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Who else is having a great time playing this game?


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I look forward to playing every night and on the weekends. I've got my assassin in 50% war hero gear and I've just started a sniper that is really fun to play in PvP. Not to mention the operative story is amazing. It's like I am playing a completely different game than 90% of the people on this forum. Keep up the good work Bio.


I log on to raid two nights a week, and lately, I even find that hard to do. The game just doesn't have much intriguing elements to keep the universe feeling alive, and it really doesn't help when the servers are dead.


Maybe Bioware should have released the game when it was actually ready, created a more compelling space system, reduced the amount of planets and made the ones released bigger, offered real exploration (invisible walls are just bad game design), and had just basic MMO elements at release.

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I decided to re-roll a toon on "The Fatman" server just because I'm not very good at PvP and I want to improve.

I will say this, everytime I kill my first mob when I log in, I think to myself.. "Man, I really like this game"..


I'm hoping to get better at PvP and even try some grouping as time goes on.

I will admit a few things I don't like about the heavy pop on that server.

1. Nodes for slicing are far and few between.

2. Waiting for respawns for quests..

3. General Chat - Cluttered with simple minded kids., (General statement)


Other than that. I'm having a blast and even though I have 2 50's (1 on 2 servers) - I'm still loving it.

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I bought the game at launch but had to stop playing in Jan because of work but just re-subbed .I really enjoy myself playing this game


I think the story telling concepts and designs are like absolutely nothing else I've ever seen in a MMO. It really feels to me at least like this is a new breed of MMO.


The only problem is I now log into an empty server and am really just playing the game for the single player story elements. Only problem is I do find myself asking should i really be paying 12 euro a month what is essentially on my server anyway a single player game ?

Oh and i'm not a huge fan of the game engine they use , it just feels different

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Having alot of fun, but I'm a natural altoholic. I keep creating/recreating characters, and I enjoy Bioware's storytelling.


Admitting is the first step.


You have begun a new path for a new life. :p;)

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/who level_range


Add them all up for both factions.


And only 40 on the entire server, eh? Interesting. Mine is 16th down the line of population, and there's usually three times that on Fleet alone for Republic.


You should be happy that transfers will show you a whole new game! ;)

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And only 40 on the entire server, eh? Interesting. Mine is 16th down the line of population, and there's usually three times that on Fleet alone for Republic.


You should be happy that transfers will show you a whole new game! ;)


Nah, it's 40 between the two fleets (good luck forming a group with that number anyways), but that's about 10% of what it was at launch.

Edited by Gungan
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Been here since beta, played through the Sith Warrior story 3 seperate times and am still having a great time.


Got my Imperial Agent to 50, great story but not as good as the Warriors in my opinion. Currently working on my Bounty Hunter and so far its been a great story rivaling the Agents.


After the Bounty Hunter planning on taking a break from the Empire, and play my Republic Trooper a bit more, which no surprise also has a very good story. :D

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Nah, it's 40 between the two fleets, but that's about 10% of what it was at launch.


Yep, that's to be expected. Transfers were supposed to happen a month or so ago if they didn't break the software they had ready since launch with Legacy.


Maybe that's one of the reasons why QA's being gutted right now.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Been here since beta, played through the Sith Warrior story 3 seperate times and am still having a great time.


Got my Imperial Agent to 50, great story but not as good as the Warriors in my opinion. Currently working on my Bounty Hunter and so far its been a great story rivaling the Agents.


After the Bounty Hunter planning on taking a break from the Empire, and play my Republic Trooper a bit more, which no surprise also has a very good story. :D


And how many level 50 flashpoints have you run?

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Yep, that's to be expected. Transfers were supposed to happen a month or so ago if they didn't break the software they had ready since launch with Legacy.


Maybe that's one of the reasons why QA's being gutted right now.


Just checked my whole server. 301 people on. That's only about 3x more than I'm looking at in the Tera capital city alone.

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I'm having fun. I love this games crafting system, and I'm also enjoying playing PVP in a MMO for the first time. This game is no where near perfect. And I never played much WoW but I agree with people, this game needs more time to be on the same par as WoW. But I've seen what a year in development does to MMOs. This game will be amazing by one year. I may unsubscribe for a couple of those months, but if I ever unsub it will never be forever. I will come back and forth like other MMOs I play.
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Positive feedback.......in General forums?


That IS new.


But yeah, I've been having fun sinse Beta. :cool:


These forums are pitiful. I would hope that the whiners would have left by now. They expect this game to be magical and gold when really all it is is a game. Development doesn't happen instantly. Not all time tables can be kept. They are trying to listen and implement as fast and as effectively as they can.



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These forums are pitiful. I would hope that the whiners would have left by now. They expect this game to be magical and gold when really all it is is a game. Development doesn't happen instantly. Not all time tables can be kept. They are trying to listen and implement as fast and as effectively as they can.




Free 30 days. They'll be gone after that.

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I followed this game since the day it was first announced. I waited for beta and for the live release. I suffered through swg, wow, aoc and dcuo while waiting for swtor, but at no time was I expecting tor to redefine my outlook on social interaction. I started playing on day one back on Dec 13 & will continue to play until its end. I know what ever short comings the game might have ATM will get fix and as long as bw continues to support this game, I will support them. I must be different than most who play mmos because I do not require the game to be perfect. Hell, it cost $15 a month to sub and honestly, if $15 is that much, then maybe you should be working more any way. But for the love of God simple minded America, give Bw a chance....
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I've been having an awesome time! I don't get to play a lot because well, I have a time consuming job and a family. So me rushing through the content just to get to the end is impossible. I've yet to get bored with anything. I'm taking my time and enjoying it. Yeah I have a few complaints but my pros outweigh my cons.
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