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What's with the fabricated server list in the Game update:Allies Video?


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I wouldn't doubt they used old footage.


Doesn't need to be very old. In April the majority of servers in both Europe and the U.S. were "Standard" and there were both "Heavy" and "Very Heavy" servers every night, at peak. Those complaining have selective memory.

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The song is called Yackety Sax, in case anyone wanted to look it up. You're right though, it should be the SWTOR theme.




i always thought of it just as , the benny hill theme...

Edited by Blavatsky
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Its bs, My server dont even have 100 people playing anymore at all period


I was hoping to see my server The Deadweight on the list. I logged in about a week ago around 4pm EST and there were 27 people on the entire server, haha.

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yeah server pops are terrible right now they need to merge and xfer like right now...they lose more everyday. It has been over a week since I have been able to find a group for anything outside of dailies. It has been over a week and I still can't find a tank a healer and another dps willing to do even a simple HM LI for the rakghoul weekly...can't even find a group for storymode denova or even the old content its pathetic. I'm tired of logging on for 3 hours looking for groups that never get filled. Please bioware stop wasting the time of the remaining playerbase and merge servers asap!
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Ouch, that’s embarrassing!


But like a few others have posted I would rather they try and keep/attract people to the game than just give up on it…I don’t criticize it because I want it to fail, I criticize it because I want it to be better.

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Having some production experience, I'd say the most likely thing is that they simply pulled the screenshot from a media repository when they made the video. The video guy probably didn't even think twice about it.


In fact, I'd be surprised if we don't find the same screenshot in another older video/screenshot, etc.

Edited by Teefal
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