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Undying Rage


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So, a poor guy walks into the unemployment office and stands in line. When he gets to the clerk, he says "hey dude, can you give me a check? I need money...". The clerk replies:


"Sure. I can give you a check that will get *all* your creditors off your back for the month, guaranteed. But. But! There's a tradeoff...you have to give the government half of all the cash you have..."


"I see. Hmmm. That's quite a dilemma..."


He ponders and ponders. Then the man reaches into his pockets and pulls out a crinkled up $1 bill.


"Here you go."


"Thank you, here's your check for $5,000."


Both men go on about their days, blissfully unaware of the complete absurdity of it all.

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So, a poor guy walks into the unemployment office and stands in line. When he gets to the clerk, he says "hey dude, can you give me a check? I need money...". The clerk replies:


"Sure. I can give you a check that will get *all* your creditors off your back for the month, guaranteed. But. But! There's a tradeoff...you have to give the government half of all the cash you have..."


"I see. Hmmm. That's quite a dilemma..."


He ponders and ponders. Then the man reaches into his pockets and pulls out a crinkled up $1 bill.


"Here you go."


"Thank you, here's your check for $5,000."


Both men go on about their days, blissfully unaware of the complete absurdity of it all.


As opposed to... "Healing"


So, a poor guy walks into the unemployment office and stands in line. When he gets to the clerk, he says "hey dude, can you give me a check? I need money...". The clerk replies:


Yes here is a check for $5,000. You don't have to give me anything for it. You don't even have to be unemployed. You don't have to have creditors blowing up your phone, and it self replicates so you can give $5,000 checks to all your friends.


QQ analogy fail.

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So, a poor guy walks into the unemployment office and stands in line. When he gets to the clerk, he says "hey dude, can you give me a check? I need money...". The clerk replies:


"Sure. I can give you a check that will get *all* your creditors off your back for the month, guaranteed. But. But! There's a tradeoff...you have to give the government half of all the cash you have..."


"I see. Hmmm. That's quite a dilemma..."


He ponders and ponders. Then the man reaches into his pockets and pulls out a crinkled up $1 bill.


"Here you go."


"Thank you, here's your check for $5,000."


Both men go on about their days.


BUT just before the man can get his check he is knocked down/pushed back/sent into a coma. Just then the clerk takes the check back and the man is devoured by angry weasels who are smart enough to know how to play the system.

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As opposed to... "Healing"


So, a poor guy walks into the unemployment office and stands in line. When he gets to the clerk, he says "hey dude, can you give me a check? I need money...". The clerk replies:


Yes here is a check for $5,000. You don't have to give me anything for it. You don't even have to be unemployed. You don't have to have creditors blowing up your phone, and it self replicates so you can give $5,000 checks to all your friends.


QQ analogy fail.


Awww, that's cute, you tried to quote and revise and write something and everything. The thread is not QQing about you, too bad you didn't get that. No need to get your knickers in a bunch. It's just laughing at poor design and is not targeted your way.


As for the other guy:


The analogy of why it's a silly tradeoff doesn't fail at all. But if you think so, please write a 1000 word essay explaining why in detail. I'd love to see the logical fallacies fly.


Love your "Korac: soon to be 50 sent" signature. Scared you might not make it to 50 in time to exploit your class?

Edited by Armelle
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Awww, that's cute, you tried to quote and revise and write something and everything. The thread is not QQing about you, too bad you didn't get that. No need to get your knickers in a bunch. It's just laughing at poor design and is not targeted your way.


As for the other guy:


The analogy of why it's a silly tradeoff doesn't fail at all. But if you think so, please write a 1000 word essay explained why in detail. I'd love to see the logical fallacies fly.


Love your "Korac: soon to be 50 sent" signature. Scared you might not make it to 50 in time to exploit your class?


Touchy much? Insult me all you want doesn't change the fact your analogy is garbage. Exploit a class? Lol. I am sure 99% of the people here could beat you in a duel naked using only punch and you could be in full WH. L2P and stop crying.

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So, a poor guy walks into the unemployment office and stands in line. When he gets to the clerk, he says "hey dude, can you give me a check? I need money...". The clerk replies:


"Sure. I can give you a check that will get *all* your creditors off your back for the month, guaranteed. But. But! There's a tradeoff...you have to give the government half of all the cash you have..."


"I see. Hmmm. That's quite a dilemma..."


He ponders and ponders. Then the man reaches into his pockets and pulls out a crinkled up $1 bill.


"Here you go."


"Thank you, here's your check for $5,000."


Both men go on about their days, blissfully unaware of the complete absurdity of it all.


You forgot the part where a truck hits the guy when he's leaving the unemployment office 6 seconds later and kills him

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What he's saying makes absolute sense. If you don't see that in his analogy you are a MORON.


The problem with using undying rage is that it costs 50 percent of your CURRENT life. So every SMART marauder just waits til 15 / 10 percent health and pops it, receiving the invincibility without the real health loss.


Good analogy is good. It's a good point. My marauder does this too, then my bro heals me. #winning

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Touchy much? Insult me all you want doesn't change the fact your analogy is garbage. Exploit a class? Lol. I am sure 99% of the people here could beat you in a duel naked using only punch and you could be in full WH. L2P and stop crying.


I cannot accept that you cannot articulate your position.


Why is it garbage? Can you explain that? I'm sure your keen insight is just hiding behind your "I bet everyone can beat you up, lul...L2P" defense. Show us the way. Lay it out in detail. Wow us with the force of your implacable progression of logic and understanding.

Edited by Armelle
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What he's saying makes absolute sense. If you don't see that in his analogy you are a MORON.


The problem with using undying rage is that it costs 50 percent of your CURRENT life. So every SMART marauder just waits til 15 / 10 percent health and pops it, receiving the invincibility without the real health loss.


Good analogy is good. It's a good point. My marauder does this too, then my bro heals me. #winning


At 18k health 10% would still be 1800 so 50% would be 900 health lost. It is a free normal attack worth of damage. SMART players CC or STUN a mara at 16% and then nuke them so they never even have to deal with UR. That would be to hard for most though, easier to QQ. It is not even like a pally bubble (which last longer btw) since even if they pop UR you can still CC/stun them if you were SMART and did not fill up the resolve bar.

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What he's saying makes absolute sense. If you don't see that in his analogy you are a MORON.


The problem with using undying rage is that it costs 50 percent of your CURRENT life. So every SMART marauder just waits til 15 / 10 percent health and pops it, receiving the invincibility without the real health loss.


Good analogy is good. It's a good point. My marauder does this too, then my bro heals me. #winning


Interesting point, but without this tool tell me what the Mara/Sent is going to do besides stand and become a victim!

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What he's saying makes absolute sense. If you don't see that in his analogy you are a MORON.


The problem with using undying rage is that it costs 50 percent of your CURRENT life. So every SMART marauder just waits til 15 / 10 percent health and pops it, receiving the invincibility without the real health loss.


Good analogy is good. It's a good point. My marauder does this too, then my bro heals me. #winning


It's a bad analogy because yes even though any marauder will use it at a certain point in health when it won't be a big hit to himself, this will also make the ability telegraphed making it even easier to counter. If you are fighting a marauder and don't see this coming then you are a MORON. The skill was designed to be used at a certain point in the fight, the 50% health hit ensures this.

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It's a bad analogy because yes even though any marauder will use it at a certain point in health when it won't be a big hit to himself, this will also make the ability telegraphed making it even easier to counter. If you are fighting a marauder and don't see this coming then you are a MORON. The skill was designed to be used at a certain point in the fight, the 50% health hit ensures this.


It's still a ridiculous ability. The chance of you having a CC ability NOT in cooldown when fighting a Marauder who can burst you down in 5-10 seconds is extremely low, unless you just joined the fight, and for the 6 seconds the ability lasts the Marauder is practically invincible unless the whole enemy team drops a 5k (50) crit on him. If Undying Rage would also lower the Marauder's movement speed or DPS, that would make it an ability, not an I-Win-A-Duel-button.

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It's a pretty good analogy I thought.


Undying Rage is basically like borrowing more money when you're about to go bankrupt, because you know the creditors can't get anything out of you no matter how good they are, because you've no money, so whatever you can get is money from the house.


So maybe there should be a credit check agency that only approves Undying Rage for qualified Marauders. If you're too cheap and only sacrificed very little health for Undying Rage, there's an increasing chance that the next one will fail since the Dark Gods or whoever is giving you those super powers got tired of you offering lousy sacrifices.

Edited by Astarica
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At 18k health 10% would still be 1800 so 50% would be 900 health lost. It is a free normal attack worth of damage. SMART players CC or STUN a mara at 16% and then nuke them so they never even have to deal with UR. That would be to hard for most though, easier to QQ. It is not even like a pally bubble (which last longer btw) since even if they pop UR you can still CC/stun them if you were SMART and did not fill up the resolve bar.


No kidding, the pally bubble lowered damage output by 50%.

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What he's saying makes absolute sense. If you don't see that in his analogy you are a MORON.


The problem with using undying rage is that it costs 50 percent of your CURRENT life. So every SMART marauder just waits til 15 / 10 percent health and pops it, receiving the invincibility without the real health loss.


Good analogy is good. It's a good point. My marauder does this too, then my bro heals me. #winning


Well if it wasn't half of your current life clicking it would often kill you...you are supposed to use it when you are close to death, it's an OMGIMGONNADIE!!!! button.

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Well if it wasn't half of your current life clicking it would often kill you...you are supposed to use it when you are close to death, it's an OMGIMGONNADIE!!!! button.


I want also such a button for my Sorc!

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