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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Daniel Erickson reveals plan to merge into super-servers!


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A server merge does not help those that cant find groups.


It does, actually. But wait, there's more!


The reason why they cant form a group is their own fault, as they dont want to look for others and refuse participating in the community. The LFG demand is strong in those people and even if they would have 6000 people on their server, they would still not go into any fp.


BINGO! I've been saying this for the past 4 months. There's plenty of people around, but they don't want to do anything for various reasons. (Baddies, lazy, anti-social, I'm sure there's others.) Admittedly, some realms are probably so poorly populated that there may not be an appropriate group composition at level available. Those are the realms (and people) that get helped by transfers and merges. I'm just not sure how many of those people we have playing TOR.


Merges will just piss off people


Basically. Whether for name or legacy reasons, usually people get pretty pissy about merges. I think BW is doing it the right way by opening transfers first, then merging the realms (and leftover people, active and unactive) together. At the very least, if you don't take the transfer, you can't complain when you're merged against your will and someone has your name(s).

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Well played with the 'my server is just fine' card. Never heard that before. How do you suggest that we will form groups currently when there isn't even 4 people on the fleet at peak times anymore on my server.

Consider yourself very lucky, there is only handful of standard servers anymore, most are light 24/7.


Re-roll of course. Don't you know its your fault you lost the server lottery? Bioware is flawless in its running of this game and all the decisions they have made to this point. Everything is fine.

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Still left a little skeptical about just merges and no cross-server. My main concern is with 50 warzones and I'm wondering if it'll still be near impossible to get matches after 1am BST on an EU server.


The current pop caps already appear that they could handle 2 of your average server loads (or at least nearly). Maybe they are going further than that. Perhaps banging more than just 2 servers into the same existence.

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Same. I rerolled some time ago when I realized the server I was on was too quiet for my tastes. Enjoying myself with other people in a social game was more important to me than character, Legacy levels, or gear. All of the latter can be reacquired easily enough, especially when I'm having fun with other players to play with. Edited by ProsaicProse
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Still left a little skeptical about just merges and no cross-server. My main concern is with 50 warzones and I'm wondering if it'll still be near impossible to get matches after 1am BST on an EU server.


The current pop caps already appear that they could handle 2 of your average server loads (or at least nearly). Maybe they are going further than that. Perhaps banging more than just 2 servers into the same existence.


they said they are making them mega servers so ideally if its like DCUO there are only a couple of servers that have the population of say 20 or 30 servers. Basicaly you get a much larger playerbase then you would with cross server.

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I fail to see how the quote in the OP says anything about merging servers..


In either case.. Merging is one of the worst ideas that Bioware or anyone can entertain.. What do you do about the countless naming conflicts that can occur?? What of two guilds have the same name?? Who changes?? What about legacy??


People really need to stop talking about merging servers.. They are not going to happen.. They are simply more problem than they are worth..

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PCG: Will they be cross-server at launch? Is that planned for the future?


DE: They will not be cross-server as we are coming up on a huge move to servers with massively higher population caps than we have today.


Great idea, I doubt it happens anytime soon. I predict late fall at the earliest. They'll need to lose another 300 to 400k of subs then the fire will be hot enough to get things done. Right now it's just damage control. By saying it in an interview players tell others and everyone thinks it will happen soon and they hang around.

Edited by SikrouDeco
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I was smart and re-rolled on a higher pop server, took me literally about five minutes.


Good for you. When the server you re-rolled dies also you re-roll again? How many times we should keep doing that? Until someone at BW gets their act together?

Most people are not ok with that. And i don't think it's a sound business plan either.

Edited by Helistin
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Good for you. When the server you re-rolled dies also you re-roll again? How many times we should keep doing that? Until someone at BW gets their act together?

Most people are not ok with that. And i don't think it's a sound business plan either.


If I create a new character on a new server, it'll be in a new game.

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Perhaps in the year of 2016 those merges into huge massive servers happens. what should be simple, merge of very low population servers didn't happen yet, imagine merge to form massive servers? As obiwan said "only in your dreams my young padawan"


I bet the game will die first.


A lot of things didn't came to be. Like capital ships, decent world pvp, what makes you believe this will happens?

Edited by Benets
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I fail to see how the quote in the OP says anything about merging servers..


In either case.. Merging is one of the worst ideas that Bioware or anyone can entertain.. What do you do about the countless naming conflicts that can occur?? What of two guilds have the same name?? Who changes?? What about legacy??


People really need to stop talking about merging servers.. They are not going to happen.. They are simply more problem than they are worth..


I don't think you've played an MMO with server merges before. Often the devs will keep one existing servers database and simply throw it on to a larger server which adopts the same name. The people from the original server of that name have no naming conflicts. Then they load in people from the removed servers, at which point, if they have a naming conflict with one of the servers original characters, will be forced to create an unused name.


Although Bioware could have a different idea in mind. Could be that first dibs goes to the first player to log in post-merge.


And legacy in server merges will likely act just like they did with character transfers to asia pacific servers. They guess the legacy progress roughly off a characters total collected XP, and they keep and unlocks they already earned.


Who are you to be so sure it's not worth it?

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Its not that hard, they already tranfered a lot of players to new servers in new zones. And rift have a automated transfer system where you can free transfer your char once a week or a month, i can't remember correct cooldown to transfer. But it's pretty simple if there's another char with the name, when you log you're ask to change it.


Blizzard did the same process to brazillian transfer.

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i'm not gonna say if superservers are good or bad for the game, but im gonna call on the age-old thread that is now burried (since most unhappy gamers just left or they carried on stupefied) about how SLOW the game is even on VERY FAST computers.


So personally i hope they do big merges but at the same time fix that crappy engine called HERO.

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Wonder how much the server transfer will cost us? Oh wait you didn't think it would be free did you? If we are allowed to pick and choose where we go, it'll have a nice price tag. Edited by SikrouDeco
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You mean besides being announced that some are free and some are not?


Keep wishing, think of all that has been promised and how little has been delivered *cough* ranked pvp *cough* 8 man pvp *cough*


But don't blame Bioware too much, I'm willing to bet EA cut the budget to the bone.

Edited by SikrouDeco
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You mean besides being announced that some are free and some are not?


The really nice thing about your posts is the colour, as my tired old eyes have difficulty reading that colour against the bacground it means I do not feel guilty about not trying to.

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The idea of a mass merge is very good and it will help for those who are most affected by the low populations on the majority of servers. It would provide a significant boost for retention for a short period of time, 2-3 months is my guess.


Unfortunately there are other issues that also need to be addressed urgently after any such mega merge. You just need to read some of the "tell us a few things" threads. As someone playing (on my final week of free time) on a busy server LFG is still an issue, The end game content is not sufficient to keep casual players interested for very long, Playing a couple of alts through the same content is not much fun. The exodus is not restricted to the low population servers. it is just more noticable as each loss has a greater impact on the community.


I think the key word is community as that just doesn't seem to be occurring in this essentialy solo online game.


A merge also will not fix the trade network much as there is little to craft that any level 50 needs to buy due to FPs, Dailies and Operations rewards.

Edited by Cynfulone
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dcuo has had this for a while..except for the game going f2p --and all the limits they added with it-- the mega servers are an awesome idea.


imo bioware should be working on mega servers NOW before ppl stop caring.


That ship has almost sailed =/

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The really nice thing about your posts is the colour, as my tired old eyes have difficulty reading that colour against the bacground it means I do not feel guilty about not trying to.


You still read it, way to contradict yourself sir.

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