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So, we don't have a community manager....


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THANK YOU for proving my point!


Unless you followed his super secret twitter page and pretended to give a rats **edit** about his daily routine and witty comments, you didn't get the updates for the game you should have HERE...you know, HERE, the Bioware forums, where only PAYING customers of this product can post.


Any twit can twitter, only Biowares customers can post.


Those updates you received should have been information posted HERE! Not on twitter. THESE were the customers. THESE are who pay the bills. THESE are the people who were deprived of the information that MAY have saved accounts.


Yeah, seeing as how he RARELY posted ANYTHING personal on his twitter. In fact the ONLY REASON I HAVE A TWITTER is so I could follow him and keep up with things going on in the game. Get a clue, you cannot take twitter and Facebook out of anything in today's world. And if you'd ever even looked at his twitter you would know it was 95% or more devoted to nothing but SWTOR. Also if you'd looked he'd already explained his recent silence in that he was tied up in trying to get the Group Finder in game. Thanks for your support, now why do you pay money to be here again?


Rockjaw gave us all the information he could whenever he could.


Think you missed this point.


Thanks for trying but better luck next time.

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I am not confident at all in the direction the game is now going in. This is yet another example of EA not thinking about their customer base and only about money.


Again, this was my last EA purchase. I don't care if they make a game that compares to the second coming of Christ ... I won't buy it.


Stephen Reid was our only portal to what was going on ... and you let HIM go? Seriously?


I'm glad I dumped your craptastic stock in November. After checking today's lines, EA is at/near their 52 week low and holding. All you had to do is allow Bioware to do the things they needed to do in order to make the player base happy (Cross Server LFG for PvE/PvP ... Server mergers ... Server Transfers (free) ... Ranked Warzones ... Nightmare Modes). Instead, you listened to some executive twit that only cares about money and allowed him to make the decisions.


I will enjoy watching this company continue to go down in flames. Poor Bioware ...


I agree with everything but the last sentence. I don't want this game to go down into flames, but it appears to be :/

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Sad news, but there's no way to know whether Stephen was part of the problem or not. I will say that I was disappointed that he handed off everyday forum interaction with the fans to Gonzalez, who we didn't know from Adam. Who can say, though, whether that was Reid's idea or not?


I'll say this: I liked Reid, he was a positive presence, and I'm sorry to see him go. I hope he lands on his feet.

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This isn't a surprise, there is a total lack of communication from bioware to the players. Whether it can be all put on stephen reid for the lack of info dont know. Out of all the mmos i have played this one is by far the least interaction i have ever seen from a company to its players
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Think you missed this point.


Thanks for trying but better luck next time.


I didn't miss anything. I pay to be a part of this community and I expect any updates that answer questions ABOUT this community to be, at the very least, linked here. They can break and post them where they like, but I, as a paying customer, would like the courtesy of a link to anything that helps me keep my friends playing.


You admit to following his twitter JUST to get those updates. That's silly.

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Dear Stephen Reid and Bioware


I dont know if you are reading this but hey here goes.


You (Steven) have done a very good job in communicating with the community. I m guessing you have been very frustrated for a very long time since you have been on the recieving end of all feedback and flaming from the community.


You are now paying with your employment for the mistakes of the lead developers of this game.


The game was released prematurely and the real problem is not the amount of resources poured into this project, but on who those resources where spent.




The people in charge of the development is largely lacking the experience of creating an mmo. If you want this game to continue to exist as an mmo you need to recruit game developers not fire community managers.


your developers lack the understanding of the fundamentals of what an mmo needs to consist of.


1. A living world

2. Reasons to visit and coexist and travel in that living world. Such as gathering and open world pvp events/goals and rewards.

3. If you have factions, make sure there is a natural reason for those two to clash in the world.

4. Competitive PvP

5. Challangeing PvE


By sacking Steven Reid you have only dug the whole you stand in even deeper.


I feel really sorry for you Bioware! You had the best possible oppurtunity to create something really great, but you have utterly blown it!

Edited by Parali
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I didn't miss anything. I pay to be a part of this community and I expect any updates that answer questions ABOUT this community to be, at the very least, linked here. They can break and post them where they like, but I, as a paying customer, would like the courtesy of a link to anything that helps me keep my friends playing.


You admit to following his twitter JUST to get those updates. That's silly.


Lol are you from the 60's? You cannot take twitter out of the picture in today's world. Sorry. And any big announcements on SWTOR were made public here, the things you get from his twitter were hints that something was coming and him answering questions that many people had.

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I didn't miss anything. I pay to be a part of this community and I expect any updates that answer questions ABOUT this community to be, at the very least, linked here. They can break and post them where they like, but I, as a paying customer, would like the courtesy of a link to anything that helps me keep my friends playing.


You admit to following his twitter JUST to get those updates. That's silly.


I started following him Pre Launch Era where information was scarce (officially anyways).


So yes I did follow him to get INFORMATION on this game.

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Dear Stephen Reid and Bioware


I dont know if you are reading this but hey here goes.


You (Steven) have done a very good job in communicating with the community. I m guessing you have been very frustrated for a very long time since you have been on the recieving end of all feedback and flaming from the community.


You are now paying with your employment for the mistakes of the lead developers of this game.


The game was released prematurely and the real problem is not the amount of resources poured into this project, but on who those resources where spent.




The people in charge of the development is largely lacking the experience of creating an mmo. If you want this game to continue to exist as an mmo you need to recruit game developers not fire community managers.


your developers lack the understanding of the fundamentals of what an mmo needs to consist of.


1. A living world

2. Reasons to visit and coexist and travel in that living world. Such as gathering and open world pvp events/goals and rewards.

3. If you have factions, make sure there is a natural reason for those two to clash in the world.

4. Competitive PvP

5. Challangeing PvE


By sacking Steven Reid you have only dug the whole you stand in even deeper.


I feel really sorry for you Bioware! You had the best possible oppurtunity to create something really great, but you have utterly blown it!


Well said.


But I don't think alot of this is Bioware's choice.


It seems like EA is trying to rush out things before they are ready so that they can make profit.

Edited by Parali
bad quote
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Lol are you from the 60's? You cannot take twitter out of the picture in today's world. Sorry. And any big announcements on SWTOR were made public here, the things you get from his twitter were hints that something was coming and him answering questions that many people had.


No sense in arguing with him. He's dead set in his "I want it my way or the Highway" way. He just can't see the bigger picture.

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Lol are you from the 60's? You cannot take twitter out of the picture in today's world. Sorry. And any big announcements on SWTOR were made public here, the things you get from his twitter were hints that something was coming and him answering questions that many people had.


Ah, so now you resort to personal attacks?! What if I am from the 60s? Even the 50s? Other than trying to offend me, what on earth would that have to do with this?


Those "hints" would have been of more value to Bioware HERE than they were on his personal twitter. Those "hints" may have saved accounts. Those "hints" weren't even posted on the SWTOR twitter page, they were on his PERSONAL twitter page, which would have been fine if it were listed as a reliable source of official information...it isn't.

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Ah, so now you resort to personal attacks?! What if I am from the 60s? Even the 50s? Other than trying to offend me, what on earth would that have to do with this?


Those "hints" would have been of more value to Bioware HERE than they were on his personal twitter. Those "hints" may have saved accounts. Those "hints" weren't even posted on the SWTOR twitter page, they were on his PERSONAL twitter page, which would have been fine if it were listed as a reliable source of official information...it isn't.


Gimme a break. Those hints were re-posted here dozens of times over and the mods usually had to kill threads and point them to a single one. Even if SR put each of his Twitter posts as a Dev tracker post, it wouldn't have changed a darn thing. Stephen Reid didn't get to make decisions on content, he just had to field the abuse heaped on him from players who couldn't get a the real culprits; the ones who just fired him.


If any developer was unsure what the community thought, then they never came to the forums because major issues that were forewarned to be a problem, were repeated ad nausem since BETA and the game still went live without fixing them.

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Firing of the community manager is just an easy way to save money. I'd rather they fire the community manager than an important dev. Any monkey can post on the forums, look around.


People are making a big deal about his firing when they should be making a big deal about key devs in class story being let go. Those "lay offs" will have a far more direct impact on the future of the game. The only and I mean only thing this game has going for it is the single player story driven content.


If that subsides in release, this game is dead inside of 12 months.

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Its pointless to fire Stephen Reid. He is one of many scapegoats.

Would be a management decision to not release information and have a directive to be extremely vague for extended period. (especially post 1.2 ) Stephen was just a conduit.


Its not like he was withholding information that would shortly turns up somewhere else. We had WEEKS of deliberate vague communication ...... more then likely due to a memo / directive to curtail the release of information. Ultimately a hugely misguided attempt at damage control.

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No sense in arguing with him. He's dead set in his "I want it my way or the Highway" way. He just can't see the bigger picture.


You guys are arguing that it was perfectly acceptable for him to post game updates about THIS game via his personal twitter account, an account not affiliated with Bioware, Lucas Arts nor Electronic Arts and one not linked ANYWHERE on these forums as a genuine source of information.


You guys defend his absence HERE, because he was busy tweeting there. You guys excuse his ignoring of THIS community, because you guys followed him. You guys claim he was still "doing his job" by using twitter, which I disagree with because it wasn't the SWTOR twitter, nor an official source for SWTOR information. You even admitted to signing up to twitter JUST to get updates about this game, but not from SWTOR's twitter, from SR's personal and secret twitter account. And if that's how YOU guys feel, that's fine. You both have every right to that opinion.


I have a different one though.


Those tweets would help save accounts. Those tweets were needed HERE a helluva lot more than they were needed on his twitter account. This community NEEDED some interaction...he failed to provide it. This community deserves that information much more than SR's followers do. WE know why people have left. WE know what issues they wanted addressed. WE know how to contact those who have quit. To top it all off, only EA's CUSTOMERS can post here. Any fool can tweet SR. He hadn't even been on these forums for over a WEEK as of yesterday. I don't care how many tweets he had during that period, he had an obligation to be HERE...reading OUR issues. Answering OUR questions. Telling US it would be OK. He didn't.


So...we just disagree on what we feel the SENIOR Community Manager should be concerned with. To me, it looked like ambivalence and disdain for Bioware's real customers when we weren't even worth reading once a flipping week.

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Gimme a break. Those hints were re-posted here dozens of times over and the mods usually had to kill threads and point them to a single one.
Yup, by a few of Bioware's own customers who knew the value those tweets would have HERE.
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I feel for him, but then again, when he looks back at his life in ten years he will only be glad that he didn't waste more time on this game.


Edit: And it makes me think about how long this game got before it's closed down for good.

Edited by Arnstein
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You guys defend his absence HERE, because he was busy tweeting there. You guys excuse his ignoring of THIS community, because you guys followed him. You guys claim he was still "doing his job" by using twitter, which I disagree with because it wasn't the SWTOR twitter, nor an official source for SWTOR information. You even admitted to signing up to twitter JUST to get updates about this game, but not from SWTOR's twitter, from SR's personal and secret twitter account. And if that's how YOU guys feel, that's fine. You both have every right to that opinion.


If I sat at my desk posting on my personal twitter account during the work day, I'd expect to get fired too.

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One Month ago: Thought Swtor was an amazing light of innovation to come.

Half a Month ago: Heard EA say SWTOR wasent important, and server populations drop dramatically.

The other day: Heard 1.3 dosent even plan on implementing Rated Warzones and it has no estimation for release.


Conclusion, i went from loving this game to believing its going down the drain...


I heard PvPers are first to complain and first to quit.

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I heard PvPers are first to complain and first to quit.


You're probably correct...about PvPers with THIS game. I don't know of any other game that had LESS PvP content after 5 months, than it did at launch. Do you?

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You guys are arguing that it was perfectly acceptable for him to post game updates about THIS game via his personal twitter account, an account not affiliated with Bioware, Lucas Arts nor Electronic Arts and one not linked ANYWHERE on these forums as a genuine source of information.


You guys defend his absence HERE, because he was busy tweeting there. You guys excuse his ignoring of THIS community, because you guys followed him. You guys claim he was still "doing his job" by using twitter, which I disagree with because it wasn't the SWTOR twitter, nor an official source for SWTOR information. You even admitted to signing up to twitter JUST to get updates about this game, but not from SWTOR's twitter, from SR's personal and secret twitter account. And if that's how YOU guys feel, that's fine. You both have every right to that opinion.


I have a different one though.


Those tweets would help save accounts. Those tweets were needed HERE a helluva lot more than they were needed on his twitter account. This community NEEDED some interaction...he failed to provide it. This community deserves that information much more than SR's followers do. WE know why people have left. WE know what issues they wanted addressed. WE know how to contact those who have quit. To top it all off, only EA's CUSTOMERS can post here. Any fool can tweet SR. He hadn't even been on these forums for over a WEEK as of yesterday. I don't care how many tweets he had during that period, he had an obligation to be HERE...reading OUR issues. Answering OUR questions. Telling US it would be OK. He didn't.


So...we just disagree on what we feel the SENIOR Community Manager should be concerned with. To me, it looked like ambivalence and disdain for Bioware's real customers when we weren't even worth reading once a flipping week.



This is nothing new and using twitter/fb/all that is perfectly fine.


In fact actually EA very largely uses outside sources rather than their official feeds and forums.


Madden takes most of it's feedback and announces new features first from the operation sports forums (as does a lot of NHL news as well). Most of the BF3 community reps/devs post news and ask for information on reddit instead of the bf3 forums, MLB the show, while not EA, also uses operation sports forums.. and the devs for all those often spill info on their personal twitters quite regularly.


Offical forums/official anything is the worst place to ask for feedback/drop hints on what is coming, the 'official' anything for any game is ripe with hate and breaks down to trolls vs sheep over and over, and does no good for the look of the forums.


Want to know what is going on track down where the devs/reps like to go and what they use and you'll be steps ahead of everyone else.

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