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Coming Soon to STAR WARS: The Old Republic

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Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Game Director James Ohlen highlights some of the new content coming up in Game Update 1.3 and beyond, including a fully-featured Group Finder, a Character Transfer System, several new Legacy Perks that allow you to customize your experience, and more!


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Good thing none of this will help the current state of SW:ToR. You are losing subs left and right bringing the game to population extinction, and bioware is spending their time on legacy perks? Really? The group finder can be "fully featured" but pointless when there are 6 people on the fleet of each server.

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God, no one is ever happy.


Players: OMG I have to wait 5 whole minutes to play my game I pay a whole whopping $15 a month for! More servers!


Bioware: *makes more servers*


Players: OMG too many servers now I have no one to roflstomp in pvp.


Bioware: *sigh*




Bioware: We're gonna do server transfers.


Players: We want it NOW!


Bioware: *sigh*




Players: I want this this and some of this! This isn't WoW, how come it isn't WoW???


Bioware: *adds a few things like WoW*


Players: OMG, why are you making this into a SW version of WoW??


Bioware: *headdesk*




Guys, you're supposed to play the game for fun. Not to be uber. Not to kill other people only. Not to rush to end game. Not to threaten leaving because they didn't add the special sparkly wizard hats and tinkerbell lightsabers.


I'm not saying things should be crappy and we have to live with them. But all I ever hear from these forums is whine, whine, whine. Complain, complain, complain. Give them time. Let them add whatever they want to add. I don't care if there was an entire patch dedicated to navel gazing. At least they're doing something!





tell me you work for BW, or that you are not in a low population server, or even better, than you like SWTOR SINGLE player game?

hey thanks for the laugh, i doubt you understand what a MMO is and how it works, thats fine

just please remember next time, SWTOR is a MMO, not a single player game and people LIKES, LOVES, WANT to be competitive on a MMO. not to be alone having its own flee..

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SWTOR had the chanse to become Very big, and they where...in the beginning.

But after you hit lvl 50 and cleared the flashpoints and operations.

then there was nothing to do

Here is how the games get played:

1. You level up to 50.

2. You get some gear you want(dos not look good but got good stats) and kill what you want with it.

3. Now you want to try something new, so you deside to level up a new character.

then you do :

1.2 and 3.

then you do:

1........2.........and realize that when you hitt level 50(the 3rd time)....there is nothing you can do that you have not done from before.

So why do nr 3 again?

wait........a new Game Update........maybe something new will happen in Game Update 1.3.

All the new things : ........will help you to do what ?

itt will help 1 and 2 to get better or cooler.

So when Game Update1.3 finaly gets out.....then you can: ............do the same over again.........1 and 2.


Everybody waits for Biowere to give players some new thing s to do......but they only do 1and 2 better.

then you do:

1 and 2 untill you get tierd of playing the game....so sadly this automaticly leads to.... 4: Stopp playing the game.


Its a shame that Bioware let SWTOR fade away like this when they had The opportunity to make this Game so much better and bigger than what it have become now. :(

Edited by Ziito
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Good thing none of this will help the current state of SW:ToR. You are losing subs left and right bringing the game to population extinction, and bioware is spending their time on legacy perks? Really? The group finder can be "fully featured" but pointless when there are 6 people on the fleet of each server.


I don't see why its so hard to understand that the lfg finder goes hand in hand with the transfers, hence not pointless.

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I watched the video again just for laughs.


"So ...... the legacy ...... system ....... we introduced ..... recently was ........ a big success ...... and we are going to continue to expand it ........... with every update .......... mommy save me the camera scares me"


Good god, get someone in front of the camera that is passionate about the game and can actually sell your product like it the thing every star wars nerd should be jizzing their pants over. Don't put some borehard in front of us. He looks like hes giving a late night paid ad testimonial for male enhancement.


"Ever since ....... 1.3 ... ive been ......... fuller ......... longer .......... and my sex life .......... has improved ......... i can now ......... queue for pvp ............. with my friends ........... and transfer servers ............."

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I don't care about legacy until I see that all servers are anything but "light" Its impossible to get groups for questing in areas like Taris where most of the time im the ONLY person there. Theres like 6 group quests and I cant do them by myself. Im missing out on a lot of exp and gear. :( Quested in Ilum yesterday on my 50 bounty hunter, i was the only one there. So grouping was out of the question. Too many servers = too spread out.


When I first joined there were hundreds of people in one area. It was great. I got bombarded with requests to group up. What happened when I was gone? :(

Edited by LampyLicker
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HEY IF ALL YOU WHINERS AND COMPLAINERS CAN MAKE A BETTER GAME GO DO IT! If not ****!!! I think a lot of you complainers out there need to get jobs and lifes and understand this is just a fricking game. Hell all you people who threaten to leave, LEAVE! don't threaten just leave! Reason why you haven't left is because you just want to complain, but you'll still spend money on a game that you say is crappy they should do this or that and yadda yadda. DON'T POST JUST LEAVE COME ON BE AN ADULT AND JUST LEAVE!




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HEY IF ALL YOU WHINERS AND COMPLAINERS CAN MAKE A BETTER GAME GO DO IT! If not ****!!! I think a lot of you complainers out there need to get jobs and lifes and understand this is just a fricking game. Hell all you people who threaten to leave, LEAVE! don't threaten just leave! Reason why you haven't left is because you just want to complain, but you'll still spend money on a game that you say is crappy they should do this or that and yadda yadda. DON'T POST JUST LEAVE COME ON BE AN ADULT AND JUST LEAVE!





You give me the budget swtor had and the star wars ip, and ill show you a 3m+ sub. game.

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HEY IF ALL YOU WHINERS AND COMPLAINERS CAN MAKE A BETTER GAME GO DO IT! If not ****!!! I think a lot of you complainers out there need to get jobs and lifes and understand this is just a fricking game. Hell all you people who threaten to leave, LEAVE! don't threaten just leave! Reason why you haven't left is because you just want to complain, but you'll still spend money on a game that you say is crappy they should do this or that and yadda yadda. DON'T POST JUST LEAVE COME ON BE AN ADULT AND JUST LEAVE!





wow, you're a special kind of.....special aren't you. first of all, you don't have to be a game developer to identify problems in a game, it doesn't take a chef to tell you that taco bell isn't "quality cuisine" :cool: hide your head in the sand like a good little fan-boy pretending these problems don't exist if you'd like. I, and others like me would rather address these issues, that is how adults deal with problems, by addressing them and working on solutions, pretending the problem doesn't exist rarely works out.


Secondly, I'm sick to death of people who claim to "love" the game telling everyone who's not satisfied to leave, I'm sure Blizzard and all of Bioware's competitors would LOVE for everyone who had a complaint to "just leave" if you hadn't noticed the servers are already as empty as the space between your ears. If you really want the game to succeed, if you want servers full of happy little Bio-drones to play with, you have to address their concerns, telling them to just "**** off" because they have a complaint is a good recipe for a failed MMO.

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HEY IF ALL YOU WHINERS AND COMPLAINERS CAN MAKE A BETTER GAME GO DO IT! If not ****!!! I think a lot of you complainers out there need to get jobs and lifes and understand this is just a fricking game. Hell all you people who threaten to leave, LEAVE! don't threaten just leave! Reason why you haven't left is because you just want to complain, but you'll still spend money on a game that you say is crappy they should do this or that and yadda yadda. DON'T POST JUST LEAVE COME ON BE AN ADULT AND JUST LEAVE!





as an answer to your bollocks post here just try to understand what ive answered 2 angerycalvery...




And reasons why some of us havent left is, as one have already said before me, cause this is SW and we are givin The Last Hope (symbolic ey!?:p) in makin this game better by givinn a "whine" bout something we would like to be better.

And i dont know where u have lived for past decade or 2...but from those "whines",some would say pointers/feedbacks, for making their service much better, is actually how games are developed to perfection...ofc...if devs aswell are the ones who actually tend to make them as such.

So cut the adult preachering of yours and grow up and get a job yourself.Maybe then u will find out how things works in grown up world, cause if u`ve earning your own money u would apreciate it more by far and either whine bout something u paying ,or just stop paying that.Word of advice....Stick 2 your fathers/mothers wallets explotations while u can and grab yourself a copy of customers rights, so u got some solid ground before you start earning your money...and most important ...spending it,otherwise RL will financialy eat ya alive.

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as an answer to your bollocks post here just try to understand what ive answered 2 angerycalvery...




And reasons why some of us havent left is, as one have already said before me, cause this is SW and we are givin The Last Hope (symbolic ey!?:p) in makin this game better by givinn a "whine" bout something we would like to be better.

And i dont know where u have lived for past decade or 2...but from those "whines",some would say pointers/feedbacks, for making their service much better, is actually how games are developed to perfection...ofc...if devs aswell are the ones who actually tend to make them as such.

So cut the adult preachering of yours and grow up and get a job yourself.Maybe then u will find out how things works in grown up world, cause if u`ve earning your own money u would apreciate it more by far and either whine bout something u paying ,or just stop paying that.Word of advice....Stick 2 your fathers/mothers wallets explotations while u can and grab yourself a copy of customers rights, so u got some solid ground before you start earning your money...and most important ...spending it,otherwise RL will financialy eat ya alive.


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Wow. Bioware really truly likes to screw over crafters. First off, the legacy orange gear made any schems obtained through REing for synth or armormech obsolete. NOW they're letting anybody augment their own gear instead of getting it from an armor crafter. This is just stupid. The only thing a crafter can do is make augments. Congrats. Armormechs and Synthweavers don't make gear anymore: they're augment factories. 1) augment schems are ridiculously easy to get and produce, so any farming toon can do it. They won't be worth selling. (this was largely a failure of 1.2). iunno. I'm miffed. I like crafting armor, and I'm looking for an excuse to fill out my catalog, but there's nothing here. Bioware, ***? this is the most mindnumbing, cookie cutter system in MMOs: buy legacy. level and fill with cybertech. endgame with biochem. you don't even offer a realiistic alternative. and now anybody can augment anything? dude....
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I saw your huge winded post with lost of capital letters and bold font, then I looked at your signature and burst out laughing.


Lol... hey now I cant write for a whole day... I had to do that quickly otherwise my lunch would get cold homie.... hahaha, but seriously... I almost want to bump what I wrote maybe add some grammar and capital letters later fix some typos... and then mail it to EA/Bioware... Because virtually that's what they need to do... I will fix and re-post later. and whats wrong with my signature is it the capital letters :D. happy gaming.

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I like the changes I saw watching the video. Of course not everyone will like every change, but that is to be expected.


The big question is how will the transfers be implemented and how will it effect overall server populations and of course the "Mega-Server" speculation.


But this is a thread about the 1.3 changes. If population problems are fixed then I personally feel the 1.3 changes are steps in the right direction and will keep me playing for a bit.

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Too late to char transfer. Meanwhile people keep doing nothing in the game. Needed 6 months to 7 months to do something that already should have from the beginning.


And this patch will take some time to be live. So, another lost month.


Yeah no kidding. And to top it off this transfer had better be free :(

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Ok..... 1.3 hype


1. Server transfers


Imho this was WAY to late should have been added in sooner a LOT sooner but no so i give this a 1 out of 10


2. Augment tables.


Looks good on paper, but what are crafters meant to do ? I mean my SW is a joke now yes ? all the time and money i spent lvlin him up is a waste of time ? sorry to say unless someone really goes over this and tells me what good a sw is now its kinda lame so 1-10


2.5 How i Wanna look.

So with Augment tables I sould get the look I want right ? I mean am a mara so I can get some cool hood up armor oh wait there is one that I cant get coz theres no one on my server. But really ware is all the black hood up armor for the mara, ? So no I cant look the way I want so again this as no interest for me 1 - 10


3. legacy

Ok how many people really give a crap about this stuff ? I mean yeh Its ok till you look at the credit tags on most of it, dose it help you find players to game with ? No, dose it fix imbalances faction / class ? no so why are you guys hyping it up when most people DONT WANT IT ! 1 -10


4. Ranked WZ


Oh you know what I give up waiting for ranked, am bored of its coming its coming, when will it get here no one knows and ill be shocked if by the time it dose get here anyone will be left.


In short if this is the best 1.3 as to offer count me out, I have all ready unsubbed, I goto say what I have seen and read so far makes me glad I did, Sorry BW am not falling for the BS hype this time.

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Not enough to make me re-sub sorry.


Ranked warzones should have been made #1 prioirty for that patch WAY ahead of legacy of course server merge is as important, but bioware refuse to accept its a problem just yet)


PVE goons who love the legacy system already got the carrot you dangled , now it's time for the real players.

Edited by Talarchy
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lol, a little late guys... should have delivered earlier, your MMO is added to the list of other failures, AoC, Rift, etc etc. Classic example of time-to-market without spit and polish... enjoy obscurity.
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isn't it kinda sad how people are QQ'ing about Server Transfers and how they should of game out sooner, and blah blah blah!? Didn't it take WoW like 4-5 years to develop half the stuff SWTOR has put in the game within the first 6 months? Personally, I'm excited to see where SWTOR is going. Ranked Wz's are what arena's are, and how long did that that WoW to come out with? Not within the first game, nope, it took an expansion to come out with ranked arena. Give them credit where credit is due. If they came out with everything you wanted as a player on Launch, then what's the point of continuing to play after downing EV on NM? Seriously? And if you're going to quit, please do. Thank you...that is all.
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isn't it kinda sad how people are QQ'ing about Server Transfers and how they should of game out sooner, and blah blah blah!? Didn't it take WoW like 4-5 years to develop half the stuff SWTOR has put in the game within the first 6 months? Personally, I'm excited to see where SWTOR is going. Ranked Wz's are what arena's are, and how long did that that WoW to come out with? Not within the first game, nope, it took an expansion to come out with ranked arena. Give them credit where credit is due. If they came out with everything you wanted as a player on Launch, then what's the point of continuing to play after downing EV on NM? Seriously? And if you're going to quit, please do. Thank you...that is all.


Yeah, how dare you people expect a game released in 2011 to have the same features as a game released in 2004 that has had six years plus (WoW November 23, 2004 - SWTOR December 20, 2011) to develop all those features! You need to give them time! Why in the last six months since release they have put in things that it took wow over a year to put in their game, so people weren’t even able to have it until 2005 or later, and here it is still 2012 and you are seeing it now being put into SWTOR! Not giving Bioware at least a year to develop and put all that stuff in game that WoW had in 2011 is totally unfair! Give them some credit people!


And if you are going to be a complainer just quit the game! Because if all of you people who seem to have a problem with the state of the game quit, then it will totally solve the low per server population problem! So yeah, if you don’t like it just unsub and spend your money elsewhere!


I have a feeling this isn’t going to help…but I love his handle, teh_destroyerer indeed.



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Was about to say the same thing. But somethings must be say.

I do not like wow, wow WAS a grate game till burning crusade, the rest's garbage, but saying that we also must know that after a game do something, copy is much easier, so some of the features here should have since beginning. Ranked is not like arena, is like ranked BG. But also wow didn't inovate, wow copy the stuf from other games, instance wasn't from wow, siege wasnt from wow, achivment too. The point isn't the first, but is who did better than other.


But needless to say too, some mistakes here shouldn't exist cos' others did it for bioware, so bioware should know some things simply do not work. In particular 108 server with low population all day long, with 30 republic players at peak time. Merge should already done. Now, this video is "coming too late" not "coming soon".

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