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Layoffs at Bioware What does this mean for content


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legal accountability.


when it is posted on official forum, by an official, it's legally binding.


when it's posted by someone on their personal social network, mixed in among all his other misc tweets, it's useless.


and someone who doesn't read EVERY post, will miss his retweets.


you are obviously a fanboi and no amount of reason will convince you, so, we'll just have to both agree that you're wrong.


That's rich. That's really rich.


You are calling me a fanboi. Check my post history. I call out Bioware when I need too. I don't pretend to think everything in the game is rosy.


No, I'm defending Stephen Reid as he an amazing job as a CM with what he was given with.


Have you ever read his twitter account? Have you read every single tweet he made? I don't think so because you would notice about 95% of his tweets were TOR related (Whether answering questions, giving some new tidbits of information out etc).


Oh lets not forget the fact (at the time) he was the Community Manager, which might his tweets were "Legal Accountability" as you rightfully said.

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I'm glad he used Twitter--it let me keep up with him and helped us keep current with TORWars.com articles. He wasn't speaking only to our community, but to the gaming community at large, and to gamer magazines and other media who don't read the zillion forum threads here.
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Layoffs at Bioware What does this mean for content


Will we ever see Ranked Warzones?



For content nothing, the ( bad ) decision makers are still there. Seems to be major disconnect within Bioware . Even if there were initial mistakes those are pretty common in MMO's but seems like they compounded the situation at every turn.


  • Whoever oversaw that "Legacy" should be given priority even as real content was being burnt through at alarming pace ( PvE raids ) or removed completely PvP ( ilum )
  • Whoever orchestrated the whole last minute "pull the plug" on Ranked fiasco and subsequent " going silent" for a month ++ without anything.
  • Whoever decided that rolling out LFG tool onto dead servers is a bright idea when the lack of any viable population on many servers makes this a bad joke.
  • Whoever did not listen and prioritize transfers / mergers months ago over everything else to stop the dramatic population bleed.



I will be around cause I still have fun in PvP but what Bioware need to do in move out of managing "perception" and deal with the worsening reality on servers. Fix the population issues first and then build the game back up to.

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I'm glad he used Twitter--it let me keep up with him and helped us keep current with TORWars.com articles. He wasn't speaking only to our community, but to the gaming community at large, and to gamer magazines and other media who don't read the zillion forum threads here.


Someone who gets his job.



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I dont know how this thread became the Stephen Ried hour when there is another thread right above it. If he had time to tweet he had time to post on the forums. I didnt know his twit even existed untill someone posted it in another thread where he confirmed he was laid off. He did NOT DO HIS JOB. Period end of story. Every twit he did should have had an identical post on these forums.
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WoW came onto the scene when people were kinda tired of available MMO, SWG was definitely dead, EQ wasn't all that exciting anymore. WoW wasn't very good at launch, but it was just good enough, to be better than the competition, and they grew from there.


ToR's release timing was ALMOST as good as WoW. people were mostly getting tired of WoW after so many years. there were also a bunch of fairly polished MMOs (rift, for example) that just never really got traction.


however, this isn't 2005, and game consumers (that would be us) have different expectations.


it's not a matter of patience, but expectation.


when you go buy a car, would you pay market price on a luxury car, that didn't have luxury items, and told you to just be patient, it's coming?


no, you would walk off the lot, and go to the next dealership that sold luxury cars that ACTUALLY had luxury features.


what you're describing (and in truth, much of what this forum is exhibiting) is un-reasonable appeasement due to loyalty to a marquee. It's like those FIAT/Alpha Romeo guys, they all know the car is crap, but they are still loyal to it.


Very well said. I would agree that gamers in MMO's need to be paitient...to an extent. When I see folks getting upset and quitting one after a month due to something lacking that is a time they should have been paitient. I always say with a MMO you have to wait and see how their development team attacks issues and things lacking before you can truly grade them.


It's been six months...that isn't a lack of patience at this point. Look at the situation currently. We're getting dungeon finder in the next big patch. It's going to be over six months that something as elementary in todays MMO's is going to be added? That's a bit absurd. How long did it take for high rez textures? How long are those on low pop servers are having wait for transfers (which only hides the problem. Mergers would have served better). I had my character have his class quest rolled back after 1.2 completely erasing all my progress on Corelia to point A all over again. Really? How does someone make that rookie mistake and then doesn't fix it?


So no, six months is more than enough time so I can't hold nothing against any who have been paying all this time and not satisfied. One month...I could agree on patience and then 2-3 months. But not six. That's a stretch.

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I dont know how this thread became the Stephen Ried hour when there is another thread right above it. If he had time to tweet he had time to post on the forums. I didnt know his twit even existed untill someone posted it in another thread where he confirmed he was laid off. He did NOT DO HIS JOB. Period end of story. Every twit he did should have had an identical post on these forums.


Just because you only found his twitter account recently doesn't mean everyone just did too.


His twitter account was famous during the Pre Launch era, especially during convention times. Might I quote this:


I'm glad he used Twitter--it let me keep up with him and helped us keep current with TORWars.com articles. He wasn't speaking only to our community, but to the gaming community at large, and to gamer magazines and other media who don't read the zillion forum threads here.

Edited by Celwinn
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honestly. GOOD. BioWare needs a kick in the arse...their quality has tanked and perhaps they need to learn that you can't be cheap or cut the corners they're cutting.


- pathetically amateurish bugs that quite frankly are insulting..that they never seem to be able to fix.



- lazy design decisions to cut corners (like on-rails space)


Where have you been? Bioware has been doing this since KOTOR. People just had their rose colored glasses on because they enjoyed the story.



Sadly I'm sure the layoffs were just the grunts.


This is how the corporate world works. Management likes to blame those under them, while the whole time it was management's bad decisions that were the problem all along.


I think Bioware had this grand idea for an MMO that isn't necessarily what the majority of the gamers want. Now we just have to hope that they can mold it into something that we can all enjoy.

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Have you ever read his twitter account? Have you read every single tweet he made? I don't think so because you would notice about 95% of his tweets were TOR related (Whether answering questions, giving some new tidbits of information out etc).

nope, i have never read it.


i play ToR, i don't play twitter, whatever the hell that is.

Edited by oredith
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I'm glad he used Twitter--it let me keep up with him and helped us keep current with TORWars.com articles. He wasn't speaking At ALL to our community, but to the gaming community at large, and to gamer magazines and other media who don't read the zillion forum threads here.


Fixed that for you

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nope, i have never read it.


i play ToR, i don't play twitter, whatever the hell that is.


Thank you for proving me point.


Since you haven't read his twitter account, your arguments have became invalid.


Anyone who does read his twitter knows most of it is related to TOR. He wasn't just speaking to this community, he was speaking to the larger gaming community, to the media covering TOR, to the fan sites, to those who can't access the forums 24/7.


If they see a comment made by Reid on twitter that sparked an interest, they would come to the forums for a more detailed information.

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Originally Posted by JaeOnasi

I'm glad he used Twitter--it let me keep up with him and helped us keep current with TORWars.com articles. He wasn't speaking to our community, but to the gaming community at large, and to gamer magazines and other media who don't read the zillion forum threads here.



Fixed that for you


Fixed that for you.

Edited by Celwinn
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Thank you for proving me point.


Since you haven't read his twitter account, your arguments have became invalid.


Anyone who does read his twitter knows most of it is related to TOR. He wasn't just speaking to this community, he was speaking to the larger gaming community, to the media covering TOR, to the fan sites, to those who can't access the forums 24/7.


If they see a comment made by Reid on twitter that sparked an interest, they would come to the forums for a more detailed information.

actually, what you said just validated MY point.


why would i read someone's twitter account, when there's an official forum?


it would be one thing if everything he said in twitter, was OFFICIALLY copied over on the forum under a dev tracker post, but it isn't, thus, all just SPECULATION as far as anyone is concerned.


it is no more valid than my own twitter, or your's, or justin bieber's.

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Yo know, I'm just gonna say this once. I said it a million times. When your community manager NEVER posts on his OWN communities forums, he is doing a bad job.


When was the last time SR posted here? Seriously? Thats unacceptable.

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Fixed that for you.

so, how will you get your indepth tor information, now that the treasure trove of twitter is gone?


oh, you mean you were getting all your tor related information via heresay? gotcha. :rolleyes:

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actually, what you said just validated MY point.


why would i read someone's twitter account, when there's an official forum?


it would be one thing if everything he said in twitter, was OFFICIALLY copied over on the forum under a dev tracker post, but it isn't, thus, all just SPECULATION as far as anyone is concerned.


it is no more valid than my own twitter, or your's, or justin bieber's.


You're going to be pulling your hair out as more and more game developers start using these other avenues (actually they already are).


And, no, it won't be possible to always repeat the same information across all avenues. However, just as with TOR, the really important information was always here. That doesn't include little details like SR tweeted.


But the gaming industry is going that direction, like it or not. TESO's already using Twitter.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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But the gaming industry is going that direction, like it or not. TESO's already using Twitter.
like you said, i don't have to like it, and I don't.


I have been fine w/o twitter for this long, and I don't intend to use it ever. if future game devs choose this as their primary means to communicate, then I guess I simply won't support it with my money, just as i'm sure you'll support their practice with YOUR money. no skin off my back.


however, your or my opinion doesn't matter in this case, it is now pretty obvious, that Bioware/EA does not support this practice with THEIR wallet.

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And incidentally, layoffs are never a good thing...


Odd you should say that since I doubt ANYONE will really miss the segment of old art team that gave us the last round of crapgasmic armor.


I am prepared for the remaining staff to have just a smidgeon of fear about screwing up that badly or contributing to the cavalcade of annoying bugs being introduced to the live servers by brazenly skiping a proper testing cycle.

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What really compounds all of this is that the company have gone silent, no mods or anything.


You'd think someone would have the spine to atleast try and address the community properly if they truely mean to take the players seriously.


But going by past performances, probably not, if they are even aware of threads like this they are probably putting together another PR statement full of more meaningless sentiments.


Stay tuned for more folks!

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actually, what you said just validated MY point.


why would i read someone's twitter account, when there's an official forum?


it would be one thing if everything he said in twitter, was OFFICIALLY copied over on the forum under a dev tracker post, but it isn't, thus, all just SPECULATION as far as anyone is concerned.


it is no more valid than my own twitter, or your's, or justin bieber's.


Oh yes. All the information Stephen Reid, The (Former) Community Manager, posted on his Twitter account was all speculation. :rolleyes:


In fact, his twitter was more valid then anyone's who wasn't/isn't a Bioware Austion Employee as he had the inside scoop on information.


That's your personal choice for not reading his twitter. Doesn't mean the information posted by Stephen Reid on his twitter account was less reliable.


In fact, the TOR's twitter account rarely tweets so why would I read the rarely tweeted TOR twitter account when I can get my information from the (Formely) Community Manager?

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Odd you should say that since I doubt ANYONE will really miss the segment of old art team that gave us the last round of crapgasmic armor.


I am prepared for the remaining staff to have just a smidgeon of fear about screwing up that badly or contributing to the cavalcade of annoying bugs being introduced to the live servers by brazenly skiping a proper testing cycle.


Art was outsourced, so no layoffs there.

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