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Layoffs at Bioware What does this mean for content


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Truly sorry to hear folks got laid off. Too early to point fingers since we dont know who was let go. Alot of folks worked their asses off on this game regardless of opinion on the finished product. I did notice that the CEO of EA was not affected though. Too bad.
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Not...exactly. No losses of devs, they said. That means work is still full speed ahead for content. And there is a LOT of content coming by the end of the year.


However, even fanbois can't argue that QA has really sucked. Some of the bugs let through is ridiculous, the biggest one being the Legacy element that broke the server transfer software BioWare had ready since launch.


That's a big one, because it's caused some major morale issues with players on low-pops, thus tainting every other issue they see with the game, which are normally minor annoyances, into straws that are breaking the camels' backs.

Ok, not sure about the programmers, but the people who do the visuals...the cut scenes, fix the conversations, make the material they use to get players hyped up for the game as part of media presentations, who tie together and interpret what the writers created with the movements and game mechanics that the programmers came up with and try to direct it like a movie...a number of those people were let go as well. From leads on down. Considering BioWare's love of telling stories in interactive cinematics and the need to repair existing bugs, if they dropped these people willy-nilly, not a good thing.


As for QA, yeah, kinda sad how a patch will go onto the public test for a week or so, seem stable, goes live, and then they would apply a "stability" patch which was never tested on the public test server and that would be the thing to break content. Happened more than once.

Edited by Maulfly
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What's sad is that when I first saw the thread title my inner voice prayed that it was the entire art team.


I rather thought about the exhaustion zone team.

Together with the kneedeep water team. Or everyone who thought a railshooter is a good idea.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Overall I think SWTOR has fallen flat in many places. Maybe it was just arrogrance, maybe it was stupidity that this game would be a roaring success with little effort put in to get there and the fact this was a Bioware/Star Wars game would guarantee that success. WRONG


From the outset this game has been littered with so many design flaws and with each patch, more get introduced, to make this a frustrating game.


In addition to that, you have a huge bloated Community team who probably spend their time looking at metrics instead of actually engaging the community. For example, we havent ONCE seen a live in game event where a something cool happens(like each factions major Cities are raided by the enemy and we need to go in and defend).


Star Wars Galaxies had such live events - Sand People attacking Bestine was a good one.


Prior to launch they spoke about endgame and how it was nailed down. If standing around repeating the same old dull stuff daily was their idea of nailed down, thank god I've stopped playing. With this cut in the development team, the dribbled out updates will probably become few and far between as the game sinks to the bottom of the ocean.

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Unlikely. Warhammer came out in 2008 and is still hanging on. Definitely would not count TOR out just yet. As far as ever being a WoW killer? No.


Yeah, but that's no future for SWTOR.


WAR has pretty much 0 development since launch, the only content developement was LOTD (which was mostly finished before the game went Live) and a few classes that were supposed to be in when the game went Live (re-skinned in the case of the Slayer).


Other than that it's just being trying to add stuff back in that was taken out after Live, so effectively WAR has largely been in maintanced mode since Live and in total maintance mode for 2 of it's 3.5 years.



I'd imagine the only reason it's still going is because it's still making a small profit and maybe due to the contract with Games Workshop.

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Yeah, but that's no future for SWTOR.


WAR has pretty much 0 development since launch, the only content developement was LOTD (which was mostly finished before the game went Live) and a few classes that were supposed to be in when the game went Live (re-skinned in the case of the Slayer).


Other than that it's just being trying to add stuff back in that was taken out after Live, so effectively WAR has largely been in maintanced mode since Live and in total maintance mode for 2 of it's 3.5 years.



I'd imagine the only reason it's still going is because it's still making a small profit and maybe due to the contract with Games Workshop.

yeah but thats cause WAR lost 45% of its subs BEFORE the 1st month was out and then 75% by the end of month 3.


LotD was a HUGE flop. I mean in a PVP game their first (and only real) update was a PVE area.


Not to mention WAR never reached 1 million players where as SWTOR Still has 1 million subscribers. They say SWTOR needs 500k players to be profitible and 1 million to be huge success. So far they are doing good.


WAR needed 500k to be proftible as well. They didn't even have that many after the 1st month.

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What does this mean for us? Nothing.The people that remained will just have to put in more hours to compensate the "Let go talented" lot.I'm so tired of EA(Mass Effect 3 is the last product i will purchase that has an EA stamp on it) and sadly growing tired with Bioware...
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I feel sorry for the guys who lost their jobs, hearing that Stephen Reid did as well is hugely concerning for me. EA's been diving for some time now and I'm sure this is more of a play to sort out financial problems rather than wielding the axe on people who they might blame for any failure.


But unfortunately people won't care haters will eat this up and herald the end of the game like they always do, best wishes to the guys who got laid off i hope you guys can find another job out there.

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If they let go the people responsible for the direction of this MMO that may not be an entirely bad thing for the game. Voice overs (not a bad thing but the cost must have been huge, imagine how many interesting things they could have done for that money), legacy (also not a bad thing but really only for those who like having multiple characters for many of us it's just regurgitated content), failure in the PvP department, lack of response (just the generic 'soon', 'great plans').


Such potential wasted it seems, I love the game but I'm less and less inclined to log on, hopefully these position changes will bring something positive to the game, there is so much to learn from failures of games such as SWG, Conan (great music though!) and success of let's say DAoC and WoW I guess.

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not always true you might hire a new person at a lower salery.


Or that. Or purging for restructuring, like the Doc said. That was actually my point.


This is probably more about restructuring due to mistakes than about having to lay-off due to loss of revenue, or lower than expected sales.

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If they are hiring thats a good thing. Just hope they get people who actually have a clue about the community

and who cares about the game and want to give players a good star wars experience.And more q&a people is always good.But why the dont hire players like Taugrim to fix pvp balance etc is beyond me.These players know 10 times more about the game then the debvs who look at metrics and dont have a clue whats going on ingame.

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Maybe sometimes Developersjust dont listen to ppl and learn from games past.. there is to much of the same when it comes to MMO and PvE is to be expected but PvE can be experienced in any fcking game out there. Things that make players leave early is when 2 things are made and supported poorly is: PvP ( a joke in this game, 4wz's and a removed oPvP/RvR Zone then a promise that wasnt kept) and ofc intresting End-Game ( there simple isnt any that keeps a 50 player intrested for more then 1 month sub )


You got praised for Story-Mode and yea its new and really nice, but what is Story and Legacy when there is nowhere to use it... a game with this much money put into it shouldnt die so fast after you hit 50. Its should start when u hit 50, who the hell cares about lvling ALL MMO players look forward to 1 thing: END GAME


I tought we seen this mistake so many times before Rift,AoC,Lotro and WaR (atleast PvP) but i guess MMO is a dying game-form.

Edited by Ravezaar
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Maybe sometimes Developersjust dont listen to ppl and learn from games past.. there is to much of the same when it comes to MMO and PvE is to be expected but PvE can be experienced in any fcking game out there. Things that make players leave early is when 2 things are made and supported poorly is: PvP ( a joke in this game, 4wz's and a removed oPvP/RvR Zone then a promise that wasnt kept) and ofc intresting End-Game ( there simple isnt any that keeps a 50 player intrested for more then 1 month sub )


You got praised for Story-Mode and yea its new and really nice, but what is Story and Legacy when there is nowhere to use it... a game with this much money put into it shouldnt die so fast after you hit 50. Its should start when u hit 50, who the hell cares about lvling ALL MMO players look forward to 1 thing: END GAME


I tought we seen this mistake so many times before Rift,AoC,Lotro and WaR (atleast PvP) but i guess MMO is a dying game-form.



Worst bit is Star Wars has so much potential for RvR (or RvRvR al la Rift or something along the lines of DW2 WvWvW).

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