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Coming Soon to STAR WARS: The Old Republic

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The LFG Tool looks great! Very happy that it transports you to the FP.


Now, make it cross server!


Please, Bioware, do NOT make the LFG tool cross server!

From my experience playing WoW, and from what I have heard from several dozen other people that I played with, cross server is a BAD idea.


It allows people to ninja loot without fear of reprisal. Also, people will be more likely to drop out of a group that makes a couple mistakes, instead of continuing to forge ahead and try.


Cross server anything (except for warzones), is a bad idea, in my opinion.


In fact, I am so against it, I actually had to post something. Something I rarely do.

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And I realize that it doesn't make any difference what they do or what they say. The crying never ends. I'm not referring to you, but it just doesn't stop, forum after forum, thread after thread, post after post. It's a bunch of entitled, spoiled gamers who feel that no matter what, the devs are doing it wrong and they aren't listening to "their expertise".


The majority of threads the rest of us have to sift through to get the information that IS available have become "Bioware, you aren't listening to us", "Bioware, you only care about money", "Bioware, you're the worst company ever", "Bioware, you lied to us", "Bioware you broke your promise". It's not that your point hasn't been made or that nobody is giving you the chance to air your criticisms, it's that the devs haven't succumbed to the demands of the "99%".


There are PLENTY that love the game and have no complaints.

There are PLENTY that love the game and have several complaints.

and there are apparently PLENTY that seem to hate the game as if it kidnapped and murdered their cat.





..... Fluffy..... :(


*shakes fist at Bioware :mad: *

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Please, Bioware, do NOT make the LFG tool cross server!

From my experience playing WoW, and from what I have heard from several dozen other people that I played with, cross server is a BAD idea.


Your experience was a bad one yet the majority of players prefer it.

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I'm very happy about the Flashpoing and Operation searcher. But what I really hope is that they didn't forget to add Heroics into the mix.


The tool in the video seemed to have a search feature for "area". I'm guessing this is what you'd use for Heroics.

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Please, Bioware, do NOT make the LFG tool cross server!

From my experience playing WoW, and from what I have heard from several dozen other people that I played with, cross server is a BAD idea.


It allows people to ninja loot without fear of reprisal. Also, people will be more likely to drop out of a group that makes a couple mistakes, instead of continuing to forge ahead and try.


Cross server anything (except for warzones), is a bad idea, in my opinion.


In fact, I am so against it, I actually had to post something. Something I rarely do.



I played WOW before the LFG tool and I kept playing it after. You would have jerks in groups some times regardless. The only reason LFD seemed more profound is because instead of doing 1 or 2 pugs a day, people were doing 5-10 pugs a day. And even then, 3/4 of those were usually good runs.


Heck, the term "loot ninja" was coined way before a cross server LFG tool was implemented.... that should tell you how invalid your argument is right there.

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It was coined before WoW



Exactly. The first time I experienced it was in EQ with people kill stealing and also ninja looting corpses before you could. I'm sure it happened in games before EQ as well. It's not like WOW's LFG tool invented the practice.

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I played WOW before the LFG tool and I kept playing it after. You would have jerks in groups some times regardless. The only reason LFD seemed more profound is because instead of doing 1 or 2 pugs a day, people were doing 5-10 pugs a day. And even then, 3/4 of those were usually good runs.


Heck, the term "loot ninja" was coined way before a cross server LFG tool was implemented.... that should tell you how invalid your argument is right there.


Ninja looking means "looting like a Ninja" as in, unseen. So looting a monster in a way that no one in the group knows what you looted. This could be done in UO and EQ1, before messages were added that let group members know you looted an item. Before that, you could click a body, loot the loot and say "nope, it didn't drop anything". So what you're talking about is hitting need on something they do not need.


The only possible reason someone would do this in SW:TOR is to sell it to a vendor for 9k. There is no LOOT in SW:TOR the way there is in other games, where 1000s of items are dropped and sold every day; everything is bound and the same. There is no rare drop to motivate people, and if you get unlucky you can just buy your gear with tokens.


If you still think human nature is so horrible that people will rampantly screw you over to get less credits then they could get doing a 5 minute quest at 50, first read the SOMA (the part about how evil people generally assume the world is evil, even when it's not, and will only assume people will do horrible acts if they themselves would be willing to do them) and if isn't enough for you here is an idea; start groups and make them master looter. Then you never have to worry!

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I've tried to remain optimistic about SWTOR, but I have to say that 1.3 isn't sounding too promising so far. A couple features that should have been in at launch, and other features, albeit useful, that aren't really worth just having an update to themselves. No new content to speak of, nothing new to do (at least not yet).

And the experience point legacy bonuses, which is something I was very much looking forward to, sound like they're going to be a complete letdown and a waste of time and credits-- 2% extra EXP? 4%? Why even bother? The experience bonuses are supposed to help make leveling easier for our other characters, but such small amounts don't help at all. Even though they do stack (supposedly) you still have to do a lot of leveling just to get any decent experience point bonus. Doesn't that completely defeat the purpose of it?


I don't know... I just don't think 1.3 is sounding very promising so far. SWTOR needs help, but it doesn't sound like this update will be giving it the help (or enough help) that it needs.

Edited by Blue_Leader
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i hope sever transfers come out sooner then later i love the game and hate to say i have some complaints but what can u do. i think the legacy is kinda of a waste and way to much money i hope they bring down the cost in 1.3 . i the only thing i really want out of the legacy is the longer sprint and the exp bonus from pvp. im currently on a "dead sever" which sucks and i hope we get a free month or w.e for sticking through it . i know they havnt told us what severs we will get to pick to transfer 2 sp my question not for bw but the members of the community which severs would u like them to and also what severs would u recommend them being ... personally i dont care aslong as i have ppl to play with
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Pause at 1:00 to 1:02 in that video. /facepalm


Every single server on the list is at Standard minimum, up towards FULL


So was that one video clip unlike all the others? Taken from just after launch or doctored?


Either way, why go to the effort. It's amazing how two seconds speaks absolutely volumes about bioware/EA.




Thanks for this post. This is my first post on these forums, and I came here specifically to point out what you had a said above. I thought it was telling, also, that they didnt specifically address that first - considering it has been the number one issue for the community at large for a long time. I can understand that they want to avoid the negative press but the good press that they would gain via word of mouth if this game lived up to the potential that we all see in it would be amazing. Someone else mentioned how EQ1 grew by just being a solid game (and yes it had it's flaws, like anything). It wasn't a fancy multi-million dollar ad campaign that got me to play, and kept me playing for years, it was people telling me how much I HAD to play. Bioware/EA needs to figure out how to tap into some of that.


The best way to solve a problem is to admit that you have a problem, then confront it head on.


/mourn Infinity Gate

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Ninja looking means "looting like a Ninja" as in, unseen. So looting a monster in a way that no one in the group knows what you looted. This could be done in UO and EQ1, before messages were added that let group members know you looted an item. Before that, you could click a body, loot the loot and say "nope, it didn't drop anything". So what you're talking about is hitting need on something they do not need.


The only possible reason someone would do this in SW:TOR is to sell it to a vendor for 9k. There is no LOOT in SW:TOR the way there is in other games, where 1000s of items are dropped and sold every day; everything is bound and the same. There is no rare drop to motivate people, and if you get unlucky you can just buy your gear with tokens.


If you still think human nature is so horrible that people will rampantly screw you over to get less credits then they could get doing a 5 minute quest at 50, first read the SOMA (the part about how evil people generally assume the world is evil, even when it's not, and will only assume people will do horrible acts if they themselves would be willing to do them) and if isn't enough for you here is an idea; start groups and make them master looter. Then you never have to worry!



I agree with you... I think. I was just arguing with someone else that seemed to think WOW's cross server LFG tool invented NLing. Or at least what the term ended up meaning in games like that.



I agree that the tool should be cross server.

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Please, Bioware, do NOT make the LFG tool cross server!

From my experience playing WoW, and from what I have heard from several dozen other people that I played with, cross server is a BAD idea.


It allows people to ninja loot without fear of reprisal. Also, people will be more likely to drop out of a group that makes a couple mistakes, instead of continuing to forge ahead and try.


Cross server anything (except for warzones), is a bad idea, in my opinion.


In fact, I am so against it, I actually had to post something. Something I rarely do.


Actually, to be honest, the worst PUG I was in EVER when I played WoW was long before they implemented the cross-server Dungeon Finder. It may have even been before the LFG function, since I distinctly remember having to drop what I was doing and run across a continent to get there. I brought the healer along because she was nice, but the other two DPS were such jerks that it almost put me off instance runs altogether.


Sure, I ran into my share of jerks once Dungeon Finder was live, but the best thing about it was that if a run went sour, it didn't take an act of God to get back into it. If the group was jerks, I could drop it and requeue. If one member was a jerk, we could kick them and wait for a replacement. The worst problems were the shortage of healers and tanks (especially tanks; two tanking classes vs I think six dps classes will do that). SWTOR wouldn't have that problem, due to the structure of the classes.


Sure, the LFG automation may encourage people to be jerks in some ways, but really, they're going to be jerks anyway.


And I have no idea how relevant this is, but to all the people shouting about how we need cross-server LFG... which I have no opinion on either way, I will say this. It did take WoW several years to implement cross-server LFG and pvp. I believe it went live at the same time as the second expansion. So it might be harder to implement than it sounds.

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I think what y'all want is another World of Warcraft..




Basically, stop ************ and just keep playing. You know it yourselves that you will still fork over the money to keep playing...

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Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Game Director James Ohlen highlights some of the new content coming up in Game Update 1.3 and beyond, including a fully-featured Group Finder, a Character Transfer System, several new Legacy Perks that allow you to customize your experience, and more!


Watch Now


More useless legacy jibba jabba and no ranked warzones or world pvp, fail.

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This is absolutely Hilarious. When you are going through the server list they are all either standard or heavy, what a joke, when was this video made? During the free beta weekend?


Good way for false advertisement though. But those looking at coming back into this game, don't let this video fool you. Almost every server is Light. If there was a status for EMPTY with population 250 or less all you'd see is light or empty, with the occasional standard on the populated servers.

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Couldn't agree with this more. It's the loyal players that rarely post though, and these people that generally bash the game then leave are as rampant as syphilis. Criticism is important but this is more along the lines of spouting out unrealistic expectations for HUMAN developers. To the developers, keep up the hard work guys, I support this game. If you choose to ban me because I think that more than half your player base is characterized by above statement, then I guess you'll also lose me too.


Rampant as syphilis

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Actually, to be honest, the worst PUG I was in EVER when I played WoW was long before they implemented the cross-server Dungeon Finder. It may have even been before the LFG function, since I distinctly remember having to drop what I was doing and run across a continent to get there. I brought the healer along because she was nice, but the other two DPS were such jerks that it almost put me off instance runs altogether.


Sure, I ran into my share of jerks once Dungeon Finder was live, but the best thing about it was that if a run went sour, it didn't take an act of God to get back into it. If the group was jerks, I could drop it and requeue. If one member was a jerk, we could kick them and wait for a replacement. The worst problems were the shortage of healers and tanks (especially tanks; two tanking classes vs I think six dps classes will do that). SWTOR wouldn't have that problem, due to the structure of the classes.


Sure, the LFG automation may encourage people to be jerks in some ways, but really, they're going to be jerks anyway.


And I have no idea how relevant this is, but to all the people shouting about how we need cross-server LFG... which I have no opinion on either way, I will say this. It did take WoW several years to implement cross-server LFG and pvp. I believe it went live at the same time as the second expansion. So it might be harder to implement than it sounds.



Wow implemented it's RDF tool during Wraith of the Lich King and it was cross server from the word go. The game did have a LFG tool that was brought out in TBC, but it was as useless as SWTOR's current one.


The one in the video seems to mimic WOW's Random Dungeon finder, which is awesome (select your role, wait until pop, teleport to FP). But this tool will only truly be useful during your servers peak hours due to it being same server. Making it cross server would give the tool a larger pool to pull from making it viable all the time.

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