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How to lose credits with Swtor help!!


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so let start...

after 1.2 came out i had to work my butt to get some profession on alts to do some credits so i chosed armormech with scavenging and underground trading... to craft augmented gear and augments...but then after 2 weeks of working hard and losing milions of credits i realised that nobody is buying anything on my server...Suprised?NO ...and why is that? because the server died in 2weeks after they released the patch... so after spending milions of credits and time i had to give up and to wait for a server transfer with 1.3,,,, but the best part is coming now... i mean W T F with 1.3 comes also augmented kit stuff wich just made me lose milions of credits because the augmented gear and augments will be useless with 1.3 and thats because bw had to put stuff in game without using his brain.. i mean ok you introduced augmented gear but atleast give ppl a chance to sell it and if the server died introduce also server transfer and wait a little longer with augmented kit atleast you wont destroy the hard work of the players on dead server who only tried to work with your silly proffesion skills and then to see load of time lost for nothing...here is a sample of what i am stuck with it and ask me if the last months have been fun on my dead server and if losing credits made me happy ...NOT




ps:this is just a part of what i lost..i tried to ticket out and ask atleast the money i lost and have all this silly stuff removed from character and they answer was we are unable to help you because we cant track your credits lost... i mean cmon you espect me to renew my subs after i just played myself on server with LONG queqes for wz , after you introduced stuff wich only destroyed our amont of credits.. after we waited for you to introduce stuff wich should be here from first day of this game?after we suffered so much from your bugs...from your lies aka... rated wzs... now we need to see our work blow up too?...

Edited by Terrorgirl
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i see we have an abulance layor here, knowing you cannot sell any of your stuff, you still go make alot of alts lvling them up doing your crafting skills and then whine at BW when you cant sell your items as you allrdy knew.....
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i see we have an abulance layor here, knowing you cannot sell any of your stuff, you still go make alot of alts lvling them up doing your crafting skills and then whine at BW when you cant sell your items as you allrdy knew.....


read again my friend and stop trolling me... i said i worked my butt for 2 weeks when the server was still alive and for the past month ive been tried to sell out i didnt crafted anymore

Edited by Terrorgirl
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read again my friend and stop trolling me... i said i worked my butt for 2 weeks when the server was still alive and for the past month ive been tried to sell out i didnt crafted anymore


So you chose to try to play with the market, failed, and want them to give you some money ?


I'm sorry but first I don't believe a server dies that quick, you just didn't saw the signs. And 2nd, you obviously crafted to many items at first without knowledge if there was a market for thoses items, again, your fault.

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Millions of credits? I dont believe that. I dont think my 400 Synth, 400 Artifice, and 400 armor tech cost me a million creds combined to get to. I am going to call BS.


Have to agree with this. If you're spending that sort of money to crafting leveled then you are doing it wrong.

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wow you guys are amazing i mean

1, what are these proffs for? craft things and maybe sell them

2. is my fault because the server died too? wow fail again

3 you think is easy to ghater mats and fail like 90% of time then get 6 full augmented sets mats for 200 or more augments and mats for any other profs like mandalorians?

4 i mean really? what i was suposed to do?wait few months maybe to check if the game fails then start crafting and maybe get some cash too?

5 are you guys even trying to understand the fact that i tried to do what everyone else is doing in game? play the game craft items and sell them?wich on my server stoped at craft items because nobody buys anything because they cant afford since theyr crafting stuff dont sell either and progression on gear is also dead?.,.. really with this kind of attitude nothing wonders me anymore

ps: yea is my fault ive been trying to play a dead game i should have unsubed too like every other did since they failed to bring in rated wzs too(yea 100% pvp player) not playing pve because is boring

Edited by Terrorgirl
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5 are you guys even trying to understand the fact that i tried to do what everyone else is doing in game? play the game craft items and sell them?wich on my server stoped at craft items because nobody buys anything because they cant afford since theyr crafting stuff dont sell either and progression on gear is also dead?.,.. really with this kind of attitude nothing wonders me anymore

ps: yea is my fault ive been trying to play a dead game gl


Although I guess I can understand your frustration, I do not see how this is BW's fault and do not believe they should do anything about this, since there is very little to be done. 1.3 wont have that many features so splitting that one up would not be smart.


Also, if this (see quote) is true then you would not sell more on populated servers because they will simply have more crafters...if 80% of the people craft and 20% buy, the amount of players on a server matters not.

Edited by Gokkus
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Although I guess I can understand your frustration, I do not see how this is BW's fault and do not believe they should do anything about this, since there is very little to be done. 1.3 wont have that many features so splitting that one up would not be smart.


Also, if this (see quote) is true then you would not sell more on populated servers because they will simply have more crafters...if 80% of the people craft and 20% buy, the amount of players on a server matters not.


bio fault is for not introducing faster server transfer and for failing to bring up things like rated wz wich ppl were waiting and because of what pvp servers died...

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If the two weeks you spent playing the game felt like "work" and you're so frustrated over not seeing a payoff from all this "work", it may be time to pursue other forms of entertainment
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If the two weeks you spent playing the game felt like "work" and you're so frustrated over not seeing a payoff from all this "work", it may be time to pursue other forms of entertainment

the frustation comes from the milions of credits wich i used and i hope some day you will do things wich will worth nothing after you espected some payoff from it maybe then you will understand what a game is suposed to do..and not to eat money for nothing

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What else are you going to spend your credits on if they return them?



Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


People will still want augments (more so than now i feel) and people will need augment kits, which you will craft and you will get the materials required by RE'ing those lovely sets of gear you have laying around, meaning they aren't so 'useless' now.

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the frustation comes from the milions of credits wich i used


Would you mind explaining how you used millions of credits crafting stuff? If you are talking about running crew missions for mats there is no way you could have spent "millions" of credits - even if you could run the amt of missions it would take to spend millions there is no way you would have the time to run those missions - game is only 5 months old!


So please, can you give me a break down of where these millions of credits went?

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,,,ohh god nobody is trying to put himself in my place..i entered in 1.2 with 7millions wich now are almost 3 millions so you really think a game was suposed to eat 4MILLIONS for nothing and then i am suposed to move on and craft more thing wich will eat the other 3mil left and then espect again no payoff?thats all about? i am looking everyday at legacy **** wich are far away from being available even for me with few cash left what about others who have been alone on servers like mine without even the chance to get materials too? this game is dead and the ppl on it are or here to troll or they really dont care so they move on group 1...trolling ppl ...i didnt espected to fail so hard after trying to ghater mats and bring items in game wich are suposed to be sold for other ppl but since bio failed with lies about rated wz the server is empty now so my items are suposed to be gone for bio fail and not mine i didnt chased the players out of game but i am sure now i will fallow them atleast you guys will eat each other on forums trolling i mean because i really do not see any way out of this endless trolling ...learn to use your brain and think about what are proffs about and why are ppl trying to sell things?... because they need credits for other stuff wich they dont have yet...ok gl i wont even bother to read anymore this thread because is stupid to see so many ppl wich i am sure play on servers with atleast 50ppl on fleet and not like mine with max15 players
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i see that you are playing as Bounty Hunter, have you tried rolling a republic character on the same server and seeing how many repubs are online ? I only ask that as i also had a similar issue as yourself only to find that the players had just simply decided to roll Republic on the same server. If that is the case then surely you can just email your items to your republic char and try selling them on the republic GTN (apologies if you have tried this, but if you havent.......).


Regarding your issue with material gathering. The only materials you should ever struggle to get are some of the purple underworld trading / investiogation / diplomacy / treasure hunting mats. the Scavenging, Archeology, Biochem mats are really easy to gether as they are just nodes dotted around planets.


I have been playing this game now every day since it came out and i have never amassed as many creds as you have but i know that fully levelling all crafts, gathering and missions cost me probably around 1million-2million to level them ALL as i never spend money on gathering skills (coz you can harvest nodes), only on mission skills, and the absolute minimum craft schematics that i need to equip or use to level.


my advice would be to keep your craft, move to another more populated server and see what the future brings. As with all business, some things will sell really well, other things wont. On my server Augments and Companion Gifts sell AMAZINGLY well and for really high prices, but armour doesnt unless its really good looking armour (the ugly stuff NEVER sells).

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,,,ohh god nobody is trying to put himself in my place..i entered in 1.2 with 7millions wich now are almost 3 millions so you really think a game was suposed to eat 4MILLIONS for nothing and then i am suposed to move on and craft more thing wich will eat the other 3mil left and then espect again no payoff?thats all about? i am looking everyday at legacy **** wich are far away from being available even for me with few cash left what about others who have been alone on servers like mine without even the chance to get materials too? this game is dead and the ppl on it are or here to troll or they really dont care so they move on group 1...trolling ppl ...i didnt espected to fail so hard after trying to ghater mats and bring items in game wich are suposed to be sold for other ppl but since bio failed with lies about rated wz the server is empty now so my items are suposed to be gone for bio fail and not mine i didnt chased the players out of game but i am sure now i will fallow them atleast you guys will eat each other on forums trolling i mean because i really do not see any way out of this endless trolling ...learn to use your brain and think about what are proffs about and why are ppl trying to sell things?... because they need credits for other stuff wich they dont have yet...ok gl i wont even bother to read anymore this thread because is stupid to see so many ppl wich i am sure play on servers with atleast 50ppl on fleet and not like mine with max15 players


So you complain that you lost money on something that you chose to do, complain that it is Bioware's fault, ask that they refund you for something that is not their fault, and on top of that accuse everyone that has told you that you are an idiot for even suggesting this of being a troll? Your arrogance is beyond comprehension. I suggest 3 things; 1) Research supply and demand, if you overcraft and flood the market of course no one is going to buy the majority of the stuff, 2) Be patient, server transfers are around the corner, 3) the only bit of vague trolling (apart from yours) but since i feel it needs to be said, please learn to spell


Have a nice day

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Perhaps your selling price is too high?


It's only worth what someone is wlling to pay for it.

As stated by someone else already, if the armour is aesthetically pleasing, it will sell (at a fair price).

I would personally opt for nice looking gear over adding a slot to my ugly gear, even if it ended up costing more by swapping mods etc over. What are credits for if not for spending?

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jeez, how come the mods dont close down whiney bratty threads like this one and instead close down ones that at least have the capacity to become entertaining?

they are closing every damn threat in this game wich contains any complains from players wich should be helped and not trolled from characters wich i am sure are bioware mods or bioware fans ppl complain about No pvp content and the threads get closed ppl complain about unbalanced classed and the threads get closed ppl complain about loads of bugs and again thread get closed....but i enjoy to see my decision staying the same i refuse to pay for a game wich isnt fun anymore and where ppl are about to kill you only because you asked something where the bio failed...i didnt complained for months for not selling my stuff because i was waiting for the char transfer on another server but then they bring in augmented kit wich took my only hope to recover some money back from this crap wich i crafted and then again 7 ppl come here and act like douches and tell me my english suck and i am greedy and i want things from bio wich are not suposed to be asked..i didnt asked anything wich was out of my rights..you introduce something in game wich for 80% population is worthless because the servers are dead (because they lied the pvp base players about rated wzs) anyway i dont really care anymore if my thread get closed and i am getting baned because i am not a lickbutt like some others...

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Perhaps your selling price is too high?


It's only worth what someone is wlling to pay for it.

As stated by someone else already, if the armour is aesthetically pleasing, it will sell (at a fair price).

I would personally opt for nice looking gear over adding a slot to my ugly gear, even if it ended up costing more by swapping mods etc over. What are credits for if not for spending?


nothings sale mate..not even for half of what the mats cost...including the fails crit ofc...

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