if they just hired one voice actor for every NPC and recorded one line for every dialogue "Excuse me *insert whatever class you are* could you do my job for me?"


Light Side choices would be



-maybe but you still do it


Dark side choices would be



- "A real Sith would force choke you..." but you do it for him

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the coders are sitting there making the hundreds of cut scenes to fit those voice overs, they could be sitting there making new planets,new ops and flashpoints. but instead they are sitting there figuring out how to make mouth movements look right for the voice over work, id rather have the new content,and not the shiney cut scenes.


Those coders making the scenes were hired to do exactly that. They didn't pull people from the future content team to make cutscenes.

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the coders are sitting there making the hundreds of cut scenes to fit those voice overs, they could be sitting there making new planets,new ops and flashpoints. but instead they are sitting there figuring out how to make mouth movements look right for the voice over work, id rather have the new content,and not the shiney cut scenes.


Multiple different teams, it's been stated an absurd amount of times, Multiple different teams, the development process for current and future content is made by Multiple different teams, I didn't forget to mention that there are Multiple different teams, did I?


tl;dr Multiple different teams

Edited by WereMops
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the coders are sitting there making the hundreds of cut scenes to fit those voice overs, they could be sitting there making new planets,new ops and flashpoints. but instead they are sitting there figuring out how to make mouth movements look right for the voice over work, id rather have the new content,and not the shiney cut scenes.

Hmm they added a new fp, op, wz, and a new addition of a planet in the last update. As well as customizable UI, new tiered gear, and a combat log.


There was also a very popular world event...

Edited by mokkh
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Those coders making the scenes were hired to do exactly that. They didn't pull people from the future content team to make cutscenes.


and you know this how? it seems highly unlikely they have a team of coders waiting around just to do cutscenes, that would be a huge waste of resources on biowares part.

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Multiple different teams, it's been stated an absurd amount of times, Multiple different teams, the development process for current and future content is made by Multiple different teams, I didn't forget to mention that there are Multiple different teams, did I?


tl;dr Multiple different teams


half of which just got laid off

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I'd be bothered, the voiceover is usually the only thing that makes it possible for me to do those quests, in the future if they don't want to bring in voice actors they can always just get random people working at bioware to do a bit of VO


I agree, i never understand why they pay a ton of money to actors, when they can just grab someone off the street.


This is how i would have voiced the entire game....


Craigslist Ad.


Seeking person to perform voice over work for upcoming major MMO based in the starwars universe

Auditions start monday, will pay 100 dollars

Great for resume.

Edited by kirorx
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and you know this how? it seems highly unlikely they have a team of coders waiting around just to do cutscenes, that would be a huge waste of resources on biowares part.


Not exactly a huge waste considering in 1.2 they did a cutscene for the new warzone, cutscenes for Black Hole, Lost Island and the new Operation (if ops have cutscenes, too busy on alts to play one) and they also made a ton of fixes to other cutscenes throughout the game, so i don't count having a cutscenes team as a wasted resource.


Also considering 1.3 will be features heavy, and content light its likely that they are already working on update 1.4.

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